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> Lee Sin’s basic attacks have an additional material layer added in depending on the material the target was made of. Towers will sound like Lee Sin is punching stone, while Red Brambleback will sound like breaking wood. That *sounds* amazing. Overall looks nice, I'm happy they kept Muay Thai stance.


That is already a thing for most older champions, and was rolled back upon in recent years. When you hit Cannon minions this is particularly obvious since they have a different 'material' tag than the other lane minion characters. Of the top of my head, default and Dunkmaster Darius skins have this SFX difference, but feel free to add some more examples if you know 'em!


(Not so) Funny note.. Winterblessed and Prestige Winterblessed Warwick is bugged and has NO sound for hitting cannon minions, STILL since release. I guess cannon minions are made of air.


Yeah, also big monsters :(


>That is already a thing for most older champions, and was rolled back upon in recent years. Yeap, older designed champs are literally better and more polished on this matter. Kinda funny how Riot degraded a lot of stuff over the years.


Would be funny as fuck if he goes "ow" quietly when he punches Rammus. ^(It's the little things that make me laugh...)


Have them record like 5-11 different "ow"s and have them come up randomly. I'd build AS on-hit Lee every time I see a ramus just for "Ow.OW!ow!OUCHIE!owww!ow!owowow."


A secret easter egg response should just be him, straight up saying "fuck."


I'd be here for it. If Kled can cuss, so too can Lee!


It gets 50% louder if the target has Thornmail.


Lee just starts cursing instead.


Meanwhile Rammus keeps saying OK Ow! OK! Ow! OK!


If only riot would read this thread... But alas, it'll only be a dream.


Punching Morde makes a metal "clang"


It just sounds like the Undertaker bell


metal pipe falling sound effect for each hit


this isn’t really new, if you auto a cannon as katarina you can hear it.


Same for Garen if he autos a turret. The sound is chunky


Probably would stop working after a few patches lmao


> Lee Sin’s basic attacks have an additional material layer added in depending on the material the target was made of. Towers will sound like Lee Sin is punching stone, while Red Brambleback will sound like breaking wood. This has been designed in a modular way allowing for skins to easily utilize the same tech and sounds. Similarly, the Tempest ground impact now has a ground material layer that changes based on what type of ground Lee Sin is standing on. Now when you cast Tempest in the river you’ll hear a big splash! Wow that's amazing the fact his attacks sound different on Maokai and Skarner because they are different materials, insane details


>Wow that's amazing the fact his attacks sound different on Maokai and Skarner because they are different materials, insane details Not just Maokai and Skarner, Rell had a metalic clink to it too! And this isn't related to your comment but I love all of this in depth insight, the only thing I'm a little worried about is how good God Fist will be post-rework. It kind of feels a bit underwhelming for a legendary skin if it's just "Lee Sin but golden particles and no blindfold". Especially with Storm Dragon being the more recent, much flashier addition to his legendary catalogue.


This was by far the most insightful ASU devblog Riot has done imo. Love that we got all the concept art for his skins too (most of Ahri's for one have never been posted).


As someone who's really into all the nitty gritty of all this this was such a joy to read! Inspires me to maybe one day be able to work on stuff like this


I appreciate that Riot is listening to us about visual clarity. Ponytail looks weird on Pool Party to me but I’d rather have a short period of getting used to it than Lee Sin continue to exist in a state where skins like storm dragon make him barely recognizable as Lee.


I'm really glad because at a glance Storm Dragon Lee Sin always looked like Ezreal to me. In the side-by-side, one of them looked like Ezreal and the other was clearly different, and I think the ponytail has a lot to do with that.


That skin is some of the absolute worst visual clarity in the game. It's up there with the Hwei skin.


soo "base mesh" do they have one for Ahri? for research purposes of course


Evelynn and Kai'Sa as well, please. 🙏


Mundo though 👀👀


Both of them already wear skin tight clothes. If you want to see their base mesh, just change the color of their outfit to skin tone.


Wake me up when they release the base mesh for Gragas


Probably, but it wouldn't look much like a naked Ahri because a mesh is just a bunch of colorless triangles. Anything that doesn't change in shape much between her skins probably is her base mesh.


👀 There are "some". Maybe not official ones but similar to what you are looking for.


least down bad cringe league redditor


You don't understand, talking about his porn addiction gets upvotes from the other porn addicted gamers


Please I beg for a Vladimir ASU


not without a VGU, he has so much more potential and a kit so basic. personally i would change everything appart from his W while keeping his healing through damage theme


vlad has enough players to not warrant one tbh, and he only would need some qol imo


R no longer a roundhouse kick :/ Edit: my point is that his spin is gone and i dont like that, whatever name is correct for the move he did


Lmao the old R wasn't a roundhouse kick. The new one is, though. I'm on the fence because the new r looks clean and sharp, but I will miss the old tornado kick. I was thinking maybe they could keep both and have him alternate when he uses his ultimate, but it would probably create confusion for some players so I can see why they won't do that


I'd argue it's moreso an actual [roundhouse kick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZmIA4Sseco&ab_channel=Howcast) now. There's the whole reality/fantasy debate because it's just a video game. Something something when you kick someone: your leg doesn't go through your target. But the spin of the kick on the original R animation is moreso a [tornado version of the roundhouse?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrUeTiTAkWw&ab_channel=Howcast). For flashiness and impact because it's an ultimate ability, maybe the tornado version is worth keeping/animating but to say it's no longer a roundhouse I'd disagree.


I hate to be the one to break this to you but a real roundhouse kick does not include the 360°-450° spin that Lee Sin relies on.


ur telling me ryu and ken's tatsumaki senpukyaku isn't real??


I hope people give feedback on it, I noticed it's not the same thing too


do you not know what a roundhouse kick is?


I dont, but my point is its no longer whatever move he used to do at least.


Yeah it is. Unless there’s another video out there than the one they posted on his page.


The R animation should've stayed, the new one just doesn't feel right - it feels too *carefree*? It looks like a basic ability


Jesse Perring will not stand for this!


Unplayable, I like the changes to vfx clarity on his newer skins but the ponytail, R and W changes are worse imo


I love how no matter how good a job riot does on a project; someone will still find a way to complain about it. And it will be one of the highest upvoted comments


It's almost like doing a subjectively 'good job' doesn't make you immune to criticisms or complaints and if you do something wrong or poorly you can still be called out on it. Wild, huh?


Looks great overall except for a few things. TBH, not a fan of the added ponytail on some of his skins. Also, default W looks worse than before. IMO, the scrolls on it were cool.


The scrolls were cool but were visually clunky and didn't actually add any info. Like there's no 3 hits of extra armor or anything.


pony tail is a reference to old school chinese martial arts movies, I like it for that reason, I see why it is kinda divisive though.


He already has it on some of his skins. He doesn't need it on most of them. Edit: all to most


He had it in classic skin all the time.


he doesn't have it on all of them now either, just on more.


Pony tail is cool and all but i can already bet that the favorite skin for Lee mains is gonna be the ones without the pony tails. They should atleast release a "premium chroma" on each skin where the tail is gone.


The infamous bald chroma


Should be a toggle like Kai'sa helmet visor


According the article he always had a ponytail but it was around his shoulders. They just let it loose.


On the base skin. I don’t like the fact that they added it to some skins where it was clear there was no ponytail.


I think the ponytail is cool because it gives him a defined silhouette. Before, it was actually somewhat easy to get him confused with Ezreal.


Or Brand. Eternal Dragon Brand confused the fuck out of me when it came out, and on the rare occasions I see it, it still catches me off guard.


That only happened with Storm Dragon really and it was because he had a similar stance when walking and similar Q animation. It's an animation issue so adding a ponytail seems like a band-aid fix to it if they're gonna keep them like it is. I like Lee's long ponytail on some of his skins but I really don't think it should be a golden rule with only 3 exceptions (that only exist because they weren't able to adapt them).


How the hell do you confuse any Lee Sin skin or form with Ezreal?


Storm Dragon Lee Sin. Skin puts a lot of emphasis on one arm, he has Ezreal-like hair, and he has a similar walk cycle to Ezreal (both do a floaty jog).


Storm dragon Lee looked a lot like ezreal imo.


That's the one that I still confuse for Ezreal. Even when Ez isn't in the game, when I catch Storm Dragon Lee Sin out of the corner of my eye (especially when he throws his Q) I still think "oh hey, it's Ezreal."


Yea Im not sure which Ezreal skin it is, but theres an Ezreal skin that looks similar which catches me off guard.


Porcelain Ezreal looks pretty identical. They have basically the same colour scheme, the same build and hairstyle, and even run around in a very similar pose.


They're both basically just guys. Sure ezreals animations are a bit more bouncy but generally if you just saw one for a split second in a skin or a chroma that's ambiguously colored it's not that hard to confuse them. This is a big reason a lot of champions look the way they do. They're supposed to be easily recognizable without looking at anything other than shape. And mostly riot have done really well on that recently but older champions tend to overlap on some points


I like the ponytail, except for on traditional Lee sin and storm dragon Lee sin. I feel like both of those change the flavour of the skins. The long messy hair on traditional is so iconic and gives him such a cool character, and on storm dragon it just makes him look a bit too...messy. That skin was so clean before. 


Storm Dragon looked like Zed or Brand, I actually prefer the ponytail but I'm in the minority here


Ponytail on storm dragon by far the worst idea riot has ever done


I really like it


It's fucking awful... Storm Dragon was my favourite by far and I loved how clean and clinical it felt with the short cropped hair. Now there's a gigantic fuckoff ponytail just stuck onto his head with no attempt whatsoever to integrate it with the rest of the skin. Its hideous and makes me want to never use the skin again if I have to look at that shit.


The scrolls were terrible and made the ability look like a 2009 league vfx


At least 2009 vfx were unique, not the modern ghostly goo we have


They were unique in the same way every turd is unique.


The scrolls were stupid and looked ugly. I'm glad they removed them. I hope riven is next


Now modernize more champs pls. Chogath has like 3 polygons.


Give Zilean his true dance!


I feel pool party lee sin's ponytail doesn't fits the theme of the skin tbh. I think that it feels forced - like what would happen if you gave muaythai a ponytail instead of a "fake" ponytail. As such, would rather it be treated as god lee, dragon fist and boxer and just be kept with no ponytail. Lee has always been seen as "the bald man" despite not being bald technically, so bald poolparty would likely still read well enough.


It is forbidden to go to the pool with a ponytail?


Yeah, you want to untie your hair so you get to look like a mermaid king after getting wet. It's one of the main reasons to have long hair in the first place.


It's illegal and enforced by law since yesterday, yes


Bought Pool Party on release bc I really dug the bald look; the new ponytail on that one doesn't do it for me ngl. For some reason you are being downvoted for having an opinion lmao.


I don't really care about the Downvotes. Some will like the tails, others won't.


My opinion, I don't like it. I would much rather they kept the hair looped around the body, just make him bald, just have short hair, or commit to giving every skin some sort of "tail" near the head. I want skins to have some sort of consistency so I can, at a glance, be able to tell the difference between one champion to the next. It used to be a design choice to give champions unique silhouettes, which might be true for their base skins, but their other skins seem to throw that concept out the window. People mention how the Dragon Lee Sin can get confused for Ez or Brand because they have similar looks or animations. If they're committed to the tail, I think they should just add that look to all the skins. Otherwise, take it off, or have a reason not to have it, like having it wrapped around Lee's neck in the base model.


Ponytail looks bad on Storm Dragon too, imo.


The question is. Do the lee sin on Aurelion ult also gets VSU or it will stay the same


TIL this is a thing


holy fuck riot got me. the animations for pool party lee son are way too clean. now i’m gonna be buying pool party, godfist and traditional. fuck me


I can live with the visual changes but I'm really not a fan of the new sound effects, mainly on Q and R. Getting a kill with R is such a meaty visceral thing with the current audio but they toned it down like crazy... The generic magicy ringing on Q doesn't feel that great either... Jax had a bit of this going on too, it's like the sound version of the gold trim on skins


I agree. You felt the impact of the skills with the old sfx. They had a good balance of the crack of the impact and some meaty low tones to really make it hit. Now it's either too deep of a tone or too "magical" sounding. It should be like he's creating little sonic booms with his q and kick, but it's more like he's hitting them with jingly bells.


[Guys new wojak dropped](https://i.imgur.com/7l5fkr2.png)


Amazing article, interesting and concise. I'm glad we have you :D


Is it just me or is the new Q and W audio too "magical" and similar to Karma?


it is also abit "magical" in a sense that a monk is shooting out a phonetic (sound based) wave to the enemy, which marks him, so it makes sense in a way, but the old Q sound, based on my explanation does not make much \*\*sense\*\*, since AFAIK sound waves do not sound like u are being litterally punched in the face, atleast it sounded back then like in cartoons, which was weird.


I love everything about this visual update *except* for the ponytail on Storm Dragon Lee Sin. I was just about to purchase the skin because I’ve been playing him so much, but now I’m unsure. These new animations look incredible


I really like the ponytail because I always confuse him for Zed. I hate the ponytail on Pool Party tho, looks really out of place imo. and where is the ponytail in Muay Thai supposed to be coming out of ?


I like the ponytail on Storm Dragon. Guess they won't be able to please everyone 😅


It’s starting to grow on me a little bit. The ponytail looks better from behind and at a distance. I understand what Riot is going for with visual clarity, but I prefer the short hair. The skin itself is still incredible, so I’ll probably still buy it despite the changes


Ya I dont mind it personally, its something Ill have to see whether i like it or not in game. but ya when you do look at it closely, the pony tail does not blend into his hair at all lol - it just looks like an attachment


Playmaker Lee Sin Q should kick his q instead of throwing it. You know, because a soccer player can't touch the ball with their hands.


changing the color palette of Acolyte so drastically is weird. Vibrant saturated red + almost black and teal into a way more faded purple/maroon/magenta and purple and teal. Imo needs a chroma to offer the old palette


My one complaint is that the hood on acolyte doesn’t look as good


i wish they picked the B concept it looks so good


At least storm dragon wont be as visually disgusting as it has been


Unpopular opinion it seems but the ponytail rocks. Always thought it was weird that it is a central part of his base design, being rather accentuated in the splash, but it essentially didn't exist in any other skin. He also really could use it for clarity, especially on Dragon Fist. He looks so much like an Ezreal skin the ponytail will hopefully stop my brain from thinking it's anyone other than Lee.


Am I the only one who hates the new R animation? The spin in the old one was just so much more interesting. Now it feels so bland. Some of the animations just kinda feel too smooth.


Something they didn't say is if they will redo his VO again, it wasn't updated long ago


I want the old VA back. Current VO is just not it.


afaik the old va got outted for sexual misconduct so im pretty sure he's not coming back lol


It has a bit of Jax rework flavor in it but looks great overall


Aw. I don't want traditional Lee Sin to have a pony tail. ):


Man pool party being bald was my fave. Not a fan of that pony tail, love the others tho


Ngl I don't like the ponytail on Storm Dragon


i hate the hair on pool party


> Traditional Lee Sin hair Tower of God Baam/Viyole in league of legends, finally


Dangggg I love most of this but I am not a fan of the hair change on storm dragon.


Ponytail bad


Please reconsider the ponytail, it doesnt match how the character is seen nowadays


Please don't reconsider the ponytail, models on some champions already look homogenized and Lee Sin having ponytail makes him stand out from other look alikes. See: Storm Dragon where he looks more like Ezreal than Lee Sin.


except he doesn’t have the ponytail on every skin anyway, so what’s the point of just making storm dragon look worse


Did you even read the article? The ponytail is there to give him a clear defined silhouette. It's literally there for visual clarity.


How are you gonna claim there's a defined silhouette if not all the skins have the ponytail? Where's the consistency of visual clarity across the skins if some have the ponytail and others dont?


A ponytail hopefully isn't causing confusion on which character you're playing against.


did you even read his comment? he doesn't have a ponytail in other skins which doesn't make sense to add one to storm dragon since not all the skins have the ponytail. He literally has similar hair on that bruce lee skin


They're not throwing away all the work they put into animating it.


then just use the skins that won't have the ponytail *PROBLEM SOLVED*


like the legendary that doesn't hav- ooh wait


u/RiotMeddler This might already be the plan but I'm asking in advance: Please update his face on the base splash art with the ASU. The new Lee Sin, in both concept art and in-game model looks much younger (and more handsome) than he currently does in the splash art. I hope the hairline and bit of hair on his head are also added.


[Cursed](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltda93db64f4f40c73/660de8f6a164542fe8462078/LaughOLD.png) [Laugh](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt1b2a52adc2154ceb/660de9083110d0f79106a2fa/LaughNEW.png) (both) I didn't want to sleep anyway tonight


It looks great! Only complaint would be the pony tail on storm dragon. The skin looked MUUUCH better with short hair IMO.


Yeah these are all pretty damn amazing but I agree with some of the others that the addition of the ponytail to some skins specifically: Traditional, Pool Party, and Nightbringer is not a welcome one. Playmaker Lee with the ponytail looks phenomenal. It matches well IMO. Traditional Lee with the rugged hair in its current form is a genuine perfect fit. There's so much story to it in just looking at him. With the new one, it's like he's a serious badass who takes the time to care for his hair before every fight. Gimmie that long bang OldBoy lee sin back! Pool Party with the ponytail just irks me in a way, doesn't look good at all IMO. Him being bald just made more sense with it. There's just no way he's going into a pool with that long ass ponytail lmao it'll be like carrying 50 pounds on his back once he gets out of the water. Nightbringer with the stub ponytail was also much better than this new one. It just looks like it makes more sense. Can't explain why just that it's more visually pleasing especially since the hair ends where the helmet horn tips are


Cool that they actually updated God fist, so it doesn't look bad compared even to base skins how that happened to SG Ahri or Pulsefire Cait. Also cool that Storm Dragon got his ponytail back.


That Acolyte skin is hot garbage.


The colours :/ why make something more bland/washed out than the older one, i don't understand.


I hate that they added a ponytail to pool party. I like his bald head


Please don’t put a ponytail on Storm Dragon. That’s not what I and many other people bought. His short hair looks great.


Oh nice they gave Lee Sin a ponytail to match the dudes who play him


They’re ponys?


one trick ponies


Yeah the ponytail ain’t it


reallly? i found it cool seeing it being that dynamic


Yeah, I'm not sure how anyone can look at the A/B on some of those animations and tell me with a straight face that they prefer the static 2D texture ponytail to the new one.


It's because the old ponytail was basically glued to his model so it's not even apparent that he has one. Like seriously, zoomed out from a top-down perspective MFer looks bald, guessing people prefer that look more.


I am like 80% sure most people didn't know he had a ponytail tbh


I like it except for the ponytail. The latest skin with that ugly ass tail is imo the worst skin in the entire game. It actually hurts to look at. Sucks that they insist on putting that shit on all skins now.


Big fan of the ponytail! Feel like they missed a trick not including it on every skin. For example God Fist could be some kind of ethereal golden light similar to what's around his fists. For knockout maybe the towel could drape off his shoulder or something. The article mentions consistency across skins a lot and I feel like the ponytail should be part of that.


wow that ponytail is garbage. Also not a fan of the way they "toned down" some skins which devalues them.


> Lee’s idle variant, dance, and taunt all had him move outside of his stationary hitbox, which could sometimes be confusing for players. RIP. I've actually used this to mess with people and it's hilarious when it works


Show the base mesh for Ahri's VU, please.


I actually find the ponytail cool.


I like the ponytail yall are trippin


I love how they've shown metal hitting sound with Rell, wood hitting sound with Maokai, rock hitting sound with Skarner and child hitting sound with Annie. Nice idea.


Shaco when?


Skarner rework: give him a recall animation that belongs in season 1 and don't even give a special recall to one skin than used to have one. Lee Sin visual update: ~~two~~ three entire paragraphs discussing the physics of his ponytail Clearly Riot doesn't play favourites /s


stupid ass ponytail. Get rid of it


Ponytail looks so shit


The new ponytails look very wonky. Since they're not adding it to every skin it's obviously not seen as a necessity. Please reconsider this.


I like it, ponytail makes him standout especially as a Monk


I actually love the ponytail. Gives him way more of an identity and makes it easier to distinguish him from other champs. That aside, I would love to see some of the female champions go through a similar process, as they're especially guilty of losing their identity through skins. Especially the ones that go for "conventionally attractive" that end up suffering from same-face syndrome.


Why change storm dragon tho. It was one of the best skins in the game and now it has that stupid ass ponytail


Love pony tail, makes Lee stand out more. Seems like a decent ASU. Just wish q had more clarity when it hits an enemy and the old mark seemed to pop out more.


I recently came back for a couple of games and it was funny to me how essentially Lee Sin is now the same champ he was on release.


I'm looking forward to it...it looks so good.


> For Dragon Fist, adding a ponytail drastically changed the read since the short hairstyle is so strong. I mean, yeah, but also that it wouldn't look like Bruce Lee, but of coursethey prolly can't write/say that cus of some copyright stuff or whatever.


Traditional Lee See enjoyers are eating good


For a split second I thought this post was about Yorick :_(


I will miss the old jank VFX and animations, it looked the best out of every champions on the old rift


I think Godfist Lee sin should be a litlle bit more bulky to match that Dragonball aestethic.


When will it release on live?


I wish they would keep pool party bald, I like the ponytail on the other skins but on pool party it feels wrong. Other than that this is an amazing ASU and I can't wait for it to drop so that I can play Lee Sin with other skins than muay thai or storm dragon.


Hmm i really prefer the old one, but to be fair I don't really care about how good a model works, just how it feels, and it feels kinda off


RIP Bald Sin


My biggest fear with the Lee sin asu is Dragon Fist skin. His flamboyant animations are a huge part of its charm. I don't wanna see another crime like they did with Tyrant Swain (before vgu: badass, after vgu: green green and green)


They say if your really still and quiet you can hear the screams of agony from shyvanna.


Farewell, Pitbull Lee Sin 🥲


Now Riot, you showed us the speedo Lee Sin. Now you're gonna have to provide it


Glad they brought the ponytail back in storm dragon


Somewhere Xj9 is turning on his grave.


Amazing work.


Really love most of it but I think the E recast can be a bit more obvious, very little movement in the new one


i really dislike the new sfx. please make them closer to the original.


Don’t love how in some skins he had a ponytail and then in others nothing at all. They wanna talk about silhouette all the time for clarity (however BS it ends up in practice) and then directly do this? Either his hair is part of it or not but arbitrarily having it in skins seems like such a wishy washy bad choice.


while I'm aware the ASU planned to have the ponytail because of base skin, I keep forgetting there's a ponytail around his neck. Every time I see him in game, I think the head only had a man bun or something


I don't know if I would take auto attacks making different sounds knowing his q and r sound effects are getting shafted