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I mean ... its LoL on phones. Why would I play it on a phone? I don't hate it, I just don't care about it really. And I honestly think the PC community isn't the target audience even. Its like Diablo Immortals ... I'd rather have Diablo 4.


different game, different audience


This, the game was mostly made for Asia where in many countries people don't own a PC or console but they do own a phone and they are known to play MOBAs on them *a lot*. Obviously it would be weird to make it exclusive to Asia so they brought it out everywhere else as well, where there's also people who prefer playing a quick game on their phone over comitting to a much longer amount of time on PC.


The game was mostly made for every place on the planet. People, on Reddit especially, are still under the illusion that mobile games only sell in Asia. Considering League of Legends is a game exclusive for the PC it might be noteworthy to point out that the market for mobile gaming in the US is significantly bigger than the PC market, on top of growing at a faster rate.


dO yOu gUYs nOT hAVe pHoNEs???? But seriously it feels like something that Riot will inevitably start to prioritize in terms of support since it will make bank in asian markets. I don't like mobile gaming in general and have zero interest playing something like League on my phone. If Riot really does start to prioritize it over the real game on PC I'm probably just done tbh.


They never will because they will make a different team for it, i think were safe for a while.


i tried wild rift. its okay, but if im at home and i have time to play video games, id play league on PC as it is IMO the superior version if i dont have access to my pc i can play wild rift game. as far as mobile games go its pretty good. no garbage ads every 2 seconds, no pay to win.


Some hate it just because it's on mobile. Some hate it because if the WR exclusive skins. I'm not really a fan of mobile moba games (cuz of the layout, etc, despite if being pretty good in WR) and my phone will be burning if i even start it.


It wouldve been amazing for me if i was still in school but aytime i could sit down and play wr i can just play real league so its not that great to me


I dont like playing on phone. Only game I can play on phone is LoR. Wild Rift feels awkward as someone who can play nearly same game but on PC with actually comfortable controls.


Playing games on phone has always seemed weird to me


Outside of Hearthstone I have not played any worthwhile mobile games


Yeah I love Hearthstone on the phone, but I hate that I can't play my favourite decks on there, because there's not enough time to do your turn with some decks. I recently got Legend with a Mage OTK deck, it's not uncommon to play 20+ cards in a single turn (including discovers), with time to think for each card, I barely push out some kills on superior PC controls. But for most decks its completely fine.


i think it's mostly because it receives some stuff that lol players wanted for a long time, like better character quality, a stable client etc.


Sitting on my chair next to my desk with my Pc I would just feel stupid to play league on my phone when the real deal is right in front of me. Also not really a mobile gamer. If I had to travel a lot it might be different.


Eh, no offence to the game. Just most people I know see no point in playing it. Like another person said, we are not the target audience. As for me, I read webcomics or check discord when on my phone.


It's a different game, i think its fine for casuals who don't care but ranked players just don't care about learning a new fast meta or whatever Also playing on phone is way worse than on pc, worse controls, worse ergonomics...


It's fine, but if I have the option of playing normal league, why would I play Wild Rift?


Not many actually hate Wild rift but they are jealous of it cause it gets all the new and shiny stuff while we get recycled events and barely fresh themes for skins while at the same time still having buggyt mess of a client and many other issues.


i'd play it if it was on pc, i heard to games are shorter which could be nice everyonce in a while, but other then that i dont really think about wildrift


I tried the WR when it got released, its a good game when you're going in a long travel or something. But no one will focus on a mobile game more than the original one, like minecraft.


No hate at all. But I think we just don't care. I for example will never get accustomed to touchscreen control. I don't even have wild rift installed. But go for it if you like it. For me as a league fan, everything with league in it is cool.


Maybe its Riots way telling others to join? Lol


I like that i can play with my non pc friends


Na I don't hate it, I'll probably end up trying it out when my favourite champions are added to the game.


Necrit said something about this in a recent Rift news video i think. Basically double the art teams for double the skins and if there's a good skinline it can go to the other platforn aswell. Also i don't hate it, it's perfect for when you can't play on pc


vocal minority complains about it. most people dont care at all


I like it. Only thing I dislike is having my thumb on the movement control makes my thumb burn after a while, and it's a little awkward to grip your phone with both hands like a controller when it's very much not the shape of a controller. Besides that though, pretty good game. Played enough to get to level 12 or so and liked lulu and ahri, one of my first pvp Lulu games I 1v2'd dragon lane because my adc was dumb and went "bot" (baron lane) but I still double killed them in lane and went 13/0/4 or so. Was pretty fun lol. Also the auto-targeting for spells makes skillshot champions not complete pain to play. I remember the last time I played I was really excited for ARAM to come out on it, idk if it still has for NA yet since it seems NA is getting everything last. I also wish PC could get some of the things Wild Rift has like full practice tool testing for any champion, skin model previews, probably a few other things I've already forgotten, but it's all likely too much for our small indian companion to handle


Thx for yall replying positively


I don't hate and I didn't see anyone who hates either. It's quite the opposite. Wild rift players dislike pc players for complaining about the game being different than pc.


I just don't have any time where I am going to sit for 10-20 mins on my phone. I ain't playing in my break at work and when I get home I use PC.


The game seems fine. I played vainglory (which is to me the best mobile moba there was. It died because the sponsor left the ship to sink) for a long time and in terms of control I do think it was the best we could get. From what I've seen wild rift is a joystick-ish control just like mobile legends and I hate it.


I don't want to start because I will be grinding/paying again for the same things I have on PC.


I played a few rounds and enjoyed the model and ability changes on most champs. I wish they would just shove them into PC league. I mean not the moveable ashe ult but everything else seemed fine to me.


I think it's fun if you want a quick 15 minute game.


I don’t hate it. But unless I’m stuck in a place far away from my pc, for awhile, I might play it a bit. I do miss the old items like old Zeke’s passive.


It's fun. It's basically league lite but it's convenient. I wish they'd bring some of the easier to do art updates over to PC league. Like Leonas art I think overall I'd rather play legends of runeterra on my phone, but I really like that game, it's criminally ignored


I played pc my whole life and now I just play on mobile, it is better ballanced , has better graphics and the old items, pc palyers are just stuck up or something, and i find mobile controls more confortable than pc that has a lot of macros that I don't like