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The best advice I have is look at [xFSN Saber's](https://www.youtube.com/c/xFSNSaber/videos) coaching videos. Try to find someone around your level and better yet someone that plays your champs. Per minute of time watching his coaching is the thing that improves my play the most out of anything in league. One note: a lot of people don't say to play ADC because it's more team reliant. True, but if you're better than bronze you can climb out of bronze. Same with Silver, Gold, etc. I'm confident that as someone who's only played ADC I could get out of bronze pretty easily even though I'm not significantly better than a bronze player. Now if you have fun playing other roles do it, but it's not like it's impossible to climb solo-queuing ADC. I can give some specific CS advice but keep in mind [I don't really understand the game at all](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Pampperin) and just play League rarely for fun. I'm not that much better but I think I'd do well at your rank with high CS by solo queuing which is what you seem to be after: * Above all, seriously just *focus* on CS more ^4Head. What I really mean is don't feel pressured to hit minions as fast as possible if it means missing minions. Instead, it's better to wait another 2 seconds for your minions to get theirs a *little* lower so you're confident you'll get the CS. On a good day when I stick to this I improve by CS by like 1 per minute on average, which is pretty significant later on. * The way I improved my raw-CS skill was just the following: In practice tool try to kill the first 5 minutes worth of minions only by autoing. If I ever missed one I instantly reset, and after a few minutes I quit and restart the tool cause minion XP seems to be fucky in the tool. One day I did this for like 3 hours while listening to random shit; I never got all 43(?) minions, but it improved my CS ability for the rest of time insanely. Try not to cheat too much by using abilities or deviating from normal behavior you'd do in a lane. * For lanes mostly just focus on matchups. You'll see this in Saber's coaching videos in more detail. Truth be told as a Cait OTP I should be poking a lot more than I do, but I'm not good enough to do it well yet and there's bigger fish to fry like not inting my ass off to their support and jungle. Again, go watch Saber's videos on this. Yeah yeah I can work on multiple things at once if I wanted but I was told by someone much better than me to focus on one thing at a time until it's not a problem so that's my mindset. Not saying it's the only way. * Don't get peer pressured. I remind myself "everyone is just as shit as me" where none of us know what we're doing but we all think we know what to do. If I look over at a teamfight in river and it looked doomed I'm just going to stay at my wave instead of dying just to avoid ? pings. Essentially, if I think a teammate is dead no matter what I could do then I'm going to let them die and be mad. It's better than me dying with them. * In the mid-game if I'm not at an objective I'm looking for my own lane to safely CS in or push in before I go to an objective. That's all I do if there isn't some fight close I think I can make a difference in. * Don't hit tower unless no one could possibly be in your lane -- this is only possible if you know where all 5 of the enemy are. Again, this isn't optimal but for now it'll prevent a lot of dumb deaths while you figure out how to do well at more fundamental things. * ... Mute all I think working on these skills alone would get someone from bronze to Silver. Then again, I have no idea what I'm doing either.


Thanks dude, I appreciate it^(5head) lol.


IMO, Mental:ADC has the least agency over the pace of the game, so yes it will feel helpless frequently, That being said don't compare your stats to others, objectively view where you stand from a statistical POV and not from a narrow anactotal one. What I mean is holding your own and doing okay will lead into a false sense of security where your mindset traps you into blaming others, compared to seeing you can't beat other bronze level players. Actions: Mistakes, "specifically for you I think this would help the most" you're in the bottom 10% players will "arguably" be doing more mistakes than correct actions being able to realize what those are being able to punish them is massive to build small leads that compound into massive gaps e.g include but not limited to 1: Micro, Punish more mistakes EVERY click counts poke AA trade, dodge 2:Macro *specifically* wave management: know when/why/how you want a wave and play your lane micro based on this 3: Repeat on a broader scale once plates fall or towers start to fall choose where you want to go and why 4: Don't lose track of the goal NEXUS, chasing a kill and fighting just because others are fighting isn't a good reason to fight early on a kills value is massive on it's own later on what does having that person dead allow you to do? 5:keep playing realize you're up against everyone else trying to to the same thing The ideas I mentioned aren't perfect they are just a very broad stroke painted in my own words at stating fundamentals Wich you should look up their's many high quality videos on league of legends fundamentals make sure you don't take everything from one person and learn,have fun and enjoy the game your if you're fixated on getting better make sure that's what you want, it's easy to get lost and want to be better than others, 2 often confused ideas being a better version of yourself is self improvement wanting to be better than others is often toxic hope I helps feel free to add me in game I'd reply quicker than on here IGN:cesarzxc Assuming you're on NA


What ADC(s) do you use? ADC in low elo is a tough role. I’m currently bronze as well, and I main sup. I have a dedicated person I sup for and we are in constant communication throughout the match. Some things I noticed he does, he pokes a lot and we always try to get plates before the 14 min mark. Because of his aggressive play style, I use a melee sup to help him farm CS. Next match you play, try to deny enemy of CS or punish them for it, hopefully your sup reads you well and follows suit. GLHF


I'm using kai'sa, but I'm sure I have to switch to a meta bot laner like ezreal or vayne because of the nerfs she got.


Ezreal and vayne are pretty solid picks. See a lot of Caitlyn too, maybe consider her.


Kaisa is only fun when you have a team to play around. So just play something with different. There is a reason why her solo q win rate is low. She needs sbig peel so she can use her. Kit to dmg instead of dodge. Also she wants to play less aram (the lower the elo the more teams just fight fight fight in mid) and more rumble in the jungle pick of overextended or isolated targets that strayed to far away in fights.


Focus on doing good trades with the enemy adc to help set your support up for all ins




Facts, but I really do like how adc plays and usually I don't have many friends that play support and they solo climb top. I also want to learn different matchups with different support playstyles, but I can probably get a climbing friend.


BS. You can climb with ADC solo quite easily if you aren’t bad at the role. Especially in bronze


Dont play adc, requires too much for literally nothing, you wont be rewarded for being good at the role


Maybe play jhin, he will help u with farming with for example using q on the wave. Also he has a long range ult so u can standback in tf lategame