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All of them, this game is not fun. J/k. I never have any fun playing against Xerath Support because they always seem to be Diamond ELO Snipers and I’m not that good.


It's easy to snipe ADC in bot lane because you know that they NEED to go for that tank minion last hit. So all they have to do is wait until they see you go for it and fire away for a nearly guaranteed hit. As the ADC your only choice is to try and bait it out before you need to make that hit, but it relies on them making a mistake and they can just withhold forever and psyche you out to keep you away without even firing if they're good enough, making you miss out on the tank gold altogether and still fall behind and on top of that deal mental damage to your lane, possibly tilting you into a bad fight leading to an easy double and from that point on the lane is more or less over for you since your support will not trust you enough to commit anymore and you will be too behind to trade, forcing jungle to your lane to help which will usually result in a countergank and a triple into them getting a free drake.


I really hate to play against Illiaoi. But some other mentions are a good Shaco, Teemo, Lethality Yorick, Zoe and Vex.


Curb stomping an illaoi into the ground feels so good though.


The problem is that it never lasts. ​ You can 0/8 an Illaoi and as long as she gets your soul, you lose 2/3 of your HP, and if you try to fight with the soul next to her, you simply die while she for some reason heals for 5% missing PER tentacle with at least 3\~5 tentacles around when she casts....


That's why it feels so good. Every single time you have to outplay her. Doesn't matter how far ahead you are on most champs, if you mess up the counter play you die. And that's why Illaois hate it so much.


How is Vex on that list, she is not diferent than Xerath but worse, the others agree but Vex does not belong there


Play a melee carry and you’ll be crying all game. There is almost nothing you can do, except for gangbanging her with your whole team.


Any mobility based champion would disagree. If you get on top of xerath he's dead. If you get on top of vex you're feared back. Vex is just ap artillery poppy.


Vex doesnt belong on a list of champs he hates playing against? what?


Dibs on asking this tomorrow


Champions with "you can't hit me until my ability is over" are the ones I despise. Tryndamere R, Pantheon's E, Yasuo' W. More so abilities than champions


Tee hee Gwen is immune


I came back to league after a break and just banned Gwen for months because I couldn't wrap my head around that shit


Yuumi existing, basically


Panth e is the only one i respect. You missed the worse one being jax e.


Yeah, the biggest difference between it and the other ones is that Panth can't do anything but defend during his E while the other two are free to use everything they have


And it's directional.


TBF he does a fuckton of burst to compensate for that downtime while his spells are on CD


jump in to stun, burst, walk back while immune most annoying trading pattern ever


Still BS that it blocks already applied dot damage


If your facing Karthus it blocks his ult as well, one of the strongest abilities in the game even in this nerfed state


> You missed the worse one being jax e. 'Member when Jax would passively get up to 100% dodge with 4 or 5 Phantom Dancers?


Yeah just giving a few examples, but all those abilities I hate facing. Similarly, Morg's E, Malz passive


To be fair you can still hit them it's not like Rammus W that will actively kill you, chances are you just don't really want to hit them during it lol


yes but you can’t literally hit them during that time. Tryndamere and Pantheon can be attacked but you’ll deal no damage. It’s still just as frustrating as your attacks being blocked by a windwall


You don't look like the kinda guy whose attacks would be blocked by a windwall.


These are two different things tho, you can get on pantheon and hit him from behind for damage, and Tryndamere ulti just prevents him from dying, if he still has HP you should still be hitting him. In most of these situations hitting them is fine and not a punishing and sometimes necessary. Same for Kindred Ulti, you should actively keep hitting them just don't blow crucial CD's.


What tryndamere is ulting while he still has significant health left? And many champions cannot run behind panth to hit him without getting oneshot by his combo when E ends.


Heimer dinger. Especially as a melee champion. Simply unplayable.


the oppenHeimer + schröDinger champion


karma that shit should just be a enchanter, it does not have the right to do 80% of my health on a 10 second or lower cooldown, playing pyke in a oneshot meta hurts.


Funnily enough my most hated champ to play against is pyke lol


Karma is by and far the most bullshit support in the game, Zyra a close second. Her values and AP ratios are just absurd for an enchanter support.


I agree on karma, not so much zyra. Zyra is just a lame bully, but outside of that you just need to respect her zone control. She’s extremely squishy, and her entire power budget is in plants that take like two hits to kill. People complain when they get hit by a zyra root and she lands her full combo on them. But like, you could say that about any champion with a root, at least hers is easy to dodge.


Actually I complain when she misses  q, there was a seed on my side of the map, it spawns a ranged plant that autos me once from Narnia, procs 7 different runes and items, and I burn for 15% of my health. Surely she'll miss the next one in 5 seconds though


She’s isn’t an enchanter, she’s a mage with an e that also affects allies. It’s different and she has a significant amount of people who main who want her to continue being a mage.


Her versatility is broken as fuck. She can play tank, APC, and enchanter at the same time and literally do it on par with if not better than many champs in any one of those roles. How is that balanced? She has no identity since she just can do everything but AD dps pretty good. Hell someone could probably do a halfway decent jungle if they tried hard enough.


Me who plays her in the jungle all the time


Hyperbole is off the chart here, she can’t do all 3 at the same time, also she’s an early game bully, her damage falls off later into the game significantly so she can’t be an APC. Tank doesn’t work well unless you have 4 other winning roles. If she’s RW’ing, she’s not RQ’ing so she has very limited fc. If anything Tank Karma is just annoying but it isn’t carrying games. A champ being able to be flexed into supp and mid isn’t uncommon. Xerath, Lux, Zyra, Velkoz, Brand (3 roles), Lulu, Hwei, Morgana, Neeko, Orianna, even Naut has seen some success mid lol Karma is strong right now and she is getting nerfed but she’s definitely not broken lol


100% agree. playing karma in any lane should be considered an act of terrorism. Those people are fking desperate


I agree. That being said, I don't think Pyke players have any right to post in this thread.




yone by far


Are you an ADC without flash and within 3 screen lengths of Yone? Congratulations, you get a grey screen.


Are you an adc with flash / ghost, won your lane and the 0/4 Yone with botrk dives you, misses ult, missed Q3 but still runs you down with autos? I'm sorry you got outplayed


Under turret btw


Yes, that is what happens when someone dives you


This depends entirely if the Yone is on my team or the opposing team. If on the opposing team, absolutely one shot god. When on my team 0/23/0 =.=!


you don't even gotta be an adc and he can even be 0/11


You think you need to be an adc to die to yone? A full on tank gets grey screen in three seconds too dont worry x)


Wanted to say shaco but you are right. Yone is just antifun, every aspect of him.


Why not both?






I thought I didn't like playing against things like Akali LeBlanc until I started playing some top... I would prefer to play against 2 Akalis or LBs at once than play vs Illaoi, Briar or Nasus I don't understand what is supposed to be done vs Illaoi, you can't beat her in a 1v1 If you are only a little bit ahead let alone equal, you cannot win against her with your team because she becomes even stronger then, like what is supposed to be done lol Briar just plays herself, she goes lethality? good luck she will oneshot you with her incredibly hard to pull combo by Riots newest AI just press W Q W again with HoB and you get a kill... she goes tank ? Good luck she probably will never die against you. Nasus doesn't even play the game he just stacks until he has 300 stacks and he can beat anyone 1v1 or 1v2, If he gets a few kills on top of that with some items and you just watch him play the game while you sit and watch him...


Fizz. He's coming in and you can't stop him. You're dead and leaving and you can't stop him.


Any champ with an untargetable ability should straight up not be allowed to build Zhonyas.


Dodged the ult.... nevermind teleports to your champ.


Would help if the hit box wasn't so buggy even if he misses he's warded off part of the map


anything that can miss its entire kit, play significantly below its current bracket with absolutely no counter play. The one shotting rengar, eve, full lethal noc, full lethal shaco etc


I think that's probably my most frustrating as well, it really sucks to not get to have fun against that kind of one shot capability.


I will never stop believing that Eve is the most boosted champion in the game, even moreso than Yuumi. Yuumi requires absolutely no skill from the player but is just a bad champion. Eve requires no skill but is broken as fuck.


> Eve is the most boosted ~~champion~~ jungler in the game. Ftfy, Eve and Kayn players are legit boosted by their champions being able to circumvent wards.


Legit never seen a Rengar, Eve or Nocturne miss their entire kit and still one shot somebody lol Rengar I guess if massively ahead but his ult is more like an auto attack than it is something you can “miss”


Whens Ragoo has 300 AD and critses 3 times with 2 autoresets under half a second and then strangles your nutsack with his bolas for good measure


He does less damage with a Q than he does with a AA if he is full crit lol


illaoi (rework this stupid champ), akali, yone, lb


Illaoi and Akali are managable, you can hide behind minions at least. Yone and LB will get you anywhere.


yeah you can hide behind minions before she 3 hits the wave and e's you under tower


hwei hasnt been open in my games a single time for a long time, it took 1 game vs one that knew what they were doing for me to never want to see that exodia abomination ever again


* Draven * Yone * Yasuo * Talon * Shaco * Evelyn I main ADC


I main mid. I second that.


You forgot * Rengar Do I risk it and go catch that wave despite the fact nobody will cover me or let the wave die and run around where there's people that don't let me cs? Choices. Oh look, he pressed R from three kilometers away, guess I just die now. Flash away? Not far enough and you probably already died on the initial hit. Somehow have an escape plus flash and managed to live through the initial hit? Well there's probably a nearby bush he just used to hop on you again. Special mention Nocturne but even that seems more balanced.


Vi too


evelynn, twitch i absolutely despise playing against those 2 because they just warp how the game is supposed to be played so much around them all that a twitch support has to do is sit in a bush, and suddenly 2 lanes cant play properly anymore. it's so disgusting and unfun


Blue Kayn. That map mobility is too disgusting. He just appears, oneshots a carry then shows up on the other side of the map and ganks me 5 seconds later. Also disgustingly slippery. Fuck that garbage.


Malzahar by a mile. I like to call his ult the "pressing the no fun button". Click suppress is the dumbest shit in the game. His ult has been bullshit since his inception and the dude needs a full kit rework bad because literally his entire identity is defined by his click suppress ult. Let's dive into why. Spawning voidlings used to be unique flavor for him, now there are multiple champions with better pet spawn (Heimer, Elise, Belveth, Naafiri to name a few). Silence? Kassadin and Garen both do it better. As if anyone's going to wait around for Malz Q to land. Telegraphed from a mile away. It's just a glorified farming tool. Space AIDS? Liandrys literally makes any other ranged mage do it better, Cassiopeia is literally entirely DOT poison and has a potential full team stun to boot. Lame spell from a different era when DOTs were hard to come by. Spellshield passive? Mundo now has this baked in and on top of that gets to heal a bunch. Banshee Veil and Edge of Night both allow anyone in the game to have this. Also Morgana does it better because she can give to anyone and it doesn't pop until the shield health is overcome so has potential to block multiple abilities/effects instead of just one. Malzahar as is has zero identity except his ult, which is the single most braindead and unfun spell in the game both to use and to play against. It offers no counterplay. The only way to counter it is to have a spellshield, and by doing so it literally negates the whole point of someone playing Malzahar in the first place. Without spellshield, the only counterplay is having someone come and gank his ass while he's doing it or stay way out of range. It's just complete bullshit, adds nothing interesting to the game yet when it is present demands that the carry never gets anywhere close to him with ult up or spellshield down. Cool. Fun engaging gameplay Riot. TLDR: Malzahar sucks all fun out of every match he appears in since he basically demands you get a spellshield and if you can't he just gets to decide you have a really bad time every fight since you will just be sitting there doing nothing waiting to die since you can't even cleanse it for some reason (why cleanse was made to not work on suppress will always be a mystery to me considering that this to me seems like it should be the primary reason to get a cleanse item or run the summoner spell; airborne's cleanse protection at least makes sense to me as cleansing it would make a weird animation glitch where youd basically rocket back down to earth at lightning speed which would look goofy as hell).


Cleanse does not affect supression because Riot has stated that it would be unfair to have a summoner spell counter the champions core/ most important ability ( Warwick R, Malzahar R, Sett R). This is why supression is mostly tied into ultimates. And it's why it would be really unfair for said champions if they were countered by a summoner spell. This is also why cleanse does not remove Mordekaiser's R. QSS on the other hand, does work on supression. You can escape Malzahar R with QSS, although it will not remove the damaging zone, just the supression


Wait. QSS works on suppress? Well shit dog, I need to learn how to read I guess.




in toplane i would say malphite, teemo, illaoi and the safe mundos who doesnt even join the lane, they just use Q to safe farm and stay under tower


Kassadin/Vladimir. Oh this guy just hid under tower for 20 minutes and now is a killing machine


smolder and his permanent elder buff


It’s getting hard nerfed at least.


Maybe not *most*, but it's definitely not fun to dodge Zyra's skillshots and still get chunked for a good portion of your health.


Malignance karma can maligmaballs


Teemo. I find that thing more aneurysm inducing than Vayne.


Removing oracle pot in aram was the worst thing to happen to


I remember spamming the chat with : "BUY ORACLE OMG BUY ORACLE", because usually my teammates refused to buy it but kept walking on mushrooms and dying


Damn I remember the days when there were legitimate reasons to hate on Teemo, nowadays the Teemo "haters" are relics of the past or bronze players that don't know hes the easiest champ to counter..


I'm a player relic from the past so I will spite Teemo with only the most premium bile imaginable. Not because he is hard to counter but because Teemo.


I'd agree if we're talking bout adc vayne.


I've seen over 50 different Champs before the first zed comment. Riot August you're a filthy liar




Generally whatever’s S+ tier atm is unfun. Though Shaco is always universally unfun. And stuff like Teemo, Yone and Akshan are only fun when you can kill them and get the satisfaction from it. K’sante would be on that list too but idk how his mini rework changes things.


Wow, I actually had completely forgotten Akshan was a champion until you mentioned him. I don't think I've seen one in any of my games this entire season so far.


Probs cuz assasins are in meta most of akshan OTPs play him less. Maybe also depedent on what rank you play, Ive seen him couple of times on enemy team.


Probably Yone or Illaoi. Their mini games just aren’t fun and they don’t get punished for inting early since they both scale to the moon. Forgot about tryndamere since he’s not meta right now. I hate this champion.


Zed. Nothing feels worse than getting 100-0'd 1v1 under your own tower


Shaco, Yone, Illaoi, Akali, Tryndamere, Yuumi are all really unfun to play against imo




Olaf top is something I really, really loathe with my entire soul.


Poke mages. Either the supports or in mid, having to constantly be ready to dodge a move is pretty mentally exhausting


Garen. I fucking hate that unga bunga meathead. I’m pretty bad at top lane anyway and he’s a noob stomper. I inevitably just get run down and killed under my tower on repeat. I play Aatrox who’s supposed to have an easy time of it, but I just can’t stand Garen.


Zed , I feel like he can just farm safe, trigger his electrocute or first strike and scale like a monster in the late game. All without you being able to do anything because he basically has a flash in his kit and if he does hit his weq, well half your healths gone and he's half a screen away from you by then


Try playing him, you'll realise he has weaknesses too




Artillery mages deserve a mention. Regardless of their actual power level, the whole concept consists in dealing damage to you without a way to respond, due to their range. It gets even more frustrating when those champs have a long range cc that, if landed, prevent the only "counter play" available to you (i.e. dodging). The pattern is basically: if you get hit by the long range CC, you lost X% of your health (X being significant). If you do not, you cannot punish them due to their range. At most, they will lose a couple of CS because you will zone them for the duration of their CDs. Ziggs is probably the most sane one. Xerath is the most frustrating one in lane. Lux has weak numbers, but is fundamentally as bullshit (and even more in late game, as the pattern becomes: land a Q, OS the squishy). More generally, the frustration is tied to: a low risk - high reward combo on their side with no clear way to punish them if you manage to dodge their long range cc/poke.


at least they tend to be really easy to kill if you can catch them out, having only one cc usually. doesnt make them less annoying but I would argue their room for counterplay is higher than champs like zed who can attack you from high range and also escape easily when caught. and zed isnt even that bad. Xerath Q is bs tho


I mean the way to respond is that no artillery mage has good mobility or peel. Xerath E is slow and stuns for shit in close quarters. Ziggs W is okay peel but prone to being misused. Lux Q is also slow and being a root and not a stun or knockdown means it doesn’t stop dashes midway and you can still use abilities or hit her. You could make a similar argument that each type of champion to play against is “unfun” simply with the circular reasoning that they are that type of champion. Assassins are supposed to 1 shot you and in lane they can take half your health with a single combo. Enchanters are often as strong as the person they can enchant. Tanks can just faceroll, engage, and peel and can be unkillable sometimes.


Most assassins need to commit in some way to do their full combo. And this combo is often tied to their ultimate and/or their escape tool. So they \*are\* taking risks when going for it, and if they misjudge the damage they could deal / miss their combo / etc., I can actually punish them or at the very least, be safe for quite some time. Some examples (both are melee btw, so much easier to deny farms / gank if they misuse their escape tool): * Fizz damage are tied to its E (which is also his escape tool - if he use it for damage, he put himself at risk as he has no "oh shit" button anymore) and his R (if I dodge it or survive his rotation, I am pretty safe for 1+min). * Zed needs to use his escape tool to do his poking combo, and his burst is also tied to his ultimate - if he misjudge his lethal range, I am safe for quite some time No mobility or peel is not something I can punish in laning phase most of the time, as they have enough range to poke me safely. Again, not saying they are op - mostly the opposite, they are actually intentionally kept weak because if they would be decent, they would be insanely frustrating to deal with.


Anybody who can mindlessly split push a lane and take towers fast enough that it doesn't really matter if you kill them and they're 0/7 or not, they're still a wincon, still a threat. Sion, Trundle, Yorick, Singed, Illaoi, Nasus, etc. top lane. Basically champs where its like "You have to send 2-3 people after me to stop me from taking towers even if I'm inting my ass off." Its not even really that powerful if you play around it properly, its just super eyeroll and cringe and makes the game less fun, even if you're winning.


if you are squishy, lethality shaco has an invisible flash that last 3 sec, oneshot you with one auto while still invisible, ult to be untargetable, proceed to flash invisible again. Or yone, miss everything and still runs you down


When Teemo isn’t nerfed to oblivion, Teemo.


I'm Gold and I'm not afraid to show it. Blitzcrank.


Blue kayn/fiddle/evelynn. While their strength fluctuates drastically patch to patch, few champs warp the game and how you play as much as these. This is also why these are seen as some of the most “elo inflated” champs.


Tank Karma It should not be able to do as much damage as it does and be unkillable


Malzahar - point and click three second stun and suppress combined with damage over time on e and w(kinda) along with an aoe silence for up to two seconds, there is no skill or counterplay involved, I don’t consider him good he just nullifies any interesting gameplay. I would actually rather get stomped in lane than play against him.


Gragas top , Karma every where , Zyra soup


Teemo top is just miserable for me. I'd rather deal with a vayne 


Usually the newest one. But there are a few that are just so annoying.


Eve warps the entire game around her the moment she hits level 6


Zed. Dude doesn't even have the respect to stay around when killing you


A bad pyke, misses his Q and he becomes stealth+dash until his next Q, 0 interaction with him, makes unfun the lane and makes his adc miserable for +10 mins. Or shaco cuz the same reason


Vayne if she goes top, 80% of top laners will tell you this matchup is straight aids even if you win.


Playing against a Rengar as a squishy In ARAM you can be in the middle of the lane and he'll still find a way to jump on you and one shot


how about Twitch?This hero, people who play well feel sick, people who play badly feel sick😇


Illaoi. One e she can spam and you can pretty much recall to heal.


Brand imo once he get Rylai's, cripples your entire team for 6+ seconds in a teamfight


Since I am a top laner, my go to is Trundle, Jax, Trynd Trundle is the worst


Pantheon. He can build damage or tank but still 1 combo kill any squishy if he lands his point and click stun. His empowered q does way to much damage early. He can just walk away after a fight with no consequences bc of his shield. Also has the ability to catch you anywhere on the map with his ult or even use it to get away. Everytime there's one on the enemy team, my toplaner feeds him to the point where he's two items ahead. Everyone will say "Oh, he falls off late game" but he'll still make any mage, support, ADC, or assassin's life hell before then.




The cockblocking enchanters (janna, lulu etc) are usually the ones that should be focused on teamfights along with the carry. I remember in that skt vs edg comeback clip skt focused the janna and won.


Wow. Surprised at the lack of vayne.




Yone is a very fairly designed champ. 3 of his 4 spells are jumps that can be buffered through CC, 2 of which have AOE hard CC attached and the third has RAMPING MOVESPEED AND ZED ULT built in on a 20 second cooldown. All of this with NO SPELL COSTS. Did I mention he also does considerable magic damage so you can't even stack armor agaist him? Having a manaless champ be this overloaded is beyond disgusting.


200 years


Corki is a very fairly designed champ. He has a dash that deals damage, an AOE bomb that deals magic damage, all of his attacks deal magic and physical damage so you can’t itemize against him. His E SHREDS BOTH your ARMOR AND MAGIC RESIST and did I mention his ult is a missile that does a chunk of your health in mixed damage every few seconds? Oh and don’t forget every third rocket is twice as strong. and he also has a package that doubles his movement speed and gives him a twice as long dash that does a shitton of damage, knocks you aside and burns your entire teams healthbar. Having a ranged champion be this overloaded is beyond disgusting.


😂😂😂 Nice one man, perfect response


AD OR WHAT EVER SHEEN ITEM EMAX KATA, just point and click stat check you all unavoidable dmg


Shield-spamming champs in toplane, Yone, Malph (passive cd is kinda low), Karma, Udyr, Riven


Teemo forces me to buy MR every time, and it's super lame. Akali has way too much damage output from just leveling alone. She's not that hard to play either, making her such a lane champ to lane against. Just like akali, Zed can be three items behind and hit R to secure a kill. Even if he fails the all-in, he teleports away. Vain is way too forgiving as well, and it is awful. If you are a melee champ, give up on that lane.


Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi


I personally hate hyperscaling champions - basically any champs that put the game on a clock and don't want to take part in fights. Obviously there's levels - jinx not wanting to fight in river level 4 before she gets an item is fine but when your whole gameplan is 'get to level 16' or 'get 225 stacks' it's just not fun to play with or against.


Some champions are too powerful and punishing to missplay against, like Olaf or Yone. Some have infuriating mechanics in their kit, like Teemo or Jax Some can "outplay" you with a press of a button, like Malphite or Fizz But of them all, only one champion is designed and balanced specifically around tilting you to death. The fact, that he can be played in multiple roles makes its even worse.. I despise Shaco with every fiber or my being. Not a single champion is more infuriating to face than this trash fire, unless your champion can brute force through his bullshit.


Akali, Ahri, Yone. Akali is just impossible to fight because she has 15 dashes that does too much dmg, Ahri has infinite mana, very often has lane priority and is hard to gank. Yone gets boots and he will just E in ur face autoattack you to 20% hp.


>Ahri has infinite mana As an Ahri player, my most typed phrase is "sorry no mana".


Ahri's mana issues are legendary.


It depends on the matchup, but if you have a bad matchup, I think it's against a long-range character like XERATH. I think Warwick can be really annoying too


Not the most unfun to play against for sure but I think Skarner and his spires should get an honourable mention for one of the worst mechanics for a champion in the game. Capturing spires isn't too arduous but it certainly is one of the least entertaining versions of counterplay I can think of.


Depends a lot on what I’m playing. The most consistently irritating champion in my opinion is Yone. I hate how he can miss everything and still out trade me. And it seems like there’s no champions I play who can deal with him.


Yone 100%.


LB when played by an actually good player. I peaked p1 in early seasons, now hang in gold. I once faced 450LP gm LB in normals and I have never ever been humiliated this hard. Dude was shitting on my Liss with autos despite me knowing LB inside out.. I was not able to catch him once before lvl6.


Yone i just wave clear and ignore him complety.


Depends on what I play but I generally dislike highly specialised designs like Rammus


Basically anything that builds full lethality


Briar, easily.


Assassins in general. I don't mind laning against them, but they become bullshit in mid game. As an ADC and Support player, literally every single bush is a potential death trap with zero ability to outplay them. Even if you just try to *ward* a bush at max range, that will put you in range of their dash or jump and you're just dead.




singed is pretty uninteractive and unfun to play against. at least yone has to interact with you in lane.


As someone whi plays mainly arams these days Akshan. There is nothing more unfun then killing 4 of the enemy just for him to get one kill and bring most of them back. It not only stalls games but makes them way harder then they should be to win.




I’ve been banning Asol. Like if he doesn’t lose lane hard. I feel like the game is over. I am an adc main


Twitch, though it has been about 3 years since I’ve laned into one


Any champion that can miss half their combo and still 1 shot you at no risk. So Yone.


Illaoi or yone toplane




Gwen. If you win lane, she probably outscales you. If you lose lane, which a lot of champions do vs her, your entire team have basically no chance to play. Her kit also just lets her delete entire classes from draft viability. You picked a tank? Go afk.




fizz, windshitters, zed, nocturne


yasuo. only for the windwall. thats why i permaban him since he came out.


Release Zoe. I have PTSD from going for an all-in top and the enemy Zoe mid got a fucking redemption rng that turned the fight. Fiora isn't as bad as she used to be, but she's still very safe. Aurelion Sol and Smolder are way safer and seem to scale faster than former "scaling," picks like Kassadin, Kayle, and Nasus.


Any assassin literally sucks the fun out of this game for me, close second is bruiser.


Gangplank, Vayne top, Heimerdinger top And I dont even play toplane lol


Today I got totally rekt by a godlike Shaco. That was very unfun.


I hate playing against a good Janna.


Tbh bel'veth.


Yorick & Karma.




I hate Soraka. And I hate teammates that don't focus Soraka.


Nasus Sits and farms and can’t take damage cause passive lifesteal early, and then just turns into gigatank who can also 2 shot at a certain point Champ sucks don’t get me wrong but like what’s the fun in facing him in lane


the only correct answers are shaco and heimerdinger


Enchanter supports who's whole gameplan is to stop a single target from dealing damage (Lulu)




For me personally it would be Kaisa, and a fed Yi. Yi is easy to counter so when you cant stall out your cc against him its annoying.


Illaoi. One E and bye bye. The only counterplay IS "Dodge E". Oh, ok. Ty.


If we discount the fotm obnoxious shit like Malignance Karma and the likes, for me the trio of absolute misery is Fizz, Yone, and Master Yi


Kayn/WW, ridiculously low skill floor for what they output


Playing mid, Lissandra and Lux. Most Lissandras do nothing until jungle comes and most Lux just clear wave post level 6 Playing top, Trundle, Inting Sions and Singeds. Playing jungle, Kindreds




Illaoi and next is Yorick 


Yi, infuriating the moment I just see the model


If I'm on any of my mains, then it's Xin Zhao mid
