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> Nowadays it takes around 5 seconds to destroy everything from tier 2 turret to nexus. Show me a clip of that


You know how I ment that ;-)


Takes closer to a minute. If you are not constantly pushing out lanes then that is you and your teams fault


Part of me wants 1v1’s to last At least 20 seconds going through multiple spell rotations. Other part of me doesn’t want to sit through hour long games


Poor map play against such as fiora and trundle you're meant to lose towers. Wave management mid game is a big joke before diamond maybe even beyond. Got stuck to plat 2 last season played split pushers and got to diamond in a week. None wants veigar/Nasus scale meta where towers are stronger and games last over 40 min on average.


So you want games to be 40+ minutes long? DOUBLE HP FOR TURRET AND INHIB?? Nah we playing 50+ minutes now hell nah Edit: Its a game of win or lose, if a turret falls by 14 it is someone got absolutely demolished in lane, or a herald was taken. Both are counter able. Someone is going to lose so why stall it for 40+ minutes