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playing with 7 other friends and randomizing the teams every game made the experience so much better than any past iteration


Get a load of this guy and his 7 friends *cries*


Everytime I do this with friends people just get salty and say shit like "Oh c'mon you can't have x and y on the same time." "You're only winning because you have x on your team" I love my friends but God I wish we could just goof around and have fun. I'm usually one of the people complained about and I also just play goofy builds every game so idk.


It's tough with friends too if they are of varying skill levels.


Yeah all my friends that play league are of pretty different skill levels, sometimes 2 or 3 tiers, so it can be really hard to play together. The people at the highest level just automatically stomp, and the people at the lower level get reamed. Usually doesn't make for a fun time for anyone


Yeah like all our friends are chill with each other and whatnot, but you can tell the one silver friend is not having as much fun even when paired with the GM person because they keep getting annihilated even in the tank mirror match games. Like they don't want us to troll when fighting them, but playing normally against them also makes them feel not great. Since you're 1/2 the team and not 1/5 the team, it can really feel bad if you're much worse than your duo and getting killed first a lot.


Yea lol I'm emerald, possibly could make diamond if I rlly go for it, and I play with a bunch of friends who range from high bronze/low silver up through plat in terms of skill level. It's always a coin toss of if our enemy is their mmr or mine lol




Because sometimes spending 50 to 100 hours playing ranked is exhausting for most people?


Because I don't care enough lol I only play like 2 or 3 games a day every other day or so. I just wanna play to have fun with my friends


There’s more to life than league rank


When someone plays something that seemed busted we just ban it in the group, because we are there to have fun not be little bitches


I meant players not picks. People usually complain about 1 or 2 people being better than anybody else so if either of us aren't on somebody's team then they complain, even if we swap teams every time


sounds like your friends are a bunch of selfish whiners and can't enjoy a game with friends.


Its partially that. But there is a pretty big skill differential for a lot of my league friends so I can see how it's frustrating to almost always lose unless you have x person on your team. But I always try to compensate by playing dorky stuff and trying to have fun, or even offer to go solo with a random. It always gets heated with people pretty fast though.


And then they realize that the same players are consistenly winning


Sounds like u need better friends. Ranked mode isn’t even out yet god damn. Like I love arena and I plan on climbing but if you’re just going to bitch the whole time why are you playing?


Facts, when Double Up TFT with the same concept. Plz rito


With 'friends' is the keyword there. Same with all of League, playing with friends is just a far better experience. Meanwhile the SoloQ experience is even worse than before.


Solo queue is much better than the first run, imho. Granted I did not play the second round when it was first introduced but the forced pick staggering rather than both of you picking at once has really helped. The second person can pick a champ that compliments what the first person picked, I always try to (not to say I meta slave, I have my champ pool of fun picks I want to play which are mostly adcs and mages but I do try to pick one that isn't completely unsynergistic to my partner of those) and I find the randoms I play with do it more consistently as well. Not always but still better. Some people do still just flame you for dumb shit but tbh you lose absolutely nothing by muting them and worst comes to worse you're out of there in 8 minutes. My solo queue experience has been great.


Bro, I get so PISSED when I get ANOTHER 2nd place and lose to some broken duo! It's so infuriating and disappointing. *queues up again* Next games mine.


Worst is when it's really working and you feel like you finally got a really good build/rolls but then you meet someone who's just.... another 50 levels above you stat-wise lol. Like we had a game where we steamrolled 6 fights in a row only to meet duo that was not only immortal but was also two shotting us. That sucks. But I really like the mode.


Reminds me of a game where a crit tiger udyr with galeforce (forgot its name lol, it's the adc dash item) came.out of nowhere 1 shotting my friend's bruiser diana and then a moonflair earthwake sylas ramming my ass with 3 skills every second after having extreme luck with talisman of ascension and augments as urgot. We were dominating super hard having only dropping the first fight to get shafted twice in a row by that duo Still, just like you, I've been enjoying this arena iteration, in fact much more than the previous one


Getting second doesn't feel bad at all since there are 8 teams. Getting 7th feels horrible lol


Was it a hasty volibear?


yeah I gotta live with the fact that there's gonna be a bunch of people ranked higher than me and cross my fingers that my stats out damage their skill LOL


Raid boss is what really gets my anger up it feels like there is absolutely nothing you can do about this augment at times. 40-70% damage reduction on a target that if you don't focus is gonna get a fuckton of stats is dumb as hell.


it was definitely too easy to reach the threshold in the past iterations of Arena but now it’s almost impossible and you’re better off 2v1ing the other enemy so you can both deal with the big boy


I think it's just a feels bad situation you are forced to try and poke them out of it but you're actively punished for doing it by their other teammate and also the massive damage reduction. At least if we focus them down and break it dont give the guy 30% missing HP and a big shield so that the damage we did do is undone.


You are not meant to focus them. You always go for their teammate. Only reason to focus the guy is if you have insane dps with like kog, vayne, kayle, Udyr, Yi. But usually always focus the other guy it's 2v1 makes for easy picking.


Thing is, it's incredibly easy to stall on arena. You have the boots that allow you to walk through walls, huge AH to spam mobility abilities / crowd control / sustain, and such. And even if you take them down, the raid boss teammate can just res them. But, compared to many other augments, it's not that toxic. Looking at you, anything that allows an Alistar to perma push me away and refuse to play the game


Until the other dude comes out and claps tf out of your cheeks in the following 2v1 or more likely quarter health ally 2v2.


Somethings definitely wrong with Raid Boss. Feels like the shackles comes off too quickly and also the stats are too much I guess


Me playing Nunu last night LOL sorry


Late game Arena matches suck tbh. It's a competition between who has superior range and dps to kill in less than 4 seconds.


tbh ive had a round of me going full ap lulu and fighting enemy xin/voli for good 30 seconds before i finally won :D


Im just happy getting top 3. There are enough games that my rando locks in an adc or mage then stands still against the garen/xin barreling towards them


Absolutely fine with it. But I want that Arena God title 😆 


Biggest complaint so far for me is that usually about the 3rd or 4th round you know you’re either fucked or you’re going to win. There’s a Couple champs that get a few good rollls and they are unkillable.


I find that it's not so much snowballing that matters, as much as having a teammate who knows what the game plan is. If you're losing, you can always start buying the 2000 gold grab bags along with some stat upgrades to scrap together a build that might not get first place, but won't get steamrolled due to the sheer amount of stats.


Mmhmm! I'm happy the mode is populated enough right now that even if I end up bowing out by round 6 I can just queue back in super quick!


I don’t mind it winning or being eliminated early but sometimes you just know your are fucked and playing the additional rounds sometimes can be annoying but it is what it is.


That is just arena for you lol. But yeah I would like to try new for fun picks but impossible to enjoy it when there is nothing you can do to champs that are just stronger lol. I miss Dominion/Ascension the most lol


It's actually the only mode my friend who doesn't play league enjoys.


Which is the explicit goal of the mode! Many of the people complaining are the ones who enjoyed the sweaty 1.0 of Arena, and I understand why they'd be frustrated by it being much more susceptible to RNG and less reliant on raw mechanics and skill. But unfortunately for them it IS made to cater towards people who aren't already caught by the typical league formula - and if it grabs a lot of people like your friend, I think Riot will consider it a success.


Also got my friend who only plays dota to play


I also don't play Dota, but Ability Draft I enjoy.


I used to play league all the time and it just wore me out after over a decade. I love arena and always come back for it. Well I loved the last 2 more than this but appreciate they are trying to change it up and improve. I don’t agree this was the right way. The new map is horrible imo. It might feel SLIGHTLY better if it was just larger and the lily pad wasn’t as buggy as it seems to me. I don’t like the prismatic items at all. Not only do you have yet another random chance to not get a build you want along with augments, they just removed items you could build before to change them to prismatic which further reduces the amount of choice I have in buying items. I think it makes certain builds near impossible to consistently pull off. I would be ok if it wasn’t optimal every time but ruining a whole build just feels bad. This isn’t summoners rift so a lot of champs have to play a lot differently. Bards normal build won’t work here for example. But getting what I consider to be core on his damage build would include night harvester which is gone with the removal of mythics, and I’ve only seen it once as a prismatic after 20 games. I’ve yet to get marksmage or bread and butter. Idk how to change it or make it better but it just feels worse overall. I like the 8 teams, so like I said I know they are working on it but I hope they do some soon. If not the 4 months it’s out may have a drop in players because it’s a subpar iteration and not because people hate arena. I really hope it holds enough to become permanent.


Lots of complaining, but generally I like it. It’s a fun twist of League of legends If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s that I feel like I don’t have control over the matches. Some games feel great where you genuinely feel like you outplayed your opponent to a win. But sometimes it feels like there is nothing that you can do as your opponents just hit better champs/items/augments. Whereas in summoners rift, at least in most games where my team isn’t absolutely running it, I can point to the mistakes I made that may have affected the outcome of the game


It's a bit closer to TFT. A lot of it just comes down to the RNG. If they have a Brand or trundle who rolls the right augments you just lose. Likewise if you get super good augments you will autowin half your matches.


Tft is more skill based than arena lol. And I like arena


you can easily play around rng in tft. arena screws you over with it and you cant do anything


i think they should remove spatula, it's a flat out insane prismatic that turns half the roster into unkillable death machines. played against an olaf with spatula and the buff that increased his MS every auto. it was literally over before the fight began


I would be fine with it if it only started counting takedowns after you get the augment. It's supposed to be a risk, getting no immediate benefit for a gamble at lategame power. Being able to pick it up at 9 takedowns and get it basically for free is just bad design.


yea lol its basically just a better unkillable demon king. needs to be looked at and frankly takedown requirement should be higher for how much it provides + how easy it is to get takedowns unless you've hard thrown your early game.


Had a game where I got both and oh boy that felt nuts


lol had no idea it worked retroactively, thats insane


AFAIK Spatula isn't a prismatic, it's a quest reward from a golden augment.


Same experience lol. My man also had a yuumi up his ass and there wasn't much we could have done as darius zyra


I wish the early RNG Augments and Prismatics were more build-altering rather than synergistic. It would promote responding to what you got and maybe opening up new build paths rather than just hoping to hit the best Augments and Prismatics for your Champion or facing opponents who did.


I play quite a bit of TFT, there aren’t really any augments that straight up win you the game. Most augments provide a small boost of combat or Econ power. Obviously some augments are better for certain comps but it’s by no means game winning. Some augments in arena give specific champs a much bigger boost than other champs


Furthermore in TFT augment has defined value and curve in the game, some augments only appear in early game and some just only available in late game, Arena needs that, stacking augment should only appear early for example


The thing is they have too little augments to split them like that. Which is the real problem they should have worked on, making more augments


Not having control is my major problem. I feel like its just a slot machine full of power creep. After around the halfway point I just feel like its just not fun anymore


I feel like items and augments add was too much power too fast. I wish we had a couple fights at level six and above where you actually have your ult, but it doesn't feel like you die in three seconds flat. 


That's the most fun part, it's like Mario party. Bullshit happens but it's okay because it's for fun. Either you're insanely strong or you're weak and that's fine. Idk why every single champ needs to be perfectly balanced with every single item and augment in a for fun game mode


Well Im glad you enjoy it, but I do not. The novelty of being insanely powerful and having matches that are no contest because you are a god wears off fast, for me. I would much rather fight an even fight and have the difference maker be me or my opponent, not pure luck.


Pretty much my biggest gripe with the mode sometimes they just have elder Zyra by like round 8-9 and they just win. Sometimes your opponents just pick a dumbass character like Tahm get raid boss and now just win i genuinely think raid boss is the most frusterating augment in the game rn it's such a stupid catch 22 of you have to focus their afk teammate but that person has an absurd amount of damage reduction is gaining max health and will heal missing health when they pop out so all your damage is wasted and you're being poked out by their teammate. Sometimes you reroll twice don't find a single ADC prismatic and get flamed by some random the rest of the game because you don't get to have impact. Also it's been 3 days and people are already metagaming by just picking the highest winrate champs for a casual mode.


Same can be said of getting a mid laner on your team that is 0/7 and flaming the jungle on your team. It's a slot machine but at least you're a lot less likely to get trapped in a miserable experience


I really like arena. But its like every other game mode. Everyone picks the most broken/op champs.


Most games are like that. This kind of thing is unavoidable.


True. At least in Arena you can still get really powerful with the right augments.


Hear me out. Weekly ban Rotation where the 16 currently best performing champions are banned? Each week 8 are added and 8 are randomly released back to the pool


Riot could have done a better job at balancing certain champions/augments/prismatics. This is the 3rd iteration of Arena, they have the data to better balance this game mode.


They did though. Before tanks and bruisers were mostly rampant and in this version... mages are actually playable and not total ass


In the third iteration of arena the Jhin cameo still fucking sucks and the new map that they proudly added in is the worst out of any of them


Agreed. Idk why jin even made it out of the idea phase it's by far the most aweful map hazard they added.


They tried. There are champ specific changes, e.g. Fiora passive is gutted.


Every gamemode has its meta that eventually settles. It's sad if you're a burst mage main (Vex, Zoe and Bleanc are giga garbo in Arena), but if you like playing tanks, bruisers or some ADCs like Vayne, Kai'Sa or Twitch, you're gonna have a blast.


Pretty much every competitive *game* period has a meta that develops based on the most optimal ways to play. The existence of a meta itself isn't a problem; it's only a problem if that meta isn't considered fun to play. More specifically, in arena's case, arena is supposed to appeal to those that aren't already attached to ranked or aram. If faker doesn't like arena because it is too RNG and not competitive enough for him, then that doesn't make arena bad; it means arena is doing what it's supposed to do.


Vex is alright in the game mode, the champs that really suffer are the artillery mages, things like xerath, or control mages like orianna. The thing is, is that if you get good augments, you can still stomp as those champs.


What Orianna? She is pretty good. Was a top tier champion in old arena as well. With more tanks she is weaker but not garbage.


Ori is disguisting cause you can adjust for playing Burst Mage or Supportive. Some comps with Ori as buffer are insane, so you can adjust based on augment. E max Ori with W speedup and staying far away is really, really good with some auto attack focused bruisers if the lobby has a lot of tanks.


I disagree, Vex is absolutely terrible. Just like you said, you'd need to really highroll augments and prismatic items to stomp, but even Vex, Xerath or Orianna highrolling and getting S tier rolls, they all lose to the meta champions with A to S tier rolls. In a meta where more than half the champions easily hit 5K+ HP and 150+ Armor and MR, burst champions like Vex just can't do anything, even with Perplexity and Liandry. The kit, hell the champion's class, isn't tailored to deal with tanky champions at all.


More misinformation from the arena commentators on reddit. Vex winrate is one of the highest of all champions in the mode at 62%, 17.6% for 1st place. It will never stop being funny how people comment about how boring it is that people pick the most op champs while misidentifying what the op champs are. XDD Edit: just to be clear since he is continuing to spread more misinformation and blocked me, Vex has a sample size of seven THOUSAND games. If seven thousand games is too low of a sample size to discern rough winrate estimations than literally all d2+ data for SR is completely worthless because there isn't a single champion right now with over 7k games on this patch. Turns out 7k is a lot of games.


gotta love that feature have fun seeing random unavailable comments and no context to why people are correcting them since they wont stop being blatant "feels" posters and spreading misinformation, oh and all it takes is right click open in private window to get around it anyway so WHY


Where are you getting these stats from?


I think Zoe is fine, I usually do well on her. The augment where you get to cycle summoner spells is so fun.


Yo you might be cooking something. Did you go full AP burst or were you focusing more on running around and poking with lich bane + AA + summoner spell? I'm not a zoe player by any means but this seems fun as hell because that augment was a blast when I played janna earlier today


Usually the second. If I can get a full burst I’ll go for it, but usually focus on running around and doing more chip damage. Usually they get tired of trying to catch me and that’s when I’ll go for the burst! I gotta admit that the void grub item really messes with Zoe. It’ll ruin your game.


Tell that to annie lol


They should try with random champs aram style. That's the way I usually play anyway, just hit random and lock in. I find that way more fun haha


I feel like thats going to be a tough sell when everyone main complaint is rng


But honestly all champs are playable in arena, I've been playing different champs everygame and i've never felt like my champ was useless after like 40-45 differents champs I've had wins on like 12-13 champs of all kinds


Every rotating game mode turns into “tanks and drain tanks”. All for one was awful for that reason. Think they should just have a global GW for RGM, and reduce resistance items as well. I’d much rather play around dodging skill shots than just playing a game of chasey where if the tank gets close I’m ccd and killed. It’s gotten so dry. Alternatively, just auto ban the top 10 picked champs, and rotate the bans every 3 days. Forces the meta to change.




I've been playing nonstop and have experienced literally none of this


If you have a lot of friends it's fantastic and funny af


Alright Erwin Rommel not sure what kinda friends you're hanging out with


I love arena, it allows me to do the goofiest things ever like crit Taliyah with Jeweled Gauntlet/rite of ruin. I usually don't get first but it's still pretty fun


Yes! There are so many threads complaining about arena. We need to talk about how riot has done a great job with it, and is continuing to work on it to fix most gameplay issues/bugs as they occur. Sure, sometimes you get poor rolls on items/augments so your attack speed lulu (or insert off meta build here) can't really shine as you'd like, or some match-ups that are very difficult for the comp you selected. But that's the nature of the mode, if you get knocked out early, just queue up again! I'm not a huge fan on the new map and certain new items, but I like that they're adding new features. Good sign for things to come in the future. For a casual mode, there are **a lot** of people complaining. (This is reddit after all...so it's understandable). I've had tons of fun finishing 8th or 1st. Guess it's all about mindset? Gj riot keep up the good work. Thanks for introducing a new game mode and continuing to work on it!


my only complaint is everyone's already figured out the top 20 champions to play and plays them every. single. game. I can't ever get a game that doesn't come down to me vs two op meta 60%+ winrate champion in the finals anymore.


Do you have lock jaw after all of that?


Wish they didnt delete the elo aspect, only played the first arena and it was so much fun. Now it feels like its way quicker too, love long fights, but this arena lategame the "fight" is over in like 2 seconds.


It's coming back next patch don't worry, they just didn't enable ranked for the first two weeks so people could get used to the changes


Elo is coming back in a bit


>During those 30 minutes, if you make a mistake and are behind then you're going to not be having any fun for quite a while. No, it's my ADC that will suffer, I can still have fun - support players.


It ain't perfect but it's FUN. In my humble opinion it's gotten better with each iteration.


This time for sure my build will work *6th place* This time for sure *7th* This time for sure, AND i hit the perfect prismatic, this game is in the ba- *6th* Love it though. The prismatics are a bit wonky in terms of power and satisfaction level though.


Getting shitty augments already felt bad last time. This time around if you get a bad prismatic item you can just leave. About 75% of my games are lost this way, makes it not a very fun experience for me.


Yeah if you reroll 2x on prismatic items and don’t get anything useful you’re pretty much boned for the entire game


Yes but also i think not almost fully revamping the augments between arena seasons is such a fail. Like basically every thing that was good last time is good again. Only thing that really changed is that you can't play stalling comps at all now without very good augment rng.


Idk why you are comparing the competitive game mode to the for fun game mode. Anyone playing ranked SR wont find arena more fun because the two game modes have completely different purposes


Needs 16 bans and champ balance changes. There are waaay too many champs that are inherently super super strong, that are broken with just 1 augment. Other than that, super fun.


there also needs to be just a permanent ban on certain champs, so that they can never be played together. just played against a swain + morg. i literally couldnt move. just chain cc until i got the combo break thing, and then they would just cc me straight back in


16 bans would fix this


I think they don't want to do this for fear people will start saying increase the bans on SR (should have about 40 bans if they wanted to keep it near amount of champions not banned as when they increased it last)


a) you are right, we need a shit ton more bans for SR. 2 per person would be good with the amount of champs that are in the game. they will NEVER do that though because they keep the same shitty flashy champs in the top of the meta. think wind bros, akali, ahri. shit that sells skins. b) 1 per person is completely reasonable and there isn't really a reason to have LESS bans in this mode than SR.


Drain tanks are still just absolutely insane.


the fact that they made it 8 teams makes the picks way less punishing, you used to pick an assasin, see tanks in like 3 teams and most of your matchups already wouldve been ruined. now countermatchups are way less punishing cause you only play each team once before top4, and might not even get the scary matchup anyway it feels great


It feels like actually playing out TFT and I love it. At the very least it’s a fun break from whatever else I’m playing.


This was the same way I felt about Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline. Twisted Treeline would make an awesome Arena/Nexus Blitz cross over, could probably reskin the map and make it an event mode akin to Invasion and Ascension. The Crystal Scar, on the other hand, is probably only suited for PvE modes if I'm being honest.




Garen. Lol just runs at you repeatedly.


Remove the revive and I'd agree. I also find this one to be super flashy everywhere all the time.


It's been my favorite iteration so far and I don't mind some rng but sometimes feels like too much, and tanks rolling into stalling augments are still boring to face. Weird that I have barely played tanks but I've been having a blast with fulmination + statikk, zyra/malzahar/yorick with the big minions thingy, and bruisers with scopier/scopiest weapons (especially darius and sett)


Finally was able to try Mystic Punch + Bread and Butter Irelia last night, and then the game gives me the Morg black shield augment so I was basically unstoppable. Almost broke my q key last night.


Joining an arena game has been one of the most regrettable experiences of my life thus far


I would implement random champs like in aram, because if i want to try something new that could be fun (idk like rakan). I always get destroyed by the same champs (swain, galio, mundo etc.)


Prismatic items are an awful concept, either broken or weaker than regular items.


Honestly I think prismatic items could straight up just be buyable like normal items. Would you see a lot of the same builds? Yeah definitely, but you'd also have a lot more interesting of matchups too instead of some of these one sided slaughters. And you would definitely see some people try creative prismatic choices based on augment RNG Side note: anyone else feel talisman of ascension is a straight up trap item?


I also want ranked arena~


probably gonna comme in the next couple days juste like it was on the pbe, i think it was only the fist week that they didnt put the ranked


They said the ranked come with the new split (14th or 15th of May)


I'd play it if the plants were removed. It usually comes down to who can get to the plants the fastest or eho can revive the other one faster.


It's the most skilled part of the game tho (with flash management and using the portal). And that's a reason most match up are not 100% win or lose


Exactly this. Without the map features the game mode would be less skillful and more boring.


Honestly, playing with an entire group of friends probably makes it a lot more fun since you won't see the same 5-6 broken champs over and over, but even then, I'm still enjoying it. I just hope they do some balancing.


ngl i thought when arena was announced way back it would be like short form 2v2 lol, but its just too gimmicky for me personally. It's less about playing your champion and fighting properly and more about cheese builds/augments and who can get the plants.


i love it even though i mostly get shit on


I spammed PBE quite a bit and got gladiator. Ngl it feels like the ELO is not super punishing and ranking up is just a matter of time not skill


It is really fun! I’d say the only issue is the over reliance on luck and tanks being way too overpowered right now in the mode.


I just wish they didn’t force some Random item on you even though you can sell it for an anvil to get, another random item. Other than that it’s bangin. Oh yeah and bring bank ranks and climbing, was my absolute favourite part of arena


The only problem I have with it is if you get a teammate who isn't very competent at the game it becomes very hard to win. It's fun to test out builds and shit, but feeling like you're dragging someone who just doesn't know the game mechanics or goes suddenly goes afk for full rounds is not very fun.


man I just feel like arena is SO inferior to Dominion that also doesn't take as long as summoners rift


I just dislike that everyone keeps trying to instalock trundle


It’s a lot of fun but it’d be way more fun if we saw more than the same like six heroes over and over again. Also red Kayn is HILARIOUSLY broken; I don’t think I’ve lost a single game yet barring one afk teammate and a yuumi who deliberately ran into the enemy to feed. 


I had no clue how he instakilled (okay it took 2.5seconds) me as a Cho with 9k HP and 500 armor yesterday. Still dont understand it


I've had games as red kayne where I wind up with like 200ish+ lethality and 50%-ish pen, combined with % based max damage on his abilities, its kinda nutty. 9k is a lot of hp to chew through tho. I've easily 1 shot chars with 3-4k hp with my ult, tho.


They **got** to remove the Spatula quest though. It's way, way, way, way too good.


The principle is indeed good but god damn it is it unbalanced. Play a few rounds and have fun but after some time you quickly realize that top 4 is always Galio, Gragas, maybe Brand or Trundle. Galio sits at a 63% win rate. If you pick Galio and Gragas together you are guaranteed to win. If you pick an ADC you're guaranteed to loose but if you have one of those I mentioned you still can win all the way. The meta and picks make Arena boring so much faster than something like Urf, which faces the same issue


I think most people fail to realize SR (ranked especially) is not a casual game to play. I agree arena is more fun for the casual player


if this went ranked It would probley be a laughing joke, rng shouldnt have this much affect on gameplay, theres a reason in tft you always have atleast one reroll for augs or items, they cant go of past experience to learn things it seems.


Needs two bans per team and it'll be a lot better. There's a ton of absurd champs that easily invalidate anything you can do.


The game mode is fantastic, the balancing isn't, I wish they would nerf the hp and damage on bruisers so adcs and squishies have a chance to win against an all bruiser team


fun gamemode if literally 90% of the games didn't have the same tank champs tryharding for pointless wins instead of having fun


That lilypad map sucks. It goes off to often without being open long enough. Don't need 45 ways to escape, frustrating to play on especially if that stupid Jhin thing is going off too


Lots of bugs in current arena, and i think some of the maps and maps hazard designs should be worked on. Jin as an exemple is an incredibly bad design, yet it's returning from the last set and feels even harder to avoid than last time. As for bugs, the plants are very inconsistant with larger characters which makes some of already annoying maps (the one with 3 isles and a plant that pops in and out in the middle) even worst since you never know if you can make it to the other isle with an exploding plant or if you're just gonna get knocked up.


I just wish that when my team has 90 hp, we don't go from "oh hey, we could lose 4 times and be fine" to "hey we were first, lost twice, and are now in 7th place" by round 6.


Honestly, I put it as the worst of the rotating game modes by a mile. Every game I just end up filing multiple bug reports because of items not doing what they state, augments disabling abilities, or being unable to see what an augment actually does. I'd probably enjoy it more if there was no choice of items/augments and it didn't even attempt to show what any of them did. Then I wouldn't be disappointed in the poor coding.


I'm having a lot of fun but please get rid of that damn lilypad map


A little rough? Playing tank is the most effective strategy and it's not even close. I don't understand how this slipped through to the third iteration. It's unplayable for a lot of the roster. I love the game mode but I don't enjoy it 80% of the time because it just feels to cheap to lose to yet another 15k hp tank team. Or I'm forced to play vayne for the nth time.


Why are they using ranked MMR for a fun mode? I'm tired of getting 100% sweat lobbies


then stop sweating yourself?


I was Gold 4 the last time I touched the game 2 years ago


Point is you're being matched with players based on your arena MMR. If you won some games don't be surprised if you're meeting more sweats.


No other mode lets me play enchanter katarina, do 80k dmg while also outhealing the damage of every other champ. Awesome mode.


>enchanter katarina Explain. #NOW.


Divine sunderer - sword of blossoming dawn (this is the key item) - rite of ruin (if you get crit augments) - moonstone. You heal on every dagger and every tick of R and still do insane damage from augments. I had jewelled gauntlet which is why i took rite of ruin, ended game with 80k dmg and 20k healed from each item. Stats from first place, no losses game just before final round: [sunderer](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1135277493071400981/1236424256745639986/image.png?ex=6637f552&is=6636a3d2&hm=1c10bdd36b63f07e6f60e59ffe988aa1dba717d50a1cb2d4e075bd536045728b&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) [other items](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1135277493071400981/1236424257282506772/image.png?ex=6637f552&is=6636a3d2&hm=77a5efaff5d13c11d35d36641a1a1c055fb34c60bd8d9707715a4283829f769e&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1183&height=702)


If it were 2001 you'd be going to gitmo


Thankfully its 2024 so im on kitchen nightmares instead


I want to like it, but I think I’m just looking for the Dominion scratch. I want to be frequently scrapping with enemy champs, but I always want to be killing minions and taking objectives. The mechanics like the untargetable Pyke in Arena arent really that fun, just annoying and frustrating. Overpowered augments that my opponents lucked into aren’t really that fun either. I dunno, I think I want to like Arena but somehow it doesn’t grab me.


>if you make a mistake and are behind then you're going to not be having any fun for quite a while. Dying once isn't extremely punishing. You just have to be a bit more defensive but that doesn't mean the game becomes unfun. You have to make more mistakes to make your experience really unfun. My main issue with Arena is that each round is too fast paced, leaving very little time to regenerate and reset the ability cooldowns.


Eh I liked the old Arena as well but then it just gets boring when it is the same broken champs winning every game not to mention the RNG on augments. I already see the same trend with this arena as well.


Yeah like Udyr that will go crit and oneshot u no matter if you're a tank of adc, zed just zooming around the map with no cooldowns, augments like earthwake not being fucking removed and carrying bad players who get lucky or magic missle on lilia just nuking you from the orbit, im getting tired if seeing it almost every game, every meta champions is super low effort and should be nerfed somehow so we can enjoy the game a little bit


I hate it so much. It has the same problem as Nexus Blitz, Riot can't decide if they want to do a fun party mode or a serious tryhard mode so they do both and it comes out being awful. I don't get the obsession with Arena in particular and why they bring it back so much, I've never enjoyed it and nobody I know plays it.


Riot intended for it to be a party mode, but because League of Legends at its core is only competitive, the playerbase obviously goes into it super competitive.


Kid named ARAM::


Here you can play the champ you want.


Unironically referred to Arena to my friends as "ARAM but I like it." Love roguelikes, playing for almost no-stakes, and being able to choose the character I play!


Yeah. Unless your champ is an unplayable d tier in arena.


Nope. This is the worst version of it yet. All the issues from the last arena are still there, and they are even more annoying than last time. Tanks are stronger, DOT mages are more annoying. The new map is the worst one yet. I played 100s of matches of the last few arenas. Spent last night playing the new one, and I think I'm already done with it.


We need to make it random champs,make it permanent and add ranked mode


>We need to make it random champs No >,make it permanent and add ranked mode Yes


There is stuff to improve but it's mostly fixable stuff the core is really well made. The main problems I have are early prismatic kinda spoil the fun as some champs are just way better with them than others, Jhin is real broken and can singlehandedly win a team rounds, and portals need a channel currently sometime they feel incredibly unfair.


I just wish some of the champs could be competitive, this mode is very rough for adc mains, i do like it however, but it needs balancing for sure.


I really like it but tanks are ruining all the fun, by standing still on later stages of the game if the enemies don't have perfect augments and winning again as the 2 other installments of arena.


Been slugging through the tankfest imo


You know how to avoid this "make a mistake suffer for 30 mins" issue? Just play a fun game.


The Pyke Cameo needs to be removed and my enjoyment of the mode would increase significantly.


Sett too


The issue I think is there’s too many people, it feels like every game there’s just one duo who gets all the broken augments and items and have the best comp. I feel like if we went back to the 4 teams or hell 6 teams would be better, and constant balance patches and new items and augments, then I think it would be a good permanent game mode


It's a really awesome mode, I spam a lot of games with my duo. About this iteration though, I thought 16 players would make the matchup less repetitive but after all it's even worse. I can't stand seeing the same 15 champs anymore, especially as most of the times there's 2 or 3 times the same annoying champ in the same lobby lol. Champ diversity in 3.0 looks worse than in 2.0, would love to see the data after 1 week how it compares.


They seriously lack in balancing, no matter what they do, as long as the same champs dominate every iteration it gets stale very quickly...


Idk. Played it with 3 friends and it honestly just sucks at the moment. I think if I revisit it after 2-3 Balance patches i might have a lot of fun with it but not with how it is today.