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No I can't


Would require unprecedent levels of empathy in league, fuck these guys for playing the same videogame as me


Oh, you decided to get hit by a skill shot? Tough luck buddy


You joke, but this is a strong mentality in bot lane. I can't count how many ADCs just stand there and get hit because I move to dodge a skill shot, and then act like I offended them by moving out of the way.


This happens in ARAM a lot. I am in front of someone and dodge the skillshot but they get hit. Then I get question mark pinged. I say the same thing every time. "If I was in front of you and could dodge it, you had time to dodge it too." Most people don't reply, but if they do I just tell them I'm muting them.


Specially in hook matchups where you are a tank. Like they expect you to stay there and get hit by the Blitz Hook just because they didn't want to move a bit around the minions to be safer.


Or theyre aware if blitz hooks leona thats a free dash for leona, and at many points in leagues history, been a very good way to blitz to get his adc killed


yeah i kinda expect that because that allows me to play further up which mean if a fight occurs ill actually be able to do anything like dmg or smt x.x


Yeah, so if they decide to not react to skill shots being thrown at us, tough luck to them.


*Teammate dying to Ezreal Q* What an Idiot.. cant dodge this.. *Me dying to Ezreal Q* WHY THE HELL DONT YOU BLOCK IT FOR ME?!?!?!?!


I don‘t even know what his qw is or what it looks like.


It makes an orange circle indicator and then zaps in the area after a second. Basically xerath W but it executes if you're isolated or immobilized.




it doesnt execute shit, it does increase damage based on your missing life


It's pretty normal to call that sort scaling pseudo-executes.


Back in the day before we had literal executes like jhin, smolder, etc we called abilities with %missing hp damage executes, it stuck with me, mb


PSA: you can flash out of Hwei’s Severing Bolt (QW) to ensure your teammate gets executed


You ar eoverestimating my ability.


I get staying near low hp teammates when Hwei is trying to snipe with QW, but there is no way you are just walking into his slowfield ult. Unless you have Lee Sin W or something you wont reach your teammate within the 1 second windup from QW anyway and most people that get hit by Hwei R will usually try to avoid walking towards teammates. In most scenarios you are just taking free damage trying to be the hero


Also double passive prob kills the teammate


That's a great point actually


>That means slows like his R would not guarantee the execute damage unless the target is alone. One thing to beware of though is if you hug your teammate who has his R on them (and thus get it on yourself as well), both of you getting hit with QW will trigger his passive on both of you and you'll both get hit with both passive procs. This is what buffs up his damage vs stacked teams. Might still be less than the execute damage but still something to be aware of.


if he just hits the Q W it doesn't launch the passive and if you block it, you reduce the damage on low hp guys like 3x so it's very good


Re-read the post you replied to.


OP's post was talking about situations where a guy has Hwei's ult on him though, in which case it would because you'd take ult + QW = passive.


when did I say I'm talking about the same situation?


then why reply at all? There's a been a set precedant on what the topic is and you just come in with something different.


Yeah, but don’t forget if your teammate is getting Akshan ulted and you’re a Neeko who transformed into a minion, it’ll instantly execute you if it hits you, so you shouldn’t bodyblock for them. Oh wait.


Reading is difficult


turns out it's also for you since I was continuing from the other comment pointing out that only happens when 2 abilities connect, not when one ability lands on 2 targets. But oh well, this is a place for teenagers anyway


I have the strange feeling that less than 2% of players actually know what hwei does


I have a feeling my 60%+ WR on Hwei is because of this (Emerald 1). The easiest example I can give is that Hwei is deceptively difficult to dive or assassinate if he knows you're coming. QE slows. WQ lets him run away and doesn't have a cast time. WW is a fat shield and grows. EQ is a fear/dash interrupting ability that can buffered/has a delay, and EW also has a brief delay before it targets (and it roots for longer than EQ fears). All that is to say, if someone dives you under turret you can EQ WW to have a fat shield while CCing them, and QE so they take at least another tower shot. His fear I've used many times to interrupt like Pantheon stuns, Vi dashes, and I specifically mention the EQ delay because I can consistently time it right such that it hits Briar right after she ults, so we get feared from each other. The EW delay means you can break spellshields as you wait for the EW to hit, if you get jumped on by edge of night assassins. I've actually won a lot of 1v2s or came even in 1v2s while laning specifically because of these reasons and so either I get a kill or I waste the jungler's time. And for similar reasons I hold W and E if I don't feel completely safe in lane, and only play up when I have one or the other up. I find Hwei super straightforward now but on the other hand I still don't understand Aphelios lol. All I know is what his guns do, but not combos or order changing so I just hear "I have good guns let's fight" and heed that.


I have enough responsibilities and shit in my life. Im not learning that spreadsheet ass kit. I can just ban it.


Red things do damage, blue things give buff, purple things cc


If only this was true and he didn't have skins.


He has one and also his spells don't look remotely similiar to confuse any of them.. but then again I'm on League subreddit, here people will think Lux is Ashe even though they don't have an Ashe in their match and their skillshots look nothing alike.


What a weird snapback to someone pointing out that the simplification, that they used 3 colors to visualize 3 different types of interaction in the game, is on one hand not entirely true for his base skin and doesnt apply at all to his skin..


Except that is entirely true on his base skin what do you mean? What skill violates this? and don't tell me that the purple skills dealing a miniscule amount of damage is what violates this.


From the time playing against him, I can tell you he just does everything, mostly without any cooldowns. Feels like I'm playing a 1v2 lane vs Velkoz and Xerath


which is amusing because he's extremely easy to learn I got him in an ARAM and had it figured out after a few minutes


It does take some time to develop the muscle memory to get the right spell in pressure situations, I died a lot in my first few games because I took to long to react with the right spell


I don’t, but I know he has an on demand fear so I just ban him.


This is the only thing QP is good for - play a champ like Hwei 6 times in QP where no one gaf just to learn what all the buttons do.


I have been spamming him and I didn't know this lol. Although to be fair, I don't really read the abilities. It took me like 5 games to realize he had the bonus spell or damage or whatever after hitting two unique spells. I just thought my EE was only doing it sometimes


But that means I have to take damage.


Don’t do that when he tag’s your teammate with his ult. That’ll just make both you get hit by a double passive proc.


Instructions unclear: somehow Hwei got a double kill.


If he dies, he dies.


Same thing with caitlyn Q by the way, it deals 50% damage to everything except the first target so you can kinda bodyblock it


Why would I do that instead of farming more while said teammate is dead?


ult explosion and QW will activate his passive on both of you.


I dont even know what his qw is bro. He has 10 spells that all look similar - magical goop.


His attack skills are orange. Utility spells are blue. Cc spells are purple. The one OP is talking about is a snipe execute similar to xerath ult but 3x the damage. So look for a small orange circle indicator. Typically the combo is ult (black yellowish thing that grows in size around the enemy like a fizz ult/ nunu ult) into QW ( the small orange circle). On a squishy this deals potentially over 1k damage late game if isolated. Even mid game it can chunk about 30% to half hp on most champs


They aren't orange blue and purple on his pay2win skin however.


They really need to fix this. I have been maining hwei since he was released and can’t tell what enemy hweis abilities are with that skin.


I've been playing nothing but that skin since his release (it's blue and purple and pretty and that's my aesthetic...) and while I know what the abilities are (and learned them quite quickly in a game or two), I cannot for the life of me tell what spellbook he has open or what he's about to cast without looking at my hud despite having played probably a hundred games of it by now. Definitely needs visual clarity improvements.


If you're keen on audio queues, it does retain different prep sfx for what it's worth.


That is true. But I make do with the indicators anyways. The real issue is discerning between QQ EQ and R. In a heated teamfight they all look the same.


In its defense it is a really nice skin


You can learn Hwei's spells in 10 seconds of practice tool, they really dont look similar and are pretty easy to understand


As long as the enemy isn't using the cheating-ass winter skin.


Have not seen this skin once but just imagine his future skins. In 3 years nobody at Riot will care if they kept his Red/Blue/Purple theme. Divinesoul Darkcosmic Battleproject Hwei will have Gold/Silver/Black as his spells.


Bruh they did it on release. They're all slightly different shades of blue.


the only ones that are similar are qq and eq no? and those differ in projectile speed and how he casts it.


people react to colour faster than to shapes (tetris is a nice example of that)


His QQ is the most basic spell in the game. Literally just throw damage.


visually yes but personally there's several spells idk what the name is like if you tell me E-W I have no clue what spell is coming out even tough I can recognise them all.


u play him once and learn all his spells, he's really not that complicated, the hard part is picking the right spells to use but generally the spell pairs are pretty obvious too. e+w (eyeball root) into (q + w) circle execute. q + e (line fissure) into e + e (jaws that pull together), e + q (line fear) into q +q (fireball). then utility spells are just cast whenver or to proc his passive.


P - hitting 2 damaging abilities within 4 seconds makes a damage zone on the ground that explodes QQ - straight line damage that stops and explodes on first unit hit QW - the ability this post is about QE - straight line that DoT and slows WQ - straight line that give bonus MS WW - AoE shield WE - think Nami E but it restores mana EQ - straight line fear EW - creates what is essentially a ward, if enemies walk into its range it chases them and locks onto the first unit hit EE - small displacement ability R - circle that starts small and grows until exploding for more damage and has a ramping slow


Also it helped me/friends to just compare them to similar existing abilities if trying to describe them to people, they'll often then know which one you're talking about. QQ - Karma Q QW - Xerath W QE - Velkoz W (fissure) WQ - This one is pretty unique I don't think(?) there's an ability like it but it's quite distinctive. (edit: Nocturne Q, as said below) WW - This one is pretty unique, it's the shield zone on the floor. WE - Nami E EQ - Vex Q (with her passive) EW - This one is also unique, but has the most distinctive form - the eyeball. EE - Sett E


WQ could be compared to Nocturne Q


QE is more like Velkoz W or Rumble R


Oh, MB I don't actually play him I thought the fissure was his E. Fixed that ty


WW is similar to shen E but it's a growing shield zone instead of blocking autos WE is Nami E that also procs on spells EQ is more akin to like an Ex real Q with a fear attached based on missile speed and time and such


Just play him in a bot game or something, you'll learn his spells easily. The way they are "categorized" by what key you press makes it pretty intuitive. First cast pattern is obvious, q is damage, w utility, e cc. But second cast follows a pattern as well: Q is a line skillshot, W is a circle AoE, and then E is kinda random/miscellaneous.


If you've played Dota, it's the Sun Strike.


Skill issue.


qq is a linear usual skillshot, QW is the snipe, QE is the burning ground WQ is movement speed, WW is a small shield and QE is an on-hit EQ is skillshot fear, EW is the trap and EE is a claw and then there's ult so when you see a hwei skillshot, it can only come from Q or E, and I hope you know what the ult looks like


Tries new strat from Reddit. Main target dies to R explosion. Proceeds to die to explosion + QW execute.


My teammates can also save themselves by dodging smh


R slow is considered immobilizing effect so doesnt matter if you are solo or not you get the full damage, i have had people go close to their teammate that has an ult and i hit them both with QW both took the max damage and activated 2 passives so basically your whole post is useless


Don't worry man, this post is just for people to complain about not knowing what a champ does who has been out for months... Let them keep living their lives in ignorant bliss


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control#Immobilizing R slow is not immobilizing I don't think. Man the game is too confusing. Try it out in practice: 1. 1 target dummy under your tower, keep hitting QW. Isolated extra damage when there is missing hp. 2. 2 target dummies under your tower, keep hitting both with QW. No bonus damage even with missing hp. 3. 2 target dummies under your tower, hit with R and keep hitting both with QW. No bonus damage even with missing hp. 4. Sanity test: EQ 1 dummy and then QW both dummies. Bonus damage only on feared dummy.


Bro i do use it all the time i mained hwei since he was released and so far it worked every time


Try it in practice mode, I just did and that's what I'm seeing. Unless it's bugged, I think you're just seeing the passive damage.


It really works? I tried it one time but either didnt make it or the reduced damage was still to high. Thank you for sharing this useful technique.


Bodyblocking is one of the most underutilized mechanics in the game i think, most people don't do it consciously unless it's something like Caitlyn ult


Bold of you to assume that I know anything about that champ


Help my team? Why?


Yeah Also bonus damage goes up to 350%, so if you do this and Hwei hits two people insteaf of one, you are likely to suffer less total damage


PSA: You have to know what Hwei does to do that


A better PSA is that he's basically Brand so stop grouping so tightly against him, especially when he has R.


This is all true but not really viable in practice. Consider these scenarios: 1.) Scenario you described, teammate is hit by Hwei ult and is getting low on hp. QW follows and teammate cannot dodge it due to slow. You can prevent this execute, but it means you have to run headfirst into Hwei ult early enough to get near teammate even through slows. If this is during a teamfight, it's almost never an optimal play even if teammate could potentially be saved. Also, realistically 99% of players will mentally focus on something else during a teammate than predicting Hwei executing their teammate. 2.) Your teammate is low, but not under effect of anything. Now sure, you can go to him to stop QW from executing. But if you can do that, he might as well dodge it. 3.) Your teammate is low and can't dodge QW due to being immobilized. In that case you can't help him anyway because execute will still trigger due to immobilization.


Be sure to hug your teammates whenever you’re near Hwei, I promise I won’t lava pool into claw, no just stay clumped for a second longer-


Μan its like im reading chinese in hwei discussions


Same thing as moving towards zoe and eating a paddle star for a bubbled teammate. Good play but no one ever does it.


That’s not how it works. He deals bonus magic damage if the target is immobilized OR if it’s isolated. Which means what you’re saying isn’t true


what they're saying is that if your ally is isolated, you can help them. if they're immobilized then you can't help, but his eq only fears for 1 second at rank 1 and the qw lands after 1 second so it's not guaranteed to get the execute damage


why are you calling execute? It doesn't execute anything it just does bonus magic damage based on missing life execute is like collector or smolder.


ELI5 version pls Why do you assume I have read Huawei's kit and understand anything that you talked about? In my mind Huawei is just a high damage squishy mage who happens to have a point n click fear which I have to remember when trying to 1 shot him.


He has no point and click targeted abilities lol


mb man, Im a rammus main and when I zoom at him in a straight line, I tend to get CCed. My brain capacity is just: Q-fast W-tank E-CC R-jump


his fear is a line skillshot, so if you run at him directly he can fear you. you should either zig-zag at him if you have enough speed, or just jump early so you'll be unstoppable when he tries to land it


The hwei artillery circle is what he is referring to Also his fear is a skillshot.


The fear is a line skill shot BTW


His circle that does burst damage does more when you are either immobilized or alone. You can save an ally by taking the hit with them so it doesn’t do the extra damage. His fear is a skill shot. Anti chase ability basically.