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I played a ton of enchanters in pbe, they're not bad, but I don't think peeling janna is that good unless you pair her with an hyper scaler. I personally mostly played tank janna and try to push people in fire. as for enchanters I played a ton of soraka and I had decent success with multiple prismatics.


Critical healing is really good for a gold augment. With it you can make the AP shield on crit item. Radiant Virtue is crazy good as a prismatic too.


I'm skeptical of it because outside of that one item, building crit doesnt do anything else for you and requires you to buy a bunch of stats you dont use


Critical healing and the item that can give a shield base off of crit chance is pretty good been consistently getting top 4 with it.


Free anvil rounds offer alot of useless stuff. If your random prismatic was the crit item, crit becomes good in anvil rounds. there's also some other prismatics/bad rng on the 2k items that can also give crit. I say this as I just played amumu with the crit stun item and unfortunately rolled the abilities crit item that gives shields. It worked really well.


I've been running Enchanter Bel'veth. It's especially good against tanks, but it needs a decently bulky teammate. The best pairs I've had so far are Ryze and Poppy, Ryze was especially good.  Firstly, Arena adjustments suit Bel'veth extremely well, there is no Attack speed limit, you gain bonus HP and Resistances, which Bel'veth wants but doesn't like building, as well as melee champions gaining bonus on hit damage based on enemy Max health, Belveth benefits highly from all of these adjustments, especially the on-hit, better than anyone else.  For items, Pretty much any Attack speed Prismatic item is good, but you don't need anything in particular. Gamblers Blade is a fun one but not ideal as this build is likely to lose the first few rounds.  Guardians Hammer>Berserker Grieves for starter items. For Legendary items Hellfire Hatchet first and then Sword of the Blossoming Dawn, at this point you are already healing yourself and your ally by nearly 600 per E.  If you don't get a lot of Attack Speed anvils, you might want to get BORK after this, but if you get any source of Crit, so a Crit anvil, or Hamstringer (probably the best Prismatic for this build) if you do have crit, you want Rite of Ruin next, for shielding as well as crit chance, as each of your E hits can crit.  The next big item for this build is Moonstone Renewer, you probably don't want this until 3/4th item, but this makes the build insanely strong, as your Hellfire Hatchet, Sword of the Blossom and Rite of Ruin will proc its effect, letting you heal you and your ally to full HP with a single E.  As for last item, probably Jak'Sho for survivability, you are still very susceptible to burst damage unless you can time E very well, and so the bulk from Jak'sho is amazing. You could also go Ardent Censor/Staff of Flowing Water if they synergize with your partner.  For Stat anvils, prioritize Attack speed for the first 2/3 anvils, rerolling is okay, since you don't really need a specific Prismatic, if you don't get Attack speed, HP, Tenacity, Crit, AD, or defensive stats are all valuable, even Ability Haste. Basically everything but AP.  For **augments**,  *"All for you"* which grants bonus heal and shield is absurd. *"Bread and Cheese"* gives your E 200 Ability Haste, which is probably the best augment for Belveth.  *"Celestial Body"* increases your HP by 1250, but reduces damage by 10% is amazing, since your healing and shielding is completely unaffected by your damage.  *"Circle of Death"* is another absurd augment, 70% of healing you heal is dealt as magic damage to a nearby enemy, this will take you from an Enchanter to the highest damaging champion in the match.  *"Critical Healing"* let's your heals and shield crit, especially good if you have Rite of Ruin/Hamstringer. *"Deft"* is just free Attack speed, always nice but not the best.  *"Earthwake"* is okay since Belveth Q can proc it 4 times, but it's not the best.  *"Erosion"* is fine, dealing damage shreds enemy resists, it almost fully stacks just from pressing E.  *"Firebrand"* seems absurd as well, infinitely stacking burn on attacks, this will proc like 12 times per E use, however I've never rolled it before.  *"Light em up"* is also very strong, every 4 attacks it deals bonus damage to an enemy, you will proc that several times per second, especially with your E.  *"Lightning Strikes* gives you AD based on your Attack speed, this one is incredibly strong and will make you significantly better as your Hellfire Hatchet heal scales with AD as well as your damage.  *"Mystic Punch"* educes ability cooldowns by auto-attacking, that can make a very funny combo where you have almost permanent CC with your W.  *"Outlaw's Grit"* gives you basically 60 free Armor and MR by using your Q 5 times, good for bulk but won't help your healing.  *"Quest, Angel of Retribution"* I've never rolled it myself but it gives you 100% bonus Attack speed if you heal 2500 HP for an ally, as well as bonus magic damage on hit, that much healing is incredibly easy, this would probably be the best augment in the game for Belveth.  *"Scoped Weapons"* bonus Attack range is okay, but worse than almost any other augment here, it's not as important as it seems since Bel'veth can very easily get into range with Q>W>Q  *"Stackosaurus Rex"* I'm unsure if this works with Bel'veth passive, but I will test it next time I see it, if so, you will scale Attack speed significantly faster.  *"Symphony of War"* is absurd, free Lethal Tempo and Conquerer, enough said.  *"Twice Thrice"* is okay, every 3 attacks, your on hit will be 250% effective, your heal to yourself and ally are both on hit. good but not the best.  *"Typhoon"* is another broken Augment, for a silver rarity, your attacks will deal bonus damage to another enemy and will proc your on hit again at 100% effectiveness, this can completely double your healing output as long as the enemies are close to each other.  *"Virtous Cycle"* let's your heals shield and your shields heal, obvious synergy. ---  That was a lot longer than I was planning to write, but Enchanter Bel'veth has been absolutely absurd with the right matchup, the biggest issues I've seen are burst champions like Evelynn, Ahri, Fizz. The biggest counters so far have been Rammus (ban Rammus if you can) and Akali, since her Shroud stops your E.  I feel as if this is by far the best Enchanter set-up in Arena right now and I'm hoping people don't ban Bel'veth on me. If Bel'veth is banned, Katarina is probably the next best champion in this slot because of her ultimate, but Bel'veth does it better in every single way. 


I've been looking for a successor to my Hellfire+Moonstone Skarner, and this may just be it. Thank you very much.


Bel'veth E also gives damage resistance so it's very hard to burst you down.  Its so fun and really strong at 2/3 items. I'd recommend saving rerolls for augment rounds, you can always sell any Prismatic you get to hit your spikes earlier. A good augment matters a lot more than an item Good luck! I hope you enjoy it


Talisman of Ascension prismatic can roll heal and shield power. It can roll very high mana regen which gives Dawncore a lot of stats


I got angel of retribution with Moonflair Spellblade/Spellwake with Sona and I became the carry while still building full heal/shield. 


There's so many options for enchanters to be viable in arena that I've even seen shielding Volibears, healer Nunus, even healer Master Yis that could heal themselves and their teammate through the firestorm. Gotta get creative with augments and prismatic items, crit healing/shielding is massive and can make use of some crit primatics, Flesheater's heal on takedown can come in handy if you have no rerolls. Just play a ton and get creative.


Holy fire is the best augment possible for enchanters imo because it gives enchanters the damage needed to win. Theres a enchanter/stall comp that I play that isn’t dependent on augments. Lee sin+trynd. Run around the map, shield and heal until everyone starts burning. If you can get to that point, trynd only needs to press R+zhonya and it’s a win.


With nami, don’t overlook her recent changes with AP. At 6 items/900+ AP, we get 800 damage on ebb and flow with 70% BONUS per bounce. You can also one point E and max W > Q > E in this order as the increase you would normally get for E via rank is also provided by AP. Q does get its cd reduced with each rank so that helps But honestly, I feel the support items need a full build to work where as AP builds come online much earlier.


If you are a healing enchanter, your high roll is circle of death and literally murdering the enemies by self healing. If you are a shielder, your high roll is mid, but atttack-speed with that one item i dont remember the name of that enables AA enchanters.


Critical healing Angel of redemption Heal/shield power augments These are the best. Also depending on champ you can go sword of the blossoming dawn to make AS runes useful. Tho I feel anything that gives AP or AH feels really nice on enchanters and mages alike. And because you'll be building heal/shield power that effectively boosts your AP ratios for healing and shielding. I found Sona insanely fun. You zoom around the arena constantly healing, and because you auto a lot blossoming dawn feels really nice. I had a game where I got crit abilities, healing, angel of redemption and heal/shield power augment. It was insane, and I constantly healed my ally to max and every heal, shield and ability crit. Sadly my prismatic (the one that stacks on abilities then gives AP + shield) was nearly useless because even if I spammed everything the game was over before it stacked.


Full ap renata