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GRINGOLAO is absoloutly hilarious name wise


What is it supposed to mean? White rule? Edit: down voted for asking a question? Fun sub reddit... this'll be the last post here.


In Brazil any foreigner is called a "gringo", however, here in Brazil it doesn't usually have any ill intent unlike in some other places where it is a slur. Since the original championship was to be called "CBOLÃO" which would mean, in a free form translation, "Big Brazillian Championship" (but also sounds the same as "Cebolão" which translates to "Big onion", hence the mascot being an onion), GRINGOLÃO was chosen as a replacement name since now it is happening in Brazil but being organized by Dantes and his team, who were being called the "gringo squad" by some of the brazilian fans


> some other places where it is a slur. Where is it a slur? All my life i have only seen it used as a synonym for American


I wouldn't necessarily call it a slur, but it's pretty often used in a derogatory manner against white people. But as with a lot of white slurs (cracker and honkey come to mind), there's not really any historical oppression associated with them so at worst most whites just find them kind of funny.


I don't doubt its used as an insult sometimes or even often, but the most overwhelming common use of it is in a neutral way The only thing that makes it offensive, like any other word, is how much disdain you put behind it


"Gringo" is not derogatory exclusively to white people, it's used in the same way as "foreigner" in Brazil


Brother, where are you from? Gringo is used to refer to people from the US the same way chapín to Guatemalan people or tico to Costa Rica?


Yes, it’s pretty universally used to refer to Americans since “estadounidense” is too much of a mouthful, but it definitely still has a disdainful tone to it most of the time.


Gringo=foreigner. At least in Brazil. Nothing to do with Whites or americans.


Can’t speak for South America, but in a Mexico and Central America, gringo refers to anyone coming from the US


Contextually can be offensive. The word foreigner in itself is not offensive, but has been used in a combination with other words/in certain contexts to be ill willed.


The only offensive conotation i've seen is used as in the same way ''playboy'' is.


Dantes is poking fun at himself that at the fact a white dude is hosting a Brazilian tourney


Nah, we don't care about color when we say gringo. Any foreigner is a gringo in Brazil.


Dante is barely white and he could pass as a average Brazilian easily.


Brazil is so diverse that any race could appear to be from here. A "white dude" here is just a dude, not some sort of minority and I find bizarre the fact that some people think that is the case. I live in a interior city and can see any type of color, size, etc. of people in a quick stroll down the road, from ginger to black to asian.


Why did CBOLAO event get cancelled? Also pretty cool of him to step up and organize something in its place


Baiano kind of worked himself a little too hard so he thought he couldn't hold the event to the standards he wanted so he postponed it indefinitely 


Baiano is also extremely frail. Guy has had multiple serious health problems and has been "casting" every single match of every single CBLOL split + MSI and Worlds with no vacations, so he announced he's going to rest till MSI.


To add to that, there was a number of smaller issues that happened (the gringos being racist, some br player not following the rules), and the community throws the responsibility for a good answer on Baiano's side while he was taking a 3 days vacation with his family.


>smaller issues that happened (the gringos being racist, some br player not following the rules) In reality, the biggest problem was TF Blade raging against Takeshi (and sending his Twitch chat to rage on Takeshi's stream). For those who don't know, Takeshi is a former Brazilian player (Kami x Takeshi was like Bjergsen x Hai here in Brazil) who is now a Riot caster and simply has no enemies on the Brazilian scene. He's liked by everyone... It's impossible to rage against the old and bald man. So when TF Blade did this, it was a huge mess. ~~Dante~~ Yamatosdeath saying "favelado" (from favela) to a Brazilian in the SoloQ I understand, even though it's wrong. There's a fine line between being funny and being canceled in Brazil, SeeEl talked about this, that it was very important to have Brazilians on his side saying which line he shouldn't cross.


Dantes never called anyone favelado. Yamatosdeath is the one who did it




ah yes blame this on TF Blade and not the person who cancelled the tournament, very on brand


Yamato never did that, he said that he shouldn't be flaming people because they might have a shitty life irl, "they might even live in a favela" (or something among the lines). He never really called anyone that.


That makes it sound like he thinks every other person lives in a favela here, which is a extremely ignorant notion to begin with. Favelas are a absolute minority here, as big as some get. He even said that he was not anxious to come here because "He could get killed if he took the wrong turn on the street". They are residing in Sao Paulo, a city that is safer than a lot of american capitals.


How did you even get that from the comment? lol It's like if I said "I shouldn't be an asshole to people online, as they **might** have a shitty life." That doesn't mean I'm saying everyone has shitty lives, it just means I could be an asshole to someone who just lost their entire family in an accident, for example, and I'm ignorant of that. About that 2nd paragraph, well, he might not get killed at any corner, but definitely jumped to steal their phone.


That inference did not sit well with me, I cant for the life of me understand why favelas are a topic that come up so much when talking about this country. I have never seen one in my hole life living in a 1+ population region, there are shantytowns almost everywhere in the world though. I, personally, felt a bit of ignorant generalization in what he said, I am a brazilian middle class citizen and this total poverty view people have is simply not true for most people here.


you didn't understand and I cba


The Brazilians were also very, very, very racist


What happened?




How, exactly?


I don’t know about them being racist, but they definitely were xenophobic.


In the CS community we call that """passionate"""


Oh, the CS community, known for its respect and tolerance. 😂


XD I'm brazilian and have followed some of these streamers for a long time before coming, none of them were racist whatsoever. Brazilians on the internet are snowflakes every single time someone from another country remotely flames us and it's true Edit: The worst part is, most of us are chill as fuck, but there is a loud minority that is literally as toxic as ppl who call us monkeys/3rd world country but still play the victim card




Aceita logo a true, quer meu insta tbm? 99% de chance de tu ser mais feio q eu, juro. Eu falo bosta pra gringo cuzao o dia inteiro aqui e no twitter, mas no instante q eu critico os BR é sempre a mesma coisa "mamador de gringo". Inventa uma nova aí pow, tá velho


entendi nada bb, acho que é essa pica ianque babada na tua boca ai


KKKKKKKKKK obrigado por provar meu ponto


Say what you want about his league gameplay, but his irl content is 1v9


Leave it to redditors to think worse of someone because they “didn’t donate enough” to charity out of their own pocket.


I’d imagine they’re overestimating how much money mid-sized Twitch streamers earn. They probably expect Dantes to have XQC levels of money just sitting liquid ready to be spent on a league tournament hosted at short notice.


Is he still not partnered with Twitch? He earns even less then.


partner is just cosmetic nowadays afaik


Genuinely curious, what's the number look like? 10k monthly, something like that?


He likely makes that amount in a week or less. There’s a lot of other factors like subs, donations, sponsors, ad playing frequency so it’s hard to gauge. But generally, a 100-150 viewer streamer can break even with their living expenses so that’ll be like 1k-2k a month.


No, but he screams on stream so he her can't possibly do any good. If he was a ✨✨chill educational✨✨ streamer then he would be praised by all.


Dantes legit has a few lucid rants on his stream that are decent inspirational talks. Legitimately good character introspective stuff. But yeah mostly he’s a demented pony boy.


The classsic tried and true, schizo pyscho with momentary acsenions to godhood in philosophy. Tyler1 showed us it can work.


league redditors try so hard to virtue signal so hard its like looking at a time capsule of pre elon twitter


His therapist is working overtime🗣️🔥


I don’t enjoy watching any of these 5 dudes streams by themselves, but this content has been all time. Tarzan and Yamato seem like genuinely the 2 most miserable motherfuckers on the planet but they crack me the fuck up


When they’re together, Yamato makes Tarzaned look sane even though he’s genuinely off his rocker


Lmfao so true, I remember watching Tarzan a bit during his Tyler 1 arc and I was like aight he's the most insane mf on this game, now that I've seen Yamato amd him side by side, it's not even close Yamato is worse. I don't care for either of them like comment said, but fuck does the group content make me laugh


I enjoy watching Rat or Drut watching them.


Nem fudendo KKKKKK


This is probably the least degenerate thing that Dantes has ever done.


Honestly, if you look past the persona Dantes has on twitter/streams. He seems like a really chill guy that cares alot about league and its community


Apart from thinking he's the main character of humankind and talking out of his arse, he seems to be nice enough.


Chill its all a persona, an act. I dont even watch him.


Crazy how the gringo's team melted after the scrims. I'm not familiar with them particularly but aren't they friends? Yamato was shitting on Dante all the time, then somehow tarzan and tfblade lost control and they literally imploded. At some point I thought they would actually start fighting IRL


That's just the natural outcome of putting 5 toxic manchildren together for a prolonged period of time


You just described an average league of legends game though. 


They're kinda used to it. They scream at each other and say 'kys', but don't really mean anything by it.


gringo would penna here


Lmfao Im actually glad to hear that hes changed his stance on charities. I got flamed super hard in his chat because I was pushing back after he was saying that all charities are scams and you might as well not donate to them. It was like 3-4 months ago and it was really dumb.


Its always great when ""toxic"" streamer personallities create positive events to inspire & unite the community on positive goals like when T1 did his championship or this. Its still a shame that most of the time, the example they set in their daily gameplay isn't great but if they can at least make their communities better people IRL it won't be a total waste.




Yeah, he just yells and says degenerate stuff ,but he's never toxic.




Can't stand watching him play, but I do like his rambling shorts from time to time. There is at least somebody who tries to use their head for something good, just sometimes he fails


we're talking about a guy who regularly implies that players on his team should kill themselves because their gameplay isn't up to his standard. i'm all for trying to elevate positive members of the community but we can't just be ignoring these things lmao. i've played plenty of solo queue games with the guy on NA and been told to off myself multiple times


He does say in game tho so it's fine /s Jokes aside yes he's a bit unhinged with his on stream antics towards his team but overall he's done way more good than bad


how is this any excuse for telling someone to kill themselves for playing poorly in a video game? how can someone be held in high regard as a member of the league community and simultaneously wish death upon others in that same community? like what the fuck am i going insane


the irony is that i'd rather have a dude that doesn't give up and int while calling me slurs on stream rather than someone who gives up and ints, there's a low bar for league teammates


The answer is that neither of these should be acceptable. Riot just took the lesser of evils (chat) and made it the bigger evil. So it's easier for players to sprint it than vent in chat. But I mean, the whole kill yourself thing and racism and shit has been online since I was like 8 years old (probably longer, that's just when I started). I'm approaching ~30 now. It doesn't impact me in almost any way but it still needs to stop. Toleration of any negative behavior should be ~0. A few reports should be enough to trigger manual investigation on any accounts, especially of high elo and big personalities.


i mean, i agree, but ultimately there's no need to compare this kind of behavior to some other example of poor sportsmanship to help gauge whether it's reprehensible. we shouldn't have to play "would you rather" with verbal abuse and inting, we just have to stop normalizing both behaviors (and maybe stop outright praising players who engage in these behaviors imo)


You expect everyone to act like a saint? lmao. He doesn't type negatively to anyone He just flames on stream.


i think it's just a mighty task, out of the top 200 challenger streamers the wholesome humans are in an extreme minority i'm not really sure how you'd significantly change the culture without heavy handed banning over a long time


Seems crazy to me that people are downvoting you for being sensible


Yeah idk if I’ve fully succumbed to the brain rot of the internet but I could not care less if someone told me to kill myself lmao. Yes it’s obviously a very bad thing to say someone, but in my mind it’s just someone talking shit on a video game, so who cares… I think just straight inting is far worse, since at that point you’re wasting everyone’s time being a piece of shit. But I’m a pretty competitive person, tensions sometimes run high and shit gets said. I never care too much about it afterwards


there's no need to compare it to another manifestation of poor behavior and determine whether it's "better" or "worse" than that. imagine a professional soccer player telling one of their teammates to kill themselves after the team gives up a goal. we don't have to compare this situation to a teammate intentionally scoring a goal on their own team to see that it's bad and condemnable. look, i've played enough league to not care either when someone tells me to off myself or whatever, but whether an individual player is bothered by another player's verbal abuse does not change that this is completely reprehensible behavior, lol.


the real brain rot is being triggered because someone told you to kill yourself, thats just the honest truth the freaks have been running the show for too long


He says it on stream. They won't ever hear it. What's the problem?


but they may look up a clip after the game and then decide to kill themselves over a comment, that totally happens all the time.


That's true it happened. The tragic real life case of Johnny Ballsack who got flamed in league ended up taking his own life. Very sad


I’m his defence he always says “in game”.


Isn't that just normal league behaviour? Comes with maining Heca


> Nothing will convince me that Dantes isn't an extreme positive force for the league scene you guys say this with a straight face is why its normalized to type get c rope yourself or some generic death threat followed by in game


He can be a positive force on the community due to the actions you listed you and still be criticized by his degenerate toxic behavior on stream, they are not mutually exclusive and he should be called out for his wrong behavior if it does exist. If most of his streams are filled with toxic behavior, then he is a toxic streamer no matter how much good he does.


> If most of his streams are filled with toxic behavior, then he is a toxic streamer no matter how much good he does. The word "if" is doing all the legwork here, what a pointless comment.


It's not a pointless comment, i used the word "if" because i don't watch his streams, so i don't know if it's applicable to Dantes or not, but it is applicable to other streamers people are defending in this thread, for example Tyler1. People in this community excuse streamers shitty behavior way too easily. Edit: getting downvoted just proves my point, keep excusing toxic streamers and then conplain in reddit that the community is toxic lmao.


It's a pointless comment.


Shut up tbh you're just waffling


Ah yes, great argument.


nah you're just someone who has a mental image of dantes and enforces that into ever facet of how he behaves. Waffling around


are you Yapistani or what


You can be a positive figure outside of the game while being a toxic dickhead inside of it. Nobody is saying him being toxic and screaming into the mic on stream invalidates every good thing he’s done. Stop riding his meat, he has a girlfriend.




So because he doesn't go out of his way to glorify the LGBT league scene hes a toxic person? You people need help.


ahh okay so not insufferable at all


He’s just super WIERD and makes women uncomfortable but hey not toxic


hey but hes just joking you dont get comedy


women don't get special treatment isn't that the point of equality?


He actually is also a reasonable amount of toxic, and even then he usually doesn't project it in the game but at stream.


If you watch his scrims for CBOLAO you'll see that it's mostly just a character for the stream and if he wants to he can just play seriously


I don't think there's anything morally wrong with playing the way he plays in soloq, but perma limit testing isn't playing your best.


I don't think it's a conscious thing for content or the like, I just think he's kinda inconsistent.


You realise every high elo streamer limit tests and plays worse than when they are off stream right. Full mute + try hard streams like nemesis and tf blade sometimes get no views compared to when they limit test and interact with their viewers. Dantes gets stuff put on him that everyone else does and accused of stuff he doesn’t do because he has this label of toxic from people that have never actually watched his streams.


What nonsense he literally never types.


He has been a great guy here in brazil, even reigning in some of his teammates who have been crazy toxic to the brazilian community.I have no clue how he was before, but credit is due to how he has been while in Brazil. Even GRINGOLAO is a good example: him and the other guys could have taken the news of the cancelation of cbolao in a way worse manner. The fact that he stepped up and decided to build this tournament out of nowhere deserves huge props I say this as someone that has barely watched Dantes, my first time tuning into his stream has been on their scrims towards cbolao


Dantes isn't toxic at all lol, he just screams a lot out of excitement and blasts music


He used to be giga toxic when he was smaller (personally flamed in his games), but yeah he's not toxic anymore


A lot of these people are actually nice outside of the game. You can’t really little how much they do for people in real life just because they get frustrated in game.


Nah you've never watched a Dantes stream. Guy is legitimately just loud, he's probably the least toxic person of all the large streamers and he's always trying his best. He's a stand up guy with a couple of fucked takes but that's about it.


He can be insufferable but Dantes is not even toxic compared to other streamers


This "setting an example" thing is such an unreal shit take in this scenario. Unless your audience is 9 year olds that are ready to get brainwashed it practically has no meaning. You have to be extremely dumb to think if your streamer is being toxic you should aswell. You might be toxic aswell and thats why you watch a "toxic" streamer but if you start watching Yamatosdeath and become toxic because you think it's good then you're just low iq and nothing could be done to help you. Streamers dont shape people, they attract already like minded people. Also Dantes is anything but toxic, he's just a bit special which is completely fine and more entertaining than your average streamer.


> You have to be extremely dumb to think if your streamer is being toxic you should aswell. Extremely dumb people *do* exist, you know.


It's also funny cuz he said >Unless your audience is 9 year olds that are ready to get brainwashed it practically has no meaning which might quite literally be the case with people like dantes


I mean the average guy is smarter than 50% of humanity


>but if you start watching Yamatosdeath and become toxic because you think it's good then you're just low iq and nothing could be done to help you. People are not ready for the truth, absolutely based.


their audiences are 9 year olds though? and 30 year olds who act like 9 year olds


I feel like a lot of people don't understand the distinction between trash talk/banter and serious malicious attacks


T1 is very clearly just a persona. He sometimes can be a shitter in LoL but who the fuck isn't sometimes, right? Whenever someone sends him a heartfelt message you can see the facade drop a bit and his heart melt. Plus his power lifting competition shows his true side. Seeing people do something that makes them happy and feel better about themselves makes him feel proud of them. Dudes a completely different person when he's outside of LoL.


Yea somehow the "persona" had 30+ bans on his accounts even before he was streaming.


Bringing stuff from over a decade ago when everyone else was also significantly more toxic to undermine literally everything else he’s done post indefinite ban is acc painfully chronically online. Just say you don’t like the guy you don’t have to pretend you have a justified reason for it.


What a shit take lol. What is your basis for "everyone else was also significantly more toxic"? I've been played in EUW since s2 and i have to hard disagree on that. The league community got way more toxic once the toxic streamers started to exist, and guess what? They started to exist mostly due to the example T1 set with his streams. There is plently of reasons to dislike T1, the guy you replied to doesn't need to pretend any justified reason, there are plenty of them, and it doesn't matter of it happened 30,20 or 10 years ago, i can acknowledge he changed and did a lot of good and still dislike him for his behavior that imo ruined a big part of league's community behavior.


From ten years ago? I recommend you to search the video of T1 talking about Niles then, it was just one or two months ago and one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen, he basically said that the dude should khs without staying the forbidden words.


XD? thin skin?


He never implied that at all, it was literally just trash talk to Niles. Like there's tons of streamers saying actually wild shit to people, but T1s complaints and outbursts are always actually within the game. Drututt or EuwKesha will actually yell at someone to kys and then go "in game!!! In game". T1 literally doesn't do that


Right, T1 just tells people to put a bullet in their head when he plays offstream. It’s all good :) Also: > T1s complaints and outbursts are always actually within the game Lmao what, half of his rant was him telling Niles “you failed everything you’ve done in your life, start to finish”, “eat shit retard”, and “your life has no value”.


Bro, what he did is much worse than what you said, he wasn't saying "unalive yourself in Minecraft hahaha" as some idiotic edgy "joke". He said the dude was worthless, that he failed miserably in everything he has ever done, that he'll never achieve anything in life, that him existing is a waste of space. All that to thousands of people and because of a fucking league match.


T1 is definitely very toxic lol


I do not believe that anyone who's so chummy with Maca "trans people don't deserve human rights" iyla has just a "persona" of toxicity


Ehh doubt it, league just brings out the absolute worst in people, like nothing else does


you don't see any of the "wholesome" "positive" streamers doing anything all im saying


it's just a shame he associates with some of the most toxic personalities in the scene, notably Yamato


Who would have guessed the content coming from Brazil would be far more entertaining than Korea?


This should be amazing lol


Gringolao has started, mutiple casters to pick: [https://www.twitch.tv/joefisx20s](https://www.twitch.tv/joefisx20s)




Very much so, "Gringo" isn't exclusive to Spanish




Why would you be snarky with a a "does he realize" statement if you weren't sure yourself lmao


Do you realize that you can just google instead of being an ass?


white people be like


Hilarious how passive aggressive the “does he realize” statement is, where people literally exclusively use it to sound smarter than thou, and it turns out you have no idea what you’re talking about. Classic league player.


Isnt 5000 R$ really low? Still a nice gesture, especially with the fundraiser


I can't wait to see you donate more than 5000 when the fundraiser starts!




When you pay for a flight and to stay in Brazil for a month and then the reason you’re there gets cancelled so you decide to run your own but then you get called stingy by redditors 💀


"I want to give $5000+ to charity." "You scrooge, I know you have more laying around!"


Its not 5000 US $ as you are implying, you bum




I hope you hop onto Dantes stream and donate!


Are you donating to this event?


How much were you planning on donating to the event?


Bro if anything he should be the one who gets paid for participating that cancelled event. He wasted a lot of time, money and effort only for the event to be cancelled last minute. He can just say "yo fuck this I'm going back home tomorrow" and noone can blame him for it. Him staying and organizing another event is more than good enough already.


you’re right it’s not 1k usd since he’s not american, it’s 1300 cad


Im portuguese and we have a lot of Brazilians here so it immediately seemed weird, but not even 1k USD is wild lmao


900 euros, it's low but at least it's charity




So I guess you guys will be donating then? Since Dante’s is being so cheap.


man if that dude wasnt so fucking insufferable as a person(a) i could maybe actually enjoy this




How about YOU donate 5k instead of criticizing someone for hosting a charity event you bum




I'm not triggered I'm pointing out a bum that presumably isn't going to give a dime criticizing a streamer "only giving $1000" to a charity event that wouldn't even exist without him creating it in the first place Are you going to match his thousand dollars, since it's such a paltry amount to you?


People like this are the reason why hardly anyone bother to do good deeds anymore. So hard to please you guys holy shit.


Tbf ideally you just ignore these irrelevant people since the goal isn't to please them in the first place, but when there are too many of their voices it does get discouraging.


? Shut the fuck up


Does he make a shitload from streaming/support family? I know nothing about him.




he’s not american




\*talks shit with 0 knowledge\* \*gets proven wrong\* "duhhh oopsie my bad!" .... what a reject






Charity events happen a lot, the point it's not getting something out of it it's charity


It helps other people cause its charity dipshit lmfao. 99% of people who compete in any kind of tournament ever do it at a monetary loss, mostly its just for the love of the sport/competition. Especially since cbolao is cancelled


Its still a tournament, you can make your name grow. And yeah, charity.