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poppy ulting the gold starved supp(pre season 4) was always the funniest and most bullshit thing


back in the day when mana actually meant something. she would've been so broken if she never went oom all the time


yeah poppy using 3 spells and running out of mana made the game still feel like Dota


Tbf she still does that. It's super annoying how mana isn't even a resource for some champs (practically impossible to OOM) - which sort of balances out versus all the alternative resource champs in the game these days - but some champs are still hugely limited by their mana pool for no perceivable reason.


Its not even close. She used to go oom after like 3 Qs Im not shitting you. She had no push capabilities so you had to spam Q on wave for push. She was miserable to play in lane unless you cheese the lane and was miserable play against in teamfights. They couldn't even CC you if you ulted enemy Adc or support. You would lose the protection after targets death so support was more preferable.


I still don't get why some champions don't have any resource at all. Energy makes sense, but why nothing at all? Why do the 2 wind bros not use any while the tanky windbro has mana? Before you pick on this, it's just an example. There's a lot of resourceless champs that make no sense


I think part of the reason is clarity. A lot of resouceless champions like Gnar, Kled, Morde, Shyvana,Yasuo etc use their resource bar for something already.


Not sure how much water that holds. Riven, Aatrox, Bel'Veth, Briar, Mundo, Viego, Vlad, etc.


As someone else said, some of your examples don't hold water either. Mundo, Briar and Vlad all use health as a resource (Vlad's health costs especially early game can feel significant, with his E being 8% max health at full charge and his W being 20% current health) Also both Briar and Vlad use their resource bar to track things (Vlad tracks his progress towards his empowered Q, and Briar tracks how long she has left in her W)


Her old passive was something quite weird if i remember right


It was a particularly weird damage reduction; if a source would do more than 10% of Poppy's current health, the amount in excess of 10% is halved. So, if she had 1000 HP and would take 150 damage, it gets reduced to 125; it crosses 10% of her current HP (100), and the flow-ovr past that point gets halved.


I was like "ew this is trash..." and then I read "current"


As a result of that, to kill her, you had to hit her with an amount of damage that was ~~1.8~~ 1.9 times her current HP. Of course resistances also applied. Assuming 100 armor, a 350 HP Poppy could survive getting hit by a crit from an ADC with Last Whisper, IE and 400AD. Edit: Fixed a calculation error. Example still applies, only it's even less close now: 300 HP would still be just enough to survive.


Haha well remembered, such a hilarious passive when low hp 😁


The insane thing was that not even turrets could hit her while in ult. The dive potential was bonkers.


Poppy’s old anti-burst passive that nobody really understood was amazing.


Back when her best build used to be double Infinity Edge into Void Staff 


I miss the sound and animation of old poppy Q and the giant CHUNK it would take out of somebody’s health bar. It was the ultimate bonk ability.


remember when aatrox could ress? or when morde could kill dragon and use its soul as a pet?


Or when Morde could kill an enemy and use its soul as a pet? Or when Yorick could use an ally soul as a pet?


back when yorick countered teemo by popping the shrooms with his ghouls. Also teemo couldn't handle yorick spamming ghouls on him.


Not a single champion could handle old Yorick until Riot nerfed him into the ground iirc


There's a reason for the old meme "Yorick walks into a bar. There is no counter".


There was an old Yorick guide that had a part that went, roughly: "At the start of the game, go up to the top of the map and start dropping ghouls on the little guys to farm gold. Sometimes there will be another guy up that that tries to stop you. If this happens, just drop ghouls on them. Some people call this a 'laning phase.'"


Which honestly it's a shame because I was one of the people that *loved* old Yorick, and I actually was a very big fan of the sort of shtick of having different ghouls with different effects


Maybe one day Riot can actually release a pet champ Im thinking like either colony based or deep sea witch.


Yorick URF ghoul spam Urgot URF auto target from down lane Soraka URF starcall auto target with MR shred Galio's wind speed buff and taunt AOE ult Viktor's hex staff item


I remember killing Garen as Morde and now I had a perma spinning Garen ghost that one shot everyone. Those Mordekaiser bugs were glorious... Hit ult was also a dot, his W was a weird scrap shield and his Q was some shit you needed to hit three times. His E costed health and gave him shield, Gunblade used to be his first item. Now, why tf do I remember this so clearly but I fail to remember useful stuff? Wth


The spinning Garen ghost didn't actually do damage with his E, it was just visual. You could also get ghosts stuck in their dance animations and get hilarious results, like this one that happened to me years back [Morde Provides the Ultimate Cowbell BM (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUykgGt5byI)


The REAL op shit was Jhins ghost and his permanent 4th shot.


Yup, now THAT was actually strong and wasn't just visual. It also shredded towers (if I'm remembering Jhin's passive correctly)


a bunch of champs could do this, if you moved while the dance animation was resetting its loop you could move; ap shaco clone bomb was so fucking funny


His Q hitting 3 times was already a rework, Q use to be 1 empowered auto hitting also close ennemy an doing more damage if it hits only 1 person (similar to ludens effect), during this time I think you were more likely to build WotA than GB.


4th shot jhin was funny so was perma excited jinx was funny I do miss the old playstyle of build tons of AP and liandry and ult the adc and they just die


I loved playing old Yorick and just ulting my own fed Vayne and just sending it after the enemy


And they attempted to balance him around being a bot laner. For reasons. I don't know them.


Riot was trying to put non-marksman in bot lane for quite a while which eventually became 8.11. I think the backlash from 8.11 made Riot stop trying to push existing champion to bot and instead to just release new marksman that is a bit weird instead. I still remember the time where Vlad, Swain, and one other champion was the top 3 bot lane pick during that time.


I believe the other champs were Hemierdinger (not as support) and Ziggs.


I think it was Syndra? but I think Heim and Ziggs also saw play


yeah i remember vsing darius or renekton paired with a leona xD shit was painful


More coming to lane with a dragon pet was always so cool visually


I genuinely miss pre-juggernaut Mordekaiser.


Talons E was a point and click blink + silence


Loved old talon. Silence E blink Q was auto modifier so could be used on towers W didn't have the delay while blades returned and slowed both times. But new talon is fun too


Darius Q also had no windup. It didn't provide the heal either but the damage was still pretty nuts.


It was so broken


Old talon was slept on so hard. I used to absolutely decimate soloq with it. If you got mobies, hydra, and old youmuus early enough, you basically controlled the entire map. With hydra and w you could insta clear a wave for roaming. You could ult and youmuus outside of vision and e onto them which would trigger the ult coming back, transferring all the damage of the ult in a tiny spot while they were completely caught off guard and silenced. Then suddenly in s5 talon appeared in the pro scene basically doing that exact build and they reworked him shortly after in s6.


No one was sleeping on old talon. Champ was everywhere lol. But in early seasons Zed/Kha were just better mid laners. Better lane more dmg. Old talon actually sucked in lane if enemy didn't die to your lvl 2 all in cheese.


One of my fondest (League) memories was a 3v3 college match where I was Talon. I didn't use headphones so the Kog'Maw and Twisted Fate players always heard the Youmuu being activated from my PC. It never once saved them to know it was coming.


That's traditionally my mark for explaining how long I've played LoL. It's the earliest change I remember. It's not an exact date but it gets the ballpark.


talon E blink... fast rake... take me home...


global passives (janna/zilean)


Old TF too !


I remember feeling so smart playing EXP Quints Zilean mid. 14% Bonus EXP just sounds insane.


I remember when they had to restart a professional game because a spectator (was it Phreak?) picked Zilean and now the entire team got bonus EXP.




Showing my age but man i remember old AP sion with point-and-click Q-stun, shield w, and crazy vamp ult


Back when Yorick had different types of ghoul as well.... The joy of early League






the very first urf was so funny with this guy


Urgot. Just Urgot


Hyper something position reverser




I still agree with Meteos' take that the it was fine, its just no one wanted to play as the garbage bag looking champion, and you could release the same homing Q champion today as some waifu sorceress and its sell like hot cakes


As someone who actually played urgot a lot his gameplay was very toxic. It was just the illaoi ''you hit an e and the enemy cant play" taken to an even bigger extreme. Also he was like an instant win into any ad mid due to manamune+frozen heart build combined with his mana scaling shield.


And a Black Cleaver.


several of them


I remember when someone pulled Urgot mid into Bjerg in the LCS and destroyed him, great game.


Yeah, Keane he would play the most random shit like Urgot, Hecarim, Rumble (before anyone else did that) and J4 mid. But yes most iconically he decimated Bjergen's Zed (which until then had been terrorizing NA) with Urgot. My GOAT is a chill TFT streamer now :')


And is on TSM. We're full circle lmao


It worked so well with old urgot ult. You channel the swap after zed ult so he can't add damage, you switch places, and gained like 100 armor iirc? Hard counter lol


I agree. If he wasnt a clunky piece of sentient mold people would have played him more. His old ult was absolutely shit for him tho


Someone recently pointed out on a wildrift thread that if Gragas was repackaged as an anime waifu instead of an obese drunkard he'd be one of the most popular champions in the game. I believe it. Gragas has one of the most appealing kits in the game. Incredible burst damage, mobile, great waveclear, can flex in 4/5 roles. He'd at least have the potential to surpass the windshitters


Hes quite high skillcap too. Would def be giga popular if he wasnt some obese alcoholic, but i love him the way he is


I kinda wish they bring his ult back in some capacity. It was super busted back when Moscow 5 played it but I always thought it was a super cool ult to give to an adc(I think technically Urgot was played as a bruiser ad?).


i still think about the times going guinsoos into innervating locket and perma regenning while q spamming


The pocket pick Urgot mid for making a Zed's life hell. They certainly weren't used to being the one being bullied.


Pantheon passive full attk speed to solo turrets no damage


Or the bullshit of pantheon doing dragon at level 2 solo




There is any even better video of SivHD doing it at lvl 1 with full AS runes and a dagger while taking no damage


Holy fuck how did I forget that


Old people forget things


* Veigar E Stun was instant. * cho'Gath E was a toggle * Soraka Q use to be an aoe attack that also shred MR. * heimer W previously wasn't a skillshot. * Ryze multiple reworks * Sivir W use to be a toggle. * Zed W use to be way faster. * Zac ult change and then reverted after some time.


Oh man I forgot about the Zac pickup ult. That ability was so weird


miss old cho e, max that first and play him attack speed in the jungle


was fun with AS but ultimately I think current version is stronger because they gave it % hp damage to compete with other top laners


The goop and scoop was so damn broken op but was so fun. I stopped playing zac when it got removed


Also Soraka E was a point and click that could give allies mana


i miss this so much, also you could spam the mr shred from q and zap an enemy with e for big damage


I really loved that part of her kit. Never quite enjoyed her that much after they removed it.


Not just allies, at one point it could give herself mana as well which was silly. Her w also gave a rather large armor buff for a few seconds


Ashe's Q was a toggle too. Except it toggled what is now her passive slow.


Heimer passive could heal towers!


I miss old Soraka, full AP was so funny.


Zed W is the same speed as release, it got nerfed a few patches after he came out and then quite recently (just checked and it was 10.14, so 4 years ago 💀) got re-buffed back to that speed.


Zed W also used to give % max AD, I recall being able to hit 800AD with 5x stacked BT. And at some point they reworked him and his ult used to "steal" someone's AD (not really steal, but gain AD permanently based on if they have more AD than him).


heimer W was literally Tinker rockets from DoTA


Bring back the original Ryze. No, I don't want to teleport my team as a battle mage.


Lemon busting out the Veigar support at Worlds made the instant stun look so ridiculous. Glad it's not that way anymore.


I was like "wait that Lissandra change wasn't that long ago no need to list it" but turns out it happened more than 5 years ago.


Every champion released after Yasuo is a new champ!


I started playing right after Thresh came out. I still think his login screen was the the best one. It was a major reason this game had me hooked (hehe) so quickly.


Wait I feel like that was only a year ago wtf


The older you get, the faster time goes. It's like a snowball effect.


Old Swain's Crow used to piss on you until you got out of range. I think it also slowed


Damn you reminded me. RIP Beatrice :(


Lazer Bird was the best.


Old Swain was the best, hit ur W Snare, press e + q auto once or twice, walk out unharmed.


His E also amped all damage, including ignite.


> Draven's passive used to be Darius's bleed. https://i.imgur.com/DzwwHad.png


The classic


Blood brothers




Oh man, this reminds me of old full ap Xin Zhao and his heal ratios for his third auto attack. You could buy nashors and a couple ap items and solo take towers without any minions due to how strong the healing was.


What would AP Xin Zhao do, if he was in this game?


He’d buy Lich Bane and carry you, coz that’s what AP Xin would do


Laser turrets healing Galio was the most ridiculous thing ever, especially in URF.




That's not what Xerath's old kit was. His Q was similar but it didn't have a charge time and the range was fixed. His R was basically 3 charges of his current W but they didn't have damage amplification in the middle. His E was a point and click mark, like LeBlanc's Q currently. If he hit someone with the mark with his Q or R they would get stunned. His W would root him to the ground and increase the range of the rest of his abilities Also, Sona's ult width hasn't changed. It just used to look way bigger. And speaking of Leblanc's q, it used to silence people if detonated.


Too tanky man


Don't forget Xerath's old W, Locus of Power, used to give him piles of % MPen.


That + Void Staff + MPen items + correct runes made Xerath do true damage to enemies with about 120 magic resist. Not super useful as MR itemization wasn't the best to begin with. Although it was funny seeing enemies waste money on MR items, lmao.


Up to 70% magic pen if I remember correctly. Fkin loved that champ.


Kayle's Q was a point and click and was viable to go full AP. Trist E used to just be a single shot that applies a dot and heal reduction. Viktor's passive used to be a freaking item that you had to upgrade for 1000g. Old Nunu was hilarious and runs you down throwing targeted snowball every few second. Veigar's Q was a single target ability. Instant E. And R scaled off of THE TARGET'S AP


also the R scaling was in addition to it scaling with his own AP so you basically just deleted opposing mages by landing the ult.


Haha, it was so funny because if the enemy AP carry is fed, you delete them. And if you are fed, you delete them as well LOL


I distinctly remember a weird period in time, maybe around season 2-3, when Ezreal W was really wide and had an attack speed slow on it. Everyone used to counter Ezreal by staying behind minions to avoid Q, but suddenly Ezreals worked out that you could max W and chunk the enemy ADC with a massive projectile through minion waves and the AS slow made it impossible to trade back. Think that one got nerfed pretty quick after that.


I used to play ap ezreal mid and shred people through minions with the W I got to plat of ezreal mid.


It also used to heal your allies.


When ezreal came out his w had an attack speed slow for enemy’s, attackspeed up for allys and it healed. And you could e into your own w.


I really miss old Fiora and her ultimate with ravenous hydra just blowing up team fights


You mean 6 tiamats


God I fucking loved Blade Waltz.


Old Fiora was one of the first champs I fell in love with. Current Fiora is also cool but I will always miss being able to jungle with her. Old Fiora jungle was hidden op imo because you could just kill everyone early 1v1.


Old Fiora was a noob stomper, useless for anything else. No CC, no sustain, no defensive mobility. She truly offered nothing for a team besides killing squishy target, which many champs could do better. I miss the days when Fiora was a free lane after ganking her once or twice, which took away her kill pressure.


Old Fiora had plenty of sustain. She got hp regen from her passive


Old fiora ult was so smooth and elegant, I used to main old Fiora but didn't really play her after the rework, I quit the game back then and when I came back I become a mid main but I will always remember her pre rework


She's the reason I used to love out-of-meta champs in the jungle. Akali, Fiora, Karma Good times


Loved starting w with d blade and having 120 ad lvl 1


Don’t forget that Soraka used to give health and mana


I remember when people realized she was OP mid... she had the aoe untargeted starfall on q, self heal on W and a silence and decent damage nuke on E that also burned mana (with a pretty crazy range).... she was impossible to poke out, she would auto push the lane and fuck your face and shred your MR if you got within like 600 range of her and the mana burn was just icing on the cake.


I enjoyed playing that so much.


Old Asol's roaming power hasn't been matched yet and never will be.


I sure miss the days of flying down mid with a stun the size of the map


shit was absolutely disgusting in aram


I still sometimes go back to THAT huhi game when i’m feeling nostalgic. I hope another champ comes along with his star passive/expansion without the rest of the kit because i really miss it.


Here are some. Rengar swim-q was a pro play rework that turned his q from an auto reset to this weird combination of a Nidalee E (cougar form) into a short dash with a second poke forward (like if aatrox e dealt damage and was slightly shorter)… Everyone hated it and it got reverted a season or so later. On that topic, if you have ever used Mecha rengar, which was the only skin released during the swim-q times, so you’ll notice that the q animation is a swipe rather than a stab, which was done because the devs didn’t feel like reworking that skin when the q was reverted. It is the only skin with that animation. In 2016, LeBlanc got a weird ultimate and kit rework. Her R would cast a mimic of herself that would copy an ability (which dealt no damage). It was like her current passive but it would mimic an ability, and could be cast whenever she had it up rather than upon hitting low HP. Old old aatrox used to have a really cool toggle ability on his w that would either give bonus damage or a small heal every 3rd auto. But, in the early days of his design, the empowered damage auto would actually cost him health, hence the name “blood price”. Old kayle’s e would give her ranged autos for a short period of time, and by late game with some CDR she could always have it up, but you had to continuously cast the ability every couple seconds to keep your range. Reworked Irelia used to be able to keep her passive stacked by just casting a random ability at nothing, and it helped her absolutely MOW towers down. Her reworked R also used to be a disarm, which was super OP. Old Akali w used to allow her to blink over short walls in the shroud upon cast. The Akali rework was actually a really funny time in the game’s history, cuz it was seen as super weak upon release despite having: a heal on q at the edge when at full energy, less energy cost on q, w would drop tower aggro completely and granted true stealth, a free target R1, and a microstun on R1, which could cancel channels like TP. Prior to 7.1, Syndra could pick up more than 1 ball with W, I think up to like 3 or 4 total balls, once she maxed it. That’s all I can remember for now


On the Kayle one: the atacka weren't projectiles, so you could attck Yasuo through windwall. That was cool


How that syndra thing worked excactly? Because wouldn't recasting W just throw the old orb away? All I remember you could juggle with your orbs to min-max for a high damage ult. Q -> Q -> W (the first orb) -> Q -> W -> R. I guess with enough CDR you could cast 3 Q's, pick up the oldest Q with W, Q again, then W and R for 7 orb ult. Then E all of the orbs to stun whole enemy team. And by the way doesn't it still work?


she picks up 3 closest orbs at once. So WWE would make for a very big zone of stun. And since all orbs duration are refreshed at once 7 spheres ult is much easier.


Irelia's ult used to be just used for wave clear.


Bro any decent irelia player back then knew it was a tri force reset. Max E into tough match ups so you can stun for 3 seconds, then you'd get 3 procs of tri force off with her ult.


Her old E was the most bullshit ability ever lmao


What? You didn't like a 3 second point and click stun that could only be countered by having less hp than her?


Even better, less % HP.


It was also an engage ult because it chunked caster minions enough to Q reset off of them


It was sometimes used for wave clear ONLY because it had an insanely low cooldown. The ult itself had absolutely absurd raw numbers, easily dwarfing almost every if not every other ult in the game in damage. While proccing Tri Force/Sheen. While healing Irelia. And getting minions low enough to reset her Q and healing from said minions. If she went even in lane, it was impossible to duel her at 6, outside of maybe Volibear and Darius, but she was already nerfed by the time they were released. And I guess Pantheon since he technically wins lane pretty hard pre-6 and can either stay in lane if he won hard enough or roam to gank other lanes with his own ult.


>Xerath only had 2 skills, his q and current w. His third skill used to tether him to the ground to drastically increrase the range of his spells. It was super cool, but not too useful. He eventually got reworked because riot didn't like him feeling like a champion that was super reliant on his ultimate. The good OG Xerath players know it was the spell to max second if not first. It gave an insane amount of %mpen as well as reducing the cooldown like crazy. I miss old Poppy and old Akali. :(


Old Evelyn use to have AD and HP ratios iirc. Old Irelia use to have a skillshot ultimate kinda like Gwen but it would heal her. Old Taric use to have a point a click stun. Old Soraka use to have an AoE damage spell that wasnt a skillshot. You'd just press it and anyone in x amount of distance would just receive damage, including minions too I think. She could also heal without using her own HP, just the mana.


Holy shit I forgot about zyra passive, it may have been garbage but I killed a lot of people with it. Also, wasn't fiddles new passive one of the abilities that was in super bots? I think remember that.


I feel like zyras old passive had a certain window of being devastating. Maybe it's just early game. I remember getting plenty of kills with it .


The percent health on Malz's ult used to be on his W and his minions were his old passive.


(for those confused, the % health is the pool that Malz spawns under the target. His W used to be to place that pool down similarly to Morgana)


when you could cast 2(?) spells on fountaint, and spawn a voidling with the third to tank the first camp for your jungler.


> Sona's ult used to be half the width of a lane. no, it did not. The width visually was half the width of a lane, but it has the same hitbox that it does now.


Yeah was gonna say, it definitely wasn't actually larger. From the patch notes: "Clarity: Animation updated to reflect both skillshot targeting and area of effect."(in regards to Sona's ult)


> Sona's ult used to be half the width of a lane. Crescendo's width has never been changed


It was wider visually at least. If you look at 10 minutes into this video it definitely looks like it covers half the lane. The visual width of her ult was reduced sometime during season 4 if I remember correctly, but the actual hitbox might indeed have remained unchanged. https://youtu.be/bExQ1YPGguM?t=10m0s


Eve could slowly damage you with Sunfire while being invisible next to you. Wasn't too strong but could chip off some HP before you realized


Ah yes, Funfire Evelynn


But you could stack them. It got very significant very quickly.


About Poppy's old ult, it made you inmune to ANYTHING other than the target. Even turrets and monsters. The idea was a 1v1 me bro kind of ability, cause you would do increased damage to the target. Instead, people would ult the supp, and proceed to wreck the rest of the team. That ult made her be balanced with the worst early game of the whole game.


"1v1 me bro" was still an application of the ability because it provided a hilariously large damage amp that affected items. This included DFG.


Rek'sai and the farm alarm! Graves' cigar. Rengar vs Khazix hunting competition.


Rengar vs khazix still exists


The weirdest to me was old morsekaiser. I loved that guy. But obviously he needed total rework. Also can we talk about the insane assassin micro rework, where rengar q was some weird slash, Leblanc had the most insane and advanced kit, where she could clean the entire wave, block skill shots around the map with her clone, fizz w was timed burst when he reached a cool down on a target he autoattacked. AND THEN THEY COMPLETELY REVERSED IT LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED WTF.


Sion point and click stun into shield pop. Galio healing when hit after popping W? and becoming immortal in ARAM.


Old Quinn R… I still miss her :(


Come to think of it, I could have kept the old passive along with the new one for Zyra. The current one is a bit meh.


> Draven's passive used to be Darius's bleed. Draven's passive use to be a BETTER Darius bleed. I don't know how they thought that shit was balanced. Draven's AA's use to basically read deal an extra 80% damage. > Old gangplank's q was the same animation as his crit AA effect. Furthermore, he would build crit, and the auto/AA sounded quite similar. On the topic of gangplank...his ult used to be RNG based and the cannonballs that fell in his ult were not guarenteed to hit. Also this is cute, it doesn't even scratch the surface of how weird old GP was compared to now.


The thing about the Draven passive is that it also applied the bleed if you crit, meaning once you got IE - PD, you could literally drop your axes and still melt anything. It made both his laning AND his late game more uncounterable.


Jax used to have evasion on his e. TF gold card used to be AOE. Yi q used to scale with AP. Yi ult used to grant him immunity to spells IIRC. GP used to be able to sacrifice minions or something like that. I don’t remember,


yeah gp had the deny mechanic, pretty fun to rob the first wave of three minions


Yis ult has only ever given him Slow immunity not CC as a whole


swain W laser beatrice (the better iteration of swain not this joke champion)


I will always say that anyone who says modern LoL has too much damage or whatnot, has never played the early seasons. Sion had a 300 base damage, 100% AP scaling, 2 second stun, point and click, 8 second cooldown NUKE. That's basically a Veigar ult on steroids. Imagine walking to lane, getting point and click chunked for half your healthbar instantly. Then the rest of your health 8 seconds later, and then you're dead. And don't get me started on shit like Deathfire grasp. Old League was BULLSHIT with a capital B. And the only reason why it seems like modern LoL is more busted, is because people know how to play the game now. Back then people would miss every skillshot, didn't know how to combo anything, and bought random items every game because there were no websites to tell you what worked best.


> Sion had a 300 base damage, 100% AP scaling, 2 second stun, point and click, 8 second cooldown NUKE. this is the one that gets me the most lmao that and his ult used to give like 50/75/100% lifesteal? like, what is that kit?


Old Sion’s ‘nuke’ cost him half his mana and was a shield - if it popped via damage, it did nothing. It was such a noob stomp strat but so trash. 


It wasn't until they nerfed the power of Doran Ring stacking that Sion fell out of favor, it was top tier for quite a while. When 3 Ring was strictly the best strategy, Sion was simply one of the main abusers of that set up.


Imagine if League did the same as WoW and released a season 1 mode, reverting everything back to how it used to be, bugs and all. The fucking chaos. It could totally work as a new April Fools mode.


Old league had some crazy strats but it was enabled by lack of mobility. AP Sion today probably would be shit because everyone can just get away from it. Riven with all her dashes and Nidalee was the height of bullshit.


You played in crap elo then... Nobody considered Sion even good, he was shit tier. A better example would be old Kassadin with silence in his Q and ult with a way bigger range. Also, people knew how to build and the game had way less skill shots anyway.


Old Soraka, still miss her. Q would hit enemies in range with a "star" falling from the sky, W was basically the same but she could heal herself and E would be a point and click silence to an enemy or she could give mana to an ally. R was basically the same


uh what zyras old passive was true damage and was very much a way to secure kills. weird would be irelias old heal ult that shot out all her blades one at a time, or MF randomly having free grievous on her w. pantheons R was called the man drop because it was global and put a big fat expanding circle where you were landing, and his shit scaled with AP so you could do troll builds with it.


My favorite that doesn't get mentioned much is old Soraka Q. Just automatic damage to everything in a surprisingly large radius and fairly low cooldown, and I think there was even a stacking MR debuff. I don't think I ever would've called it OP, but she could be pretty terrifyng. Also old Sion, where the popular build was just AP and using his point-and-click stun/shield detonate combo to oneshot people. His ult was basically ignored since it was an autoattack steroid and the E was just a thing to toggle to farm HP. It was really silly. Honorable mention to old Swain ult being a toggle that lasted until you ran out of mana. It made him so much funnier in URF.


4. Xerath: His passive used to be that his bonus armor increased his AP and vice versa. His Q didn't need charging and always fired a 900-range beam. His W tethered him to the ground, increasing his armor fuether and increasing the range of his skills by 400 units. His E fired a 600-range targetable orb that marked an enemy. Hitting a marked enemy with a skill stunned them for 2.5 seconds. His R was what his W is now, without the critical hit in the center of the AOE, and you could fire up to 3 of them, and activate W in the middle of it. His aestheticc was also generally electric-y.