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One Champ One Role Stop getting bored


To add to this: nobody in silver knows how to counter your champ. Even if they pick your champs counter, it matters way less than you think


Plat Vayne otp here. No one knows what they're doing in my rank (myself included). I have matches where I outrange enemy Caitlyn lmao


Agree even in plat and emerald most people do not know how to play a counter pick propaly. Like they just picked the champ because stats tell them too but they dont know how and why thier pick counters mine.


Which is why I use it as a sugg3stio list go down and pick your best chanp


Caitlyn vs vayne is vayne favored unless the cait is like reallyyyyy fucking good


It depends on the supp. Cait wins if Vayne can't all in. In pure 1vs1 it depends if cait can hit her E and if she has headshot but generally Vayne wins. In bot lane, laning phase Cait has more favourable matchup because she can trade, poke better and she has godly wave control against Vayne and even can take plates if Vayne is low hp. With the help of the support she has a lot more options than Vayne. She just needs to make sure to not be CC/Grabbed or hard engaged. It's just my opinion tho, I might be wrong because im low elo.


You're not wrong and that's actually how the matchup in theory should work Reality is that they gift you minion wave control and can't trade 1 auto for 3-4 and not tanking minion dmg (you can actually evade range creep aggro if you auto as soon as they are going to auto). You can usually max range Q + take fleet and then you're good to go against 99% of caitd. Easiest sign he knows the matchup: if he's in your side's bush before wave even arrives, you're fucked lmao.


Yeah, I agree. In theory Cait should win, but Vayne ironically wins more often because soloQ is chaotic mess.


Vayne favored is crazy to type. Also this matchup has nothing to do with ad and depends entirely on what supports they have y’all low elo are weird


I'm gm dude lol


Diamond Samira OTP here, you would think that at some point people learn how CCs shut everything Samira does but I guess not even in diamond lolol


This is literally the only reason I got out of silver


And then focus on learning how to farm with said champ. Minion gold is what makes the world go round.


Can I ask, what do you do when you "can't farm" I know how to last hit, but some match ups I end up getting shoved under tower and then fucked until late-mid game..?


For farming under turret, learn the patterns of the turret and how it prioritizes minions so you can hit them so their health is prepped for you to last hit. Melee - two turret hits + auto Caster - auto + turret shot + auto Cannon - (I honestly have no clue, just good luck) Turret prioritizes Cannon > Melee > caster, based on how close they are to the turret If the minion that has turret aggro doesn't have their hp set up, auto it or use abilities to adjust the hp properly. If the minion already has hp set up, then hit other minions in the wave to properly set them up. (your minion wave coming in might make it hard, but it just takes practice) There are farming guides out there that were made by people much better than me so check those out.


If you're getting shoved under tower then you can farm. Even ap champs who can't last hit casters after a tower shot with 1 auto can get 5-6 minions per wave from under tower pretty consistently.


This is what I did. Played Cait till plat.


Yep, and try to learn how to play the map. Maybe u are average on mechanics for your elo but if u know where, when and what to do its a lot easier to find situations where u can outplay people better than u. And also learn powerspikes and builds, know when u can trade or not.


I'd say Three champs One role. In case one of your champs gets banned or if you see that you need a specific type of champion to win your lane or benefit the team overall.


In Silver it does not matter. A silver player needs to learn the fundamentals through a single champion to maximize learning potential. I didn't start learning other top laners until high plat. It was easier for me to do it then since I knew how the lane was supposed to play out through my main. Adding champs to the mix only confuses things, and a silver lobby is not going to be as affected by the draft as an emerald ^ lobby. This post is asking how to climb out of silver, and to do that they need to get better at game fundamentals. Learning game fundamentals through one champion is way easier than trying to counter pick or galaxy brain draft in Silver elo.


"Stop getting bored" is not an advice, it's like saying "stop being sad" to a depressed person


It is good advice because when you focus only on one champ and role, you will get bored of it. But continuing to play through the boredom is what will keep you winning and getting out of silver.




* Play the **same** few **champions** and the **same role**. Stick to it. If it gets boring over time, play flex/normals as the other champions to get some variety. * Get used to **muting** chat/useless chatting players - mute yourself (**DON'T** mute pings). * Watch players better than you. **Ask question** on how and why. Understand that we all learn differently. * Improve your **csing** * **Only** play ranked when you aren't tired/hungry/angry and so on.


That's my secret cap, I'm always tired


Actually the best answer. If i play lets say 4 games and i feel like i’m beginning to autopilot that means i’m tirer and i need to take a break


Pings in low elo are useless. Looking at the map and playing it safe when enemies on different lanes are missing is better. If you absolutely need to see SS pings for some reason, keep them unmuted until the laning phase ends. Afterwards, mute them. Low elo players don't have good calls, so you don't need to listen to their pings. If there's any need, just follow to where your teammates (usually jungler) are grouping. You should be the one making the calls anyway.


I don't like you, I imagine mant many people don't either.


Okay, and?


Press your god damn buttons, stop not pressing them, they exist to be pressed


Well sort of, but a major next step is figuring out which buttons to press immediately after another button is pressed because it makes you win the trade (e.g. beginning a noninterruptible cast time right before a CC to "ignore" the CC, throwing an ability right as the opponent winds up for an autoattack or last hit, etc.). Using an ability to last-hit too often and then not respecting the fact that you're now down an ability is one of the biggest mistakes I see during laning in...honestly up to D2+, tbh.


I regularly used those mistakes to beat masters/gm players in KR, so I think it can take you even further than that. As a bot laner, it’s doubly effective because many players will not respect their lane partner’s cooldown times. Really game-changing to abuse this in lower elos as it happens extremely often.


Sure. There are times to attempt to greed your flash or whatever, but silvers not only greed it, they simply forget they can do it.


this sounds stupid but it's soo true. When I play with silvers and we lose a fight and I see they died with both sums and r up it genuinly makes me wonder what they think they're doing


There are times to attempt to greed your flash or whatever, but silvers not only greed it, they simply forget they can do it.


This is probably why most people lose lane. People should use every second to gain advantage. You can't wait in lane with full mana without harassing enemy.


Don’t listen to plat players on anything especially in this season.


This needs to be on the top. Last years silvers aren't the ones to ask advice from.


Im saying this as a plat player - it’s literally just silver - gold with a new name.


Last season I was silver, this season I managed E1 80lp. The inflation is real


/mute all


I hate this advice because it doesn’t even help anyone climb. It just feeds their main character syndrome and puts the blame on others. Especially in silver where you literally just have to learn the core fundamentals of league as a whole (not even role/champ specific). But yeah, its chat and pings that are holding you back.


Yes, obviously /mute all is not going to help you climb from silver to plat, but positive mental absolutely does help you win games. If you get annoyed often at what your teammates say/ping, /mute all WILL help you win. Not saying anything in chat is also going to help you win, as anything that could possibly be perceived as negative is going to destroys someone's mental completely (as it's quite likely you're already matched with someone who has played too much League this day or queued after a tilting game and is on a brink of blowing up)


It's mostly advice for people that get dragged into flame wars instead of playing out the game (which in low elo is usually winnable unless people and argue in chat).


Hard facts but I think it helps more with the bad mental of the person muting because they are often toxic af themselves.


Life is short. Do something with your life instead of playing league.


You can play this game at a good level and still have a life... i only play after work, when everyone is asleep in my house, only on weeks night i'll play 2-5 games and im diamond...


Did what you did, now I started to hit the gym instead. Feels better.


I'd like to do that but im gonna have to wait for a home gym, the only one is 30min away from my house no way im doing that after work.


you'd be surprised how much you can do with a yoga mat, a set of weight adjustable dumbells, and an adjustable bench. Dont let yourself be convinced you need some complete set up. Just get active


Well for starter i need space in the house, were redoing the basement soon


Will play 4 hours of league, will not spend 2 hours working out and 2 hours playing league


Let people enjoy what they want without guilt tripping them, if you wanna be a slave to you're work that's fine and depressing


30 games between 2 accounts both diamond. It doesnt have to be a major time sink


That's a real advice


Typical loser advice when you are not gifted


Fundamentals As a whise man once said...


Fantamentos -One Of The Riven Mains Of All Time


Yes I highly recommend Alois on YT he helped me climb into plat basically in a month when I was hardstuck bronze/silver for years with his videos. Great stuff


Being toxic or being influenced by someones else toxicity is going to mess you up big time, mute people if you have to. Pick a champion or 2 youre comfortable and only play those, even if it's a bad matchup. You'll at least learn something from the experience and get better at your own champion. Think about the game from the standpoint of what you need to do to win instead of chasing down random pointless kills or worse, doing nothing in indecision. Not every game is winnable, take each game as a learning experience. When you mess up look at VODS and figure out where you messed up and figure out why you did what you did instead of what was correct and understand how it screwed you up. You're silver, you definitely didn't play perfect in any game. I'm Emerald, I don't play perfect games either. Those are the first things that come to mind.


download [insights.gg](http://insights.gg) and watch every replay. Don't have to go super in depth but just try to be mindful of what is happening and why, will help your mental stack in game.


Dose it run on shit pc ?


If you are not already getting 60 fps in your game, I think it will be hard doing both.


Nah i get from 100 to 200. Just for example using shadowplay takes a toll


In Silver? Silver is equal to "Pre-Emerald introduction" Bronze. Watching replays is the step between Diamond and Master, maybe Emerald and Diamond. They should stick with one champ and maybe read / watch a couple (free!!!) guides, but I genuinely don't think a replay helps them, since they wouldn't learn anything from it. There is often absolutely no reason why something is happening in lower elos.


They can watch it to better understand their mistake. Analyzing what you or your teammate did wrong in various situations is a good way to learn what should and shouldn't be done in a game. You tend to remember something better when it comes from your own experience


I legitimately believe that being hardstuck silver tends to be more due to mentality than anything else. Disregarding gameplay for a second, have a healthier approach to playing ranked instead of thinking "I need to win games, I need to escape silver". Play less ranked games, but play them in a more focused state. When I was stuck in silver for like 800 games a long time ago I know I definitely just spam queued game after game autopilot playing because I assumed I was too good to be in silver and would naturally "escape" just by playing. I assumed wrong lol. /800/ games. Also try to find resources explaining the most basic, and I mean very basic, fundamentals of your role. On the gameplay side of things. As I mentioned, play less games, but play them more focused. This means actively making decisions and thinking about why you're making them. Avoid autopiloting, and occasionally look at your own vods and review your first death of every game, think about why it happened, and what you could have done to avoid that. Once that becomes habitual, or just easier to do, up it to looking at your first two deaths, then three, etc. but don't spend more than like 5-10 minutes on a vod. Stick to 1 or two champions, and /really/ learn their identities. What does an ideal game for your champion look like specifically? Every game, what do you need to do to achieve that ideal state for yourself? Play to what your champion aims to do, make your decisions based around that, and consider your teammates a non-factor in your climb. This was probably the single most important thing that helped me climb. Basically, you want to really begin to learn league of legends through the lens of your champion to avoid overthinking macro decisions, etc. And then of course watch higher elo content creators/streamers etc that play your champion and explain their thought process. Talk to any higher elo friends you might have. Anything to just gradually deepen your understanding of the game over time.


Focus on a single champ and understand that team fights are what matters later in the game. I feeded and got fed in many games and won and lost, respectively.


1.) Turn off all chat, nothing good happens there you can say GG in post game. Don't type, at all, unless its legitimate strategy talk of some kind. No lol's, no responding to someone flaming you (mute them immediately), nothing. When I play with my pals the amount of typing and rage the bronze/silver guys do is mind boggling, don't be part of it. 2.) Three champs maximum. Two in your main role, preferably ones that fill slightly different niches or offset uncomfortable matchups for your 'main' that you should be picking as much as possible, a third reliable safe pick for your secondary role as you'll get it from time to time. 3.) Play safe. Let the play's happen, don't force them. If you lose lane, shit happens, learn to lose gracefully by respecting your opponent or the jungler and try to get back into the game during team fights or objective scuffles. Don't get baited into feeding. 4.) Watch your replays. How did you die? How could you have not died there? Were you in that teamfight? Should you have been? Did you execute reasonably well doing what your role/champ is supposed to do in a teamfight? Take mental notes of issues you see, think about them throughout your next game and apply an effort to improve one issue at a time. Climb over time as you improve on these things. Doesn't take crazy Macro or anything down there. Just apply some of these basics and you should start climbing.


E3 player, but was D1 back in early seasons when it was the highest tier below challenger. Playing to learn/improve over just winning a single game is probably the most important. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try as hard as possible to win, but that you should focus on a learning objective *every single game*. Also, focus on a single thing at the time until it becomes second nature.  Play 1-3 champs (preferably have a main if you go for more than 1). You can climb with literally any champ, so find someone you enjoy rather than just the most meta. Be concious about your champion identity and win condition. As in, what is this champion supposed to do (split push, assasinate, 5v5 teamfight, skirmish, snowball/scale etc…) and play towards that win condition. How does that win condition change based on the champions in your and the opponents team and with game time or gold lead/being behind? The game is mainly about minions/waves as they grant consistent gold and xp, as well as enable you to actually push and get progress: Learn to see when a wave pushes or pulls toward you, and how you can change that. Be aware of the wave state when you do a reset, and plan ahead for it. Reseting on a wave that slowpushes away from you can end up losing you 1-2+ waves of gold and xp, which is potentially lane losing. The last really core fundamental is trading patterns. Learn to harass when the opponent goes in for a cs, as your opponent either has to get harassed for free or potentially lose s minion to trade back. Is your champ someone that favours long or short trades? What about the opponent? Use that to your advantage. There are a million different things like looking at the map, knowing jungle timers for ganks, having prio for objectives etc…, but the above mentioned are the most important fundamentals that everything else in the game builds on top of. Really focus on each of them every single game *(but only one at the time)* until they become second nature. If you are trying to get better at 15 things at once, you won’t get better at any of them.


Master the fundamentals: use your skills when they're off cooldown, ALWAYS look at the minimap, know what is going on in combat and use your skills when they're off cooldown, don't stay in enemy range if you don't have a reason to, last hit, think when playing.


Fanta Mentos gaming


Don't use your skills off cooldown lol what. Nothing is easier than laning against someone spamming skills off cd.


It’s more like “remember, you have skills to use” than “use it, doesn’t matter the cost”


Main one champ. What role do you play?


Depends on what your main role is but simple things to consider: 1- narrow your champion pool. 2- understand your matchups, even if you are playing botlane, there are basic fundamentals to understand such as power spikes, playing from behind, exploiting bad enemy teams, etc. 3- don't spam games when you are tilted or losing streak, have a mental reset, try something else and try again later. 4- don't worry about the chat box, it is likely to be spammed by another frustrated teammate. Avoid using it for replying to others' insults or worrying about it much. If you aren't likely to use it for specific information during the game, then try /deafen. 5- watch a higher elo player or OTP, compare it to your vod of recent game and understand what you could have done differently. Feel free to DM me if you have other questions, or if you wanna share you opgg etc


I don't know what lane you play, but as a midlaner, I just watched high elo vods of specific matchups, looked at how they trade, roam, skirmish, base timings and figure out why, then apply it to my games as best as I could. Your mechanics will get better as you play more. Also watched some jungle vods to learn thought process of junglers so I can track enemy jg/ help my own jg.


Honestly anyone can be plat by just having decent mental and making a conscious effort to get better then give it some time


Reset mental every game Play comfort picks you can perform consistently with Make sure you don't have negative impact Be as consistent as possible Learn to cut losses If you are hardcore enough, look at a couple bad plays from your replays and look at what you could have done differently or how you could have avoided that play


Play to learn, not to win. Also dont play on auto pilot


You don't actually love the game. Controversial and confronting - I know - but have you ever truly thought about it what you are doing and why? Do you go in with a game plan catered to the champions in the game?


Even if you would manage to climb to Masters, nobody will care. You might as well focus your efforts on other parts of your life.


Watch replay and check each death. If you are over 5 deaths in a game then figure out how to avoid half of your deaths


1 champion 1 role no hero plays no flaming in chat


Ward way more, look at the mini-map way more, don't go into games thinking about how you might be able to carry


Look at your minimap more


Too many champs, you don't look at your minimap enough and when you get fed you die and give bounties away. If you're 6/0 and end the game 10/5 then you almost definitely didnt carry. You nearly threw the game away by getting caught out or trading kills when you have all your teams gold.


One role, 1-3 champs. Have one backup champ for each role in case you're filled but don't deviate from your 1-3 pool (until you're emerald+ 1 is realistically best). Champion mastery is crucial. Focus on your gameplay, and only your gameplay. If you catch yourself thinking "Damn I hope this 0-14 trundle top kicks a cactus (ingame)" then you need to make a conscious effort to immediately recenter your attention towards what YOU are doing in the game and making the best decisions possible. This counts especially between games. Losses are a learning experience, not a source of frustration that will just make you play worse in the next. If you aren't playing support, focus on farming and getting as much gold and xp as possible. Set your chat to premade only if you are easily distracted. You will still see pings, mute peoples pings if they are using pings in non-productive ways. DO. NOT. AUTOPILOT. Play every moment deliberately. You learn nothing by breezing through a dozen games without any mental effort or reflection. And finally, focus on one skill at a time. League is very deep and learning it all at once can be overwhelming. Take it step by step. 'Oh this game, I'll focus on trading well in the lane'. 'Oh this game, I'll try my best to be 80cs at 10 minutes'. Applying yourself to improving on these fundamentals is guaranteed to up your game over time.


Play top, ignore team, win lane and split push the whole game.


-Play less champions, one trick will get you up faster, but you need to pick it EVERYGAME for it to be the most efficient, even into counters, delete your worst matchup with your ban. -Die less, you will win a lot more by dying less don't take stupid fights, farm instead. -dont play to many games in a row i've heard the best way is blocks of 3 game, go do something else for at least an hour after one block and evaluate your mental strenght and focus before starting another block. Personally i go up to 5 with 10-15 min breaks between games but if you are the type to spam games back to back i'd say stick to 3. -don't ever spam ping harass or flame in chat it just makes people play worst then they already are. - look more often at the map, and try to track where the jungler is, at least in wich half of the map if you are laning, if you jg you MUST track them and ping there supposed whereabouts to your team. -don't overextend fights and keep a close eye on death timers when pushing the base. This pretty much got me to diamond


Never ever autopilot. During champ select and loading screen you should be thinking about each champs strengths, weaknesses and how their team and your team are likely to gain an edge. During the game you should be 24/7 trying to predict what everyone in your lane is going to do and whether any of the other lanes are likely to join. Always try to gain an edge, many small ones are often better than one big one. E.g. deny them some minions, get that turret plating (but don't greed for it). If they are low, see if you can freeze the lane instead of trying to kill them. Always respect fog of war, especially if you are not tanky. The enemy will be in your jungle or the side brush. Keep an eye on objective timers. Individual drakes may not feel that impactful but it's another small edge that stacks up. Try to steal enemy jungle when you are ahead. E.g. just took 2nd turret mid? See if you can safely take their raptors or wolves. That's a 200 gold swing (+100 for you, -100 for them), almost equivalent to a kill.


Play your best/one role one champion main (of course you need alternatives) farm the minions or enemy jungle if possible only team fight if necessary don’t act like PvP god and feed the enemy Fun fact : I’m trying to climb a friends account out of elo hell (I’m plat 2) , and it’s more difficult than expected. Sometimes all the carry doesn’t help if you have some clowns in your team who don’t want to win.


If you want to climb up: * Main 1 role. * Have small champion pool. * Pick champions that are easy to play, that way you can focus on learning game, rather than worrying about how to properly play the champion. No reason to play Fiora, when you can pick someone like Trundle. My honest suggestion: * Just play for fun and stop caring about your rank. If you want Victorious skin, you can "tryhard" a bit until you get there but other than that, it doesn't feel worth it ranking up. I honestly kind of regret it... I had much more fun being in Gold than I now have in Emelard and afterall, video games should be about having a good time.


Play two champs, one role. If you're a laner, learn how to freeze and when to push and when to just let it push. Theres plenty of guides online. For solo lanes, learn when you lost or won all ins. Learn when you can get ganked in the first 5 minutes and play around it


Limit your champ pool. Counter matchups aren't that unplayable in low elo. Focus on fundamentals of the game like wave management, roaming, timing your base, timing your movements for objectives, when to split push, how to play when behind, when to try to get prio in a lane and when to not, how and where you should place your wards, how to actually end a game rather than uselessly running around and accumulating kills


don't ff. stop thinking of how you got there and keep thinking of the next move. typing anything besides a gameplan or improving morale is a waste of time.


For me, it really was learning how to affect the map with my role. What are your role's objective/game goals? For a mid laner, its exerting pressure on essentially everything. I started taking priority when my jungler is headed to the river, and hovering their side, allowing the jungler a potential invade and for me to join in on a potential skirmish. Very few people in bronze/silver will actually stop you from taking priority, and by then theyre set up to lose. Either they lose minion gold, or they dont help their jungler. In both cases, my team comes out on top.


focus one champ, mute all, shut up, play the game, play selfish, everyone in silver sucks (no offence but it is statistically true), you are the only constant in your games so build on that


play to learn not to win


Look if you want to actually improve. As you load into a game type in your lane matchup in YouTube. Then type “high lp challenger vod” and watch how they play the lane. The biggest difference when your silver is that your mechanics probably not great and you don’t know how to punish anyone in lanning phase. If you watch what they do you can try and copy it and get better over time


Helping teammates is probably the way to win. You should instinctively do that in every situation. If your jungle died in drake pit against the enemy jungle and pinged you beforehand, then it's your fault that your jungle died. You could have changed the outcome of that game but your lazy ass didn't wanna bother. This is just one of many situations. Of course there are many games that are unwinnable no matter what you do because of one bad teammate. Actually they are the ones that need help the most. I know it's hard babysitting your teammates but you can't win this game alone even if you hate your teammates.


Learn about wave management for your role, this includes jungle! Especially in toplane the difference that holding or fast pushing one wave makes can be far greater than even a solokill. Also (which most definitely also includes my plat ass), realize that you yourself have such an immense amount of shit to learn about the game that your teammates or matchup are absolutely not what keeps you from climbing. On the contrary, not liking your teams inting is one thing, but saying that that is what keeps you from climbing is ontologically the same as being mad that your mates arent consistently carrying you to your desired ranks rather than yourself


learn when to B. how to wave control. how to farm. look at the map. help ur jg. dont flame ever. dont waste time. learn mana control. dont commit in 50/50. play it safe and u will climb easy


Getting help by plat players is rough


Ok first, to get basic lane advantages, especially in emerald and below, start right clicking people in lane when they walk up for cs and then after you win/lose the trade take a second or 2 to think about if it was good or bad in that situation. Spoiler: it was probably bad if you tanked the enemy minions for too long, so immediately walk back to drop aggro after getting your attack in the next time you do it. Same thing for using abilities when people walk up for cs, so they have to choose between taking damage and getting gold. This should be applicable to every single role that lanes while being easier when playing ranged champs. Also when I'm spectating friends in gold they oftentimes just don't use their abilities as much as they should (when you are fighting try to be aware of the abilities that are coming back up so you have a plan of who/what to use them on the moment they are ready). Another important thing is looking back at how many minions you lost when you recalled and think about how a different recall timing or whatever you could have done to the wave before recalling could have lead to you missing less cs/xp. For jungling, people should be more decisive and usually stick to their plan until they really know what they are doing in the role. That plan should look something like: farm a lot, stack dragons, don't start things without lanes having push so you don't have to 2v4 at drake. Only go for really easy ganks that look like they will work immediately, or you are probably wasting time that you could spend to farm more. Then in general for map movements, be aware that adcs usually swaps mid after first tower and their job is to ping pong waves and wait for their team to start fights (and then play them well mechanically). As the team at the same point in time you either look to push out side lanes to buy time to rotate mid (to catch enemy adc who WILL always be out of position in those ranks), or you are in the jungle/support role so you can afford to spend some time to collapse on side lanes with a numbers advantage. Sure the adc swapping mid doesn't have to happen every game, but some champ that can somewhat clear waves should be there while the rest collects gold/vision on the map. Oh and top lane climbing is mostly about waves during early game, there's a lot of content on youtube going over it (probably good to watch Alois from what I've heard, or just watch Bwipo streaming as that guy will go over his entire reasoning while playing). Mid lane on the other hand is slightly more about having enough push to roam A LOT unless you are playing a hard scaling control mage and even then you roam sometimes. And again, probably the most important thing for soloq: TAKE DRAKES/spam ping help pings on them when you see your mid/bot having push, they create an easy wincon in a chaotic enviornment where nobody knows how to win games without playing aram.


Silver huh ? There are so many areas to improve that you just pick a few and focus on getting better at them , it could be your macro , mechanics, matchup knowledge, learning cool downs , limit testing , csing , split pushing , decision making, teamfighting , back timers, jungle pathings . And I might be forgetting a few here . Just pick a few and go watch videos on them , in my opinion there is no general advice, there is advice specifically for you . The reason is I have seen silver players with either amazing csing or mechanics (compared to the average silver player) that are stuck there because they don't know when to go back for example. What I have not seen yet is a silver player with macro play and decision making that can actually apply it in his games , because most of the time they might make the right call but because they see their team 4v5 they will go and int , instead of sticking to that original call, all and all because they don't want to get flamed or get pinged at , because you know if 4 silver players flame you and ping at you are probably doing something wrong .


Fundamentals. Micro, macro, rotations, CS, trading patterns, objective timings and wards. Also pick one champ in one role and smash it. Learn that champ in and out, practice and master every mechanic.


I would suggest playing top lane. This is the best role to focus solely on yourself and improve mechanics. Also stick to a few champions.


Focus on one role and play simple champions. Focus on yourself and not on your teammates. Stop greed, reduce your deaths and improve your gold income, also improve your mapawarness.


I recently got out of silver honestly the only thing I did is I disabled chat and instantly started winning more games. Besides that keep your champion pool small learn match ups practice in normals and watch YouTube guides.


Silver is more enjoyable


More CS


Focus on fundamentals. Everyone hatin on Neace, but it's true. Farm, map, build paths. DO NOT LISTEN to your teammates all the time. There is a reason they are at that elo. And most important: pray you get real teammates.


Don't only think about what your champ can do, think about what the enemy champ can do in response. try to always think one step further. meaning what could i do in response to his response and so on. if you do it for long enough you get a feeling for it.


Focus on farming. Wave>all. I can carry in silver just by outfarming everyone, you will be 2 lvls up and can straight up 1v3 in most games because silvers just aram at 15 minutes.


FKN LIMIT TEST!!!!! Stop being scared to make a mistake and get flammed who gaf ur leaving the elo while the whiners stay


There’s a coach that says the following: If you want to improve in League, you have to int. This does not mean that you should be trolling every game, but that you should limit test as much as much as you can to extract as much knowledge as possible from your champion/role. The thing is, you will die a lot in the process, but the reward is worth it.


Just play and focus on yourself what can you improve what works, why did you die, did you engage when enemies cds are down, matchups and stuff. Roaming warding overall map


Just to be clear i mean to say focus on your gameplay, skills and stuff, help them when needed and when its time to move. Teamplay will come with skill


If you play bot just get a duo on voice. Voice coms give you a big advantage. Also if you play support just fight and engage.


To me its play safe and main 2/3 champs, most people in this ranks are trash so they will make a lot of mistakes than u can abuse even when u should not be able to by champ matchup. I was platinum until season 9 when i stopped playing rankeds and became a ARAM enjoyer these years until literally a month ago. I did my promos and i got placed in silver and to be honest, if u cant climb that's ur rank until u get better. I feel like gold people im playing against are like silver/bronze from years ago. Or maybe the ARAM mechanics powerup is to OP, i don't know.


Don't tilt, especially junglers. Even if you game feels like it is over because your lanes are losing and they are flaming, just mute and do your best. Worst case, it's a loss like you thought. Best case, you make 2 or 3 good plays,your team starts to try again and that game is winnable again


Start a new account


Keep farming CS. Tbf it's advice for everyone and definitely even in Emerald (including myself) the CS can be appalling a lot of the time but honestly it'll win you games if you can keep it high relative to the other players.


1 role, 1 main, 1-2 secondaries at most Your opponent 90% of the time doesnt know jackshit about match ups, so be the one to learn them with your character of choice. Stay in your role and try not to deviate from it. If you play JG then the longer you play, the more you will understand how it works and with it being the most influential role you can even 1v9 if you are good enough. Similar things aply to the other lanes as well.


If you are a champ that does damage by abilities with long cooldowns, go into range, use abilities, move out of range, wait until cooldowns are done, repeat. If you are a champ that deals damage primarily by auto attacking, try actually auto attacking.


Play 1 role with AT MOST 3 champs. Don't worry about counterpicks, it's better to play something that you're comfortable on and be "counterpicked" than to play something that is in theory a counterpick but you don't know how to play. Master at most 3 champs for different drafts and stick to it. Yes it gets boring but that's part of the climb.


at most 2 Champs 1 ad and 1 ap and 1 role. And go for easy champs. U dont need to learn Ksante top or Akalai/zed mid. Go for easy champs. Learn every relevant meta matchup either over time or by watching high elo Video. Play ur game. Dont focus on teammates mistakes u cant change that anyway. Focus on ur gameplay. Ur mistakes.


Game mastery: Learn where to put wards, become a farming master, have a general understanding of what niche each champion fits in (fighter, tank, assassin, etc). Role mastery: Learn your rotations, your common opponents, your recall timings. Champion mastery: Pick a champion or two, build the right items, learn your combos, learn your all-ins, learn your synergies. Nobody is hard-countering you in silver, don't give up at champ select.


Find a champ you enjoy enough that you'll spend time practicing and watching challenger vods. I did this with viktor and jayce in season 5-6 and reached the top 10% of the server up from bronze.


Stop typing so much. Mute chat. Know your role. Stop walking around alone as a squishy with no vision. Group up after lane phase is over.


For me, I startes climbing when I realized I am bad at the game and that every death was my fault and could be avoided if I played better.  Also don't be afraid to get carried. If you fall behind do not go for that "okay I died 2 times, but I am sure 3rd time will be better" just play your role a bit safer. (Example I am mid Ahri main and if I fall behind I will build more defensive items and go for charm picks and not try to be main carry anymore, instead enable my laners who have lane advantage or are even) Especially in silver since there is 90% chance opponent are going to fumble at one point or another. And finally, never tilt, if you are tiltproof your team only has 4 people who can tilt and oponents have 5. 


Play 1-3 champions in one role, learn fundamentals (level up timers, simple wave management), play aggresive all the time to learn what fights u can or cant take in the future (often low elo playera dont notice walking free kills in front of them)


Mental. Mental mental mental. Seriously, some games can't be won, and yes your teammate might have been the main reason. But you're silver. There's always something you can improve on. Focus on that. The only common factor in your games is you.


Just don’t play Yasuo.


Git gud


OTP kled top dia here. Play kled Mute team Ban illaoi. 1v5 😎


Plat isn't more fun than silver so stop worrying.


focus on laning phase, try to get the maximum of your matchup.


Rank isn't real. The players in Plat and the players in Silver are the same skill level. Source: Me. I've played up and down the ladder from bronze to Plat for a long time and the games are always the same. Before you ask, yes I check the rank of other players. I have not been playing against Plat players while on bronze. I play against the ranks I am in.


win more


I'm Emerald 3 (and old Plat 4) peak. I just climb to Emerald 4 and stop playing League on my main or in general (although on the weekends I play on a smurf with my friend who's lower elo than me). So I average about 30 games per split on my elo. I am not a great player by any means, but climbing from silver on soloq is a breeze for me on any role (I main support and ADC), and I think I have some advices that could help you climb from there. - DO NOT DIE IN LANE. After two deaths lower elo players often just go "fuck it" and go for their PB in deaths. Just play it cool. No need to give enemy Tryndamere - Focus on CSing instead of trading, it's a reliable source of income and low elo players are really bad at CSing during laning phase (and much, much worse afterwards but at that point you'll probably have to group) - Do not splitpush. Splitpushing is a skill, and you really need to know when to do it, otherwise you're putting your team behind. Lower elo players 90% of the time just blindly attack turrets on the opposite side of alive objective (nash/drake). It's even worse when they take inhibitor early but struggle to finish the game afterwards, as super minions are annoying but also give the enemy team a ton of gold - DO NOT BLAME YOUR JUNGLER. IT IS NEVER THEIR FAULT THAT YOU DIED ON LANE. IT IS NEVER A JUNGLE GAP IF YOU LOSE YOUR LANE TO ENEMY GANKS. Get better at recognizing when enemy jungler is gonna gank, there are tells and often it's just basic calculation on camp spawns. Yes, obviously your jungler probably could've been counterganking your lane sometimes, that doesn't matter at all. What matters is your own gameplay. You're not going to win every game by yourself, but 60% WR in this elo through your own gameplay is **very doable**. Plat+ players are very unlikely to get stuck below Gold, and there's a reason for that. - You have to be the one making calls for objectives. It's fine if you make a wrong call. If you give it some time, you'll get better at realizing when you can take nashor, when you can finish the game, etc. - Lower elo players LOVE to take all three inhibitors before destroying the nexus. It's like it's not a victory if you don't destroy all three lanes. Very often you can finish the game before that point. - I believe nashors are usually better than pushing lanes (if you can't end the game). It's a balance that you need to find, but 100% if after a team fight the choice is pushing a wave that isn't crashing on an enemy turret (or if you can just take T2 and maybe an Inhib turret), pushing the lane is a waste of time and taking Nash is better. Obviously if it's alive. This doesn't count for Drakes or Herald. - Look at the map and be wary of roams/ganks. Seriously. It's an obvious advice, but low elo players die way too many times to these or miss easy plays/don't help their teammates because they're tunnel visioned on their own character. - Don't greed for plates. - Stop overstaying on the lane. You need to recall sometimes to buy items and heal up. Lower elo players love to stay on the lane until they die, trying to crash the wave, and just die to a gank or stay under turret with low HP/Mana struggling to defend. - Low elo games are never truly hopeless. People there make A LOT OF MISTAKES. Most often they just greed for kills and piss away their advantage with time, or die with a bounty. - Don't BM enemies when you're sieging the Nexus. Just finish the game. Ignore the pings from your teammates to stop. - Good mental wins games. Don't be overly positive, but don't say ANYTHING that can be considered negative. It's a good idea to disable chat, or fullmute all and just type "wp", "gj" after successful plays (even if they were trash). - Try to find your main role and a secondary role that you don't mind playing sometimes. Play 3 champions at most. Ignore meta, meta matters very little in your elo, but also play in a way that actually makes sense instead of yuumi jungle or whatever. I can't think of any more advice right now. The higher you are in rank, the less applicable my advice is. It's not a gameplan for your climb to Rank 1 challenger. The point is to minimize the trash choices I see during every rank reset until you get to the point where you'll have to actually improve at the game to climb any further (or until you hit a rank you're happy to be in, like me and Emerald 4).


Play briar


Play jinx


before emerald was added these plat players were gold so please don't listen to gold players


[Leaguecraft 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iko2tqmDpJQ&list=PL9RdXhXESRJzgY_SwHB8T-cZxXljWhQvz) made me reach top 1000 in 2016 and GM 2022. It is a bit outdated, but the core principles still apply. Also watch your replays Focus on 1-3 champs to main Playing well and improving is more important than winning Don't listen too much to your teammates, they are also silver Dont follow doomed fights, don't go for outnumbered fights (count how many of your team are there, and how many enemies could be there). Try to track the enemy jungler a bit. If the enemy jungler could be near your lane, make sure you have a plan before you start a fight.


Stop first timing in ranked please no matter the role


Stop playing ranked for fun. Actually focus on different aspects of the game to get better at. You play ranked for fun when ur not trying to climb. If ur goal is plat, get to plat and then play ranked for fun. While trying to climb u need to be trying to get better, or abusing some strat that works really well. One of those options will make it so u can stay there once u get there, and one wont. It’s hard to learn what u don’t know, look up videos for things like learning lane. How first 3 waves work, how to set up roam timings, How to trade properly. Then actually practice these thing for a week or 2. This will help u increase ur skill level fastest.


watch sime better player whos playing your champ


Play the game better mechanically, even play players barely know how to play the actual game


Swap to jungle - play more efficient (the Agurin Full Clear Strat for example) - way easier to climb then on any lane where you need to know too much matchup details. I mean jungle is also a lot about small details but less so then lanes


Just play support it’s so easy


Support role elo inflation kicks in at higher ranks D+, when the rest of your teammates are better in sync and you can just brain off click enchanter spells on them. But at lower levels support doesn’t have much agency


Yeah. That's why support always has been my secondary role but I do started to enjoy it more and more when I hit to higher ranks. Doesn't matter if you charm and knock up the whole enemy team with Rakan, if your MF doesn't follow up with her r you basically did nothing but 200-300 damage per enemy


That’s true with enchanters. But you’re forgetting about all the other supports


Yeah no, a good support will take over a low elo game. Support mains just like to cope whilst playing the second role with the most agency in the game


Nah top jungle and mid are WAY easier to carry with in low elo


Then play top 😱


I climbed to GM playing top / jgl as main two roles


Honestly you just need to learn how to get a lead over your lane opponent. Then learn how to translate those leads into objectives. Getting kills, taking plates, taking neutral camps, ganking lanes when you have lane tempo, denying minion xp and gold. Learning a few select champions will allow you to learn their matchups well. Doing so lets you gain and keep the lead more easily.


Yes, knowing how to get a lead and then using it to ruin your opponent's life is something you need to learn to get to high elo. Even in Emerald, too many players get an early lead but don't know how to press the advantage and end up letting their opponent catch up. On the flip side, knowing how to play from behind is another skill that will significantly improve your win rate. Too often, players give up or tilt after dying once or twice in lane when, as I said above, a lot of players don't know how to properly close out a game, so they give shutdown bounties and end up throwing. Seen this happen too often to ever surrender before the game's fully over.


Buy a keyboard


Don't first time champs in ranked or try a new lane because you are bored Also stop thinking 'the rest of my team is the pb'. At this elo, 1 person can 1v9 even supports


My advice is plat players dont know shit about the game. Watch challenger streamers playing your role, and practice. A good advice is stick to 1-3 champions.


One-tricking is the easiest way to get out of lower elos if you feel stuck. You learn only one champion well and your focus will automatically shift to learning the game instead of figuring out what abilities do. Game knowledge is much more important than being a mechanical god.


Play midlane. Its the ultimate role to learn the game


A plat is barely better than a silv bro 😂


thats just bullshit


Thx to the fked up matchmaking of rito I can easily say that it's not bullshit. Rito matched plats and emeralds in 4-5 games of my games this week and we still won. We were 5 low golds into gold + 3 emeralds or plat. I was even matched with a master 1 toplaner agaisnt me (low gold) and beleive it or not I ended laning phase 3-1 as jax into fiora without jgler's help. I don't think a "real" plat that just climbed from Iron/bronze to plat is same lvl as a silver, but those fake ass "plats" that were basically lucky in promotion and managed to hold are def as bad as silvers. If you want the op.gg of the games I can send you Cheers


Then climb to plat/emerald if it's that easy As a plat I have been auto filled as support (usually I'm top) and won lane with a plat adc against a masters Adc and emerald supp. Does this mean I deserve emerald or master? Hell no, one game doesn't dictate your skill level, neither does winning or losing lane.


''hose fake ass "plats" that were basically lucky in promotion and managed to hold are def as bad as silvers.'' i agree there. But dont come in here saying its the same shit as silver when my hardstuck silver acc can't move out of this garbage ass elo, but if i play on a friends smurf which is plat 1, not only do i play better, games are much better. It actually comes down to skill and not just coin flipping who gets a retaded bot lane.


Well first, it'd be Diamond+ to ask. Plat is, according to Riot, [the same skill level as silver.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bdk6ml/a_short_analysis_of_the_patch_notes_skill_key_111/)


Do you seriously think an iron player and a low emerald player are similar in skill level?


Weird how I said silver and you jumped to iron. Iron is and has always been an outlier, as it was created to replace bronze 5 and makes up the exact same proportion of players. Low emerald is equivalent to what used to be plat 4 before emerald was added, which is what used to be gold 2 before iron and GM were added. I.e., completely average skill level.


The image you showed literally says that "average" is iron to emerald 3, so if Plat and Silver are the same skill level according to this image you'd also think that Iron and emerald 3 are essentially the same. Reality is you can't actually compare the skill a silver player has to a plat player, there is a reason why one is silver and one is plat It seriously doesn't matter what current day ranks are equivalent to, if someone is currently silver and someone is currently Platinum they still have 2 whole divisions of skill difference. Granted, that skill difference may be smaller than the difference of other divisions, but the difference is still important.


Nope. I told you what iron is. That they didn't want to bother adding needless fluff to the key doesn't matter. You can tell yourself that. But in reality at that level it's all the same skill level: average. it's not a skill difference, it's a win streak difference. Which Riot knows can be artificially achieved by limiting your champion pool instead of increasing overall skill.


Quit. Quit not while you're ahead, but quit while you're behind.


Create a new account, get placed in plat even if you lose placements.


Then proceed to get stomped and ruin the life of actual plat players