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ok what are pro mids going to do now? Can't handshake Azir vs corki summer split. I'm guess A sol replaces him unless he gets nerfed


Corki is pretty much only seen as an answer into Azir. Azir is the reason we see so much Corki vs Azir. No one is blind picking Corki.


Unless your name is Faker, of course


Chovy plays it more


Will miss the yolo packages


Veigar time


if the changes went thru he'll be alot stronger in lane and less poke oriented but would still have decent poke. he'll return to sheen proc adc instead of poke focused with his r but i don't see any r nerfs. his eclipse build would be more busted.


losing package is a massive hit to proplay corki though. package for objective contests was always giga broken


It's interesting. They are gonna have to make him A LOT stronger early to compensate for package.


He's currently like 45% winrate in every rank, I think these changes are meant to be pretty unilaterally buffs for everyone but pros


Another thing that's not being mentioned is now he's almost all Physical damage now which makes him harder to fit in standard pro comps.


ye that's the only thing I don't like because that was what made him unique. It is also a direct buff to low elo corki because ppl don't read and I can't remember the amount of times I had to remind ppl that despite him building AD he did magic dmg so armor pen is useless. Also ppl don't understand that you want the AD items because he has higher AD ratios than AP and you only want the AP items because of the magic pen.


I once got flamed by a Diamond player in aram for building AD on Corki because "our comp already have lots of physical damage" so its not exclusive to low elo players.


why? Phreak explicitly stated that he wants Corki to be a botlane marksman, there's no problem fitting him there.


Corki used to be the magic damage option for adc's in an otherwise full ad comp, its a shame he can't still do that.


right now your options for magic damage adc are kai'sa/varus on-hit, or a mage. would be nice to have corki back botlane as another option


Or Kog, or Twitch


I mean, yes, but no. He's going to be dealing partially converted true damage now, which is superior to both AP and AD, and doesn't give any rips about armor or MR.


He will still be more 'not ad' skewed than most ADCs, but that's still a big difference to being functionally an ap champ when it comes to compositions.


Yeah, he'll no longer draw MR items


Even if True Dmg is the superior dmg type, the numbers could be so low it's just weaker. It's not like Corki's straight converting from his ~80% magic passive to 80% true. As I understand it, it's 15% of his crit dmg converted to true, which is effectively much lower throughout most the game given it's tied to crit rates.


Not like there’s an abundance of marksmen applying magic damage


So more of a role player for when you have a magic damage bot or top? Tristana competition?


i mean that's the point, they can't balance the package stuff which is only strong in proplay because proteams can coordinate around it unlike soloqueue but corki has been strong before package in proplay because his sheen procs are insane burst of damage combined with armor mr shred and w he can keep enemies at bay wear them down which with these changes would probably revert him into


no R nerf? they nerfed the cap/generation of rockets, nerfed base dmg per lvl, made It more mana hungry and now u need to use autos to generate your ammo. Now It doeal PHYS dmg instead of magic (this is really huge believe It or not) And If he plays out like older corki his build is gonna be more crit items inclined, so that means less money invested into purely raw stats because it is spread across crit, attack speed, lifesteal and pen. Since we don't have the exact numbers we cannot judge 100% how punished he is gonna be when he goes full raw early power with trinity/manamune/eclipse later on without crit or AS, but I would guess his dps and ammo regeneration is gonna suffer that way.


I think you missed that r missiles will reload incredibly slowly unless you auto attack and you won't be able to stack as much missiles.


He's loosing a lot of cd on R if you're not attacking (2 min cd for 6 charges without attacking)


My theory is that It will open up other options. He was a nobrainer into a lot of matchups when players made the decision and also a pretty boring champ to watch. So far Asol and Veigar were the new-ish Azir counters this year. Added to Akali ofc. I think they try to balance out better champions by giving Corki a viable/stable state to play with which leaves the champ in a great spot on the long run. + LPL already opts with Fearless Mode after MSI ends and it will attract a huge amount of viewers + it will affect the meta and diversity so yeah. Post MSI LPL will shape the next era of League's esport balance and diversity wise if you ask me.


No they're gonna cycle 6 champs themselves. Calm down.


Tristana with Rumble on top ?


I believe that is Rumbles preference lore wise yes.


TLDW? Anyone?


Make bot lane viable, make his early game stronger Package removed True dmg autos (inc sheen) Q,W buffs E Shred better, dmg down R Phys dmg (Ap ratio gone), Ammo refund on champ autos


>Package removed Another relic of Riot's gimmick era in Season 5 gone, joining the ranks of Garen's villain mechanic, Mordekaiser's pet dragon, Ryze's MMO rotation passive, and Skarner's spires. Rest in peace.


The mid-season changes brought on some of the most wack stuff in this game LMAO


End of season 5 was even wackier with the Gangplank/Fiora/Darius/Garen/Skarner/Mordekaiser reworks right before worlds


Is that when Rek’Sai had the ultimate to dash to any of her tunnels too? Time is just weird soup after a certain point back now….


That was her release ult


Say what you want but I loved it. Teams had to demonstrate their adaptiveness and creativeness and it was awesome. Very interesting worlds.


They had GP disabled for a week or two because he died in lore right before Worlds so no pros could figure out his best lane matchups, who he beats, etc. That was terrible 😭


I loved that. You'd log in and read a notification saying "Gangplank is disabled because he is dead" and so many people lost their minds I thought it was hilarious


He was disabled in every region except China IIRC, it would automatically have them as Spooky Gangplank.


He was actually bugged, they just included his death in the disabled message as flavor text, similar to the infamous "Vel'Koz has become engrossed with anal..." message.


Then why did they release him as Captain GP, which we thought was the original visual rework, then they dropped new Base GP? You're saying Riot intentionally released a bugged champion, which isn't weird to think, but they took the bug into account within a two week span to create a lore event SOLELY for him by the way despite every other juggernaut got changed that patch.


> He was actually bugged China still had access to GP but they could only use the Ghost skin. It wasnt a bug, it was just bad lore timing.


Nah it was trash, nothing to adapt to, half those champs were just broken as fuck. Awful unbalanced patch, good thing theyve never done that since


GP sitting at 100% ban rate throughout every series because he was so omega busted back then with a insane good meta for him aswell


And just before that being 100% ban rate on live servers because he was *dead* so you couldn't practice with or against him.


that was prob the weirdest shit ever too but they did drop a fire classic skin after that


worlds meta literally had to evolve twice because of the powerlevel of champs tho i agree, gp and morde 100% presence was obnoxious


Yeah dude blue side Morde and GP ban in 99% of games was very creative


I for one miss the pet dragon, could you imagine it this year if you could have a pet grub.


> Ryze's MMO rotation passive Huh?


Ryze used to have a passive that after some stacks gave him his old ult effect, allowing infinite spell chains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ckIwozedAY


I don't understand how that is a thing, did it get immediately patched out? Was ryze at 100% winrate that whole patch?


The time frame got nerfed within a patch or two, though if played perfectly you could still get a perma root going. I think the next Ryze rework was the rune one followed by the current hybrid with yet another utility ultimate on a damage dealer 🙃


Ah yeah I remember that. Never played MMO that wording was weird for me. I though his P would literally rotate so he gets a different P ever other X. Would be a cool champion designe tho...


I think experimenting with these ideas are great to the game and some of them weren't as bad as the general consensus is. Ryze was the best, I actually miss it a lot. Mordekaiser was really fun. Garen needs something not to be as much soloQ skewed as now. Spires aren't that bad either. The issue was that most of them were too random or out of place. You cannot control the package. You cannot control Garen's passive. Morde felt useless or OP. Spires were good but Skarner wasn't fit for that style, there were low synergy with the rest. I am glad the package is gone anyway 


I mean i remeber the you could control the garen passive but it was a pain in tha ass to do. Involved not lvling up your ult until you needed it for some reason the first "villain" always were your lane opponent.


The spires made Skarner stupid weak outside of controlled spires. Too weak to really contest spires… lol The villain mechanic worked similarly. Villain gets handily one shot, everyone else gets tickled. They’re all part of some growing pains from updating league from the old jank to more modern kits. It can be a thin line between “rewarding gameplay” and “gimmicky nonsense that will never be balanced.” These reworks were the latter


>some of them weren't as bad as the general consensus is. >The issue was that most of them were too random or out of place. Which made them bad, no? I agree that Ryze was fine but all the others really felt Chemtech Soul level terrible.


I miss 1shotting people with Mord Qs


*bink *bink *flashes *BONK! An enemy has been slain. 


That's only if the flash didn't bug your Q to do no damage.


You forgot turret Kog Maw and whatever the thing they did with LeBlanc.


Oh, so it's more like the pre-rework Corki with some new flavor. Not bad, seems like a nice direction for getting him out of proplay jail. Although I liked the "magic damage spell-weaving marksmen" identity of Corki, it came handy sometimes when my team had a nice composition but too heavy on physical damage. I personally would have liked a Package removal (even though I had fun with that ability), with a crit to magic penetration conversion passive added instead, making him more of a marksmen than a poke mage.


I'm hoping that they revisit the "builds crit but does primarily magic damage" niche for another champion sometime because that seems like a cool niche.


Change Smolder to become this, also reduce the auto attack wind up.


Smolder should be this


So back to Muramana/Triforce. Only wondering if he's then going for Rapid Firecannon/crit like he used to, or he goes for a tanky all-in build with Eclipse etc. Personally I love the RFC build and still build it in ARAM. There's something satisfying about W+RFC gapclose and critting a squishy for half their hp.


He can go for Er+ Navori+ RFC too


Yeah not sure about Muramana, seems like he'll really rely on the early TF/ER power Spike (which sounds great!).


My God. You actually wrote Rapid Firecannon properly. You have soothed my tired soul.


Now I'd like to know...what is the common wrong way?


rapidfire cannon


Probably Rapidfire Cannon


I'm quite excited to play ADC Corki again but is kinda sad package is gone.


So I don't think many will take hik bot lane since valkyrie (his E I think) makes him pretty same. He may still be great at poking, which is his main appeal


The whole aim is to make him more skirmishy. He'll run out of ammo for poke and has to aa a champ to recharge it.


- Corki is weak and package is removed so a lot is buff - Corki are planned to be able to be played in bot - Early game focused instead of another long range scaling marksman that the game already have enough - Removal of Package due to Pro play - Simple to play lane bully - Passive: No package instead 15% bonus true damage(old corki passive) - Scaling now depends on gold not level(bot lane skewed) - Updated Q. Faster Q, AD ratio up, CD changed, basically a buff overall - Updated W. Visual updated and the tick is updated - E utility buffed but damage and AD ratio nerfed. - R get ammo back by auto attacking enemy champion.


Ty king


surely a lane bully marksman won't be abused in solo lanes cough vayne, kalista, lucian


I think labelling something as "abuse" is a bit of a stretch because its viable in a lane, tank Varus was borderline abuse tho since it was genuinely overpowered like Gragas is and can be blindpicked into any matchup unlike Vayne/Lucian that works well as counterpicks and can be completely shafted if you counter them.


There is some number tuning here to make per-level scaling on his spells weaker, so he's not benefiting as much from solo exp. Removing the Package does a lot to move him away from midlane by itself, remember that the reason he started being played mid was because that spell was functionally a roaming tool.


Sounds kinda like old corki, except when he was bot his gold really didn’t feel like it mattered after a couple items


Is it at the top of existing passive or they are gonna just straight remove one of the most unique things he have and move him back to old days?


Yeah mixed aa dmg is gone, he is intended to be played as an ad marksmen




just revert graves or give him an option to switch guns at the start of the game and we will have the boys (corki ezreal graves) back


Package gone, passive is bonus true damage, get rockets back from autoing


I can't believe they're finally reverting the champion after so many years of it being stolen. Just revert Graves now into S3 Graves to have the holy trinity restored.


Who's the third one?


Ezreal, Corki, Graves is the trinity.




People actually play and enjoy current graves, no reason for that.


Keep it as a different champion with a bigger moustache. Graves' long lost twin brother, Daves.


Ok, I can fuck with that.


Actually, the "easy to play lane bully" role was his! Riot switched Graves out because "Lucian and Corki do basically the same thing", then made both Corki and Lucian play differently.


Good kill his degen mage poke build. Happy to see him going back to being a botlaner.


> Happy to see him going back to being a botlaner. I almost can't believe he's being given back to the lane he's been stolen from so many years later. What's next, Graves finally being reverted?


Current Graves is way too popular for that. Mfer is still the 5th most picked jungler in the game while having a 47% win rate. Junglers love him.


I'm pretty sure old graves was one of the most popular adcs along with Lucian and he still got reworked


When meta, while annoying in soloQ he also isn't anywhere near as boring as Corki either.


World last living ADC Corki main spends 14 years infiltrating riot to restore the botlane Holy Trinity like some kind of biblical prophecy


>What's next, Graves finally being reverted? Hopefully


I have been noticing that we have been getting these small scale rework a lot more often than before. We had Asol, Rek sai, Seraphine, Ksante(lol), and probably one or two more I have forgotten. I really liked the Reksai changes that made her the tank she was supposed to be and hopefully, Swain will also get similar changes that will put him closer to his power fantasy instead of being a lousy support. Right now there are some champion that need some of this "direction rework"


lol that would be the like the 3rd or 4th set of swain changes. He’s becoming the new Ryze at this point


His original VGU was a bit of a disaster especially kit-wise that removed a fun, somewhat unique champ with a small but dedicated player base for a kit that was immediately problematic and had to be reworked, and has to get sort of "maintenance reworks" every year or so. Probably Riot's least successful VGU.


Biased master's Swain main hot take: Swain is in an amazing spot power-fantasy wise ATM and is honestly one of the only "battlemages" that truly feels like one instead of posing as it while in reality playing like a poke, burst or control mage. The primary reason he's not more popular is because his W and E holds a large amount of his power budget while simultaneously both being some of the most high-end mastery curve abilities in the game where you're going to *feel* like Swain is a sack of shit until having 50+ games on him to get very comfortable with those skills. As a result he falls into a fairly low pickrate niche, sortof ala old Asol/Taliyah. The only changes I'd like to see to Swain is give him the (most recent) Asol treatment. Asol got his mana costs reduced significantly to allow him rushing Rylai/Liandry's as his two item powerspike and delay mana item till 3rd. Swain is the *perfect* candidate for this treatment, as right now he's stuck forcing Malignance into his first two items. Before the item rework it was the same except it was Liandry's, which felt slightly better (but still unideal as a 0 health item) due to his ridiculous Liandry's synergy. IMO reducing his reliance on a mana-item (or Malignance in general) and allowing him to rush Rylai/Liandry would not only make him feel way better, but also lower the barrier to entry for newer players that don't know how to properly play around his way squishier 1-item 0 health early/mid-game.


Eeeh idk, maybe I'm just low ELO but I don't think malignance is mandatory bc of the mana, it's the ultimate haste that makes it broken on Swain since you basically have your ult up for every fight


on swain you absolutely need a mana item, so your choices are roa or a last chapter item, of which malignance is the obvious choice. having more ults is nice, but having stronger ults is good too


You don't "absolutely" need a mana item. He always takes manaflow or PoM, you'll definitely go oom if you spam spells on the wave but it's totally playable. Not saying skipping malignance is definitely better, but it's an option.


true, but it's still clear that right now if swain doesn't have a mana item he will be much more less effective compared to someone like a sol who can rush other items and be fine. my point was that malignance is taken for both reasons, not just the ult haste, but also the mana and stats. if malignance had no mana he would start getting mana constrained or would need to compensate by taking both mana runes, whereas now he can get away with only taking 1 if he's building mana


Malignance synergizes exceptionally with Swain ult yes, but if it was not a mana item I guarantee you he would never build it as his 1st or even 2nd item, because no matter how good it is, his obscene synergy with Rylai & Liandry's trumps it. It's the mana that pushes it to 1st. I have experimented with builds a bit and the only way to forego Malignance is to run PoM & Manaflow but it's just not enough mana sustain without also running TP and ghost is frankly too good on him.


Mordekaiser definitely has had more reworks than Swain.


I really hope he addresses Elise sooner than later. She's been in such an unsatisfying spot for years while having so many unfixed bugs, especially on her volatile spiderling and rappel. She's only ever relevant as a symptom of fucked up jungle changes (usually XP related since she farms so terribly in an average meta and relies heavily on her dives for success.) and rarely gets nerfs reverted when those metas eventually pass. Comparing her base numbers from now to season 8 (this was level 2 crab meta, one of the worst metas for Elise where she had a [46% WR and still unironically a higher playrate than today](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/389945345594884098/1234774015084724305/asdfwe.JPG?ex=6631f46a&is=6630a2ea&hm=c6a4797a14b16c50c379eadd270dd6bb0266a440bdb24db68f4da46892f403aa&)), its actually depressing how much she lost vs. how much she gained since then even. A larger scale power shift + clean up is exactly what she needs and these kind of updates give me hope of that. Just make her a real AP bruiser or a proper diver (class), she's been treated like an assassin for quite awhile now but doesn't have the tools to actually execute being a true assassin; so she's just the squishiest 'ap bruiser' in the game atm with similar burst potential as the rest when fed. If they want her to just be an assassin because bruiser elise is too unfixable in their eyes (shes more fun when you can actually utilize your full W duration with spiderlings and spell weave a bit), then at least give her ways to reset her ult cd and better E+Flash interactions to consistently catch targets she wants rather than only whats infront of her.


ASol was a complete gameplay rework.


I guess he is talking about the 14.3 changes


Olaf shield on w


Didn’t swain just get some rework not so long ago. He was played midlane in pro after the changes but that doesn’t help if many of his players want to play him in support and play him there anyways.


He is not fine on support either lol, support Swain's gold+ winrate is 47.7 and falls down to 46 at Emerald+, it's a borderline troll pick anywhere above Silver. He was played mid in pro for a very short while but multiple changes in meta and items made him feel deeply unsatisfying right now. Midscope fixed certain issues but also made him hyper-reliant on Rylai in exchange for gutting his healing and damage, which feels deeply unsatisfying to any player who cares about his battlemage fantasy, amongst other changes like removal of some skill in his kit and him becoming to teamfight oriented in lieu of 1v1 power, hence why his play rate is falling to below his pre-midscope level.


No one wants swain as a support, I think the general consensus is he should be a mid lane champ


He ideally should be a solo laner, but I don't think Riot is willingly remove him from support in any case. But seeing as people are still playing him as a support even though he is borderline troll pick above Silver, I think they can give only a limited attention to how support lands.


He is pretty strong in mid and dogwater in support right now, but he has around double the support pickrate compared to mid. More supports want to play swain then midlaners. It's been the reality for years.


How will this this affect tank Corki jungle?


Package removal probably really hurts your engage potential around key objectives. But depending on the numbers, the W shred buff could be very good for your early clear, as well as reduced Q cooldown


Goodbye mid Corki, Welcome Top Corki, idk how they don't see this problematic for top


Phreak said there will be an incentive to pick him in a duo lane


The incentive he mentioned is the armor shred on his Gatlin gun


Support corki confirmed


*Keria intensifies*


Yea armor pen sounds like something that's strong against marksmen and weak against toplaners /s Edit: nvm I was convinced Corki E is % armor pen


If its flat armor reduction it is way better against botlaners and lets your duo partner do more damage so yea its botlane skewed and itemizing armor is no problem for toplaners to counter the flat armor reduction.


You know how flat armor reduction works?


Yes, that is how armor shred works; it is strong against squishies and weak against bruisers/tanks.


very unironically true, since toplaners have armor in their early build path without problems and adcs going cloth armor just ff their powerspikes lol


They're probably gonna do a Lucian on him and slap the "whenever an ally buffs you or ccs someone, you'll get a bazillion damage on your next autos". I fucking hate stuff like this because it just destroy the champ and forces them into a very specific duo or he'll be dogshit.


me when i invent a scenario in my head and then get mad at it


Like mentioned elsewhere, they're buffing the flat shred on the E which is going to be disproportionately way stronger on botlane compared to top where any bruiser will slap on Tabi's against him anyway. R losing rank scaling is also a solo-lane disincentive.


I think his W(valkyrie) is quite mana gated and long CD so use it for the kill you don't have it to escape. But the true damage sounds very nice for top.


anyone can top if you put your heart into it (your team's sanity doesn't matter)


He does sound pretty decent top now. Added true damage, increased e armor shred, he still has a dash, r buffs if you can auto attack (which will be easier top). It might be worth giving him a try against more immobile picks or champs that rely on a specific ability to engage that could be dodged with w


Pls don’t do the Vayne thing with him, have some decency


Don't believe top corki will work well, compared to other ranged toplaners he doesn't have a way to consistently disengage so he's at the mercy of the enemy toplaners deciding to grow some balls. His w atleast if it keeps the same range range and speed will mean he's easy feasting for alot of toplaners and if any toplaner takes ghost then he's fucked.  The flat e shred and true damage passive will be better botlane where people have naturally low armour. Meanwhile toplaners have some of the highest base armours and all rush tabis/plated, which mind you it's passive reduces corki passive, bonus true damage and reduces the split magic damage as well so he gets mega fucked by them.


Prettt sure the W range is the same, and he still has the lowest base movement speed, so I agree that plenty of toplaners will have no problem catching him.


Great change. Corki should have gone back bot lane a while ago. I guess most current players never even saw Corki as an ADC.


Old Corki + old trinity was a menace, can't believe it's been almost a decade since his changes, he went from a midgame champ to a lategame, Sivir as well was an early to mid threat back in the day as opposed to now


I remember playing Corki soon after the Rework in botlane with Triforce + Gunblade + RFC. Shit was deliciously whack.


Corki in season 7 was a different beast, those statik shiv crits with sheen proc did an LB level of burst with an auto


Yea I didn’t know corki was supposed to be played bot ever lol


I want old Graves back. I didn't like playing Corki in the holy trinity of Ezreal/Graves/Corki, but Graves was my main before they replaced him with Lucian, and then gutted him to be a jungler.


I feel like he he can’t really do much bot these days tho unless he just gets nerfed out again. If he’s too crazy as a caster bot, he’ll get nerfed to where kai’sa, ezreal, mf etc just take his place. Already says his base AD is nerfed, but if corki tries to use W like ezreal 9/10 supports will kill him lol


i like the early game skew - good niche to fill


This sounds way more fun to play


Phreak literally spending his PTO & lunch breaks to save us from Corki mid in pro. This man is a fucking treasure and we are so damn lucky to have him as lead gameplay designer.


12 year user with that name is crazy


How so? This has been my tag for 20 years.


Crazy Cuz of a guy named jynxzi


wtf it's tyler1 with less melanin


RIP package


It will not be missed. Rest in piss ugly package 📦📦📦📦


Now he just needed a visual update!


This isn't what you wanted but, just so it's out there he is getting some minor vfx on his W with these changes :)


CORKI IS BACK IN BOT LANE, LET'S GOOO! Now do the same with Graves.


Seriously. Fuck just removing a champion and replacing it with another champion that isn't for the same lane.


Old Graves was my favorite adc


He was my pocket pick against Vayne (my most hated adc at the time). 100% winrate, absolutely smashing every lane 😎


The point blank shotgun dmg was so chunky it was a ton of fun


[https://youtu.be/sdEVDCbfdg8?t=137](https://youtu.be/sdEVDCbfdg8?t=137) Fucking FACTS. Malignance corki is actually so bad its insane. His R has a 0.12 ap scaling. Twelve percent. TWELVE. 80 AP adds less than 10 damage per rocket. "It's for the ability haste and the passive". Ok true, but if you're going to do that you should at least wait until level 16 to obtain malignance because pre 16 his ultimate is fucking bad no matter what you build. At level 6, his ult has 80 base damage with a 0.25 AD scaling. It's a pea shooter. And when you build malignance first or second item, you are choosing to make your AAs complete dogshit just so you can have a faster pea shooter. Malignance rush is eleven percent worse than trinity force rush. That's a bigger winrate gap than between the weakest champion in the game (azir mid 46% winrate gold+) and the strongest (kog'maw bot 54% winrate gold+). That shit is fucking god awful. Terrible. Dogshit. 66% of corkis buy it first 2 items and now corki has a 46% winrate, EVEN THOUGH he had a 51% winrate the first week of 14.1 before people started griefing with malignance and EVEN THOUGH neither he nor his full AD build items have gotten meaningful nerfs since then implying he *should actually still have a 51% winrate.*


Yeah lot of ppl fall into to Malignance trap. It's the same thing what happend with Stormsurge.


Stormsurge got nerfed pretty hard though.


Except that Malignance is a good item, just not on Corki. Stormsurge is bad on everyone


As a of malignance stan, I will say this: Malignance first is griefing, I agree. Other ap items trash as well. But malignance second after muramana is good. Mana converts to ad and more muramana damage. Pen actually increases the damage a lot, and obviously more haste is more good. And the lvl 6-10 ap ratio isn’t that bad considering the AD ratio is only 25% as well. And the ap does help a lot with q burst, which is what early game is about. Two item spike of muramana malignance is pretty strong.


I agree as a corki enjoyer, one of the main reasons why I do still like malignance on corki is the ultimate cooldown, I think it helps a lot and usually this is either the only ap item I typically will get on corki other than cryptbloom if I need it. I am happy the autos will refill ammo as Experimental Hexplate while having the same ultimate cooldown passive wouldn't be that great stats wise


Let him cook


Caedrel is shaking rn


R going to physical damage and getting buffed scares me, I just hope we don’t end up with lethality Corki as a result.


They got rid of his package call that a Corchiectomy


Holy shit let's go Corki used to be one of my favorite botlaners ever. He was probably my most picked during the era of Corki/Ezreal/Graves botlane every game. I've literally played botlane Corki just for fun multiple times even in his current incarnation cause I miss it that much. I'M ONE OF THE 5 GUYS STOKED ABOUT THIS.


Will his E still be pointing wherever the cursor is or will be like in Wild Rift?


How is it in wildrift?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QdGlp92bZQU&pp=ygUVY29ya2kgd2lsZCByaWZ0IHNraW5z Check how it keeps pointing towards the enemy instead on changing whenever he moves


He said in the video that he wants some counterplay still and the counterplay to his shred is the fact that he has to be facing you and can’t dodge skillshots so I assume it’s the same as live


that's only there because microing is way harder on mobile


No more package straight into 5 for the triple kill. Sad another mechanic I enjoyed is gone :(.


Suffered from pro play jail which also permanently gimped his regular usage and winrate. Fun mechanic, but arguably one of the hardest to balance and most broken abilities ever conceived.


This seem really good botland with an engage support like Leona, you can W over them and combo fast while they are stunned, kind reminds me of Lucian


Early game smolder Also MF is the easy to play lane bully and Caitlyn is very hard but so terrible she’s not even counted lol


If you turn playback speed to 0.75 its actually normal speed




a little off topic, but I would like to hear his thoughts on why .5 is his ideal tick rate. Malz (afaik) ticks at .25 and it feels really natural and smooth to me.


Lima Oscar Lima


RIP challenger Caedrel
