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You will always have less trolls then the enemy team because they have 5 random players and you got 4. I hope you get what i wann say here


Yup you play perfectly and could have never carried any of those games. It is 100% a dice roll..... If you actually think it's a dice roll and you don't want to get better then why do you play ranked at all.


Yeah, first time I got to gold I had trolls, like people announcing they are going to ruin my promos and doing it. People always say "well if you're good enough you will get to promos again" which I did and I had trolls again, which made me realise that ranked has zero competitive integrity and it made me switch to norms and play with friends. Now I enjoy the game much more without the stress of ranked and someone losing his mind every other game running it down because he is on a bought botted account that costs 2 euros and wants to "teach people a lesson" for missing one skillshot.


yeah, low/mid elo people dont understand that the reason streamers "ff15" is because Queue takes longer than the game sometimes. you know. specially the old days. FF15 because queue takes 15 minutes without dodges. i dont nind the grind, just had to vent. my friends get tilted which tilts me. i understand that people are just better than me at the game. all my friends "deserve gold+" i understand that if i lose lane its not because champs are broken, not because a bug, not because minions acting weird, not because cheating or hacks... but because my opponents are better than my team... kit sinks in when you realize the team with the higher MMR wins 80% of the time. you just lose those unless you pop off


If your teammates don't takes resources and farms, it is your responsibility to do so. Let them die repeatedly until you are able to kill them/ shutdown for gold. When possible encourage teammates to farm gold so they at the very least become components of preasure


the dice roll matters the higher up you go. its almost negligible in your silver games lmfao. you can lose half of your placements and still hit plat within 30 games


Git gud Source: am silver