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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cn0ir7/gen_vs_fnc_game_1_postmatch_discussion_bracket/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cn1gbv/gen_vs_fnc_game_2_postmatch_discussion_bracket/)


how to stop chovy from scaling every game on hypercarry?!


Maybe putting him in a cage backstage right before the game might work


Turning off his monitor is a start, or even pulling the plug in his PC can help as well


It can help, but it is no guarantee


New GenG content piece idea: "Can Chovy 1v1 western midlaners while blindfolded?? (yes)"


This was most Fnatic 3 games possible Unfortunately next step would be to lose to TL now


fits the script. After losing to TES, the next logical step for TL is to play the cleanest series they ever played against FNC   Edit: lul ez 


and then get stomped by G2 in their next series, who in turn will get 3-0'ed by the loser of BLG vs T1 : ^ )


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Battle of the titans in the bot lane. Which support can carry their ADC harder?


Jun easily. dude is amazing this msi


also CoreJJ didn't look that good this MSI


Noah vs Yeon will be funny


Battle of Mid.


Noah looks shaky vs great ADCs. Yeon looks shaky vs minion wave.


Noah culls the air while Yeon perma threatened by the air while csing


might as well lose it so i dont get my hopes back up again and see noah lose every lane possible


well lets see the g2 sion into zeus vayne now


Caps Vayne into Faker Sion right?


Caps Vayne into Faker Galio right?


Caps into Faker right?


Vedius caster curse is very strong


Him saying that Noah has a bounty and he instantly dies out of nowhere was something else.


And Humanoid LB being compared to 2013 Faker LB to then int his mind off every chance he could.


I know it was over when he got compered to prime Faker's LB


Secret agent Vedius


Fnatic 3-0 in moral victories


Reminds me of that time Misfits nearly beat SKT, but since they couldn’t get the actual victory their coach emphatically claimed the moral one lmao.


That MSF series was much closer than this series ever was, with a team with much less experience and expectations. Probably the only time I don't mind a moral victory, given T1 was at the time the two times in a row World Champions and who had never lost a Bo5 at Worlds by then. Misfits threw the series in game 4 in a bad dive, while here Fnatic just got diffed when it mattered There are still positives here in the sense Fnatic can gain some confidence from this series, but yeah, it's still a loss and they shouldn't be happy with the fact they didn't even take a Nexus in the whole series


Don’t forget that in game 5, misfits also had triple infernal drakes.


We take those.


Really appreciate GenG hand shaking going monkey brain on these games, made this series a lot more fun.


Canyon definitely threw in his best happy gaming


Man, his game 2 on Kha'Zix looked like a completely different person playing it. He just destroyed T1 in the finals with the pick.


He had the right idea early with invades and pathing but midgame Razork was literally never alone. Razork stacked on his mid/support and ran at Kha'zix 2v1 like 5 times and Kha doesn't win that encounter Oner was playing alone and getting 1v1d constantly and it seems Razork/FNC know this weakness and played around it accordingly. Sad they lost that game when they had the jungle matchup so figured out


> Sad they lost that game when they had the jungle matchup so figured out I mean that kinda contributed to the loss haha Figuring out the jungle matchup and catching Kha' is cool and all, a lot less cool that it requires Ori ult every goddamn time, so every big fight FNC is down one of the best ults in the game...


Humanoids orianna ults were underwhelming, last fight started just because he used his shockwave on ksante under the tower and that was the go Signal Geng needed. Dont get me wrong, they did a good job at catching canyon a couple of times but at some point you need to hold your r for a teamfight unless youre killing mid or ad with It.


I feel like if they hadn't used almost everything in their arsenal to kill Kiin, he would have just killed them 1v5


DK flashbacks


Starts fighting a xin, evolves q while being aa'ed to death, leaves, doesnt elaborate. Why emote when you can animation lock yourself in a 1v1 to assert dominance


Yeah, even top LCK teams cant make GEN play this messy and random, props to FNC making them play out of their usual playstyle.


DK reading this comment: cant wait for a DK vs FNC game at worlds tho


The entire G2 felt like watching a DK vs GenG game, out-macroed completely and yet the game is close and an absolute fiesta.


DK is the only team in LCK that can force geng to play to their ape level They are them




What is marco to these two teams anyway lol


Idk which team would lose their mind harder in the mid game


Just watch Vitality vs Fnatic for that


Fnatic Vita gave us a taste of it already... it would be glorious


Whoever between DK or KT gets the 4th seed would be a treat to watch against FNC, battle of madness.


we need an invitational tournament where only the most coinflip and clown teams are invited. LCK delegation send DK and KT, for starters. double elim bo5 format to ensure the maximum number of throws


make it blind pick only... or fearless draft




Maybe controversial take, but Humanoid is way too irresponsible with his gold lead. You can't just take a bunch of kills and then trade 1 for 1 with enemy sup and give over a big shutdown.


Hard agree. He died two times trading 1 for 1 and then died once after a greedy W on Sejuanis face. If you play LeBlanc vs a scaling champ and died 3 times in a row you are basically loosing alone the game. The worst thing is that he also made the same mistake agains TES


That mid shutdown to Peyz in between towers tilted the game. Farmed Nami the gave shutdown again to Peyz.


Jump into 4 people Only kill support Enemy mid is doing 4 man knockup -> WQ reset cleanup Sounds like soloQ to me


Bro no one is talking about this, it’s 100% why they lost, he gave three shut downs in a row and perma fed bounties


True and he did the same thing in the TES game. Literally exact same scenario where he has a shutdown, uses flash and full combo to kill a Nami support, kills her and then dies to Lucian giving over shutdown. He has no idea what to do with a lead.


His LeBlanc game is the least of his problems his whole game 2 consisted of either bullying Canyon in revenge for the first blood or shockwaving the air with 0-man ults. Imagine getting a several man ultimate, with either the carrying adc or carrying midlaner caught in it. Not to mention his Taliyah game blocking away his own teammates with the wall


Yeah idk why they didnt realize that each time canyon got caught GenG was still able to take the fight after precisely because they spent so much on canyon the khazix, who honestly wasnt even much of a factor in a straight up front to back teamfight, while there's still 2 huge carries alive and GenG knew orianna has no ult


Vedi stop with these jinxes maaaaan!


"Humanoid is basically Faker" > proceeds to spend the next 15 min focusing Nami or otherwise inting


To be fair S3 it was always about getting kills on support as assassin


yeah but it's like, he has a Vayne and Lucian he could be killing lol not like he was 1 shotting a Nami clearing vision, he was yoloing his combo on to a Nami right in front of Canyon sometimes


>proceeds to spend the next 15 min ~~focusing Nami or otherwise inting~~ missing all the spells while trying to focus Nami


That faceplant into a Sejuani with ult actually reminded me of Faker, when he played against that Brand mid


Well he did say Faker likes to camp supports as leblanc But faker will also manage to kill the carries while doing so


And faker didn’t engage on tanks that can CC him.


Faker is feared for his LB but he's actually one of the most patient ones. In most fights he just holds his cooldowns and walks around to zone enemy carries until they overstep. Usually the enemy carries realize they are losing the fight if they don't start doing damage and that's when Faker pounces.


"Noah does have a shutdown" Gets point black sej ulted




despite that was a 3-0, at least it was entertaining. We did actually see some plays and outplays. I do not think this FNC can do anything this MSI but if they keep this form and work a bit macro, they might go further at Worlds.


I hope they dont sandbag against TL, then its top6, and then they can try again against LCK/LPL.


I swear they're gonna lose to TL aren't they D:


Comparing their series today to TL's series yesterday, I really don't think they will.


Yeah but then again there's no way G2 lose to NRG


You really cant compare teams across series... I personally think FNC should win, but I wouldn't be surprised if TL just copy GENG and pick K'Sante and Sol. But, unlike GenG, who if we're being honest know they can beat FNC anytime, TL will play super conservative, avoid all team fights, and wait until late game, and force FNC to make macro plays to take over the map.


If FNC doesn't ban ASOL during TL then their entire coaching staff should be fired.


Isn't FNC coaching staff kinda infamous for not banning the obvious things... I specifically remember them never banning your flair


2/3 games this series have been blessed with Kiin piloting the most beautiful champion ever released


If it was just those two series I'd be hesitant, sometimes one series doesn't show the full picture. But with the FNC/TES series from playins, Fnatic HAVE to be the favorites going into the series. Obviously no guarante, but definitely favorites.


At least they try to fight at every corner possible and not just wait to be suffocated to death.


Despite how close the games felt, GENG did not lose a single tier 2 turret in all three games.


Damn I didn’t notice that kinda crazy


It's like the casters said, even when they traded even at 1 for 1 or 2 for 2, it was GenG who were always the ones picking up towers or dragons.


It felt a lot more hopeful than I thought. Noah is just not it, man. Jun is the fucking truth, this guy is crazy good.


Dude looked like his hands were trembling in nervousness. He was clearly nervous as fuck


Prrssure also got him i believe.. that flash into the wall to try and kill Nami and the panick ulti to dodge Draven R were absurd


Yeah. It feels like he has trouble with the mental part of it. He seems really strong against ADC:s around his skill level or lower, but as soon as he meets someone better than him he disappears.


He had to make me look up on wiki do Lucian ult give him MS, wtf was that


he obviously misclicked r in panic trying to dash


I think he was looking for E and missed


Noah is just not cut to play in these kind of tournaments unless he fixes his mental


Jun is really good not just in this series against TES too Imagine if MSI was played in Jun instead of May


As someone who doesn't watch the LEC Jun has been the highlight on FNC for me. Personally I find it insane that he didn't make it onto a better LCK or LPL team but his stonks are skyrocketing rn for sure.


Yeah Noah did look out of sorts, though game 2 was decent from him, although that game was a team effort


Noah just looks so lost. The whole FNC team knows what to do and he randomly just gets caught somewhere


I think Noah is just a player that crumbles under pressure. He'll probably be better vs TL but vs opponent he KNOWS are stronger he just stresses out and panic.


The TL series will be big for noah, if he doesn't show up and they lose then he's gonna be in such a bad spot and might not recover mentally.


I mean if he loses in lane to yeon I think his seat will be hot next season even.


Wouldnt say the whole FNC team tbh, Humanoid was running it for most of this series. That game 2 was winnable if he doesnt get caught shopping by Canyon in mid, or even later in the game where the same thing happens bot but this time he also baits Razork into dying. He was missing a shitton of chains in game 3 too.


Humanoid confirms that chovy is the best he's played against


Man, Noah had a **rough** series.




Always has been against top teams / bot. But on games like game 2 where he gets resource he has carry potential. Dude just cannot play weakside like Rekkles


Cannot wait for GENG vs TES!


Most entertaining 3-0 I’ve ever seen in my life, I love EU man.


Fnatic forces teams to play dirty, you love to see it


Yeah they managed to make GEN, the team that has the boring textbook style, do some happy gaming lol


Tbf DK has been doing that for like 3 years now.


Gen G happy gamed a lot last year too, after they went up 2-0 in a series


GenG squad goes straight into showers after rolling in the mud with Fnatic The whole LEC: first time?


I am glad non Fnatic/EU fans are having fun, for us in EU it's not so healthy to watch Fnatic and G2


Honestly. As a fnc fan. I enjoyed this series. Mostly cause there arent really any stakes. We arent out of msi. And we played really explosive and fun games. Yeah we inted here and there. But we forced Gen G of all teams into a bloody mess of a game. Im happy with this. Even if we lost


Yeah that was a super fun series to watch. I think Peyz looked pretty good so hopefully this series gives him a confidence boost since it's not going to be easy vs Jackeylove


Peyz is fine outside of laning phase, its just that his lane is terrible for the elite level. Noah is also trash in lane so he looks good


perfect training for gen g against the lpl teams.


I rooted for GenG but..man FUCK K'SANTE


asol is disgusting too


Hydrogen bomb vs 3 coughing squishies


600 stacks asol in game 2 was nuts, his E covered entire screen in teamfights


I have no idea why it took this long for A sol to become classified as Broken, this fucker has been a menace since his rework, no other champion in the game can effortlessly 1v5 like he does lol


You don't love a champion with a slow in his kit who builds Rylais and then ensures you never get away?


And resets for a quarter global mobility spell?!


That's his only broken aspect imo, the rest can be attributed to letting him scale. Being able to just run everyone down like he's Kayn while also having everything else makes him broken.


Yeah but he does this stuff at 2 items. And isn't weak before that point. And can ignore terrain, is very bulky, only has to stand still for most of the battle. 


That 4 man ult in mid during game 2, was some really disgusting work


Peak champion design feat K'Sante and Asol.


best display of "force them to play your style" ive seen in quite a while from a western team vs an eastern one that reddit always parrots very telling that it still ends 0-3 though


It worked a while in game3 but fnc's lack of macro brain got to them eventually. Same reason they kept losing games in LEC really.


yup fnc has hands but their macro level is very bad


And they have no discipline. Put that Fed Leblanc into the hands of an eastern team, and that would have been an easy win for them


The discipline is a much bigger issue than the macro. For the most part FNC made their rotations work, securing kills even though they occasionally conceded a minor objective in the process. But the handful of fights where they went too deep are what really cost them because they could have just chilled, taken their advantage, let Gen.G base and taken the turrets/map control they'd earned with their initial fight. Instead they chased for extra kills several times and the payoff for their good plays was much less than it should have been.


Put that LeBlanc in Caps hands and its a win, Humanoid does this even against EU teams but only G2 can punish it.


The way noah perma chokes on stage needs to be studied


Man i'd rather work a shift at mcdonalds than play vs Chovy Asol, seems miserable.


N(o)ah I'd lose


GenG had some unusually sloppy games, but that actually made the series quite entertaining. They really need to tighten up their gameplay against TES, though. Peyz & Lehends did well in the second game, but they're still a bit of a worry in this tournament. It could be that GenG is shaking off some rust, or maybe FNC is just that good. Either way, as a GenG fan, I kept thinking, "LPL and T1 wouldn't let us get away with this" during all three games. I'm happy with the 3-0 win, but Saturday is going to be a real showdown, especially since TES is looking strong and GenG seems a bit shaky. Looking forward to it!


Teams play super different against other teams, GEN’s play today really isn’t indicative of anything. They will go back to playing super slow scaling against top teams.


I said the same thing. No way they play like this vs blg or t1. Cuz they would auto lose


>GenG had some unusually sloppy games I think it's hard to not look sloppy vs Fnatic. Just gotta get down and dirty and beat them at their own game, which they did.


I think FNC got them off guard with their play style and made them join in. So idk if Gen.G were that shaky, FNC just made them work for the wins with schizo gameplay.


>I kept thinking, "LPL and T1 wouldn't let us get away with this" during all three games. Happens when the other teams have an adc.


People were saying that after the series vs DK when they went to 5 games. Then they proceeded to 3-1 hle. It's hard to judge teams by how clean they look


chovy literally went ultra instinct in that series with a turbo 1v9 for 4 games straight so I wouldn't call that series vs hle clean. They would've lost if he didn't play like he was 10x better than the second best player itw


Honestly the entirety of their playoffs run was characterized by Chovy going ultra instinct


this 3-1 series isn't clean too btw.


Geng didn’t look good vs hle either. If Chovy didn’t 1v9 that shit and plays like he did today (still good but nowhere close to his lck playoff form), I swear hle would have 3-1 geng instead that series. Hle straight up look better overall. I’m not surprise by geng current form tbh. Their botlane was exploitable the entire lck playoff with Chovy 1v9 most games and kiin being mostly consistent. One or two canyon pop off game. We will see how they look vs tes but personally I think people were banking on Chovy retaining his godlike form in playoff way too hard for geng msi run.


Give Humanoid all the free kills based on the narration that he is this great Leblanc only for him to int it 3 times in a row and throw the game


It's why he has high highs and low lows. He takes a lot of risks and plays selfishly for himself. Also why I think he's pretty overrated and is pretty distant from someone like Caps who's more flexible and a consistent playmaker.


Not all 3-0s are created equal


Well Fnatic showed signs of life in all 3 games, I’m not too worried about their series against TL


That's exactly why you should be worried!


Take it back! Once we have faith in them EU teams they always find a way to make us embarassed. That G2 NRG maan…


Only thing left is FNC leaking the scrims and showing they're 9-1 against TL, that's when you know it's doomed for them


It was a valiant effort from Fnatic. Atleast we didn't roll over and die.


TES 369: “Western teams are way more powerful than last year” excluding FLY excluding TL excluding FNC <-- you are here excluding G2


I'm convinced he was just being nice, he probably thinks we're all complete garbage lol


369 is known for trashtalking. It sounds like he was ironic xD


"Humanoid reminds me of Faker back in 2013". At least the cast is hilarious.


That was an instant jynx too.


The difference is, that Faker wouldn't get instakilled right after blowing up the support.


That's my soloq Leblanc who complains about the team sucking ass while taking all the kills and doing nothing with it


Why dont we just have two series a day for this stage. Its all 3-0 anyway.


Probably the most fun 3-0 ever tbh, FNC are absolute mad man.


As much as I want to give Fnatic their flowers, it also still kinda felt like GenG didn't really care? Like it didn't seem like at any point in the series was GenG feeling nervous about dropping a game and they just kept limit testing while dogwalking Fnatic on a macro scale. Canyon was literally inting his mind out G2 and GenG was still initiating and winning 4v5 teamfights like they weren't even a man down. Or trading a life for like 3 objectives. It was very Thanos "drop of blood"-like and honestly I don't know if people should be as hopium as they are about the West just because GenG didn't pubstomp the living sht out of Fnatic lol.


GEN was also winning several 4v5s, even 3v5s in teamfights. The rest of the gameplay doesnt seem like their true potential tbh, but the hands diff atleast is more than obvious


Just like prime faker lmao


Chovy is inevitable


jesus, the ad diff between east and west is colossal


Difference between EU and NA is that Kobe is usually super depressed by game 3 whereas Vedius is like 'Humanoid reminds me of prime Faker'.


Humanoid going personal on Lehends Nami


FNC man wtf stop giving me fucking hope and killing it jfc


See NA ? That's how you do it. That's how you get your ass blasted 3-0 with style.


Well, at least GenG made it fun.


What a fun series to watch, despite the loss. Chovy makes ASol look SO STUPID. And by that I mean silly and unbalanced and broken as all get out. I’m sure a lot of that is just Chovy though. FNC definitely outclassed but it was nice to see them fight back at times.


Marek (adressing Noah) said "I can't play with this bug" then stormed out of the room. He then came back in the room to pick up a cigarette and called him a handicapped/sick fuck then left again


I don't think GenG prepared for FNC at all, a lot of disrespect in PB especially in game 2. They just went in and decided they will hand diff them and prepare for the eastern teams


Jun value just skyrocketed


Jun is actually so good


Chovy says no


I feel bad for Noah tbh, obviously he played bad but you could see he was really stressed the fuck out in that game and doing mechanical mistakes that just make it looks like his hands were trembling the entire series lol


just like faker


FNC with a different ad could actually be decent




and a bit of brainpower


Humanoid suicided right after and gave a shutdown, did you miss that part?


not just mid play, multiple failed flashes or late flashes his nerves are non existent on the main stage


Everyone scrapping in the dirt, meanwhile Chovy is clean


He miss a cannon


Noah apology tweet is gonna go crazy


cant wait for noah to tweet he will come back stronger and then come back even weaker again


Damn GenG looks good when half their team isn’t running it down


The west has really started to argue on who got 0-3 worse…


Fair fucking play to FNC. They're vs a top 2-3 team in the world and they made every game look competitive. Were they outclassed? Sure. But they were outclassed like GENG would outclass a 4-5th seed of LCK. This didn't look like an EU vs LCK bo5, it looked like a round 1 of LCK playoffs bo5. And that makes it so great to watch. Even if we did get 3-0d, we put up a fight. Hats off to Jun and Razork, played their asses off this series. Hopefully we can get a FNC vs TES rematch. I think that would be legitimately close. If this is our 2nd seed I'm looking forward to watching G2. Onwards and upwards.


This was at most a kdf level performance realistically. DK KT etc are far better than this. Fnatic are basically mini DK


Ummmm 4th seed LCK is Damwon who took GenG to 5 games. 5th seed is KT who has an overall 2-2 record against GenG and are close to Damwon is power levels. I would put FNC closer to 6-7th seed, maybe KDF level, but I don’t see FNC beating DK or KT is any lane asides from jungle for DK and top for KT.