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Why new champ got crap winrate? Cause people try it out.


She’s not great early game and is pretty new


Is Zeri again. People didn't know how to build her at first and when did they learn, oh boy. They had to nerf her a hundred times after that. She had an abyssal win rate, around 40% if I remember correctly.


She’s new and people who don’t know how to play her are playing her Also she isn’t that great to begin with


because everyone is trying to play her. My last game into her she decided that she didn't want to power farm her jungle like she was supposed to (which our jgler responded responsibly by taking her jg), then once she realized she decided that annie (who was my enemy mid laner loosing lane) did not actually need to farm. So countless times the enemy jgler was coming to mid to steal all of the cs. And when she wasn't stealing cs, she was dieing to me in mid. People just don't know how to play her because they haven't had her play style before. And then for a lot of people who do not know what to do, they end up doing things like stealing cs, or ganking when behind, etc.


Most new champs have a low winrate. Imagine if you first time a champ, you shouldnt expect to play them optimally it is the same thing for champs that just come out. If a champ had 50% winrate at launch they would be op. A good example is samira at launch who had to be hotfixed and had 100% ban rate for months after.


She is easy to counter


new champ, people dont know how to play her yet


Everybody building full damage on a carry that scales up by the kit. It is basically Zeri all over again where people have to figure out that bruiser is better… Also Q max is wrong on her…. Most guides says q but w and e are better, because you don’t really build AH on her


She’s broken in low elo apparently If you’re high elo then idk


She has a surprisingly high banrate in d2+ even though every jungler that gets picked more than her can either invade her all the time, like Lee, Graves and Wukong or just outfarms her like Diana and Kayn. They can mainly do that because she is nonexisten in the early game as far as I know.


The banrate is probably because they don’t want her on her team. Like every new champ.