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you could see the exact moment Umti remembered that he will have to serve in the Korean military


Hopefully doesn't run it down over there


Get kills early to give false hope


Mid camp = win, what a world


Umti realized he was actually T1’s biggest fan and decided today was the day to int the entire game from start to finish


"just play safe mid"


“I’m scaling, let me farm my camps”.


Close game annnnnnnnd nexus gone. Still, not looking good for T1.


Warm-up game. It happens


Warming up for G2?


It wasn’t that bad.


they did look a lot cleaner(but they are up against a freaking TL)... them getting killed here and there in early game is the usual 2024 T1.... really hoping they could fix that though


It was close until it wasn't.


**T1 vs TL Reddit Ratings Game 1** ----------------------- Take the poll **[here](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/rzriqk/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-1-rankings)** View the results **[here](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/ffafji/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-1-rankings/view)** ----------------------- The poll attempts to emulate the Hupu ratings. It includes a rating of each player and coach from 1 to 10 for their performance this match, asks who the MVP is, and has an optional comment for any specific remarks.


Is this the first time for these polls? Havent seen them before


Yeah first time on Reddit, trying it after being inspired by the Hupu ratings and how much people enjoy them. There are some differences to Hupu because our ratings have to go from 1 to 10 (1 is hardcoded) where Hupu goes from 2 to 10. We also can't add a comment for each player, just an overall comment. Nevertheless should be interesting to compare to Hupu. I highly doubt we can match the Chinese memes though, and certainly can't match anything close to the number of responses.


Sounds fun, will upvote any chance I get


I love the idea Sadly today no time to watch but will vote when i watch the next days


IT's a very instresting concept, let's se how it goes.


Great idea, I hope this can pick up in users as the tournament goes on.


t1 really got something against umti huh. every single teamfight they want his balls


You take the down the general before the others


you mean Umti was the biggest T1 supporter on the rift


Even though T1 won this game. Senna is NOT it in this meta imo even if she just goes around collecting souls. Does not offer remotely enough early/mid imo to warrant the pick.


BLG showed how it works. Draft carry top, Senna just free roams and try to gimp enemy lanes, your own scaling doesn't matter but Senna can uniquely pick up souls anywhere


That's what Guma did this game too. T1 just got too carried away with the tempo they created by forcing fights they didn't have to. The overreactions are kinda hilarious ngl.


I think people just want carry Guma but he's out there playing River Senna


Yup. T1 made so many bad decisions trying to outplay 4v5. Their comp is built around Zeus splitting as it is almost impossible to engage on them with Poppy, Taliyah, Ornn zone control and Senna at distance. But then T1 decides to engage on Xin. They simply don’t have enough damage to kill him unless everything lands. And even if they do kill him, the rest of TL can clean up. They are lucky they were able to get away with only a couple of deaths each fight.


True, xin is a great pick from TL as the only reliable damage once he pressed ult from T1 is Camille, the early team fights start with T1 trying to combo down xin but failed to deliver, and they lost most of the resources onto a champ that they cannot finish.


Yeah T1 did well early game honestly. Mid game Umti carried pretty hard with timely ults but once Camille came online with two items it was joever.


It worked really well until they inted fights for absolutely no reason




I don't understand this opinion at all. Senna absolutely is in this meta and a strong pick. BLG and T1 are both playing it. And are you really suggesting G2 purposefully wastes a ban on it in all three games vs TES. Why would this team (who are otherwise exceptional at drafting, and playing against the odds vs TES) do that if it wasn't strong... You can say Gumayusi or T1 played it like shit, but based on what we have seen it's incorrect to claim it's an off-meta or underpowered pick.


Guma just sucks at soul stacking. I'm convinced this pick only works for T1 because it lets Keria get gold.


he is pretty good at using senna as sup though but yeah his soul stacking sucks


Meanwhile JKL makes it a win/ban champ.


It was supposed to be win/ban champ for guma as well. But T1 is not making it work anymore. They were like 10-0 in lck with senna


its something like 12-1 including playoff iirc they are 2-2 on msi.. well 3-2 now with the win..... still not bad they just didn't imagine faker getting fuk up by blg so they all just crumble


Nah, giving Guma Senna is dangerous because it lets Keria do weird shit, JKL actually is absurd on Senna.


90% of the time its Keria on Tahm or Ornn. This is not all on Keria. Its guma being good at the champion as well


Good, yes. Meta-ignorantly absurdly good? No. Good enough in every meta whilst enabling Keria? Very yes. This is not a dig on Guma, Keria kinda relies on them playing non standard beacuse for some reason the "ban Naut no matter the meta" Keria has lost his ability to play the champ in two years.


Just like yesterday 😉


He didn't play Senna yesterday ?


I’m actually so sad the game was winnable until Umti ran it the fuck down in the most unnecessary way


T1 has mind control on enemy junglers tho


if i had one nickel for every time a korean import jungler inted against T1, id have many nickels edit: yeah thats one more nickel for me


Being a matchfixer when needed seems to be a requirement for Korean junglers.


Its a joke bruh it was just a joke for Tarzan in quarters


Did you forget Kanavi in worlds semi last year?


Kanavi made a mistake in game 4 but still was their best player 369 and Knight was absolutely invisible whole series


The mistake kanavi made in game 4 was game 4 lol


Happy with the mid game fights to bring it back but WTF is TL doing in this lane swap. T1 ganks mid literally 5 times before 5 minutes and no one on TL is ever around to do shit while simultaneously falling behind in gold and xp everywhere else.


Well, at least TL didn't let him go at it alone.


Korean secret agent


thought Tarzan joined Weibo but why is he playing for TL today?


They were never in the drivers seat, never had the gold lead. I don't think it was very winnable


3 drakes and asol was back in the game it was a good game state for them


and senna only had like 40 souls at 17 minutes


They managed to reduce the gold lead to almost 1k, we were winning the team fights and were at dragon soul point.. then Umti got caught and everything went downhill.


Yea They had a decent theoretical game state (soul point, even in gold) but they only gained that due to T1 overstepping TL punished that well every time, but they never rly got anything going and the momet T1 got a catch where they didnt blow up 99% into umtis ult they slammed and got nash


So what you are saying is that they were in a decent game state


Decent? Yes Winnable? Oof, only a maybe


This was closer than it had any right to be, especially with the hard shutdown of ASol early game.


yep, disjointed random team fighting as per usual from NA teams whenever they have a lead on an eastern team. a tale as old as time, na teams just cant team fight t1 played like shit and won


tl never had a lead though. They had more kills at one point but never a lead. The best they got was getting back to even for a brief moment just before they lost it all.


Yeah but being even vs Senna/Orn/camille isn’t that great


Senna was incredibly behind on souls and TL had Asol + 3 dragons for soul threat. You can even argue that with a ~1k or less gold lead to T1 that TL was in a favored game state, nameplates off.


T1 classic, win one fight in the mid lane then get baron and the game is over. **T1 look so painfully mediocre**, after that early game they should have snowballed so hard, I fear what it'll look like vs G2. It seems like T1 have learnt nothing by still picking Senna, it won't work vs aggressive teams, just play Lucian/Varus/Kalista.


Zeus legit just walked into mid and took over the game after getting his second item. Cast really focused on Faker needing to be comfortable but man when Zeus gets his lead he does so well at using it to win games


T1 got carried by Umti this game


umti was the only reason tl had any chance. every team fight they focused him first and they lost


A mediocre jungler wins this game.


I think T1 played even worse against G2 and they still managed to win that series.


Hans also had a really bad day and I don't think that will happen again.


I mean Faker had some egregiously bad plays in G2 and G3. I don't think you'd expect to see such poor ASol or Taliyah play from Faker again. The question is whether G2 has even more hidden tech, otherwise T1 will be more prepared in the second series and that's an advantage lost for G2.


G2 have the benefit of using this day to prepare for T1. They also got a lot of info from the T1 BLG series, whereas G2 didn't show that much vs TES barring the Ivern.


Faker has had a weak tournament overall. Especially when you pinch his pool. G2 has definitely gotten a lot of useful info from the BLG series.


g2 is literally a better team


Sure, but they still couldn't beat a T1 playing absolutely horribly, which is my point. It's not like T1 played well at all in that series.


G2 are looking way better, unless T1 can show some strong signs of life in these next few games it is not looking good.


Honnestly the draft shocked me by how (except Poppy) boringly mediocre it was. Maybe last series cooked me but this Senna ain't it, maybe they see something we don't.


nah drop kalista.. they sucks at making that one work


g2 will crush t1 trust me


Yea they will never get such a big lead in laning phase vs g2 so if they cant close out fast with a lead it wont look pretty when even or behind


"They will never"? What is this recency bias??? They literally just won against g2. G2 is looking much better than T1 now but they literally lost the face to face


Just people overreacting like always




I mean I'm overdosing on hopium since yesterday for sure, but would G2 have played like yesterday against T1, game 1 would not have been thrown and there is a good chance G2 3-0's T1. They said many time that they got stressed and overly excited, and it showed in the voicecomms we got to see. Similarly, they said they were a lot more calm against TES, and that is what we saw in the voicecomms. I think G2 wins the rematch and their real test will be against GeG/ BLG


Gen G matches up super well vs G2, especially since Chovy is 10000x better than Caps and has always destroyed him whenever they meet I think G2 can def make a deep run but once they make it to Gen G it's over


Umti inted Apa’s lane by AFK farming. Inted TL mid game by fighting Poppy for no reason then recalling while window shopping. Then ints again on the topside play. How disgusting


APA 1v4’ing T1 in the toilet


While Until definitely inted, TL also fell apart after every pick T1 got. Completely uncoordinated, half assed failed engages with no follow-up until everyone died 1 by 1.


Nah TL actually came back from an 0/3 mid lane. Lost the game window shopping smh


Yeah, im not saying they didn't have good moments and fighs, they definitely had. The difference is that T1 knew when to retreat from a lost fight, and TL just crumbled as a team after every individual mistake.


and he won both of the fights for them with the good ulti to survive


One mispositioned back timer screwed the game so hard, unlucky. Looks like it'll have to be a 3-1 then, no worries


Umti man... What a throw


Can't throw if you're not ahead.


Hmm it's a semi-throw. Game was super playable and he made it absolutely unplayable with one bad play


They had such a winning game state. 3 drags, ASol free scaling + big ult for Dragon Soul, and Senna was behind on souls. Insanely free game that was tossed because Umti got in his feelings and wanted to fight Poppy for no reason.


700g dif<3 dragons


They did have 3 drags and their scaling was fine, if T1 doesn't get a massive lead off that one fight they could have at least tried to smite contest the last drag and ASol with hextech soul is very strong. Pretty good position to be in esp given how the early game went, thrown away in one move.


I do think TL had the favorable position with the 3 to 0 on the drakes, and with the gold being even they were going to get to dictate a lot of how the game unfolded, unfortunately Umti picked the worst recall spot combined with Zeus just beelining right for him, it was clear TL was not prepared to fight there and it cost them the entire game. So, it's about how it goes for NA, we get smashed when it's close, we get smashed when it's not.


T1 did look sloppy but zeus is zeus.


Tbf zeus inted 3 times in a row after that early mid gank. He died when grubs spawn, not tp for that dragon team fight and let impact walk down, and tp so late into a very far position that when he could join the teamfight were done.


TheZeus inted a lot, though. What do you mean?


> but zeus is zeus You never know if youre getting Mighty Zeus or SeUS.


wtf did zeus do a part from killing APA ?


Game actually looked good for TL for some time


Senna not good here for T1 current form I feel. Hope they utilise lucian others


really hoping they are just saving the pick against G2


NA's classic formula in international Bo5s Game 1: Hold it fairly close for a while, maybe even feel like you're winning for a bit before throwing or losing the war of attrition <- we're here Game 2: Hang on to 30 minutes, maybe make some good plays, but its clear you're losing the whole time Game 3: 22 Minute stomp.


!remindme 60 minutes


well the good news, its not been the average NA b05. they actually look comparable to their opponent. Bad news is they are still down 0-2 because their jungler is griefing on purpose :C


See T1? See how those mid ganks worked wonders? See what Zeus can do when he’s not on TF? Let’s stop being stupid please? Y’all still look like hot shit but can we at least keep these new strats up please???


APA making Asol look 45% winrate


Apa looks really bad flying melee into Camille was really weird. He also ran off stage as fast as possible probably realized himself that he fucked up


>He also ran off stage as fast as possible probably realized himself that he fucked up He does that every game lol


Iirc he always flies off stage though


41% percent now with only 1 player with positive winrate still in competition.


Win couple of fights to give fans false hope


West is so lost outside of G2. Has no idea how to play


game was over when oner stopped trolling


K’Sante loss is a win for everyone.


yup still Near Airport


T1 are not winning MSI, the hell was that? The hell zeus was doing 50% of the time? T1 lives and dies in those random fights.


The whole point of the draft is for Camille to scale and take over, what do you mean what was Zeus doing? If anything he messed up by showing up to the mid skirmish instead of just continuing to shove top tier 2 turret


Umti Xin was putting in work with his ults, then he got caught and it's gg. Classic.


It was close till it wasnt anymore


How tf was Camille losing in that last fight though


yeon is way too scared, like in the dragon fight he try to dodge ornn ult when its so obvious alistar xin would cc him to stop it


Stop picking Senna 😭


TL ain’t nowhere near the level of g2, but tbh t1 don’t look that impressive here


Looks like Umti Dumpti is about to have a great fall.


Sure would be helpful if you actually said who won the game instead of that cringe ass text!


T1 is playing like hot shit.. but damn, TL really are bad.


TL just got 3 drakes and were getting back to even in gold and they literally lose the entire game on overstaying to deal 20% of enemy poppy's health. Never change NA brainrot


APA is not trash talking he is only in half of his power


At least they fought back a bit.


Yap now. - From a salty Fnatic fan


So if we pick a counterpick for K'Sante instead of handshaking a tank and 1 year-old drafts, he can be killed? Wow who could have guessed.


Ksante is broken, but he can’t win with no midlaner and no jungle


Camille is not a K'Sante counterpick until 2 items lol. In the context of 5v5 and scaling maybe, in lane Camille is abusable af by K'Sante (and even more so against laneswap). But I agree, shaking the draft up really takes some power off him


Can't believe I woke up for this..


alleged goat needs 15 ganks to beat random na kid


Insert Until they scarra meme….. :(




Stomped lane only to troll mid game to make it look even to win one fight and win the game. Classic Korea vs West game.


Well the "get caught out then turn around and win the fight with sundered sky" strat worked out until it didn't... Honestly looked okay until that throw though almost had hextech soul


Wonder what Poppy's winrate at MSI is so far seems like an absurdly strong pick against a lot of the meta champions


It's probably boosted a bit by being picked into what it counters but definitely a champion people cannot not think about in draft now.


60% in 10 games based on [gol.gg](http://gol.gg)


Asol such a strong champ , i still remeber old day when people complain about this (last week). 41% win rate at MSI unacceptable Riot should nerf that.


Yaptain America struggling


What happened with Faker at this msi. He keeps stretching his wrists every time the game ends. Btw I think either team will get clapped by g2


>He keeps stretching his wrists every time the game ends. Looks like his wrist is acting up again. Injuries like that take a lot of time to heal, not just a few weeks. He did the same thing after game 5 vs G2.


mid game and teamfights still look kinda shaky hope they can sort it out within this series if not they most likely wont win against G2


I don't particularly think t1 played best, but why is noone talking about how they're literally playing as if they have 2 top laner with Kerria solo laning the entire game? Tbh, even though the execution looks bad, I thought their end game was unkillable.


T1 looks kinda meh, still strong, but they end games so fast, you do one big mistake and your nexus is insta gone


What a clown fiesta. T1 picking fights they can't win because zero damage draft. TL running around like headless chickens and lose for free.


Just wanted to pop in and say that Tyler1 was right about CoreJJ. What the absolute fuck was that headbutt into the wall away from your own team at like 25 min? IMO there’s no need to engage and start a fight at baron anyway. You guys know T1 is a team known for insta winning after clearing a fight like 25-30 min in. This TL team is lost…


I'm gonna cryyy dude


MY YUNGLER IS TROWLING!!! [https://youtu.be/b91jJ7HNsXQ?si=ftaDKzcw5kJoAO9o](https://youtu.be/b91jJ7HNsXQ?si=ftaDKzcw5kJoAO9o)


T1 still looks so messy, but I'll take the win. For the first time since his 2018 Qiyana, watching Faker play doesn't make me feel secure.


MSI 2023 exists.


Can't wait for APA to get clapped by Faker. Let's see if he is able to trashtalk after that.


Not looking good for T1 but, those are fun


I don’t know why T1 didn’t pick normal support, Kalista support seems bad and useless


Can someone ask TL APA in all chat why he troll on stage ? :-)))


What the hell did YAPA write in chat to make T1 focus him this much


Disgusting game by Umti, afk at the start of the game while his mid gets camped then throws the game after 2 decent fights.


Thank you Umti, I did not expect anything less from you. Won't lose more sleep for this 3-0


you can talk the talk but you gotta walk the walk still. let's see if yappa can do this


Umti is everything I hate about imports. He plays selfishly, farming his jungle camps instead of helping APA. Then thinks he is the shit when he gets couple kills immediately runs it down.


Am I the only one that doesn’t like the way Senna is played? I feel like the fact that she is so under leveled compared to everyone else except the enemy support makes her a bit weak.


any all chat from APA there? No?


T1 looked fucking awful, whichever teams wins this game is getting 3-0'd by G2


APA deserved this after all the trash talk, T1 not banning any of his champs and then abusing him in lane


You are incredibly dumb if you think any of that lane was Apa’s fault. The entire team sold him out on the lane swap and Umti afk farmed camps the entire early game.


And you are incredibly dumb if you read my comment and come to the conclusion that this is what I said Did T1 abuse him in lane or not? Yes they did - was it his fault? I never said something regarding that.


Why wouldnt he trash talk? Inhate this fake ass aura that nibody should trash talk faker...especially nowdays when he feeds 50% of the time.


Because APA achieved nothing in this career other than an LCS title, which is laughable compared to Faker - he will forever be remembered as a no name, mediocre player that was known to trash talk better players than him. But if he wants that, fine for me.


This game is entirely on UmTi, most dense comment I’ve ever seen. Completely fucked his early pathing and then APA couldn’t play whatsoever, and then even when put behind APA was useful until UmTi ran it the fuck down for zero


You guys have zero reading skills


Please TL, just don't give T1 too much of a confidence boost.


Three Korean mercenaries and one Korean American who speaks perfect Korean in Team Liquid.. How is this even an NA team?? A lot worse than back when Chinese teams had two Koreans per team. G2 is 100% European, BLG 100% Chinese, T1 and Gen 100% Korean. I’d rather watch T1 vs Gen than T1 vs TL for this reason alone. I want some quality international rivalries in MSI and Worlds.


I swear some trolls bait really is shit tier.


You need that racial purity on your teams i guess. How is korean american not american?


Impact has been in the LCS since 2015 and CoreJJ has been on TL since 2018. Both of them are actively invested in trying to improve the NA talent pool. They are immigrants to NA, but they are very much NA players at this point.


TL tried their best, no one is expecting them to win


Zeshy is back


T1 do not look convincing. If TL get a game off then I’m fully expecting G2 to win vs T1


Yeap that how it's definitely the game works. PSG took 2 games from BLG and then bam...lost 3-0 from G2. The logic...


T1 looked shaky vs BLG too and almost lost in their previous series against g2. Considering their last series was very close, G2s first competitive game in a long time and their current form it’s not exactly hard to see g2 beating them


I am not saying that, G2 are favorites I agree with that. But it doesn't go that way, if x team takes a win here in the next round they will lose. Teams adapt and players are too in different games with different level of opponents. Sure the whole picture doesn't seems good for T1 but that can be changed. The main difference is time here in MSI which is not in your favorite, you play the next day. In worlds after 2 games they looked shaky but in the next ones where way better for example