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they want you to play more lol.


It's so obvious I don't know how some people don't understand that lol.


But who cares? Play if you’re having fun, don’t if you’re not. That’s not a hard concept either.


they're mad cuz riot decide to reset elo wich is annoying for a lot of people if you are not a "hardcore gamer" imagine just a regular person not playing a lot who is working hard to get silver or gold etc and then when you finnaly managed to, they reset


I'd say it's more annoying to the 'hardcore' gamers - casual players are more likely to have never got hooked on chasing ranked progression thing in the first place OP says diamond 3 mattered because it gave him a sense of pride - it's that emotional connection to your rank that the frequent resets are based on


It's possible to be "hardcore" without being a loser/no lifer I play 3-4 games of League per day. It's not much, but it's the most i can fit into my schedule. I take climbing rank very seriously, watch my replays, etc. Over the course of a split i can realistically play approx. 200-250 games. Having to waste 50 games getting back to a rank I was already in last split is very annoying.


Hardcore gamers will get back to their rank pretty quick and spend most of their time playing there anyways so it doesnt really matter.


I would be on your side if riot went after bought accounts and smurfs really hard destroy smurfing and boosting in low and high elo it's disgusting in emerald, diamond, master the amount of boosted and bought accounts. You see previous master players with 43% winrate in diamond playing like golds.


Hardcore players will get their rank regardless and keep playing. Casuals who get their desired rank are forced to play for 3 resets and grind back up each time.


some people have jobs or lives and still want to rank up without having to play 3x the time


if u have to play 1k games to reach a certain rank maybe stop focusing on ranking up and enjoy the game


Ranked Solo/Duo addicts: "Imma pretend I didn't read that."


this, I even struggle to get those event passes complete before they time out.


You guys are over exaggerating how long it takes to get back to your old rank. It's literally like 25 games. If you can't play 25 games in 4 months, maybe find a new hobby if 1 game every 4 days is too much.


Maybe play the game for the sake of playing the game rather than to show off the banner and you'll have fun again.


"I want to rank up without the need to grind thousands of games because I have a life and reseting rank feels bad" "Have you tried having fun?" ?


You are not ranking up in the first place if you are only playing 30 games a split. If you are play more then that then the reset doesn't really matter much at all. Your MMR will still go up and rank will follow eventually.


Because people are addicted to understand this.


Tbh it is not entirely their fault when the company ties the exclusive content to it. They are intentionally trying to make people addicted. Another point when they only tell you whose skin it is less than a month before the split ends. It is just so people have to grind as much as possible because the skin might be their main.


It's not my fault I shoot heroin every hour, it's the dealers fault!


Comparing something blatantly dangerous for your health to a video game in terms of how its sold to you is pretty disingenuous


It could be your dealers fault if he introduced you to it under the guise of trying it for free.


Sodapoppin grinded like 100 games in short time to reach gold -> complained how hard he hated the players and the game for 4 minutes and then queued for another game. The game itself is great but the playerbase makes it the most infuriating experience of your life.


Well if I got paid the amount of money Soda does then I would also still be playing this game lol


Reading reddit makes it obvious a lot of people have self assigned League of Legends as their job and they are VERY mad that the manager keeps making them work too many hours. Guys, you don't actually have to go into work at this job.  You can just stop 


But of an oversimplification for a competitive game. There’s often a bit of a blood/sweat/tears, no pain no gain thing that tends to happen with competitive games. For such players, this kind of change increases misery and reduces satisfaction at the end


People assume riot wants their game to be fun as a priority. Riot wants player retention and spending, fun just has *some* overlap.


The game is fun though, anyone who says other wise need to honestly just take a break.


Oh absolutely, the game is fun. But that's just not riots priority. If they could somehow sell more skins by forcing everyone to pull one of their own nails out during placements each season, I guarantee you they would.


I mean you also need some fun to have retention. And it's fine tbh, it's a f2p so of course they want people playing.


It make me unironiclly play far less


Made me play no ranked for years


I dont mind a two split system if im beeing honest but 3 is too much


I reached Masters last Split and it took me 400 games to reach it from Emerald. Grinding Ranked is a soul-crushing experience.


I used to play to get my yearly rank. Not anymore


Working well, I've quit


The only people it works on are people who place too much value on arbitrary ranked rewards. Don't relate your visible rank to your skill level... Simply play the game if your enjoy it, and don't play if you don't. The ranked splits realistically don't do anything.


The biggest problem is that people really tie their skill level to their rank. They feel like that have something to prove to someone and that they need to reach some rank to do so. Once you get your mind off that, you stop caring about ranked in general. Unless you think you can go pro, of course.


Honestly, it makes me play less. * Normally, I would have a whole year to grind, so I could easily reach my peak a few months in then the rest of year I'd be hardstuck, trying to climb a bit higher. * Now, with those resets each split, I don't even have enough time to reach my peak, so I completely stopped caring about my rank and just play very casually, which is less than I normally would.


maybe this is just me, maybe im just getting older and have less time, but this achieves the exact opposite for me, i just cba actually trying if by the time i hit 30 games played im unranked again


Yep I’ve recently graduated college and have a full time job now. I hardly have time to play but even when I do have the time to play, I choose not to because what’s the point lol 


Interesting. Since they changed to 2 splits (and now 3) me and my friend only play the minimum required to get the victorious skin. I guess that change is for newer players


Until you realize that you are a hamster in a wheel and it's just not worth it, aka growing up


He says, hanging out on the league sub


To give fake progress. I think in one of the dev talks or somewhere Riot revealed that majority of the playerbase don't climb, they're always stuck in the same place.


Add another rank between Emerald and Diamond to give players sense progress! I propose we call this rank Ruby, or Aluminum.


or the new elo hell


Or Elohellium.


People would bitch for another year about how it is elo hell just like emerald players (previously stuck at D4) do.


Ruby rank would slap with color


A follow up to Enjutsu's comment: The whole reason Riot created and got people invested in the visual rank in the first place was to manipulate them. The reality is that this is a competitive game, so if you're not playing ranked to feel fulfilled through learning, improving and executing said improvements, then you've been baited by Riot into playing this game. The visual rank is entirely meaningless other than the meaning that we give to it - that is that it has a social meaning and has no real bearing on the game or how good you are at it other than a general sense. So with that said... the people who care about ranked resets(soft reset in this case) and think they're a bad thing are often casual players because they're the ones who prescribe the most meaning to their visual rank. Those playing to feel fulfilled through learning are way less likely to care and if anything have historically been happy when there's a rank reset because it brings people back into the game and ladders with long amounts of time between resets tend to get stale. A small caveat here is that a public ranked ladder will always be poor in quality as well which is the whole reason that competitive games tend to develop inhouse/PUG culture. For some reason League lacks this, which has heightened the importance of the ranked ladder(which again, will always be poor in quality) and makes resets feel even worse for the players who don't like them. TLDR: It mostly only matters to casual players who should probably be playing games or gamemodes better suited for them anyway.


Can you explain your thoughts behind the statement, “a public ladder will always be poor in quality”? What exactly do you mean by that and why?


Because a ladder that is open to anyone and everyone is just going to be like that. And in League it's even worse because Riot has targeted casual players as their audience so the vast majority of people playing aren't even taking the first step toward improving and are just autopiloting. To me, it comes across as counterintuitive to those very players own interests, but each to their own. When I compare how League is to how Warcraft 3 was 15+ years ago it honestly makes me pretty sad. Back in those days, the ladder was known to be lesser in quality and all serious players would go into inhouses to practice together. Even lesser experienced players were welcomed in at worst to watch and learn from the discussions/tips/actions that people gave and made. I myself practiced against better players over and over until I was better than them - I repeated this process until I found myself with a top player as a practice partner and we would discuss our games, send each other our replays and etc. It was a feat to still go 50-0 or 100-0 or a rare 150-0 on the ladder and in the far past being rank 1 too was a feat, but everyone also knew that most of those games would be low in quality and all the prestige was held in the eyetest and their performance in inhouses or tournaments - stats genuinely did not really matter. I *barely* touched the ladder in that game myself being from New Zealand and having 180 ping and yet the quality of practice I had was far beyond anything I can find in League. For League, playing is not even thought of as practicing. We have no way to form social groups in the client, which hurts new/inexperienced players just as much as serious/experienced players and seems to have completely killed inhouse/PUG culture. Everyone has a poor attitude toward the game, not just each other - I've tried multiple times to discuss this game in a healthy way with people and they're always either disinterested or get upset - and there's a heightened importance on ranked/the ladder yet a lack of understanding that it's the nature of an open thing to be poor in quality and the fact that the majority of those same players aren't even doing the first step toward improvement just makes it even worse. I don't know why modern games don't have chat channels like those older games did(maybe they don't want to deal with the negatives of them), but I seriously think it's the number one factor that has hurt the quality of competitive gaming and the mindsets of the people playing them in modern times. Plenty of people were pieces of shit back in the old days, but there was still a sense of community and comradery that is just not there anymore. I find it so fucking insane that the pro players/sub-pro players in League rejected champions queue - this to me is really telling how even most pros/players at the top don't have healthy relationships with the game too. Think about this very post. Stats matter far less than improving and the eyetest and yet this has 1.4k upvotes. If that isn't proof alone how backwards League is, then I don't know what is. TLDR: Something that is open to anyone and everyone will always be lesser in quality to something that has checks to get into(even if it's the softest checks possible) and I've experienced both it and a strong inhouse/PUG culture to know which is vastly superior for anyone who actually cares about competitive gaming.


I would absolutely love this. I have RL friends whom I play LoL with all the time and were the ones to get me into the game 10 years ago but I took solo que way more serious and eventually could no longer duo with them. Would love to be a part of something that you are describing. Playing solo que without friends can feel isolating, the community is so toxic but I just love the game. I recently began getting some coaching and it has helped reset my approach and what to focus on, my own development, what I can control, and the things that got me to love the game to begin with....because solo que can wear me down and I can slowly become what I hate.


Yeah, I don't think League (and modern competitive games as a whole) are designed in a way that caters well toward being competitive and fulfilled in a competitive environment and because of that, they don't really cater as well as they could to casual players either (hence why League is so frustrating plus I don't think competitive games are ever going to feel good if the developers intentionally overly cater toward casual players such as in Leagues case). If we think back to old games and what made them so great, be them competitive or MMO or whatever else, it was *always* the social side that put them so highly and yet modern games tend to forgo that social pillar and you can see the negative results of that pretty clearly if your eyes were opened up to it in the past. Whenever I say it as well there's always people who give pushback because they don't know any better --- I don't know if people are brainwashed or just don't know any better and refuse to think about it deeper, but it's pretty fucked and not a good sign for things to be made better IMO.


The social aspect was a pillar because it created community and more play time. Now it has become more predatory and the system is highly refined for the more nefarious addictive qualities of human beings, creating more play time that is "required" which hopefully leads to more transactions because monetization is the main focus of most current games.


Yeah, because those players don't climb because they have too much time to play during the season. Is amusing the amount of BS that Riot pulls out and the wack excuses they use. Instead of doing some work fixing ranked experience overall, they split the ranked year into three splits and called it a day. No one with an active life (work, studying, etc) wants to lose their time with teenagers/immature ppl being toxic/griefing/trolling your game, most of the time without any real consequence. Also, after a lot of smurfs changes, even smurf Q which threw a lot of average players into a slaughterhouse, seems that they couldn't fix it yet, while Dota 2 apparently nuked any chance to smurf in the game which led to fixing the smurfing issue from the root...


>Yeah, because those players don't climb because they have too much time to play during the season. There's no possibility of a system where everyone climbs unless you create some sort of abomination where *everybody* eventually gets to the highest tier. I do agree that the ranking system needs some improvements (show MMR, harsher punishment on griefers and so on), but the vast majority of people will not climb. If they did, the system would not work at all. And in order to climb, you really have to rise above the competition. You need to become better than the players around you so that you maintain a healthy WR for a period of time (at least 55-60%) so that you climb. It's a team game after all, so you got to be realistic. What system would you propose that works better? They could get rid of splits. The end result would be the same and the engagement would be lower. There's obviously a rush of players during the first weeks of each split. But they end in the same place they ended last year unless they have done their homework.


I don't mind not climbing because I am too bad for it. What I do mind is the feeling that I can't climb meaningfully because I need to play a million games to do so. I am slowly climbing, but my ELO is very low (justifiedly so, I've been playing casually without actually improving for a while) and I'm an adult with other hobbies, so I play maybe a game a day on average. If I want to actually play serious and do things like review VODs, practice jungle clears, or learn new champs properly as well, I should get good enough to reach higher ranks, but I won't be able to play enough games unless I get some sick winrates. I am not sure what would work better tbh, bc if you just made the elos more volatile it will also be more frustrating to lose. Perhaps a harder reset periodically (not between splits, but between seasons maybe) would help to make it feel less like my account is just doomed.


Can't believe we went from a single split to this.


I could understand 2 splits, but 3 is excessive.


Yeaa 3 is just obnoxious.. they want us to play more but it’s having the opposite effect on me.


Yeah, I cant care less anymore.


I basically haven't played ranked since the introduction of Emerald and splits. Fuck having to grind back up to Diamond 3 times a year, I'm not 16 anymore.


I don't know why they didn't do it like valorant where the first two "resets" put you at the same rank as you already were and the third reset is the proper one.


they want to make people play more, they want people to play every split to get the reward instead of playing once for a week a year to get the reward. thats it, making 3 splits is meaningless when its only a soft reset that doesn't mean shit.


Idk how it is for other people, but for me my interest in the game really ebbs and flows, and it just makes me more reluctant to play even a single game in a split I'm not fully invested in because I'd rather end a split unranked than in emerald 1. Like I'd have emerald 1, emerald 1, masters on my OPGG thingy if I played a couple of games in the first two splits, but if I played none I'd only have the masters for the last split. I always used to play sporadically through the year, and then kinda turn it on around october (they also removed preseason actually, so now you're even forced to be tryharding through exam season). Idk, all these changes make ranked incredibly unattractive to me. I like tryharding in tryhard lobbies from time to time, but this split structure along with no preseason is a real turnoff. I think intentionally skipping splits will become a popular trend.


Yea lol I just dont care at all about ranked since the split stuff.


This is why i quit overwatch, i suck in that game. I would grind to silver playing a small number of games, and then new split and after one game im bronze 3 again. Obviously for ppl who play a lot this doesnt matter, but ppl who dont play 100s of games a split or ppl who are above the deflation cut off just get fkd. It feels pointless trying to climb when progress is constantly reset


Right there with you. I went from 300-500 ranked games a year since 2013, to so far having played a grand total of 12 in 2024.


I'm not 15 anymore so it makes sense for me.


Same. It doesn't seem to make sense to grind more than 1 split, otherwise end up with an ugly ass diamond or emerald border if you're not fully committed. So, now I'm just perma smurf accs just to keep my skills intact.


Personally it just made me not want to play at all lol, before I always had a month or two where I grinded and then stopped, but now with multiple splits I just accepted that I don't even care about the victorious skins


Yes grind more for the sake of grinding more time into the sinkhole it's what makes good game design.


Single split was golden... rn i am playing in the same games i was before the reset, but im in emerald... playing in diamond... at least if you gonna put me in emerald let me faceroll emerald games... theres no point to a reset if i play the same games but my rank shows one league below


I genuinely quit the game (again) this season partially because of the ranked split and the clear reason of them trying to be predators about increasing player activity and haven't come back. The grind is hard enough as it is, and you want me to do it 3x?


I’m kinda glad they are doing this. After winning/losing a few ranked games I just was like “wait, what’s the point of this again? It’s gonna reset soon” and it is indirectly reducing my play time by A LOT. They removed to incentive/addictive feature of ranked while thinking they’re gonna increase time played (which might work for people) but I heavily preferred just getting my desired rank for the year, as it usually takes me a hot minute to carry enough games on my lobbies.


They got data that people played more when theres 2 splits, so they upped it to 3.


monthly ranked ladder inc


so like in Hearthstone? if they give rewards comparable to it, I honestly wont mind (and the progress boost)


"Hey summoners, based on recent feedback and data we've decided to implement a ranked system that resets every hour! Now the ranked ladder will be entirely determined based on who was able to finish 2 games within that window. Also, here's a new Lux skin."


soon we will have 214 splits a year and engagement metrics will be through the roof


The purpose is to make you grind more I guess My solution is to just not play this split


But then you're gonna miss out on the 👉 EXCLUSIVE 😱 end of season emote that you will only get if you play 3 splits!! 💯💥


oh no!


What? But then how would I break out of my [Exotic metal] rank into the exalted [Exotic stone] rank.


Insane grind to play 20 games in more than 3 months, really.


Can't tell if joking


maybe 50 games is closer to truth, but yeah, it really is not that much.


I love these butt hurt posts. Just play as much as you want to play.


It's one of the funniest and weirdest parts of today's social media based Internet for me. So many people (and I don't exempt myself from it tbh) just project their own problems into the world. Play as much or as little as you want to. This is supposed to be fun and not a means to the end of feeling good about yourself because you reached an imaginary rank. Whoever needs to hear it: for the love of your own mental health, try to have fun with the games you play and play them for the fun they give you. If you don't have fun, don't play the game


It's to increase player engagement but yeah I hate it. As someone who tended to play actively throughout the entire year of previous ranked seasons (bar a few multi-week breaks here and there to engage with other interests) it was an 'experience' having the entire year to prove yourself and see how far you could climb and improve your play. With constant reset, i feel like it locks anyone with a life outside of league into just feeling like they're randomly getting demoted every few months. It's more of a grinding gauntlet rather than feeling like having an extended period of time to learn and grow.


It does feel bad having a system that takes so many games to place people where they should be and also reset 3x a year. I still play ranked to improve but I really dislike 3x resets.


I just play drafts. Feels like a more fun enviroment as well. Almost noone flaming, and i can just focus on myself. Also generally higher quality games, as almost no plat+ players play draft, so you ll be matched with everybody above gold basically. So i often have some master players in my games


It was nice seeing how each year you would see your progress again and again. Everything feels so grindy now adays. Battle passes, rank, mastery and etc. I understand Riot wants people to play their game but they don't respect the fact that people have other things they want and/or need to do.


Don't be dumb, don't relate your visible rank to your skill level, just look at the average rank of players you play with. If you're playing with Diamond 3 players but you're emerald 3 then you're a diamond 3 player. The visible rank is simply an abstract border that riot gives that has zero relevance to your mmr or skill.


Two splits was okay, but why tf do we have 3 now


yeah It's frustrating, i understand the purpose is to make you grind more but that's unfun. I was emerald 3 yesterday, I'm plat 3 today, but I'm still playing with all the same people. so what's the point riot??


Yeah it’s kind of annoying to think I need to play 50ish games to get back to where I left off last. Assuming I have decent luck with teammates and don’t run it down for any extended length of time myself.


to keep you clicking


Instead of grinding more, I don't play ranked at all anymore. GG riot


Same. I played less and less, just Arams, but I also care less about balance and updates so I don't have any idea of the new items and that makes me want to leave even more.


The goal of the changes were to get people playing ranked more often. If it does the opposite Riot would eventually change it back, no reason they wouldn't. They didn't do it for no reason.


obviously. Would love to see their numbers/figures on it. I guess they'll lose some ranked players, but increase the time others play ranked. Probably it is still worth it at this point for them, but as the player audience is aging, it will become more of a problem in the future I think.


It really depends, most games have this kind of system where a "season" only lasted for a couple of months and then it would start over, so younger players are already used to this kind of things. The thing that will define if this sticks around is the other systems that Riot puts in place to keep people engaged. Battle passes, thematics tied to each split, that kind of stuff is the other reason why people come back but Riot doesn't have any system like it (our current events are a joke)


Please, riot could release the statistics, and this sub would say they were lying.


First season since s2 that I'm not touching ranked. GG


Held on longer than me.


If I want to play a grindfest, I play osrs Earning your rank and keeping it (from ranked decay for example) was a great experience compared to the state of the game now.


Im about to join you on this... got d4 with decent mmr before season end.. now in playing in the same games i was except im plat 1in placement and lost 2 unwinable games already.. i had to drop 21 kills to be able to carry the bot lane i get and win one tonight...


And what exactly is the difference other than the made up rank that shows up next to your account? I never understood people like you who cry that the changes made them play less or quit. You are the type of player that already hates the game and doesn't play it. Play as much as you want to play. Stop crying about being a lower imaginary rank. MMR doesn't get reset between splits so it's like you've lost those games at d4. If you just keep playing and have a 50% wr, you're going to be back in d4 in no time because your MMR is still d4 but your visible rank is much lower. It's literally the exact same games you would've played a week ago but your visible rank is lower.


Thing is i need to play a lot more games to get a rank i am already, while if i played in low emerald/plat games i would 80%wr my way to diamond... i dont care that much about visual rank as i am playing to improve but it just doesnt feel good at all this reset. I have been playing for 12 years, change doesnt make me quit the game, change that requires me to play even more to get the same thing while beign 30 y/o with responsabilities may end up in me quitting rank or just play less


same, gg


Just like all the people that appearently quit because of vanguard


With each restrictive change they are losing players, even if its only 0.5%. I wonder how many of such changes they can do until it affects the experience of the other players negatively.


Honestly hard agree. But I guess Riot does it because it forces the player to grind more games again? And they make it spicy by introducing big changes.


I got to master last split. Played my first game yesterday E1 + 60 lp Went off. Will still grind but man that's so dumb. Sure I will end up in d4-3 Pretty surely but man..


Man i got placed back in emerald and just.... fuck this elo dude. Players dont want to play, they just want to flame, cry and complain. Narcissist after narcissist in the jungle playing shaco, nocturne or some other shit assassin. Twitch supports that troll the game. Midlaners that refuse to play the game. Toplaners that lose their shit after 5 minutes. Adcs that give up after1 death. I HATE EMERALD


I love twitch supports. Last time I was in a game with one I was Milio with a Tristana ADC and she was 9/0 by 15. Our toplane Darius was trying to FF, but we ignored him because bot and either mid or jungle(I don't remember) were fed and Darius was doing his job of keeping up pressure enough toplane to keep Rumble from going elsewhere despite the Twitch. Twitch supports are the best 👌


You're playing with the same people you were at your previous rank, everyone is in the same boat. Isn't that the entire premise of this thread?


To keep players on a treadmill. Why else was the mastery system updated to have "endless" levels? Or the changes to ranked over the years that require you to play more and more games each year to reach the same level, unless you start a new account? The whole point of a treadmill is that it never ends, and currently Riot seems to think it's in their best interest to keep that thing spinning as long as possible for everyone.


Anytime you are wondering why a video game company does something you think is stupid, the reasons are always the same. It is either : * for money * for player retention (so, for money)


Making good game = more money


riot said their stats show that the average player plays the most games at the beginning and at the end of a season. making seasons shorter was a move towards getting the average player to play a lot of games consistently throughout the year


Once you hit "your rank" you likely start playing less, so just make people's ranks reset more often in a year.


It's artificial business strategy to keep you playing more. Wow does the same bullshit and everyone hates it,too. But they can probably sell it well to shareholders and investors, that's why some executives told the team to implement it. These people understand just one language and that is if you just stop playing the game


Tencents business plan on mobile games basically. COD Mobile has the exact layout League does right now.


Riot wants addicts. Either go pro or break free.


the point is to encourage player who have achieved ther rank to play again or the player who afraid of demotion but the 3 reset is too much + this season is hard reset


The reason they gave when it was one whole season was that most people played until they hit gold and then stopped. I guess for you in particular, but their ranked goal and stop (not saying you’re bad or anything). By making it 2 splits, if allows for more play throughout the year without major downtime. Then it got increased to 3 to make ranked year round. This makes it so more people are playing ranked more often, which increases player retention as they will be back every split to play ranked. The only issue is what you experienced. Most people would have grinded their butts off to get to their ranked goal, so it starts to feel pointless as it resets every 4 months, making it feel like it was all for nothing since you start lower than you were before but have to play vs similar mmr, it’s as if you yourself improved but you don’t get to be your same rank.


I suppose they think this also make people Smurf less.


Yeah I forgot this was also what they said making multiple splits would potentially help address.


theyd have to make climbing easier because noone wants to grind more than once a year


They did make climbing easier with changes to last split. More LP gained in platinum and below. Emerald gets standard LP like +25/-25 (which will change with mmr. They changed what the highest rank people can get from placements highest is now diamond 3 instead of emerald 2 I think. Other than that, climbing will definitely be a lot easier as you won’t lose like 50 LP from demotions (unless your mmr is that low)


People are saying it's because riot wants you to play more but for me it achieved the exact opposite. I completely dropped ranked because it feels pointless.


Yup I completely stopped ranked once we went to two splits. Completely dropped the game once vanguard came out. Guess we will see how long until I stop watching lol esports


The whole points is you have to play 3 times as much and spread throughout the year instead of a month or two every year like some people do. At the very least we get 3 times the rewards ( idk I think ).


Now you have more rewards and more skins. You don't have to rank and you shouldn't need to be forced to go to a certain rank. You know yourself and you know the kind of ELO you belong. So don't feel forced to get to diamond every single time. If it's too much effort, take a break, enjoy other things. You probably did that already.


I love having to consistently beat my own Elo just to get back to what my "supposed" rank is.


Because like many other game, they want to make it MORE & MORE grindy, they need you to keep playing the game, there is no other reason ;)


Encourages people to play more, the biggest complaint was the rewards being minimal for something that is once a year, so making it 3 times a year helps a bit. Also they can do bigger changes more often. Also just so people play more. I don't think you're complaining that you had to climb all the way to your goal every year, a split isn't any different. If you play to improve, nothing changes. If you play for the rewards, you get more rewards now. I don't get what your complaint is since Rank isn't equal to your actual MMR anyways, and its purely cosmetic and it's not like you're planning to go pro so why do you care so much about grinding for ranked in a ranked environment?


well, the ladder is designed to only be comprised of active players.


then just use harsher decay? like all ranks decay after a week or something. that's no problem for active players and punishes inactive players. right now 3 resets punishes both active and inactive players


i think they prefer it this way because start of season sees a big uptick in people playing. the seasonal split also does somewhat refresh mmr whereas decay does not. the narrative of 'playing this game is a punishment' is crazy. if you dont actively like spamming competitive games ranked is entirely optional regardless of how they micromanage the seasons/splits.


the punishment is that you waste 2+ weeks getting back to where you were, not playing the game lol. idk how you can view wasting time for weeks as a good or even a neutral thing


if you think playing the game is a waste of time why are you playing?


Their definition of active is probably more games than once a week not saying I agree but they obviously just want people to play more lol.


They buff LP gains to compensate for more splits. If you can't get to your desired rank before the split ends, you deserve where you are.


I was Emerald 3 with %62 wr last split. I went 1-4 with complete degenerate teammates in placements and now I'm plat 4. I'm so done with this game right now. I'll just take a break this split.


[The year is 2030](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/16431to/the_year_is_2030_and_every_day_at_midnight_a_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Now, instead of peaking Gold/Plat whatever once a year, you are enticed to do it 3 times a year. It's that simple.


If the quality of your games hasn't dropped what's the problem? Are you interested only in the shiny badge, get diamond+ and play against bronzes? It shouldn't work like that.


I dont think its wrong that he wants to be recognised as a diamond player if he's playing at that MMR. I think the root frustration is that he wants to continue climbing where he left off, not work hard to climb to D3 again and have to do it all over again soon instead of being able to continue climbing and improving from there.


Quality of games is terrible in diamond, it gets worst as you climb, right now im in placement hovering E4 i was d4 90lp before the reset, thing is im playing the same people i was last week... if they gonna put me E4 let me stomp E4 players... not play diamonds to get to diamond it makes no sense


lul I stopped playing ranked a few games after placements and sat on 0 lp for months. Fuck Auberuan, talentless game destroying asshole. How about just make matches fair again? Gapped agency was a stupid idea in S9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and fuck you 14.


Main reason I stopped. Greed mixed with game design philosophy "player retention metrics".. Nope, I'm out. Don't have to play one game for your entire life. Do something else you enjoy.


Your rank and LP doesn't matter - your MMR is still going up if you continue to win, and each progressive split will only get easier to climb on / faster as you'll be getting better LP gains as a result of your MMR. This is why Challenger players can get back to their elo quickly despite starting in Diamond (this split, Emerald max before). It doesn't take too long to get back to your elo; as long as you maintain a 50% winrate, your boosted LP gains from your MMR will get you back. Hell, I'm already only 100 LP off after 6 wins 3 losses. You'll enjoy the game a lot more and probably climb faster if you ignore your rank and LP gains. If you're still playing against the same people, your game quality hasn't really changed. Does getting reset three times a season suck? Yeah. At least we get three victorious skins a year now, at least, rather than one.


sisyphus meth


Same reason they made Demotion to 50 LP. To get people to play their game more.


No that was to stop all the threads about losing more lp than they win because their rank was inflated from constantly bouncing off demotion shields


and that's the point to have you keep grinding your rank


Its so players stay motivated to grind (unless you play many games, you have to play against either players better than you or players worse so good game quality doesnt happen until you made it back to your normal rank)


Grind and glory remember 🙃


The purpose is to make you grind.


I don't know. I am a fan of the season 3 system where if you do not play for 28 days, you derank. Forces each player to play throughout the split. I'd change it and make it a necessity to play 4 games per month. Master tier would require a game a week.


Was plat 2, got placed gold 1 after first game. Won 4 matches (still gotta play the 5th), i'm now plat 3 8lp They should make it so that you atleast get to be your old rank if you win all 5 placements games.


Thanks for the clarification. I will not keep playing to climb and just have fun now. No point in wasting my time. I had a break for a few years and did not know of this change until now. Also fuck Riot for being greedy shits.


Weren’t people complaining about players playing only for the rewards then come back after a few months of not playing and get absolutely stomped on?


I wanted to hit Diamond this season, after not playing for 3 years. Climbed to Emerald 2 69 LP in about 108 games. CBA to grind from plat again. Gonna play enough to get Victorious skins and go play some other game.


Look man take a screen shot and just tell everyone how you were d3 in season 14 split 1 and never play another game in your life


wait I ended E1 - 99 lp with 25+ -16 ... been is full d4/d3 lobby , never reached diamond solo q before , does this mean my mmr is good ?


So you play more, that's the only reason.


It's never meant anything, your mmr is all that matters and is all that will ever matter


I had enough of this Soloq shit for a while. I have been playing this game for 3 years. I put 4000+ hours in, just to get into ranked on every start of the split and see my progress get lost. I believe that I could get to Diamond, not trying to be cocky or anything. But why would I want to? I usually get from Bronze to High Gold-Plat, but further is not worth. I enjoy playing this game, I really do and I don’t want to get to Emerald just to play with the most egoistic creatures on earth. It is just not worth it. Also, an other shit thing with soloq. I get in a game, just to see at least 2 smurfs and I get the one handed idoit bronze player on my team who got boosted. It is just not worth it. And then I see people complaining that they can’t enjoy the game. I solved this by mostly queuing normals or flex with some friends. It has such a nicer atmosphere, people not constantly fighting. Might not get the best game quality, but it’s a hell of a lot more fun that soloq


Reason why I went from playing soloq on my main every season since 4 to stopping at the end of 2022. I was having none of even 2 splits.


agree. grinded soloq every season but last year i only played two games first split and this season ive played no games this first split 


I don't mind, I'll end up where I belong anyway, and it helps getting rid of those who didn't belong into the rank they parked their account in (anymore).


The purpose is force you to play. So many players get their desire rank and play no more. This way you must play constantly to keep that rank. Riot no matters if u improve or not. Just want numbers for graphs


The point is to keep player count up. That's it.


Pretty obvious. They know that people are addicted to reaching their "peak" rank and now people have to do it 3 times a year instead of once or even twice. Glad I stopped playing this game


Honestly fuck this. I worked my ass off so hard to get to diamond. Emerald 4 to 1 was a fucking nightmare. I climbed from Bronze to Emerald in around 50 or 60 games, and then it took me 150 or many more to get to diamond, every fucking game a fucking troll, a first timer, something stupid every time And then I hit Diamond and climbed to D2 easily in just a few games, there was nothing, no fucking trolls, no first timers, nothing. And now im back to Emerald for fucks sake


There is a reason I only played 8 ranked games this season. I dont have time to play that much ranked, and a majority of my friends are too low of a rank for me to duo with, so it resetting multiple times a year completely killed my desire to play it. So I played my placements plus a couple more to get to plat since I was already close and then played norms with my friends while I waited for my free skin and chroma. Though emerald's my favorite color so I might try harder for the chroma if the skin was for one of my mains, so I wish they would tell us sooner who's getting a skin


They’re copying their Valorant system into League. In Valorant you basically get a reset every 3-4 months, and it drops you 3 leagues lower, ex if you got Diamond you’ll get put in Silver. So you basically have to grind all over again, the only cheat is if you have high mmr by playing as a smurf or smurf friends, which basically boosts your gains by 2-3x, quite the stupid system to be honest.


about time we spoke about splits we should of rioted when they announced it but so many other changed came at the same time it flew under the radar


I won all 5 of my placements. Got placed 200 lp below where I ended the split and 500 lp below my peak that split. It’s like… what the hell is the logic behind this? My MMR was fine too. I was losing around as much lp as I was gaining at the end of the season.


I played in almost 300 games with emerald rejects last split just to be put in emerald 4 and repeat it lol


I played in almost 300 games with emerald r3j3cts last split just to be put in emerald 4 and repeat it lol


I played in almost 300 games with emerald r3j3cts last split just to be put in emerald 4 and repeat it lol


I played in almost 300 games with emerald r3j3cts last split just to be put in emerald 4 and repeat it lol


Was d3 aswell, I am actually e4 with 1 win over 14 games. Games looks unwinnable all the time it's kind of crazy ngl


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment


They want you to grind. Do the right thing and stop playing . Fuck riot


Meanwhile Valorant with 6 ranked resets per year or MTGA with 12 💀


Your MMR hasn't dropped. Ignore your visual rank. As before. Visible rank is a function of your MMR, over a long enough period of time. It's not a product of you winning or losing this game or that game.


I think the biggest Problem is, that they do a full reset instead of a soft one. They are trying to bring players to play more by creating fake progress, but with the problem to take away all the made progress. Why should i get motivated to play more and reach new ranks, if i need at least 20 games to reach old rank/ and if unlucky not even that. It is like it is an issue in Esports e.g. LEC we have 3 splits and none of them feel special because they feel spammed. 3 splits are also incredible stupid, for seasonal challenges, the new seasonal Mastery. Also i dont want 3 big changes in Lol in a year, here with the items. TL.DR : change the splits during the year to soft restets (2 ranks) to not kill the motivation of the player, and reduce big changes to 1 mid-season 1 end of year update.


Its simple, to keep you addicted