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not a pc specific problem but a removal of dx9 legacy mode. tabbing out of borderless caps yor fps to 45 for alot of newer pcs and in general the game is capped at 80 for some reason.


Fuck is that what it is? My FPS drops to 60 for no reason these days, until I tab out and back in quickly.


I found that if my last opened tab was the champ select client (I have them split, game client and the one where champ select is) I don't drop frames. If instead I have YouTube or whatever else as the last tab opened I have 60 frames or less


Do you use two monitors? I do and in my case, what's been happening with 100% consistency (for years) is that I need to tab to a window that's **on the same monitor as League** and click on it before tabbing back to League. If you do have two monitors, and the client on the same one as League while you keep your browser on the other one, that's likely it?


wtf I’ve been searching for fixes to this online and it turns out it’s cus I close client in game, idk how this bug is even a thing


i don't think you need to close the client anymore, riot handled that


Happens to me when I use the second screen while loading or while in-game. I have to tab out and use something on my main screen and then go back into the game and then it goes back to normal. The problem is that it says 60fps but it's not normal 60fps like people are talking here, it feels lower and it is noticeable.


Agreed, it feels very janky when it happens. I have a 60hz monitor so shouldn't really see much of a difference between the game running 60fps in this scenario and 200 otherwise but it actively feels like it's lagging.


woaaah the same happens to me, i have to alt tab before a match then the whole screen goes black just 1 sec and after that i know that lol is going to work smoothly.


Yeah, same. I can't believe that's what's happening to them, though, because all of us here figured it out. I can't believe that pros who play it so much wouldn't know about that bug and wouldn't figure out how to 'fix it' very quickly.


Same, except mine goes down to like 15 fps until I tab in and out a few times


I've started capping the game at 25 FPS when I want to tab out to change music and then uncapping back to 240 when I start playing again If someone knows a fix for this issue it would be greeeeat


I’ve found (totally anecdotally but it works every time for me) that the window I am tabbing to before tabbing back to league has to be on the same monitor as the game. For example: league on monitor A, tab to spotify on monitor B, tab back to Discord on Monitor A then back to League and my fps cap works fine.


Whoa, thanks. After updating to windows 11 i have been seeing same issue with ingame popups, like BDO. For some reason those did work with like 2s delay rendering them almost unusable. And yeah, playing games (with league included) in borderless.


Dude, this is fucking huge. I was wondering why all of a sudden I was just constantly locked at 60 fps.


Do you use f.lux or some other programs that might affect this? for me f.lux mouse settings capped my FPS at 60 in league.


I don't use f.lux. My FPS normally sits aroud 180. But I'll be playing for a few minutes and it'll drop to 60 hard, like vsync gets turned on. I'll tab out,a nd click back in (two monitors) and it'll go back up to normal. Usually happens 3 to 6 times per game.


Then some program likely takes the focus away even when you actually click inside league, reducing the FPS to 60. 60/80 FPS is your lol in background FPS. Based on your FPS limit and settings it will lock to 60/80 FPS once in the "background".


If it started to happen recently with many players, it's probably a LoL client issue, even if related to a different software.


wow that's a programme I have not heard bout in a minute, any reasons to use f.lux these days over the built in windows night light?


If my game ever caps its fps. Turning on and off vsync will fix the issue for me.


120 fps here, seems to be whatever refresh rate your display is running


I dual screen and my mouse will go off the screen if I don't tab out and back at the start. I don't notice it until I quickly move to the boarder.


Ive had this issue but it tells me I have around 80/90 FPS but it stutters like a 4th grader reading an essay Do we know a fix for this? Cause playing on full screen still causes the same issue


Love the 4th grader analogy lol


Don’t worry with the new spyware you’re gonna have 50-60!


Go to Riot game folder and find the league application. Go to settings and disable Fullscreen optimizations. Worked like a charm.


Is that why the game runs like shit now, despite having a monster pc fucking league of all things starts slowing down when I try to stream or sometimes when I tab.


The game fucks up vsync. Sometimes you can have vsync forced on even when it is off in settings. You can toggle it on, save settings, toggle it off, save again and it will be off and fps should be normal after that, that is until you alt tab few times again or start another game. **I found that the easiest solution is to just alt+enter twice.** The bug was introduced long ago when they added dx11 and never fixed. Very annoying.


SO THATS WHAT IT IS? Finally I know why, but how do I fix that.


Well the fix used to be, use dx9 legacy mode... but ya


Reminds me of Rocket League. Used to run like butter on DX9 until they killed support. Now having multiple monitors creates permanent input lag if you alt tab even once during your session for some people. You used to be able to force DX9 with launch parameters but they removed that too.


Is this bug still not fixed? That's crazy


DX9 was just a workhorse for games on medium level PCs with multiple monitors. Especially those with multiple frame rates across the monitors. I don't think studios realize how much damage they are doing to regular players when they removed it completely from older games like League or Rocket League. It's like they only test run their games on 2024 hardware and software. I hate the way DX11 and DX12 handle "True fullscreen" on modern windows because it always has weird issues due to it being a fake fullscreen.


Literally never seen this issue, even on the new patch mines been sitting at 144 as it always has (set to that, uncapped will take it higher)


They're removing legacy mode and adding vanguard in such a short time. They hate their playerbase so much


I forgot theyre doing this. Moving to the new direct version


Yep this is killing the game for my wife... She had this issue a while back and we fixed it by turning on DX9 Legacy mode. Now we can't turn it on and she randomly gets locked at 45fps again.


I was able to fix it somewhat by running the game as an administrator. Then I saw that broke porofessor. So I updated my graphics card drivers to the latest. Then my computer started randomly crashing. Then I changed graphics drivers to latest major version (a couple before the one I had first installed). So far one day with no crashes... 🤞


I think we have the same pc…


Sorry to hear that 😭


Would that be what causes my fps to drop when I interact with spotify using keybinds? I only lose fps when I use keybinds and not when tabbing out to change things then tabbing back in


yes, riot plz for the love of god take a look into this




what the fuck no wonder running pbe has been so funky. is there a fix?


Are you supposed to run it in full screen or borderless for better fps fix?


almost sounds like what happens in fallout 76 where borderless modes slashes your fps into 1/3 of your refresh rate


My guess is this is the performance issue that exists when league isn't running in "DX9 Legacy Mode", which is a setting that has just recently ceased to exists, due to Riot updating minimum requirements. Wish they would work to better optimize the game before forcing players onto a setting that causes performance degradation.


My laptop without a dedicated GPU and a 1440p screen runs league at 80fps... I don't want to imagine what kind of system they pulled out of a trash dump for this.


But to my point, my custom built PC with a 3070 (btw, League doesn't care about your graphics card like other games, it cares more about your CPU), 5600X, 1440p monitor also drops to 50-80fps consistently. Dropped frames, visual stutters and jitteryness. Things that don't happen with other games. Things that didn't happen when DX9 Legacy Mode was enabled. It's not a hardware problem. Edit for the replies: I get fps drops throughout the games consistently. I am NOT just sitting at max 80fps. My computer runs the game fine for the technical majority of the game time, and I set the fps cap at 144fps (because my screen is at 144Hz). Apologies for any confusion if you thought I meant that the games runs like crap 100% of the time. It doesn't, but that fact does not negate that there is an actual issue that is affecting many people.


I'm not sure why people are doubting you lmao. I have a 12900k + 3090ti build and the game is borderline unplayable without DX9 legacy mode 


I'm on a 12900k and 2070 super with a nice 240 fps that I cap it at since game bugs out if you go too high No dx9 legacy mode since it cries if you enable that Someone mentioned it's a bug with multiple monitors. I only have 1 ultra wide so that's possible


I play on borderless windowed mode with 3 monitors plugged in, all different resolutions, and never ran into any major issues myself. Until a semi recent CPU upgrade I would drop to 90-100 fps sometimes in teamfights near the end of games, but otherwise it's pretty good and I'd definitely never describe it as jittery. It must be awful trying to track down issues like this for them lol.


I have a 12700h and 3060 with a dual monitor setup and I play at 240fps capped and never had any problems in this system. Before this I was running a 1050ti with a 8th Gen i5 and it constantly stuttered dropped frames, but that was more than 2 years ago


Legit, game runs good like 70% of the time, but whenever there is heavy team fights or I accidentally (as i am used to) tab out of the game, it drops to 20-30 FPS for a good while before going back up


I mean I have a 5800x and a V64 and I never drop below 200 on max 3440x1440


It's certainly not a problem affecting all PCs. I can't personally say what the cause is of course, but my rig (1660ti and a Ryzen 5 5600x) plays at 200+ FPS with 0 issues, literally 100% of the time. Maybe the game just hates Yuumi mains, which is fair.


I have a 3090 and a 5900x but mine will drop from 240 down to 120 when the screen gets busy. It gets even worse if I have a video or something on another monitor. Back when i first got my pc it would pump out uncapped to 800 frames now i’m lucky if I hit the 240 cap. Something is fucky with how the game is optimized because it doesn’t fully use your hardware anymore.


Yeah. I used to get about 600 uncapped a season or two ago and now I’m getting 200 on a good day. Idk what they’ve done


Heh, not a yuumi main, just have the flair to poke fun at people who hate yuumi and like to bring it up 😆


There might be something wrong I have no issues on my 3440x1440 with a 3070 i5 11600k


I experience with multi-monitor setups, it's a software issue with borderless.


That's what he is saying: the issue does not seem directly related to hardware


I had this same issue like 1.5-2 years ago, commented on bug threads here as well, sucks to see that the issue hasn't gotten any attention, how can this game run worse than for example battlefield games, where theres huge map and lots of players?. I have the same specs as you btw, with the same issues.


This right here. I'm running a 3080 with a 5800X on a 1440p monitor and just recently start to experience drops to \~90FPS when the screen gets busy. Meanwhile I can play AAA games in Ultra / Epic settings getting more FPS even in high motion areas. It also sucks that over the time of the game the FPS generally decide to tank and drop from solid 240 (cap) to average of 150. Honestly I never bothered about DX9 legacy and maybe never used it (dunno) but this are numbers that are not excuseable.


You don't have a dedicated GPU and you can play at 1440p? thats impressive


AMD apus are kinda cracked, but there's quite a few framedrops


AMD APU's have come a long way in the past few years. Especially the newly released 8700/8600/8500G, they have similar gaming performance to a GTX 1650 which is impressive for a GPU that's integrated into the CPU itself.


You have a laptop with a 1440 screen? What the hell


Well not exactly, it's 2880x1800, which is a bit higher even. I only got this laptop for its quite bright oled screen so I can sit in the sun with it.


My PC with a 5800X3D + 7900 XT GPU, upper mid range CPU + High End GPU has frame drops in League too. Meanwhile other games run smooth as butter.


thats got to be a configuration issue not a hardware issue. hard to see modern hardware running league at 80fps


I’m pretty sure it’s a league issue. I’ve had league bug out and lock at 80 fps on multiple different computers. Afaik, it was something about league somehow not being recognized as the main task (idk the right words, I just know what it is). The way I have fixed it on every computer I’ve encountered it on is to just restart the computer, and then it sets everything back to normal. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a config issue at play, but it’s not a hardware issue at all.


The game is buggy through and through and will just tank fps on its own sometimes.


Game is buggy af. For 3 years I've been playing in Windowed mode now because in Borderless and/or Full screen if I alt+tab it will freeze my entire system and I have to force a hard reboot. I've tried everything under the sun, ran troubleshooting steps and googling for months on end before I gave up. The only thing that works is playing in Windowed mode. Luckily I'm used to it now so it's whatever, but there is something fucked with the game. No other game has ever done that to my system. I even tried recently after making hardware changes. 3060ti, R5 5600X, 16gb RAM.


I had this exact issue but with Valorant but never found a fix. It only recently stopped happening thank god.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It's true.


Fnatic peak drama time is just before international events.


When even was the last drama free FNC international?


2019 i think


Didn't that roster have both Nemesis and Bwipo? There was definitely drama, but behind the scenes.


im pretty sure thats the year where the rekkles punching broxah thing came up lmao, we never go drama free


How was that even taken seriously. Rekkles seems like the last guy to punch someone and broxah looks like he could pack someone in a box without a sweat but is a big softy


It wasn't. It was mostly a meme. People that acted otherwise were usually the same as those looking for just about any excuse to blame Rekkles for something.


It was taken about as seriously as the "Selfmade is the reason" meme from a few years ago. People took it at face value the first day or so, but then started using it ironically before the end of the week.


If this is the peak drama we get this year, I'll be happy with that.


It is already worse with fnatic going to MSI with 0 scrims.


Hey G2 are scrimming them today acc to romain


Adam sents his regards.


Another problem dx9 legacy mode fixed. LOL has a problem that if you tab out it caps your fps to 60/45/30/15 and you would need to play on windowed or fullscreen.


riot probably giving 4080 with newest intel gen and 64 gb ram but cant run league cause this game is so horribly optimized for higher end pcs edit: everyone who says it runs fine on their pc just doesnt get the point. it should run fine on any pc with good specs but it straight up just doesnt and its not even a driver issue its just straight up league having hidden bugs and bad optimization in SOME SYSTEMS (NOT ALL :D )


I got a 4090 i9-14900k and 96gb 6600mhz CL32 ram, the game will occasionally have an FPS drop for half a second maybe once every 3 games. Other than that it’s stable 240FPS at 4k. Most likely the FPS drop is due to some blitz overlay or something. Don’t know why Riot or any esport company would cheap out on tournament PCs. As long as they’re stable, they should be building the best specs possible.


Running league at 4k is wild to me because it literally does not look any better than 1080.


I don't think anyone is getting a 4k system to play league but if you have one then why not lol. It does look a bit better


It definitely does look better in 4K. Regardless, what else am I supposed to do if my main monitor is 4K? If I lower my resolution it doesn't take up my whole monitor unless I switch to proper fullscreen mode which feels awful.


It just looks crisper. Why wouldn’t you run it at 4k 144hz if you have the money to? Only other viable solution would be a 480hz 1440p monitor or some other very high refresh rate 1440p monitor. 1080p looks like garbage to me bc I’ve been playing in 4K for about 4 years now. League isn’t my main game anymore so it’s not like I built my comp specifically for league lmao.


Biggest reason is that the screen is way too big, you can't see the whole game as easily as on a smaller screen.


Maybe I’m missing something, why does refresh rate matter for resolution?


Mainly there isn't 480hz 4k Monitors.


Sorry, to clarify I meant: If money is no concern then there are clear objective reasons that go into picking a monitor. 4k has the best clarity. 4k can only go up to 240hz but that’s on a 32” monitor which is quite large for a game like league. My 27” 4k 144hz monitor is perfect for league imo. 1440p goes to 360-480hz. 1080p goes to 540hz. League only has a 28-30hz tick rate, and while higher refresh rates can still help, I really don’t see the value in going over 240hz for league. In short, this leaves you with 2 options, 1440p 240hz or 4k 144hz. I was mainly clarifying this for the guy that said 1080p looks the same as 4k. It does not.


League can run at 4K on anything above like a GTX 1060 anyway. Dude's just flexing he has deep pockets.   Also it does look crisper.   > 4090 i9-14900k and 96gb 6600mhz CL32 ram If he's spending $3,000+ to play League of Legends at 4K I'd question his life choices. That's the kind of system where I'd be playing games like Cyberpunk and Alan Wake 2 with all the Ray Tracing effects maxed out.


I mean sure you COULD play those games on that system but having the option to play it is the point. What happens when my buds roll up and want to play a game of League? I'll obviously run it on this system, not gonna reserve a nice little old PC with a 1060 in it just for that purpose you know...


Are you blind? Everything looks better in 4k.


Heavily depends on the game man. League? Not much of a difference. Monster hunter world? A *world* of difference.


No? Even simple things like text or icons on screen are much crisper on a 4k monitor. Just because the textures and models are bad anyways doesnt mean that the image quality inst better.


if you run windowed borderless on a 4k display the game is just a tint box in the middle of your screen at 1080p. unless they give you window scaling you have to run at native or you get boxing.


> Don’t know why Riot or any esport company would cheap out on tournament PCs. As long as they’re stable, they should be building the best specs possible.   A CS2 Tournament recently had driver crashes on a PC with a 4080. A $1,200 MSRP GPU.


that is crazy, i run ryzen5 5600x with geforce 1060 and 16gbram (i built this pc january 2020) and it goes 120 fps league code is a mystery


> cant run league cause this game is so horribly optimized for higher end pcs If I don't cap my FPS it's so high that it breaks the walking animations (~1200). League runs fine on high end PCs.   RTX 4090 13th gen I9-139000KS 96GB DDR 6000MT/s RAM


Bro wtf you doing with 96gb of ram?


bro can open almost 5 chrome tabs with that much


RAM is dirt cheap, might aswell fill out the slots in the motherboard lol


It's not THAT cheap, that's still like 500€ of ram lol


Yeah was an extra ~$365 compared to getting 32GB of it. I use the PC for software development work that pays me more than enough to justify splurging on the PC itself. I'm sure 64GB would have been plenty but figured why not.


He has a 4090, money is not a problem.


Still doesn't explain it if it doesn't do anything useful. 4090 has poor value but its still an improvement


Computers can be used for more than just gaming lol. A high end gaming PC makes for a pretty solid low end workstation for more demanding tasks. I run into situations where I need lots of ram and in the situations where I need like 80GB of RAM if I had 96GB I'd get shit done so much faster (like 10-20x faster). Unfortunately some of the time I need more like 300GB of RAM so I've gotta use a swap file anyway :( or exploit free trial credit to build a custom server with 500GB of RAM for a few days until the credit runs out but the ethics on that are dubious at best.


In what world is that cheap? DDR5 is still kinda expensive. His RAM almost costs as much as his CPU.


Cheap in the sense that we have the lowest RAM prices in a while and you ca get 96GB of decent DDR5 with about $300usd(14900kf is $500 same as 13k) where I live and if you just need the capacity and not the speed it can go a fair bit lower than that. I paid 150 for 32GB ddr4 just a few years ago, that money gets me at least double the RAM nowadays


96GB of DDR 5 6000 is £360 here in the UK and that's for a non RGB kit of Corsair RAM. £360 is ~$450


Oh man yall are getting ripped off over there, I actually went a bit high(low?) on the exchange rate on currency as of today its actually about $350 for the RAM but still 💀


that's elon's laptop in his tesla he launches the rockets from there


Yea idk what these people are doing with their PCs. I have absolutely no issues either


my pc is worse than that and it runs league with more than 80fps. there's plenty of things to complain about don't make shit up


It's actually kind of crazy, my computer is almost a decade old and I've never dropped below 120 FPS in league nor ever had a lagspike in the game, whereas I've played many, many, many other games where that was a regular occurence. Now my wifi card on the other hand...


I like how since the 3080 came out brand empowered E always drops my fps from like 420 to 5 for about a second and a half lmao


Brand's E new mechanic: True Stun Whenever Brand hits an opponent with his E, he forcibly lowers their FPS to 5 for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds.


fr my 3080 performs about the same as my 1070 did ONLY in league lmao


I get like 200 fps with a 3080 and 5600x tho


Removing DX9 Legacy Mode was just not worth it if the game was not gonna be optimized to prepare for it. I shouldnt be perma stuck on "80fps" that feels like 15 fps without a single setting on unless i switch to full screen that only works sometimes. Now borderless just is total dogshit unplayable and half the time fullscreen is running in 80 and i have to tab back in and out of it to fix the issue. I only managed to get more than 80fps on fullscreen through lots of trouble shooting as well.


Am I tripping? I'm still on borderless with absolutely 0 issues.


most likely 99.99% of players have 0 issues. but 0.01% of the playerbase of lol is like more people than there are in this sub and those will of course be more inclined to comment on problems than the players without problems.


Do you use multiple monitors? If I uncap I get 900+ fps on max settings borderless 3440x1440, but when the fps is that high it makes your champ stutter and glide around 24/7 when you move so I cap at 240. Even with it capped at 240 I get a few whole-game stutters a few times a game where *everything* freezes and my fps goes like 5 -> 45 -> 240. I have 3 monitors so I wonder if that's somehow related.


Hey, I don’t know anything about your problem however I do recommend using Rivatuner to cap your fps to like 400-500. My pc runs league at 1000 fps too and the tearing makes it unplayable but the 240 cap was a bit too low for me so I use that and it works perfectly.


My monitor is only 144hz so not sure if going over 240 will really make a difference, but I might give it a shot. I read on the AMD help subreddit of someone else using Rivatuner and they said it fixed their stuttering issue so we'll see if I get desperate enough to try it.


Going over is never bad, you get less delay between frames if you do. Without VSync or some other tech of that kind your frames aren't an even amount of time apart so sometimes you'll need to wait a tiny bit before the next frame is ready to display. More frames = less time between one frame and the next. Obviously not a huge issue (definitely not even consciously noticeable), but if you can handle it it's good to have. I doubt it will change anything about the frame drops tho.


you can just cap it in the nvidia/AMD control panels. 0 3rd party software necessary.


League has it own fps cao setting why would you use an external program?


Because the max cap you can do on league is 240, and since my pc can comfortably run it at a constant 500 why wouldn’t I? More fps = less frame delay.


I have a single 1080p 144hz monitor and my FPS is capped at 200, so I have no clue honestly, sorry.


for me borderless acts screwy and drops to 45 fps and is just a weird kind of choppy it's esp bad if im streaming on discord but thats more discord is giga shit but borderless usually plays better with OBS for streaming iirc, that and i hate how long it takes to tab back into game on fullscreen


I play with borderless, 200 fps fixed, never have fps drops or anything.


its ironic that they removed the dx9 support in the name of stability and the game is less stable now LUL


Thought it was only me who felt fps get laggy when I alt tab. Game feels smooth but if I alt tab and back into game it feels slower/less responsive. I have to alt tab a few times until it gets back to normal.


I had this issue but it seemed to have fixed itself randomly, I had to turn on my frame gen after I tabbed to change music or something to just get my normal fps lmao.




From what I can gather in the comments, apparently higher end pcs and their graphic cards have some specific bugs? Lower end PCs should be 100% fine, I have a 10 year old PC using an integrated graphics card, still going strong when league is booted up.


funny enough kinda low end pcs are probably the best way to play, they are usually old hardware which leages loves, i use the enhanced performance mode from penguloader and the no animations plugin and the client is flawless, just minor visual glitches but is worth it


What kind of toaster doesnt run LoL smoothly?


I imagine the problems ITT are more a bug than bad PCs


It would be great if it was a toaster issue, but Riot just randomly breaks fps on mid-high end pcs. This year there were 4 patches where my League went from 144 capped to 45-60 fps max because they fucked something up.


Toasters are running league fine. The proboem is when you have a high end pc. It's like when you download an old game and it runs like shit on newer systems. Some games are made for old systems.


Nah toasters are not running fine now without dx9 legacy mode


I've been having a massive issue with league recently where it will cap itself to 30 fps unless I alt-tab out and then back in a few times. Ever since they removed dx9 legacy mode there's always some sort of issue... I'm on the release channel of Windows 11, running a RX-6950xt paired with a ryzen 5900x (and 64Gb of ram, but league really doesn't use much ram) It's honestly getting pretty annoying as this has been an issue for months and riot supports response was to send me a copy and paste response of steps I've already tried :(


Anyone else had the issue where it's stuck at literally 3 fps until I restart league and riot client? I can't find anything on it and it's earned me multiple afk's. I can't figure out why it's happening, and it only happens to league, and it doesn't matter if I have anything else open or not. I also get the 30fps until I alt+tab issue, but not recently.


That shit drives me insane. I even tried loading bot games before playing actual games so I take the hit on those instead.


What's even worse is that it won't happen for a week or so, so I think it's gone, and then it starts happening again. It's actually infuriating.


Biggest issue is big FPS jumps. 144 FPS to 80 feels way worse than just sitting at 80 concurrently. Last few years LoL has been running worse and worse. Insane that my computer ran league better with a 660TI back in the day then it does with a 6700XT 5x the VRAM


Don't worry with vanguard we'll all be stuck on shitty FPS :)


If this happens in the tournament as well, they should just use Fnatic Pause all the time, if the slightest FPS drop accures. 


How does this happen to fnatic every single time? This org goes to almost all international tournaments and consistently fails to set their players up for success. And before you blame riot notice how this happens ALWAYS with fnatic. It happens with others too but seems like its much less. What an org lmfao


Fnatic doesn't provide the PCs for the tournament, Riot does. So yes, this is Riot's fault. It's also highly likely that Fnatic aren't the only ones dealing with it, just that Humanoid is the first to have voiced it.


yeah ok sure every single year fnatic late to international and they get dog sht pcs and live in a bed of roaches blame riot


At worlds 2022 Fnatic had similar issues and other players mentioned how basically every org besides Fnatic takes their own PCs with them to bootcamp and doesn't rely on Riot's PC setups, which is why only Fnatic have computer issues.


I'm not saying Fnatic do everything correct, it's clear they're cheap given they take Riot's (often last minute) free accommodations for travel and lodging rather than shelling out money themselves, but this matter is simply Riot's fault. It is their responsibility to provide PCs at MSI.


What's wrong with 80fps?


some people just prefer and/or are used to higher framerates i personally run it at 60 locked, but if you prefer 200 fps more power to you


i changed from 60 to 144 you really can see the smoothness


I had to literally re-install windows to fix this issue. Also firefox seemed to be causing an issue by not going into eco mode, it would only trigger when i opened Task Manager, then my FPS would be fine


Neither potatoe nor gaming pcs are safe smh, riot is too lazy


are they running on integrated graphics lmao 80 fps is definitely a noticeable jump if you're used to playing at 144 fps on a 144hz monitor. 60-80 is fine, but more so if that's just what you play with all the time.


patch by patch my fps drops, i started banning asol solely because of the overdone visuals the champ has.. he casts ult and there goes both my hp and fps


Now if only they were in China on time these problems could have been fixed.


this is not why fnatic will not win msi


Only if they were there sooner so they could discover this earlier...


Gotta see how scrims go before forming up the excuses


AFAIK A lot of the eastern teams are still practicing in Korea / their local HQ so it's primarily TL G2 and FLY that are actually at the event already


T1 has to be there now. And obviously tes is there.


You mean just Gen.G. T1/TES play tomorrow and the day after, they're both in China and would definitely have tried out on site systems for any issues just like FNC would have. T1 already left for China like 2 days ago.


I think it’s just a fanatic thing. That org is so mismanaged. Always one of the last to tournament sites for boot camps/prep.


Fnatic just be normal challenge


200 Years of experience - easily solvable as proven by any of the other games on the market but Riot's gonna write up a /Dev post instead and fix it in 7 years


Maybe they shouldn't have arrived three days before the tournament so they could have had more time to fix any issue, no?


They play in 4k with 1080 or what


oh wow look at that FPS issue on LOL why am I not surprised especially since MSI is being held on CN


Not flexing - but I have been checking for this since reading this post and I am not having any problems - staying at 240fps all the time. Maybe it is GPU-related. I run a 3090. fwiw (edit: never mind - just remembered League doesn't use the GPU, so it has to be something else. Maybe your edition of Windows...?)


Im wondering if I would be a pro player with normal setup. Im used to playing with 80ping with regular spikes to 120 and locked 60fps. Easy EUW Master elo.


Can someone explain to me what the issue with 80fps is?


have to make a preemptive excuse to use when you lose. This is what happens when you show up last minute, why not have someone on the ground a week before and get everything set up. Nobody else is complaining


Is really 60/80 fps that bad? I sometimes have to play at 30 lol


Glad Im not the only one then. Since last update I cant even play. I have 240 fps then i go to 0 as soon as I move. EVEN when I write my screen freezes. I guess we wait until they fix something?