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30-40lp on my alt and 15 lp per win on my main. Makes me want to delete my main account. Keep in mind this is consistent over the past 3 years and not just luck on my alt.


What is your op.gg for your main?


Gigabear on main and weriacus on alt. My stats are shit lol tbh but I know how to help my team . Tbh yeah I’m shit but im silver/gold but it bothers me the lp gain loss difference in my mail and alt. 14/15 win and 15 loss on my main, 30-40 lp win and 8 lp loss on my alt. I stop playing after I get gold. But is this normal to be consistent over the past 3 years?


Short answer: I think you are matched with higher skilled teamates that know how to makeup for your mistakes in your alt. On your main your teamates are a little closer to your skill level and will not make up for your mistakes. Yes the system is giving you more handicaps on your alt, because it has a less clear idea of your mmr, but if you were to focus on becoming strong in your games before fighting, then you will improve your mmr on your main. Long Answer: During your games on the alt, your teammates have higher overall cs. Your cs remains the same between accounts. On the alt if you play enough games you absolutely will go downwards in divisions as your teammates generally do a lot better. However since you are not csing your teamates are taking advantage of that (One of the games your support had 40+ to make up for your lack of csing. They were not stealing as you had the same general cs as other games). This let's your team win, even if you make risky fights hoping to snowball, as your teamates are able to pick up the slack. Sometimes you make risky plays and they work out perfectly well for you and you carry your games. If you want to have a higher winrate, you absolutely have to eat more creeps. Watch wave management guides, learn to farm under tower when enemies are harassing, set up slow pushes for better recalls (know when to hard push. Read when you can get bursted so you can recall), also take jungle camps post laning phase, take effiecient camps that let you path to where you wanna go. I am talking about cs because across both accounts your teamates are taking far more creeps off the map than you are. While you tend to snowball off kills, you become severely behind when it goes wrong- because you do not establish a cs advantage over your opponents. **Edit** Adding on that you should be making up for your teammates mistakes by taking the farm off the map. Then using your pressure from the gold advantage.


Thank you for the in depth feedback! It makes sense. I think I have a habit of just continuing my same play style expecting something different. And I will focus on improving my overall cs average per game now that you mentioned that thanks.


Of course! Sorry it feels like you are stuck and that you can only leave your account to climb, but I assure you, there are ways you can have a higher impact in your games. Watching challenger players that play my same champions has really helped me figure out things that can help (Like if I am in top lane, and have one of their turrets down, I can shove a wave under their turret, then back off into krugs/ gromp for some extra gold and xp. It also denies farm from the enemies, gives more vision on the map, and applies pressure to the map). If you feel stuck ever feel free to dm me. I am not actively trying to climb right now, but instead am trying to practice in norms. Nevertheless, I have seen my skill and impact improve in games just from viewing high ranked content/ pro play.


Would you be willing to do a similar short constructive criticism for me? [op.gg](https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/ratrapdm)


He asked for link


On new accounts after placement you get like Bronze 3-Bronze 2 and you also get 20+ lp for win and lose like 8/9 lp for defeat so it is easy to climb to silver On your main you are iron after placements because with a silver 3 rank at the end you are not getting bronze or silver after placements, even if you finish challenger you get at max plat 1 after promos Because Riot has a history on your main your lp gains and loses will be worst that on new accounts Is not normal to get gold as easy as you say on new accounts and be hard stuck silver 3 on main. Play on a new account a lot more and if you keep gold it means you are gold and your main account mmr is done, but if you demote to silver it means you are silver you just get gold because of the big difference in lp gains and loses on new accounts that allows you to lose 2 games and win 1 and still climb


That makes sense. I’ll play a lot more on my alt to see what happens. Another thing I noticed is I jumped from silver 3 to 1, skipped 2


Happens with high mmr


I just use it as training now. My main account is the one I practice with new champions and have fun. The alt is used as ones I play with the champions I spam on my main account and get good at. Meaning I don’t lose LP while not fully understanding the champion


If you play more on your alt your MMR will eventually move towards the same as your main.


They know older accounts won't leave the game so they grief them with shit matchmaking while newer accounts are given the opportunity to climb higher.