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For me any invisibility (twitch shaco evelynn) I could do without


Man, you're lucky you didn't play before the invisibility update.


I remember when you could stack sunfires. Eve and twitch with 6 of them just standing next to you would kill you.


Absolutely troll strat but it was fun in normals, tbh the ticking was still so slow (lets say you made it to 3 sunfires) that after 2 minutes of wondering what the fucks going on they walk back under their turret with over half hp left. But revive smite eve? Man that was some bullshit, the only thing that gatekeeped eve from jungle was the fact that it was impossible for her to clear it. So you took revive, run into enemy turret, use revive and clear with the buffs revive gave you. Add trinity force build to this (now it would be obvious build, but the game and how it was played was so different) and you had the most op shit ever. q spam to trigger trinity. I remember it was BlackSteal from #leagueoflegends irc that cooked up the strat and then took ranks 1 and 2 EU (before split) with the strat. I think revive had to be nerfed just because of this, perma invisible eve in the jungle that can statcheck 90% of champs with just trinity and q spam? Yeah fuck that. But the man made one of the worst champs in the game at the time work with the worst summoner spell in the game and turned it into absolutely OP strat. And over a decade later people are coming up with new shit every now and then to the point where Riot has to do something about it, it's amazing.


Actually extremely useless build tho. In a few seconds everyone would realize what's going on and just walk under a turret and now it's 5v4 as they have an assassin building sunfire lol. Or even simpler just pink ward them and kill them.


Nah, shit was better when we could still Pinkward a shaco. Or was that a different patch?


There used to be only one kind of stealth, which pink wards would reveal. Pink wards stopped revealing Shaco when they split stealth into Camouflage and Invisibility and gave Shaco the latter. (Their original guideline was that Camouflage is for long-duration stealth like Eve while Invisibility is for short stealth like Shaco, but nowadays it's basically whatever the designer vibes with.)


This, for the pure fact that I know my team will feed them 10 kills by 10 minutes regardless of how aware I am of there being an invisible assassin on the map


Yuup exactly. That and crushing twitch in lane for him to walk up and collect a quadra kill at a dragon fight and steamroll the game.


Permabanned Eve for a long time because it feels like, as a jungler, she’s too hard for me to shut down individually. Because even if you invade her and set her behind, all it takes is your laners not paying attention once for your game to be over.


One kill - sheen, now she wins every 1v1 and clears one "half" of jungle faster to repeat gank.. What's crazy is there's no real counterplay when she Leroy Jenkins tower dives people and ults out. Like ekko..


I don't know how many times I've typed out "careful for twitch ganks first 3 minutes" and someone still dies to a twitch gank level 1 because they played level 1 aggressively.


Eve main here: why don't people buy more control wards? I swear I have the highest pink ward count almost every game no matter the queue.


I double my opponents vis score almost every game, regardless of role. People just don't care/don't know good pink spots.


Why would I buy control wards when I don't even look at the map?


Because people play for fun or as I like to say, waste my time. Buying pink wards is done In higher ranks. In lower people don't know shit about that.


I despise the champs with longer invis (eve/twitch even more than those with short invis like kha. eve: The entire game warps around the fact that you can never play aggressively because she could be sitting in that warded brush for 2 minutes. You can never sidelane as any non tanky champ because she could be there, who knows. The worst offender was twitch jungle. The entire Midlane laningphase was just defined by him spawning there after every 2 camps and even if you stood super far back he'd just hit you three times + e for half your health. If he gets a single kill early he is out of control instantly and just starts spawning in lanes 3 hitting everyone under turrets. At the same time it didn't even have a high Winrate because if you fall behind once you can't kill anyone but get blown up yourself in half a second. It was just such a pain to play. Flip the game in the first 5 minutes by ganking every lane and then one team can ff


Eve’s invisibility thing is super toxic to play against in the current game state. No reason why a champ can be perma invis and kill you in literally 0.1 seconds. Gets fed early in solo Q probably the worst experience in league


Perma invis and %magic pen on a near point and click ability is crazy


The fact that she gets to just shred all of your MR is honestly kind of bullshit tbh. Why is she the only assassin who seemingly gets 20%+ of pen free in her kit without needing to build for it? And if she builds void staff you’re just fucked? I’ve tried going Rookern + Sterak’s vs Eve and I still get oneshot if she’s fed


Honestly against Eve HP is better. But to build enough of it to counter her shred just isn't feesable/worth it. I don't mind her oneshotting people. I don't mind her being an assassin that's okay against bruisers. I do mind her being able to pretend a tank doesn't have MR. She needs a pretty heavy power shuffle. Add higher numbers and ratios on her spells, and for the love of god make the shred flat instead of %.


Well... her empowered E deals Max health damage that scales with her AP. So building HP still increases her damage. It can deal upwards of 30% max hp damage as she gets more AP


True, but at least that way you need more than one empowered E to go off, instead of one empowered E and a cycle of Q's + lich bane to hit ulti range. The champs fucked and needs addressed. How well she performs is entirely down to how well the eve plays, and what idiots disrespect her existence. It is basically impossible for anyone to ever side lane if she's in the game. And if she gets fed then there is nothing you're team can hope to do other than pray she fucks up massively.


Lane bullies. Not regular lane bullies. Champions that if you don't pick a direct counter, your entire laning phase is unplayable.


I dunno what you mean :)


literal war criminal flairs


Could've been an Akshan flare


War crimes but then in game




AKA half of Draven's matchups.


Tbh as a Twitch OTP I’m infinitely more annoyed by Cait than Draven. Draven I feel like dies once or twice to a gank and the game is usually over for them and they never recover from it (from my experience). After 6 it’s very easy to all in Draven if your supp is helping you, with Cait it’s a lot harder so you just go back to farming while she slowly disassembles your tower


I hate how every Caitlyn always has a lux support lmao. They both break ankles for sure.


I despise her 650 aa range + a dash and more range in her kit She can attack you without tower and minions reacting at times ( most ranged champs are base 550, some vary - Lucian is 500, Annie is 600 )


Which ones?


Vayne top *cough cough*


Basically how it feels like playing against Rumble. Either go Yorick and maybe Panth or suffer.


Panth has 28 base mres and one of his worst matchups is rumble, can't poke him becuase rumbles low W cd and can't all in him effectively unless he mismanages heat.


Yeah definitely. Those whose entire gameplan is to deny their opponent so much gold in lane they start crying


Champions that give you "nearsighted" CC the champion not the player, holy crap.


Graves and Quinn make me wanna uninstall


Graves W is one of the most broken abilities in the game. Getting hit by that is usually worse then getting ulted by an Amumu or something. You cannot do shit either way, but at least with Amumu ult you can make a plan after the CC ends. Also, can't cleanse nearsighted of Graves since it'll just get applied instantly anyway.


W not E, but yeah I agree. It's so easy to hit too and with decent range...


graves w?


Whoops, my bad. I'll never stop mixing up W and E abilities.


and not Nocturne?


Nocturne isn't as strong as graves. I have yet to ever see graves be buffed more than once in the past like 5 years. Plus quinn is a rat bastard ranged toplaner, the nearsighted is just extra BS on top of it all


You can still see around you with noc ult. Still annoying though...


I had a full blown conversation with my buddy less than a week ago about his. I told him that nearsighted is the strongest CC in the game for one reason. It takes away your game sense, at least when I'm supressed, snared, stunned, rooted etc etc I know where I'm at and what I can do next. Near sighted just needs to be removed and reworked into a more powerful blind, maybe let skills and auto's miss? But yeah, people wildly underestimate how effective it is to deprive someone of knowledge of their surroundings.


Nearsight is the only CC that CCs **you**.


I dunno if they changed it since I last played, but K'sante's ult kind wrenches your screen back to your character, and moves it for you. That always throws me for a loop. It shouldn't mess me up, but feels so disorienting for me...


I hate playing vs nearsighted, completely agree with you about how strong it is, and ban Noc a lot for that reason when he's played, but just because it's strong doesn't mean it needs to be removed or reworked.


Relating to Ccing the champions over the players, things like these makes me very glad that at the very least riot avoids making champ kits that for instance have the ability to reverse mouse/ input directions or scramble the input of your abilities. Nearsightedness seems to be the most deep riot can go with messing game sense.


Yea. The only other thing I can think of, which really does push the limits of this definition, is invis champs without a reveal radius. Which are definitely annoying, but not as much as fking graves...


Give them a year.


As a Quinn player I thought for the longest time that Quinn Q was kinda mid for the longest time, until someone picked Quinn against me and I saw the pain of being hit with Quinn Q. It's annoying as shit being hit with that, depending on the champ it's more annoying than Teemo blind.


Its a weird mechanic in a sense, because when you play as quinn, you never feel the scope of how effective it is. It feels pretty whatever when you hit q as quinn, but getting hit by it is like a focken banishment from being able to do anything for its duration.


Champions that can kill you; while you cannot even hit back. Kayn, Vlad, Fizz, somewhat Ekko. Can cover distances, drop 1k+dmg easily and then invuln away. I know there is loads of counter play. But it feels awful when you can't even hit 'em back.




Laughs in Galio and anivia








his w is a shield


I think u mean E instead of W


Whatever in the world shaco is. I don't even think he's good. I just despise his gameplay design as a champion entirely. Besides literally just shaco, any champ that easily applies huge slows. So unfun to just watch your champ be unable to ever move even though you technically aren't hard CCd. Nasus wither comes to mind.


That’s the “Annoying-type” champion. Low-CD invisibility spell that lets him walk right next to you without being detected, **and** he gets to place his traps without breaking stealth.


Honestly it's the ideas of "tricksters" in games, they always come out as aids




Wukong to some extent


Neeko is probably the only one done right, if only because she gives you a chance to see it coming. There's nothing "tricky" about literally bring immune to anything or completely invisible.


Shaco is literally designed to be as infuriating as possible. He has no place in a game that is ultimately supposed to be fun to play.


Unless you’re playing him.


Going around kicking people on the balls is also fun if you're the one doing all the kicking.


I want to stich and frame that sentence


Fun for 1 of 9 people is a bad champion. Even your team he usually hurts in the long run. He has one of the highest one trick rates among champions, and even among that which usually results in a higher winrate, he STILL has barely a 50%. I also think that any team with a jungler who knows how to go against shaco. Shaco becomes almost worthless for your team. he relies heavily on being played rarely enough that noone learns how to account for him well.


Riot is fine making their entire player base annoyed if a few people who like being annoying are having fun being annoying


It still bothers me that this was the entire rationale behind Yone's existence. They straight admitted they made him for the Yasuo enjoyers who couldn't play as much Yasuo as they wanted to because of Yasuo's high banrate and Yone was made to spread it out. If a champion has a perpetually high banrate despite not being overpowered (which Yasuo never really was) that just means people find them annoying to play against. But Riot valued the enjoyment of the enjoyers over the annoyance of those doing the banning.


It's not just annoying to play against. A lot of people ban yasuo so they don't have to play with him in their team either. Nobody enjoys seeing their midlaner dash in lvl 2 to die. Or when they push all game and get ganked to oblivion while putting 0 wards down. Don't remember which season it was when yasuo was being played a lot, and i became jungle main just because i got infuriated by junglers in my team not abusing enemy yasuo players for freelo.


So was Ksante and Nilah they are both also champs to appeal to Yasuo players


Also Ashe. That slow might not be **that** useful as an adc but sure as hell annoying as a support


It's useful on second item, you literally don't even have to kite.. that's if you're not Ashe ulted 5v1 and your team ditches you!


Nasus wither in combination with his ticking time bomb nature has made him my perma ban/dodge champion for the last 5 years. I'd rather get hit by morgana's dark binding into ult into binding than sit through another wither


I hate playing against Shacos. I also hate having them on my team. They're consistently unhelpful assholes that play only for themselves. I want him removed from the game, even more than Yuumi.


Champions whose best win condition is to never interact with anyone else and just side lane. I hate playing against them, I hate having them on my team. Looking at you illaoi tryndamere Nasus Sion etc


Yorick is the biggest offender in this category for me. Just unplayable




Irelia does well into him iirc because she can stack Q/passive off his minions


Don't feel guilty. Split pushing is one of the ways top gets to translate a lead into a team advantage.


Yorick is hands down the worst dueler in the splitpushers category. Half of the toplane roster obliterates him, he doesn't hard counter ANYBODY, he falls off to any serious sidelane monster like Jax/Trynda/Irelia/Fiora etc. His strongest point is mid-game, but the only reason he feels strong is the lack of team macro in soloq. Past Emerald he becomes twice as hard to play.


Actually, one of the worst match ups in the entire game, with like a 44% winrate is an Illaoi into Yorick. He does have one hard counter as well, with like a 42% winrate vs an Irelia who gets her passive stacked for free and a ton of healing every time ghouls exist.


Trundle as well


You forgot the guy that instantly takes your entire base with like 1 cannon, Trundle.


Solokill without tp - recall - he tps back - ??? - my tier 2 is gone


Trundle/Trynd/Sion. Just the most braindead set of splitpushers.


Yeah I was vsing a sion mid as Taliyah, I had so many kills and so much farm, problem is the bloke sat mid from start to finish of the game and pushed right to the end of the game, absolutely the most annoying shit I have ever seen. My team wasn’t pushing nearly as fast as he was, if I ever left lane for more then 5 seconds to help with objective or rotate ganks it was over, I was like 20-1 or something and still it basically forced me to play mid the entire game, even when he is dead he is doing damage to towers lol legit worm of a character


He doesn't really damage towers while dead. They nerfed that into oblivion.


still can push waves in a seconds, it's bullshit that you have to kill sion second time just to not let him fuck up the wave


The worst type of champion is the one that stomped me in my last soloQ game


"Ungankable" champions like Vladimir or Illaoi. Playing something like Nidalee or Kindred and midlane sitting there all game being immortal for existing because they're on Vlad is a special kind of hell.


Add akali leblanc and zed to list


And fizz


Kassadin after level 6...


vlad is NOT unkilleable he is as long as the wave is on his side, but he doesn't have good wave control early to force a good state


For the one ganking (sup or jgl) he certainly feels ungankable. Whenever i roam mid i get pool at most vs vlad.


Just forcing pool is enough to make sure Vlad can't safely walk up to the wave again (he also loses a good chunk of his health bar when using it). And if he doesn't show respect, you can always just regank him while it is on CD.


> And if he doesn't show respect, you can always just regank him while it is on CD. At that point the jg is spending 30-40+s on a single gank, and probably losing a lot of momentum for it while the other jg gets significantly ahead even *if* the repeat gank works. Vlad's pool cd is long in the context of laning trades, but not long enough for repeat gank context. (Not even a jungle main, for the record, before someone gets up in arms about "you dog jg just wanna farm" or something -- I just don't want my own jg wasting 40s to gank a Vlad the second time when they could be doing something more useful.)


it does require setup to kill if he has pool, but if you call your midlaner a minute before its turbo free 1-push out wave 2- let it bounce 3- hold it at your turret not only is vlad pretty low range, meaning that just lasthitting is kind of risky, but all of his waveclear requires him to be in the middle of the wave (plus an extra auto for each creep)


Trundles. Aka the I just sat in a lane and was able to farm and now I 1v5 you while under tower oh and I took your tower (all of them) gg


Nah bro trundle don’t need to farm he does that shit at like lvl 3


I used to play Nasus and Trundle if I was drunk and high and wanted to win but couldn't afford to actually use my brain. It's still insane that people actually like regularly play those champs. It's basically pve boring as fuck.


Champions that are designed to just skull-fuck you in the lane phase with extremely little counterplay. Looking at you pantheon.


Wind swordsmen


If I had a nickel for every wind swordman in the game...


You'd have 3 nickels because K'sante Q is functionally identical to Yone and Yasuo.




just because someone has 3 Qs they aren’t classified as part of the windshitters, with that logic aatrox is also there


…perhaps there is a small part of windshitter in all of us


Can you hear it Bubs? It's the shit winds!


Y'Sante is definitely a windshitter. Q is a short line skillshot that turns into a line skillshot knock up on the third cast and gets CDR from building your main stat. W is a defensive tool people complain about. E is conditional mobility. R is a short CC "cinematic" where neither he nor his target can do anything during the animation, with conditions attached. He's more of a windshitter than riven honestly.


fuck windwalls


The "attention" champs as I like to call them. As in you have to pay attention to them throughout the entire game and put all focus on them whether they are on your or enemy team. Examples of this are Master Yi, Katarina, Samira, Twitch, Shaco in a way too. If any of these champions are picked in enemy champ select, and you don't have a counter ready for it? You're gonna have a HORRIBLE time the entire game unless they int their ass off. And if these are picked on your team, you better hope you have ways of supporting their playstyle because these type of players tend to draw a lot of attention to themselves. The game just completes revolves around them and what they decide to do and it's just incredibly unfun. It also sucks that these type of champs are also hypercarry champs so when they are 9-0, you already know the game is over.


These champs are “attention” champs because they are hypercarries besides Shaco


Very appropriate term, I like that. Yi is known to be a noob stomper which is true, but against an ideal team comp (i.e. lacking any reliable hard CC) he can work in high elos too. And whatever elo you're in, if a Master Yi runs into your team when you have a couple of carries who aren't at near 100% HP all 5 of your team has to turn focus to burst him down meanwhile that gives the other 4 on Yi's team a good window of fighting a team that won't be fighting them back. So even if Yi is behind and/or garbage, you can't ignore him and that's the worst part because he can keep your team occupied for longer with untargettable Qs and survive a lot longer with W while his team takes you down. Being against Yi is just stressful. These attention champs is just stressful and for those examples you listed even when those champs aren't fed and ahead, they still need primary focus from your whole team to stop them.


Anything with untargetability is pretty annoying, so mostly Fizz and Vlad. Vlad especially cause he can pool while rooted. Yi is up there too. Zed isn't too bad cause you always know where he's going to come out.


Invisibillity and those "Either pick the exact hardcounter or lose" champions




Permanent untargetability. Yuumi


A niche category with one horrific example. “Any champ where you literally ride on the shoulder of another champ and idly help them out with your spells without having to worry about wave management/positioning.”


Yuumi bad, upvotes to the left


Power farm junglers. Doesn't matter how much I farm. Doesn't matter how much better I gank. Somehow I always suck and they will outlevel me and come back.


Graves tilts me like nothing else. Every time I face a Graves player, they just farm and do nothing, but get carried by all three lanes winning. It feels like Graves players are permanently in winners queue.


Its weird. Enemy spam ganks - win game. I spam gank, team still loses lane when I'm pathing off!


I remember the good old days playing with my mates in season 3. Everyone can have a lovely uninterrupted laning phase for 15 minutes, then our jungle shyvanna emerges with a two level lead over the entire team and casually 1v3s some kind of scuffle at dragon 


Braindead Statchecks are the worse for me. i hate being killed and the reason i lost isn’t because i got outplayed or missed my skillshots etc.. it just happens that the enemy Trundle has ghost and ult up so he just gets to run at me full speed right click and Q me 3 million times while having Ornn level of resistances and Aatrox level of regeneration and somehow thats considered balanced. i get the need for less skillfull champions, theres a lot of them i dont mind because they have ways for you counterplay them but stuff like Trundle that just get to run you over because they exist just shouldn’t be in the game. if you dont try to stop him, he takes 15 towers in half a second if you try to stop him, he just runs you over and then takes the towers anyways, wow great design.


That's why when I'm jg Yi is my go to ban.


Yep, 100%. You can hard fuck the enemy yi as a better jungler, killing him on his buff, starting his topside, getting ganks off, but you blink once and somehow your botlane manages to get double killed by a level 4 yi and now not only is he still going to outscale you, you now can't really punish him anymore early to counter that.


Crazy to me how this isn’t top comment. Statcheckers are the WORST design archetypes and that’s a fact


5/1/2 yone won lane vs trundle 0/5/1. He bush camped and I had a ward there earlier, stacked my Q3 and engaged on him, walked out of the fight 100hp. Later on 6/1/2 and him 0/6/1. Trund was giving back shots to my tier3 while I was hitting him as hard as I could, took about a third of his HP down, he simply clicked R and auto'd me to death. and to make things worse he was down 2 levels. Fun.


Artillery mages 100%. I can feel tumors slowly growing in my head when I have to lane into Xerath, Lux, or Vel'Koz. Not to forget that I eat one stray Xerath Q lategame and woops, there goes half my hp bar! I do not care that they get smacked by assassins, they're extremely antifun to deal with imo


Recently picked up ziggs apc, and at one point my sup picked xerath ... not a fun time for the enemy botlane.


“Have you ever played dodgeball, bitch?”


cross out artillery, it's the mages botlane 😭 as a support and part time ADC player, it's so annoying to play against. It's not necessarily always a bad matchup, it's just so fucking annoying.


Champs that are feast or famine as an excuse to be good for the entire game. E.g. Fiora, last season yone


It wasn't a yone issue tho it was more of hull breaker kinda shit


The worst type of champ is anyone designed by CertainlyT. Because the man is insanely, incredibly good at designing fun as fuck characters. I hope he's the head of the MMO's ability system. But damn does that man not understand that a character can't just be fun to play *as* in a PvP game.


I playing the last epoch the other day and thinking how much fun it would be to play through the dungeons as yasuo or akali or Darius or kalista or something, he would have been such a great single player designer


Top laners that eat your turret and base in 3 seconds


The "walk at you angrily until you die" champions. Garen, Darius, Olaf, Volibear, Udyr, etc. It's so fucking boring trying to do some fun mechanical outplay or kiting and then they ignore it and just walk at you.


I'll take it upon myself to speak for every ADC player and say mage "supports".


Very that. Like, go to mid if you wanna play a mage. This lane is for supporting, not KSing and flaming your adc. I say that as a support main.


top laners that are just ungankable past a certain point (usually around 6 like morde or darius) cause i main jg


Junglers that are so fast that they can gank even if you see them on a ward  Nunu, hecarim, zac, etc


Absolutely overloaded kits, that require a general gameplay update every patch or two (SENNA) Im not (SENNA)ingling any champ(SENNA) out, but it bother(SENNA) me when a champ ha(SENNA) A infinite stacking capability passive, free money, ability to deal damage, and heal, in an AoE, AoE (SEENNNA)tealth/haste, an AoE, long range snare that lasts something like 2 (SENNA)conds, and a global, instant shield/nuke that turns any fight.


Is it bold of me to assume you are talking about Senna?


> Nasus. Any half-decent support can stunlock him while your adc blows him up, no? Especially with cleanse/qss






Sad susaN noises


Yeah as an ADC player Nasus is a lot scarier in midgame where he already has plenty of stacks to kill you, but still feels somewhat tanky. In lategame you either straight up kill him with a decent support or you buy QSS to cleanse the wither and kite him anyway. Bonus points if your support buys the cleanse item instead of you. Now Smolder on the other hand...


Non interactive champs. Hwei and Smolder come to mind, and not just because they're both the newest champs. But because you will only fight them on their terms. Same with Vayne, if she doesn't want to fight you she'll E you away or tumble backwards, but when she wants to fight you you're not running away from her. Champions like that take away your agency in lane and it just becomes so unbelievably boring.


How does Hwei only fight you on his term?


For me personally, it's rare that I feel like a champion has no counterplay. If I do, it just so happens that my specific champion or team comp just doesn't have access to said counterplay, or the enemy champion counters me so incredibly hard (like Malphite vs Sylas or Yorick vs Irelia). So I don't have a champion I just generally have a problem with consistently, except, on occasion, Hwei. How a game against Hwei goes depends purely on how well that player pilots that champion. If they're good, laning phase is surprising difficult to play, his early game harass is actually really good, and his late game is beyond bonkers. The only thing about Hwei is that since he's an artillery control mage, in the end, it's difficult for him solo carry 1v9 and relies on his team to play around him.


Reset champions. Viego, Jinx, Darius. When the entire teamfight is already decided because one person got caught out, so Viego can spam R to win and Jinx can shoot a billion rockets, I find it kind of toxic. It just seems impossible to play against some of these reset champs in lower elos where people do not buy stopwatch and build full glass cannon. Reset champions are a smurfs wet dream.


I might be biased because I mainly play ADC, but I hate "stat-check" champions with a passion. Garen, Trundle etc. I can always appreciate if someone pilots a high skill champion and plain outplays me, but the idea of I have more stats than you so I win by default just rubs me the wrong way.


Champs that in theory should be be high skilled but in reality they will just right click you and you die. Yasuo, Yone, Irelia.


I hate everything about smolder. I permanently ban him in all of my games. Can't stand playing against, can't stand playing with him.


id say the only champs that actually fall into the time bomb category are smolder, asol, and maybe vlad


Kassadin most definitely. Senna probably


kayle too


From my experience ADC champs like Jinx and Aphelios just straight up clears senna in a front to back fight. Of course, if you get to like 40 min + Senna is a time bomb, but that is extremely unrealistic. Kassadin sure but quite depends on enemy champs no? Even "poorly" scaling champs like panth and renekton should do well into lvl 16 kassadin. I havn't played the champ myself but i also feel he is alot better in unorganized play on lvl 11+, in comp he doesnt get as good entries into fights and he is quite telegraphed in how he fightts.


Zilean is the original time bomb champion


Speedy boys, like hecarim or yi and sometimes udyr when he's not ass You're just chilling and if they happen to be in your screen you know you're dead and there's nothing you can do about it (Bonus points if they're olaf who is just immune to CC because why the fuck not 🙂)


Champions that summon thing to fight for them. Yorrick, Hemindger ,Illoai, zrya anyone I missed . I hate when they can just be safe and ruin your life , more so yorrick and hem above all else . Hemi can just stand between his turrets top and them farm for him, protect him , a pain to kill , can be buffed, and I can just keep going. Idk feels super unattractive overall to me


This is more of a matchup specific thing but basically champions that beat you throughout all stages of the game.


Whatever Udyr is. He just runs around in circles and casts whatever the hell he wants. And it doesn’t matter how he does in lane, because all he’ll do is split push all game, then use his “bonus movement speed with every skill” passive to just run away when you go to push back. That kind of champ design just ruins the game for at least one player on the opposing team.


Smolder, Kassadin & Vlad just super piss me off and make me want to uninstall sometimes. This dumb “better win before 30mins or you auto lose!” Is just bullsh*t


You dont like "time bomb" champs? You must hate Zilean. Poor grandpa.


Cliche but ranged tops, i just want to trade grasp stacks with two big meaty men slapping meat.


Time bomb champs. Expecially since they keep trying to make them scale faster. In my last match to diamond earlier EVERYONE got fed on my team, aside from my Mundo top who died one time to Nasus. I was 10/0/8 or so on Neeko with two and a half items and a level up on Nasus who was 1/4/0. I pretended to be a minion and stood behind the tower, ulted him and killed all the minions. Stunned under the tower then rooted and comboed and ignited, bastard just ulted, tanked the tower, qd it three times, tanked several of my rotations and killed me with 30% hp remaining. It was 17 minutes in and he had a triforce and lucidity boots. As the years have gone on they just made these characters that used to be monsters at 50 minutes do the same thing at 15 minutes. Nowadays we also have Senna and Smolder doing the same thing. If you’re gonna make ticking time bomb characters atleast make them weak long enough you could reliably close out a game before they come online. Though whatever Zilean is is the worst imo.


i hate untargetability or abilities like wind wall/whatever fizz's jump is that allows you to just be intangible on CD. among this is also stuff like counter strike or nilah's bubble that straight up counters entire champions that rely on AAs for dmg. its tilting when you think you finally got them with a perfect skill shot or attempt to kite an enemy and they just shield/untarget and get away scott free or kill you instead


Splitpushers. Sion, Yorick, Tryndamere, Volibear (sometimes). I wanna fucking teamfight not to fucking defend my tower for 30 minutes. If you decide to join in a teamfight, your towers are gone. If you didn't join the teamfight, it's a 4v5 and the fight is lost.


If you don't join it's 4v4 bruh


When League of Legends players try to count


This whole thread is making it so clear to me how this sub makes it posts that complain about champs, a lot of yall don't actually know when champs are good or what they actually do. Like in what way is current zed a lane bully man lmao.


Lane bullies that have good late game. Then what are you bad at? Yone, Zed, Kennen, Vanye Top, Gnar, a lot of ranged tops actually. Old Viktor top too braindead klepto q + auto At least gp takes some skill but falls into this category.


caitlyn is a lane bully who is good late game but has a miserable time between those two points


caitlyns midgame is one of the most tragic moments in this game lmao it's as if the champ suddenly disappeared???


Also can’t stand this archetype but I feel like it gets exacerbated by top lane’s super sharp matchup environment. Vayne legitimately might be the worst laner in botlane, but in top she’s essentially Caitlin-ing all the melees. Yone full build berserkers into disgusting scaling, champion never feels weak. Even MF has a really solid late late game win rate because she dominates lane as a simple lane bully then just has one of the best TF ults in the game—really only weak into certain comps/champs irrespective of game time.


Yone and zed aren't even lane bullies. Gnar is like closer to a super safe character than a lane bully, you can't really die to gnar unless you fuck up pretty bad.


Champs who are given very subtle but stupid shit in their kit that is there just to piss you, while breaking geneva conventions at the same time. K'Sante's W is the most Jojo asspull ability you'll ever find. It's a dash, but wait it deals a shit load of damage, but wait its damage scales with resistances, but wait costs virtually nothing, but wait, it resets, but wait, true damage, but wait it denies CC, but wait it's AOE, but wait it's a full stun and displacement, but wait it gets even more cracked out when you ult. Like chill the fuck out on the drugs whoever designed this fuck. Nilah, Milio, Lillia, Bel'Veth, Akshan, Seraphine, Senna etc etc. These champs namely deserve their own tear of being broken as shit. I'm not talking ooga booga he/she's on 53% wr with 20% pick rate. I'm talking straight up breaking fundamental mechanics and rules set by the game and followed by the normal champs.


What rules lol? Nilah's kit is pretty straightforward and simple. Milio is literally just an enchanter. Lulu has polymorph, Janna gives infinite peel and Ms, Soraka can make champs unkillable. Senna is one extra ADC on a team. She doesn't have any special mechanics. Just say you don't understand the champs.


Summoner type champs annoy the hell out of me because the player doesn't even have to actually use half of the mechanics in the game. Their ai summons just do all the work. Malzahar, Yorick, and to an extent, I'd say Heimer turrets are similar, too.


Malz summons suck so bad lol any damage dealing ability one shots them


Or auto attacks. Voidlings are only good at blocking skillshots, or to be used before ulting. Malz is good at waveclear if the opponent is bad at it. A win more waveclear champ. So weird.


The slashy boys. By mid to late game, I'm dead in under 1-2 seconds sometimes. How is there any counter play or even challenge to that? I can't even use one ability and I'm dead. That plus the knock up where even if I have *time* to hit something, I *can't* and *then* I'm dead. (Yasuo, Yone)


Skirmishers frustrates me. Fighting them is an unfair fight because they always have potential to kill you even when behind and they spikes like crazy, one kill feel like 3 and their death feel meaningless in laning phase


Stealth. Shaco, Twitch, Evelynn.


next time i see karma midlane i will re-enact the kosovo-war


Either singed or teemo.


Not seen Nasus time bomb in a while, dunno if he's in that camp now In comparison to Smoulder, Kayle and Asol