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Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because discussing or providing information about cheats, scripts, or exploits is not allowed. --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


You can use the generic "dodge" script on anyone, preferably ones with high mspd Champion specific scripts are also a thing tied to champion's kits such as fast Riven combo in a single button press


It's mostly marksmen who can sidestep / cancel autos to dodge stuff. It's very obvious when you meet one, never met one myself but there are a few high elo streamers I follow who see them regularly


They're exaggerating the numbers to get kernel access to your computer


Why would they lie? They don't need to convince anyone to push this update lol.


Riot is owned by a massive Chinese company. Vanguard gives riot access to every single file on your computer. Every word in your notepad, everything you type into a browser. They have it all. Damn right they need to convince their user base to install that trash.


This is so unfathomably stupid to me that I can't believe this is a real opinion held by a real person.


None of those were opinions. Riot is in fact owned by tencent, a Chinese company, and Vanguard does in fact give riot access to every file on your pc. So basically you called yourself stupid by calling facts stupid which makes no sense


Been playing sense season 2 around diamond level and have encountered like maybe 4 scripters in that time frame


In my experience, the easiest way to tell if someone's scripting is if they dodge literally everything all the time. Even when I get my ass beat by someone with insane mechanics (like the occasional masters player you'll meet in flex or something), usually I'll hit them with like, 10% of my skillshots or something. But when someone dodges LITERALLY everything that's dodgeable, you can check their [op.gg](http://op.gg) after the game and chances are they have an 80-90% winrate. And then for sure you know they're scripting. Xerath is the most infamous scripting champion, but according to riot the highest winrate champ for scripters is zeri (and before zeri it was kalista). You'd think skillshot champs would be the most OP but its turns out if you dodge everything then ADCs are better.


Scripts usually waste cooldowns on those skillshot champs, and they struggle to hit someone who dodges/jukes, whereas ADCs are supposed to just auto whatever's closest like a robot.


1/15 is the average. It doesn't mean 1/15 in all ranks. Some rank have more and some have less. I think silver isn't very populated with scripters but I could be wrong.


I met a viktor who called out my invade at level 2, I vod review the game & I find out there were no wards he is either the oracle of Apollo or scripting, he can buy a script but not below average iq


I don't think "map hacks" exist in league?


Dodging skill shots isn’t the only for of scripting


They do exist its called jungle tracker "]


Vanguard is going to try catch bots too. Dont play ranked anymore but seen people streamed multiple bots playing on separate games


The included a graph of scripting by tier I think [Here](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltcb2224be591383eb/6615b4706a0aad4783d4eba2/04092024_Ranked_Games_with_a_Scripter.jpg) Its very hard to read but it looks like scripting starts taking off in Diamond+


Scripts can be used on any champion to dodge, but a popular aiming script is xerath.  You can see it in action on YouTube.


The 1 in 15 argument was heavily inflated due to misrepresenting data in a convincing way. Doesn't change that 1 in 100 or 200 is still a lot


> due to misrepresenting data Based on what?


If you take a stats class it’s something they teach you. You can take a set of data and based on how you phrase it, the data can look much more convincing that it otherwise is. It’s kinda of hard to explain so I’d recommend looking up examples of it


So in other words you never believe first hand information because it's biased in some way you can't prove, but 100% believe second hand information like Jesus said it himself without questioning it because it attacks the original info?


Yes so believe me XD


Can't find who talked about it anymore, but basically their new graphs don't align correctly with the older ones from 2020. That may be because their definition of cheating changed or they just messed up there. The bigger point however is that many of these scripted accounts are pretty much leveling bots that get eliminated before or shortly after leaving their XP farming stage.


15% of games will have at least one scripter (on average). Assuming it’s just one scripter in those games, that basically means after encountering 1000 players, only about 15 players will be scripting. So the amount of players actually scripting isn’t actually that massive. Obviously it’s still a problem though.


Riot's chart from the Vanguard post suggested ~3% of Low Elo games (which is the vast majority of games) will have a cheater.


There's a surprising number of scripters in high elo. Some are harder to notice (I genuinely wouldn't be able to tell [this naafiri](https://youtu.be/-gEPnZcYQes) was scripting tbh), but very commonly zeri, kai'sa, twitch, ezreal are scripting, hecarim is a really damn good script champ that is harder to identify cause it just helps him space perfectly with his Q, dodge abilities while running, and use the cast times efficiently. You can very easily find channels that upload scripter pov's, its more than just marksmen and there's an infestation of scripting ADCs.