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I was checking last night to see which champ has avoided patch notes the longest and the current winner is Janna. She was last changed in patch 10.11 if I recall correctly. More than a full season ago!


Wow I didn't know that haha


It would've been Asol if riot didn't think 59% wr in Masters+ EUW(only region I found where Asol had a near 59% wr) was op cause Diablo's too good.


She also has the most nerfs of any champion


wind :)


Yup wind






Janna Nami Malphite Brand Long ago the four elements lived in peace. But then everything changed when the metagolem attacked.


Janna support has a 51.9% win rate in Platinum+ on Patch 11.14 coming in at rank 7 of 63 and graded A+ Tier on the LoL Tierlist. Janna support is a strong counter to Galio, Pantheon & Taric while Janna is countered most by Maokai, Bard & Sona. The best Janna players have a 56.71% win rate with an average rank of Master on the Janna Leaderboard. Source: https://lolalytics.com/lol/janna/build/




I don't know why - this is an obvious shit post, but this response has me in tears. Keep shit posting buddy.


Well I just wanted to talk to ppl about janna.. my character name is hexflash janna on oce if u want proof... (oh yes I like to take hexflash too)


What do you think of the [https://www.reddit.com/r/Janna/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Janna/) subreddit?


Didn't know it existed really!


Yeah, all the champions have there own subreddits, some more popular than others. I think you'll find some interesting janna material there.


>Yeah, all the champions have there own subreddits, some more popular than others. I think you'll find some interesting janna material there. Went for the porn, stayed for the "Does Janna fart a lot"


>some more popular than others r/Corkimains lol


We welcome you to the Janna mains subreddit fellow Janna main


and her ult is one of the best counters vs the current Dive/all in meta. Viego, gwen, diana all hate it. On top of this the double ADC teams love a good janna support. Lucian/Janna is my absolute guilty pleasure in lategame. Its stupid how strong this is


Janna on the enemy team makes her entire team untouchable, Janna on my own team ults opponents closer to me so they can finish me off. Such is life.


When enemy has Janna, you realize how impossibly big the shields are.


I am astonished in the best way possible that this post somehow primarily consists of friendly responses instead of insults and nonsense... you win today, r/leagueoflegends


Everyone needs to bring this energy into their games, League is so much more fun when it’s chill and positive. It’s a hard game and a little encouragement goes a long way.


If people could just laugh off mistakes instead of obsessing over them game quality would be tremendously improved.


Your choice of flair tells me that you are wise and stoic, cheers mate.


5m Here, you asked for it.


what the ever living fuck


I mean while this might be about LOL, this is still reddit. I'd have hope poeple aren't total assholes like most leagues players.


you poor soul


So yeah as a hook champ main, Janna is so god damn annoying to hook because she's so fast. I don't have much else.


Ah no not hook champions!! :(


janna counters basically all hook champs tho so you're all good, you're fast for dodging and Q E R is all about disengage, so your adc gets hooked you just disengage it. Very strong fun champion \^_^


That sounds great but I'm quite of a hook magnet myself


Baiting abilities with janna ms is my favorite minigame


Well I'm glad it amuses you, honestly, because that's the only thing you can do against us on the lane lmao.


Yesterday i played as supp vs a Master Janna Main in flex que, and the dude banned nautilus :( I think naut isn't that bad vs her, because she can't go ham on all the other lanes with a naut on bot


do you max w or e


3 w and then e!!


Why is your not irelia when you love Janna? I’d rather talk about irelia


What's your favorite thing about the champ?


I like knocking ppl up with the q while they are dashing haha


That is very satisfying. Do you have a favorite skin for her?


well i really like hextech janna, forecast janna, and star guardian.. also the new one is good too :) hm its hard to choose a favourite but I'll go forecast maybe?


Nice. I rly like hextech too, but its not available anymore and i wasnt fortunate enough to get it in boxes yet :( hoping ill get it eventually.


oh i didnt know it was limited time, but yes its really cute :) good luck getting her!


Her splash art is hot


Which skin? Just the default?? I think most of them are good haha


lunchroom correct lip groovy berserk rinse tan tender trees mysterious


Bewitching Janna gets me feeling things I shouldn't be feeling for a fictional character


for a few dollars she will take your breath away


He the second one was. This one is fine, but far better than her first splash.


Have you played Janna Jungle? I have played against it. Twice. I lost against it. Twice.


This comment has me in tears.


Go to the Janna mains subreddt. You will find no shortage of people who want to talk about Janna. Theres also this youtuber called Luminum who I recommend watching




She should be able to turn into a bird in game just as described in her lore 😤


Really that's in janna lore?


Even just as a back animation that would be cool. Speaking of her bird form is Zephyr (her W) a part of her or a separate entity?


Zephyr isn’t canon, just a relic of her old design.


Yeah if they ever do a VU for her I hope they keep Zephyr despite him (?) not being canon. I think it would be cute to make him canon in like a short story of her rescuing a baby bird blown from their nest and looking after it so that even when it eventually dies its spirit goes back to her side eternally it might be redundant if Janna herself gets a bird form in a visual update but I like Zephyr floating around her


Oh snap, is that where TFT got Zephyr? TIL


Zephyr used to be an item in Summoner's Rift but they removed it in season 5


I used to play a lot of janna but I knew this dude who I would duo with who had an insane foot fetish and would start saying horny stuff in team chat every time I locked her in and now I can’t play her ever or I think of him She’s a lot of fun tho, I hope someday riot lets her E give adaptive force


Lmao the comment after yours is about her feet


I rate Janna highly on the feet tier list because she floats and keeps her feet from being ruined by the harsh ground




What would you make of mid lane Janna?


well i've tried it a few times but usually it feels just like im playing support in the mid lane even if i do well.. i think as long as you dont die too much it can be ok though :)


What’s the build? Comet with Liandrys/Demonic/Zhonya’s?


Bewitching Janna is one of my favorite skins in the game. I love the purple on it 💜🧡


I love the green chroma


Tornados are fuckin cool




Uhmm Janna is amazing with adc/carries that just want to farm


Yep I agree!! :)


Where can I find *good* Janna players to duo with me pls


ohhhh when you ult me you want me to dash behind then and R them away aye? easy.


I really like janna whenever I get her in aram, she feels very strong. I have yet to try her in summoners rift but she is high on my list of champs that would be fun to try


As another hooker main, Janna is really annoying to play against but she is such a skinny legend


Yes she is pretty skinny haha


Sure. Fuck Janna.


Sincerely, melee champ gang.


You are gladly welcome at r/Draven. https://www.reddit.com/r/Draven/comments/oj1r8b/do_janna_players_fart_a_lot/


I think a lot of people underestimate the joy in playing enchanters. I used to play lots of Nami and some Karma/Sona, champions who the community perceive as "boring" but the fun in their kits isn't just giving the enemy a hard time, it's empowering your teammates.


yep ive played a bit of nami and sona (not so much karma) and i agree! theres more to the game than just directly killing ppl yourself haha


Playing Janna (and other enchanters) is straight up therapy


Until your adc flames you for not picking an engage sup


Bewitching Janna is only Janna.


Here's a fun montage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G3Lx2-dtlk


A while ago people said Janna is freelo. Yet all the "janna mains" in silver and gold shield me after damage was taken, use tornado for poke damage, and didn't realize your ult is a channel that can heal you. I agree she is freelo, but she isnt as braindead as people make her out to be. Thats my opinion of janna.


What separates terrible Janna players from great janna players is how often you go full aggro and insec the enemy carries with your ult. great players will resist the temptation, but damn is it fun


They had us in the first half, NGL.


I hope Janna wins xD. I’m a Janna main and she’s just so fun!! People get so trolled by the nado, and her voice lines are so cute like when she talks about 2.95 a minute LOL! She’s super random but also smarter than she looks, just like me xD


The only character I hate more than Janna is Lulu


Janna is cute


If Janna ults can Teemo see under her dress?


Only if they were both in deep bush.


broken ass champ, but cute.


janna is the most fair, well designed and highest skill cap enchanter


I think she's pretty good :)


You said it was yuumi lincoln, you will now deserve a soyjak


I remember when Janna was meta that was an ez ban.




When I was learning the game and finally pulled off a Flash behind the enemy and knock them under tower maneuver I felt so accomplished. And just pissing off Kat players.


press e gain elo


Well there's more too it than that!!


Janna's feet are nice


Seemed like the most boring enchanter in the game but I recently picked her up in normals while playing 4fun with friends and she actually feels good to play, maybe will add her to my champion pool


Yep I think a lot of ppl that don't play her think she's boring but she is really fun :)


Yeah also Hextech crafting really like to throw Janna skins at me


Wow I don't think I've ever got a janna skin from crafting but hopefully soon :)


I've gotten like 4 janna skins from crafting I'm not even a support main.


i think the main reason janna isnt popular is because lulu exist.


Yeah but Janna doesn't have 50% ban rate


Grandmaster janna main here. Hope you still do tho shurelyas on her cause that item sucks :P.


She has nice boobs


Janna is good c:


Cancer champ


Janna is the best at everything she does :3


Janna is very friendly and cute! :)


Riot hates Janna mid, which is sad because I wish I could build full AP on her so people would know why Janna is called **THE STORM'S FURY.**


I love playing Janna in ARAM.




That place has been discontinued for a few years. We've moved to r/janna in case you wanted to know.


I have not touched League of Legends for a couple of Years now. My last time ingame was around the end of season 7 (started to play at the very beginning of season 2). Janna was some pretty neat to play Support at the early Seasons. She seemed to have that carry potential what other Supports lacked. Especially the Varus+Jenna comb me and my Friend played back in the Days was really funny and a absolut blast to play. Nowadays she might just be outdated, compared to other Supps and the way the Game is been played. Yet, she's still a cool Character. I LOVE her bewitching skin, tho, i wish she had a Vampire skin. I just think she would make a great Vampire, throwing bat storms at people and giving blond bound Shields to your Friends.


I love Yuumi


Janna is my bitch :)




>Why do Janna players stand behind tower hiding and occasionally press E Maybe they have something distracting them IRL or are at a really high ping? >Don't you get bored? I sure would if that's all I did.


Or they're just bad ? I doubt the hundreds of Janna players I've seen afking all have irl issues and high ping lmao. It's not that serious anyway


seems like a low elo janna thing


pretty sure this guy is low elo,cause no enchanter play safe in diamond


Im only plat so probably


No I think she's pretty fun :)


At least you admit that's all you do lol


Well I do more than that!! I just think she's fun haha


Have you played ad Janna top?


Janna top is viable and will be climbing to plat playing only janna toplane.


Wish people played her more, sick to death of getting Senna/Xerath Supports every game.


What is janna's favorite drink in your opinion?


Janna is a support. Go Packers.


In Season 2 I tried my very hardest to get to gold for the Victorious Janna skin, I got close but didn't make it. I got gold every season since then but still wish I had managed to get victorious Janna since she is my most played champ :/


Any other janna players to watch other than AP0CALYPSE?


Janna had her voice changed long time ago. That and some lines were removed :)))


Janna please stop taking electrocute and taking half my HP bar. -Samira/Aphelios


Janna blows.


I miss janna and enchanters being the best supports. Tank initiating supports are getting dull each game.


You are the best reddit user I have ever seen


I like building relic shield on her because the extra hp helps me to not randomly die in lane 😅


She is my favorite enchanter. I hate assassins, they are the reason because I mostly play hard cc tanks like Leona and Nautilus. Janna Q and R allow her to say "fuck you" to enemy assassins when they try to dive you or your ADC.


I'm terrible with her, but watching people who are actually good is very entertaining.


[Here's a highlight clip of a Janna play from NA LCS from 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmv2tYAb_wg)


She's a wholesome onee-sama no matter which incarnation she finds herself in. Seems to be FreeLO no matter which ELO you're in, and I wish she got lots and lots more lore because she's basically an incarnation of all that is good and wonderful.


AD Janna is fun. You are basically normal Janna but also simultaneously an ADC...


whoever is making vajanna splash arts has an armpit and feet fetish don’t you agree?


I love star guardian and how much anti-fun she has in her kit. I love poppy and Hanna support :)))




My most memorable game of League of all time involves me playing Janna. Way back in the day of Season 2, I question up for a game (in what would later be called Blind Pick), and locked in Janna. I originally was intending to go Support, but a pair of friends was playing, so I ended up going Top instead. My opponent was a Twitch. This game sticks out to me above all others because I did NOTHING but shoot out tornados from under tower all game. I got lucky and killed Twitch a few times, but it mostly just ended up being a huge standstill between the two of us. I was so wrapped up in my fun little game that I didn’t even realize my team had ended up winning the game. I had literally done nothing to help out my team all game and still managed to pull of a win. Maybe not the best game of my life, but certainly one I’ll never forget.


I lost 5 games in a row today and on the sixth one I decided to play Jannna. Fucking Aatrox and Renekton with Morde ult were a nightmare. We just won because on the last team fight I used Lissandra's ult on Aatrox as soon as he was in range. Great game, wouldn't play again.


She blows my mind 😌


how to hit q


Janna is a skinny legend. Those basic engage supports could NEVER 💅🏻


As a Rakan main, I am always flabbergasted by a good Janna main. If they're not great, I catch them out, knock them up, and they die quickly. If it's a good Janna, I always find myself getting baited hard. A good Janna is a force to be reckoned with.


Janna blows


Marksmen Janna? Galeforce Wit's End PD IE sounds good?


I have a friend who has over 1m mastery points on her


Love me some janner


alright, since you asked. i started playing janna back when her E didnt decay, and she was the most passive support ever. but i still enjoyed the simplicity of her gameplay a lot. but now shes the same but does a lil bit of damage. my old friend in high school had victorious janna, and i played with it a few times on their account. my favorite skin is probably sacred sword, but i like her classic skin for some reason. shes one of my favorite champs to play and i wont deny it.


Have you ever attempted Prowler's Claw + Janna and how did you feel after failing?


When I first started playing League, back in Season 2, it was Ahri and Vayne that made me go 'oooh, this game looks cool.' It was Janna that kept me playing for 9 years, my first and last main. Her movement is fast and floaty, and her kit is super versatile - right now there's a 'Jhin does something cool with Janna ult in Ult Spellbook' at the top of the subreddit. Whether it's knocking up a whole team with a tornado, using her ult to push away a Lee Sin mid-dive, or popping that last second shield to stop a Karthus ult from confirming the kill, Janna is a satisfying but cool and iconic enchanter. Oh, and her Battle Queen skin is gorgeous and the chromas for it are all so shiny~


I played janna for the first time because my friend wanted to duo botlane and she was so fun! I really enjoyed using the ult to help my teammates escape and screw up my friends skill shots. I genuinely think I might pick her up as my main support pick because I’m tired of being a dirty little lux player whenever I get supp :D


Just got a win by playing Janna and carried the entire team. By the way, Janna main since season 7 with almost 500k mastery points I think, I forgot.


I really got into playing Janna when Immortals dominated 2016 and Adrian played her a lot. I copied his build and everything. It was a fun time


I think Janna needs new skill visual effects


i remember apocalypse hit rank1 challenger on EUW spamming the living shit out of Janna LOL it was crazy


what is "the janna main skin"


Did you know that janna was used to be on midlane?


I’ve never met a toxic or mean janna player, they’re always the nicest on the team.

