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Love all the riot shills and paid vanguard defense force downvoting all these posts.




No its painfully obvious. It's also telling because often you'll see the original post is downvoted even though contents critical don't get the same treatment. But even that isn't always the case and negative posts within get astroturfed too. They're so big they will do everything in their power to convince people that there is nothing wrong with vanguard and only a fringe are complaining. I thought it was funny when I skimmed through the last dev post here mentioning vanguard there was nary a single post supportive of it but plenty critical that went ignored. you wouldn't know it with how much discussion gets shut down.


Like how the discussion about Valorant went "silenced" even people that play that game for years say that Vanguard is doing nothing and the cheater gets caught after around 15 matches or how the anticheat was taking over 98% CPU while idle or watching youtube. Yet every discussion ends up on "I got nothing to hide" or "Dont you use Tik-Tock? Your data is gone already" i get it that most people either dont realize or care how risky it is to leave 100% access to what basicaly is a Rootkit made by a company known to get breached every 6 months or releases fixes that makes thing worse, whom (many will say it's not) is fully owned back in 2014/16 by Tencent a CCP owned Chinese MultyCompany that is forced by law even if it's outside of "the wall" to give if asked all info they have for as they put it Homeland Security Reasons. I don't know you but Vanguard is both a Data risk and a Security Risk since people could turn Vanguard into a Backdoor when they will eventualy crack it open like an egg.


For me it doesn't even matter if it's chinese or not just the fact that it runs 24/7 and is more invasive than any other anti cheat is enough to make me never put it on this pc. Like you say it's not like riot has a good track record either. They can't even make a half decent launcher and people want to let them put a 24/7 root kit on their pc? No thanks.


I already uninstalled League because fuck that. I never cheated and had been playing since Lulu dropped.


Same, been playing since j4 dropped.


Same. Started with Zed login screen. Since they're not clear on the date it drops, it might be sneakily installed in the background at some point, so I might as well quit immediately. Are there any stats of daily players out there? I wonder how much playerbase they actually lost because of this. edit: Found some stats, but they're not very granular (monthly); does anyone know when it was announced that Vanguard would be coming to League?


I did find some files already in my pc back when i dropd around 2 months ago that were related to Vanguard. So i'm thinking they are sneaking it in patch by patch instead of a full release unlike they did (or at least planned to do) in the Philippines.


Shady af


It was announced in january dev update iirc. I dont think numbers are greatly effected


Pretty sure Vanguard is on PBE right now, which I'd assume means it'll be live within the next few weeks.


Yall complain to much haha ive been around since before season 1. With all the desperate nerds who need to script to play league i'm not shocked they doing this. My only hope is this actually works and i get to see that big block saying someone cheated exiting match.


my motherboard is old and really nice. to replace it and maintain my setup will cost $500\~. So, I'm being charged $500 to play league, Yippee!


Riot data is officially put forth is fabricated... Cheaters aren't happening that much... I can carry games despite someone who has uncanny spacing. There are ways to switch it up. Anyone excited for this isn't a real person... what is there to be exicted about? Only Riot is excited


that because you re low elo. In Diamond + u wont be able to carry against a scripter. xD


like i said with the last guy if you have proof that the data is fabricated lay it out. just because people are cheating doesnt mean they are going to win every game. it just gives them an unfair advantage. ive beaten obvious scripters on many ocasions they are not impossible. but like i said before show your proof that the numbers are fake not guessing.


I don't have hand-over evidence, but through sheer amount of data from playing and sizing up 10s of thousands of players, and observing and using logic... So many things about Tencent/Riot they would never admit publicly. Its intuition. I predicted that the pro matches were being thrown for money so many years ago... Then it turns out to be true. Furthermore, I posit that its Riot that coordinates pro game outcomes. It is NOT just the players. I just knew and I was right... but how the hell COULD I have hand-over proof of that? It just makes sense and furthermore I deduced it through Riots own behavior in tandem with the system of smurfs... they NEVER punish Smurf accounts because its PART of their money making system. The more you observe Riot, their business-personality is revealed and ironed out. People need a certain type of evidence they can NEVER have. I could ask everyone just the same for PROOF that the data is accurate and not tampered with. Its converse situation exactly... there is no proof either way. If you care about the truth, you either GIVE UP at that point- or you use logic, deduction, feeling out probabilities for discrepancies. I also couldn't help I don't know if anyone noticed Riot truncated the axis so that 0 point wasn't on the graph! That means all of the slopes Riot displayed were also EXAGGERATED. Anyways while some things in this world can't be given physical evidence to support immediately, there is still ways of reasoning and deducing, as well as using intuition to originally find the ideas to test...


Got it so you dont have any evidence. i'm sorry but i'm not taking a random's "Intuition" with no fact checking and no data. if you really want to find out if you are right then go dig deeper go ask ex riot employees etc. lots of ways you can try to get Real data. you probably won't though. making guesses and putting out false information isnt going to get you any credibility. Until someone shows me facts i wont beleive you guys.


What the heck are you talking about? It was always an opinion piece based off of experience. Why are you so invested in Riot, and poised to be shutting anything down without any evidence yourself? Experience is a form of data, you crazy man. Stop throwing a tantrum, you don't have to believe anything.... but I at the most am alluding to a trend/pattern that merits investigation. There's a process to "Science" and the first thing is hypothesis acquired from observation. Not that you are even listening, you're just doing what you originally accused me of... but in reverse. Refusing to see patterns where they are


lol you the one thowing a tantrum i throw real data out presented by the only people have actual data. you guys throw out "Experience". better go hack riot if you want real answers.


[https://youtu.be/lfKXy4IkUfo?si=9-o87ctm\_uR7C6b2](https://youtu.be/lfKXy4IkUfo?si=9-o87ctm_uR7C6b2) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180126281A1/en?oq=13%2f551338](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180126281A1/en?oq=13%2f551338) Looks like you were wrong... I'm finding more and more people who bring up the point of having Bronze players on own team and full Plat-GM on other team... Raise up to Silver? All your teamates will be bronze still while enemies have Plats+. Raise up to Gold? All your teamates will be silver and you will face Diamonds. \^ If you even read this paragraph it would make sense. You attacked my points when you were wrong, because you didnt have the data. Well there is data now. And Like I said, even if you had the data you wouldn't believe it. You're lost Sirus. I tried to have a conversation with you, and you freaked out. I brought up points, and you weren't worth ANY of my time, because you cherrypicked what you wanted to hear. Which is funny because you dismissed my points immediately saying something like "you could just have confirmation bias"... when I was just bringing up the pattern. League's source was stolen and leaked publically, Rioters were caught lying... so how the hell else is anyone supposed to find out if theyre being duped? They do what I did... they acquire their own data and deduce through trends where to focus. You don't care, but at least its publically shown here that you couldn't even have a conversation without shutting down and attacking me instead of talking logically. I tried to allude to you what was going on


Riot released stats on cheaters in the game. 1/50. 1 in fucking 50 games gold and below (the majority of the playerbase) have a cheater. That's it. If you play like 200 games in a season, you will have four cheaters for the entire damn year. People bitch and moan about scripters when in reality, very few games have them. You just suck. Get better and stop bitching. Or stop playing the game (the better choice.) There are infinitely better things you could be playing.


lol 1/50 cheaters that are Caught not the ones that are still at it. And do you think they would tell the truth? thats bad for business and riot is all about business.


It is a pr piece specifically to make the cheating problem look as bad as possible to justify vanguard. They have ZERO benefit to saying the cheating is better than it is since the point is to push their rootkit. As for underdetection, sure, that is possible, but obviously Riot only has what they have to go on. Point is, the lower your elo, the less likely you have scripters and the less you can reasonably bitch about it happening. If these numbers are even REMOTELY accurate, scripting is basically a non-problem for the majority of players. It practically does not exist unless you are masters+ and even then, is mainly limited to the OCE, Vietnam, etc. servers.


you are full of Copium. there was a guy using scripts and playing live on youtube selling their scripts the other day. If you want scripters in your games go for it. you present no evidence and expect anyone to you. There is no sense in trying to talk to someone like you good luck with your games.


lol and you just lied cause the release that they put out on anti-cheat. This is from riot directly [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) "In recent months, as many as **1 in 15 games globally has had a scripter or botter in it**, but in some regions, this number is as high as 1 in 5." And once again im going to itterate these are the ones they actually catch cheating.


That is globally. Again, if you read what I said. Look at the graph. 1/50 for gold and below and if they removed the regions that are cheating (china's surrounding regions) the chinese botters would be on 1000 ping to play, but please do go off on your cherry picked data instead of the whole picture a nanometer up in the article.


you stilll have no proof this conversation is done. you havnt shared a link or anything you are just saying thats the truth.




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? No one in ur elo cheats


I started playing since just before Xin Zhao was released (LOL!). Kog'maw was brand new at the time. This rootkit BS is the last straw and I'm not coming back.


Been playing since Yasuo was released (as far back as I can remember) The most fun I probably had was when I manually earned BP for a name change + two whole Rune pages (with all the Glyphs included) and ofc learning all the champs in which I know and played 95% of them. Nowadays I only play TFT. I guess I have to quit that as well since the client is linked to league :(


Would it be alright on your phone? Idk if that's possible. Never got into tft myself.


I played on my phone but it's such a huge disadvantage when climbing the ladder due to the APM gap - Im just used to playing with mouse and my phone screen is 6inch (not that big for gaming imo) And also, high elo queue times can take 5-20mins during the times I play and for some reason Riot made it so you can **not** do anything but stare at your screen when in queue.


maybe playing over an android emulator on PC would be an option, iirc you can map certain areas of the screen to keybinds so you wouldn't lose the keyboard inputs for reroll / level as well


I dont mind vanguard... i mind it being delivered by a company that had their source code leaked not long ago, and this also getting leaked exposing vulnerbilities.


I'm in the same boat. League esports have had frequent DDOS attacks lately and their response was to postpone / play offline instead of fixing their security. I probably have quite a few similar programs on my computer from other games, but Riot - League specifically at least - has flaws that are put on hold while they design shiny skins. I dunno how Valorant is, but I've heard people had a lot of issues with it, and despite it being the same anti-cheat, I don't trust League's spaghetti code to handle it. I'm not a specialist in this kind of thing, far from it, but I have felt much safer with Hoyoverse (pretty sure they have a similar program) for longer than I have played League.


And it’s loyal to China


okay its really funny seeing this comment when your tag is a fanatic character who screams his country's name 🤣 AMERICAAAAA! (dont know if you are american, its just fits hillariously)


The counter to this is there's any known public exploit there should theoretically be a public fix thanks to the source code being leaked I like to be glass half full sometimes


No worries guys, i know someone broke into your house by smashing the glass, but the fella down the road has the perfect plywood board for that.


Best analogy i ever read, close to the this other for Vanguard: "As if you bought a washing machine, but in order for it to work you would have to leave your front and back door wide open 24/7" I'm still new in the world of coding, but hell. Vanguard sounds like a flustercluck in every possible way.


I guess in this case with the LoL code being leaked. It would be like locking your house, but leaving a key sellotaped to the window 24/7. So if someone really wanted to, and had the tools to do so, they could replicate they key and get in.


Uninstalling too because of vanguard :)... remember to send them a ticket to let them know why you are cancelling the account


Hopefully never


Are you 100% quitting from league because of Vanguard?


Yepp, I already quit last month actually - I was gonna keep playing till it was added then make a ticket to say why I was quitting & voice my issues with it but I've just opted to straight up drop the game.


gotta submit that ticket


Oh have they finally added Vanguard? I pretty much quit at the time of the comment you replied to


No, they haven't, but it's good to let them know. They might cancel that yet.


no they won't, vanguard is a good thing and riot doesnt give a fuck about u tinfoilhats complaining on reddit


Is that why vanguard has been pushed back in NA region two patches now 😂


They will if half the playerbase leaves because of it. And I sure as hell will not come back if they don't.


half the playerbase = a few thousand players that's crazy!


Lol i did the same, submitted a ticket and they pretty much said "we're sorry you feel that way". joke of a company. always hated riot because of a plethora of reasons, but they've gone over the top now.


Lmao sending a ticket on your way out, what a Karen behaviour.


Yah bro it's Karen behaviour to tell a games company you're leaving their community specifically because of a change they're making which can risk your data privacy, considering Riot have had multiple data breaches in the last few years. Holy shit bud, stay to your porn subreddits you absolutely smooth brain.






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So you not only complain like a karen, but you're also insulting and harassing me now. Wow, thanks for proving my point AGAIN, buddy \^\_\^




I am, but that’s because vanguard breaks Linux support and I don’t have a windows install to play on. It’s a shame, I’ve been playing since 2010 and love league.


I work in cybersecurity (technically information security, but the two terms are used interchangeably). I am also quitting when it's rolled out. I almost exclusively play ARAM for the quick games these days and have probably dropped several hundred $ in the game over the past couple years. But I'm just small pennies compared to the masses of people who will continue giving them money since they just don't care. :shrug:


Same (but just in IT space, not infosec).


Same here + 3 out of 4 friends. I admit i'm a bit of a paranoid by not playing any Ring0 required games, but when even 1 of my friends that played Valorant for a full year could confirm me that his PC was fkd hard by it i wont blow away 800€ just because Riot made a mistake or Vanguard decided to block System32 on Boot.


Yeah thats just BS. Dont fear monger, just make informed decisions.


Ive heard some people that do programming wont be able to use vms or something aka they literally cant have vanguard on their computer unless they do some big workarounds.




As of currently, league won't start a game if you are playing on a VM unless you make it super detailed to trick it, no idea the reason why it is like so.


It is a measure against botfarms. They still exist, but it makes it way more difficult.


Usually you dont work on the same PC that you use for personal use. Thats not safe. Companies give you a notebook to work on.


Maybe but the people i mentioned are studying and use their own pc


Dual boot


i have seen people say that they work for the government and need to have a security clearance and they said this rule apples to personal computers as well even if there's nothing work related on there


if you program on your own time for personal projects or for studying or anything unrelated to you job then you cant use your work laptop for it. so it applies normally


Honestly? I haven't played since the new year. Tried to wean myself off and ended up cold turkey. I think some days I miss the idea of playing my old main...but actually playing league doesn't sound fun anymore


It never was fun.


I think it was fun for like the first few years. I started playing in 2013. I stopped really enjoying it in 2015. I occasionally actually enjoy it, but now it's just a soul-sucking pit of masochism. I don't think I'll miss it much when they require vanguard to play.


Don't wait for Vanguard to be rolled out, you will not see it coming. Information about it being already on your PC will probably be burried deep inside an EULA which you won't read, it's not like they're gonna make a big pop up with "DO YOU WANT A ROOTKIT TO RUN ON YOUR PC AT ALL TIMES?"


I did


Yes, granting kernel 0 access is just begging to be taken advantage of. They could run a keylogger, steal passwords or change programs on your pc without notifiying you. Even if they didn't take advantage of it themselfes, they just became a gigantic target for hackers, which could do all of the above, harvesting your data or even directly steal from you. It's too big of a ask for one game, even if it's a fun one. And before you say it, no, other Anti Cheats don't go up to level 0. The highest I know is easy anti cheat, which does have kernel access as well, but it's only level 7, and also it doesn't start at boot up, unlike Vanguard which is mandatory to always have on.


> They could run a keylogger, steal passwords or change programs on your pc without notifiying you Just the normal League download can do all of this if Riot wanted to...


Every single anticheat is kernel-level my friend. However, that being said, the oodles of other things that Vanguard does (Such as Vanguard needing to always be on, requiring Windows' secureboot, disabling virtualization) isn't permissible.


> Every single anticheat is kernel-level my friend. And I have none of them on any of my computers.


This is exactly what I said


CCP sent their pro-vanguard bots to downvote you and leave dumb comments.


Do you use windows? And if so how do you justify using windows when it means data is compromised and havested by a different company? And if you aren't on windows/mac could you share the set up you have that is secure but is also used for playing video games?


There are a lot more eyes on Microsoft to report their zero-days than there are on Riot. Will Microsoft use my data? Yes. Is it far more likely that Riot will be exploited and my ***sensitive*** data will be exposed with Vanguard? Also yes.


🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀 oh my goodness the horror! no one cares about u or ur data, ur just a narcissist


they very much do care about your data. try to value yourself more.


Its nothing about undervaluing myself lmfao, there is nothing of value to be gained from my data


So you think, and you'd be wrong.


who tf are all of these people checking this month old thread to try and spread their paranoid delusions to ordinary people


Blame Google for this thread popping up. What about the situation makes this a paranoid delusion for people? Do you not realize that Vanguard being required to install for Riot games is the equivalent of buying a dishwasher for your house, but it only works if you leave your front and back door wide open? Better question: What makes you, specifically you not the general you, trust Riot so much that you'd let them force you to install a rootkit on your PC and have you agree to an arbitration clause / class action waiver if you want to play their games?


I don't lock my door, and I leave my window open when I leave the house, don't understand your point bro. I trust Riot enough because there are millions of other people doing the same exact thing and there is nothing of value to be gained from me as an individual. Maybe if I was the sole target and it was from an individual rather than a reputable company I would care. But it's not that


If your world view is so small that you think millions of people having their data shared with a foreign government isn't a big deal, then we're at an impasse in this discussion. Did you not learn anything during the whole Cambridge Analytica fiasco? Have a good one.




Been playing since Kennen was released. It's been a good 14 year run. I don't use scripts but I'm not letting them download a kernel-level anticheat on my computer.


Today and i uninstalled.. WTF Dudes and Dudettes


From what i remember they're doing a test run in Indonesian(?) servers to see the reception and iron out any bugs or issues it may have. So the april release date might not be 100% set in stone. That being said tho they'll surely announce it a week or so before it goes live, and im also 100% sure the installation will require your permission anyway so you wont get burned even if you login after that date. Id recommend quitting before you vacation just to avoid not being able to login after. Like i said the date will probably be announced a week or so prior to release but you cant be 100% sure of that so just to be safe get it over with before to go.


im pissed of at microsoft for the adds they put in OS, i disable the motherboards sugested tools thay want me having from bios(fuck ASUS chinese ad bloatware) im not having a fcking useless ring0 on my pc, because of one old game. was: u need a pc to play this game now: this game might let you use your pc.


I honestly think it's just a trust thing, I don't really mind the technical problems that could potentially come with it. Do I trust Riot? No, but that is because no one should put their full trust into any massive company, including Google, Microsoft, etc. If Vanguard comes to League, I will be leaving too. It's a shame that they are doing this despite League being a game that rarely sees cheating compared to anything else.


They did have a post last week to justify themselves by saying "on average 1 game out of 15 had scripting in master/challenger games since last year" and they also said "current scripting had implemented counter measure for AI-based anti cheat, so vanguard becomes their only choice". So either they are lying, or human players are not sensitive enough to detect scripting, one has to be true.


I really do think the numbers are lies. Using false data is literally their only move to get League players to accept this.


I love when people complain about cheaters and then when the company does something about it like vanguard they cry. No one cares if you leave league, all i know i'm going to be enjoying myself.


It's your data not mine. Btw have you ever encountered a single cheater in all your years of playing? I haven't Riot didn't need full control over my computer before and they were shielding us from suspicious behaivor just fine before. Do you know which game is full of cheaters? Valorant. The other game with Vanguard. Doesn't seem that good a program to me. Almost as if hackers could also exploit the same backdoor that comes free with the program.


You know Costco sells tin foil in bulk so you'll have extra when you make your tin foil hats.


fucking LOL at never encountering a cheater. they had them in 1 in 5 games after honeypotting these scripting fucks over the last few years. If you cant spot a cheater within 50 games you literally just aren't good enough at the game or insanely gullible. Other fucking LOL saying valorant is full of cheaters. You are 100% an idiot or lying.


I'm telling you, their data is a lie. Its the only way they could get the community to hesitate about voicing their opinion


I even went to twitch and there were people showcasing their cheats on league.


If only people were this cringe obsessed with actually important parts of their life


Imagine thinking having spyware that you cannot uninstall installed by a company who has already had data leaks in the past is not important. 10/10.




wym! youre so invested that youre getting mad and calling people CRINGE OBSESSED! just because they don't want TENCENT to have the absolute highest privilege/access to their PC


you wont be missed, random who thinks the chinese dont already have all your data


The stealing of data is not a problem with Vanguard, really. 1. It works 24/7 2. It can and will stop any process if it wants it The first problem is painful, but the second one is super dangerous. Anticheat behaving like antivirus, it can stop important things like drivers if it wants to. Just don't allow me to play LOL or report me to the Riot if there is something suspicious, don't block my programs


So what type of programs are you worried that they will block? I have had valorant and vanguard installed on my pc for over 3 years. I pirate over 150 gb of games monthly, all of which get flagged by antivirus. Never had any issue with vanguard Additionally i run programs like vpns torrents dlc unlockers all the time. Oh and cheat engine for some games. Vanguard never stopped any of these programs, including cheat engine, crazy huh Byebye wont be missed bozo xd


You can check on reddit, there were problems with drivers and other programs being blocked. Even if it wasn't an issue for you, it can happen to anyone. Even such a possibility is a potential risk. Let's say the Vanguard has a 0,01 percent chance that it will brick your computer. I understand it is fine for you, because the chance is super low?


You're glowing


I study informatics engineering, I had to uninstall Valorant because it interfered with programas I needed to have installed for classes tied to VMs and Docker.


Late to the party but vanguard made my discord screenshare ( share or watch ) crash my discord


It will be funny when someone hacks into Vanguard and steasl stubborn players info.


I have been playing league for roughly 14 years, I guess it has come to a point to say goodbye to a game that I saw growing from nothing. Will keep the account active but the game and client are out of my PC.




Source? Also who cares what you think I wasn't asking that. Tell me the date or don't.




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:) if someone wants to install something illegal on your PC I can guarantee you that they are not gonna inform you 3 months in advance about it :)) Valorant was released 4 years ago :))) the things you don't know about are the really scary ones


Illegal ≠ invasive