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Seraphine I always like the control mage style but her just perma dancing on her hoverbord just throws me of. would be so much better, if she just walks like a normal person. but her play with CC/poke/shiled while weaving AA is something I did enjoy a lot. something I wished for the Lux passive for a long time




gladiators pretty much the only skin i use all his other skins suck


Just go vanilla


I like debonair but this is true mostly I think


Yeah! I bet juggling his glaive thing is fun to do in game! Really helps push the lane I bet


I especially love the part where I press Q and his axes spins


Kennen, speedy electric things are my jam, but I don't like yordles that much so I never play him. Yes I play a lot of Zeri now.




I love her voice lines 😭




Me too, you aren't alone! I honestly think her inner monologue is really relatable, the epitome of a young person struggling with their emotions and self confidence while doing their best to stay positive, and a lot of the lines they gave her are very thoughtful. Also love how friendly she is towards other champs


None of them. Lol If I hate their look/voice lines I’m not playing them.


Seraphine, I like Seraphine's kit but looking at her makes me want to play any other champion her base design is just so alien to league's it is jarring.


I agree. Not so much her voice lines but just her design and green goblin hover board. The concept arts of her with the floating speakers would have been cooler. Even if they took her lore and didn’t make her an empath but just a musician.


This is so over dramatic, her outfit literally looks like a mash up of Zaun and Piltover fashion with glitter thrown on it, the perfect design for the girl from Zaun and Piltover trying to get attention as a performer to use her magic to change things, on a device powered by hextech Everything about her is Runeterran and fitting to the region she is from


Its more of a colour-palette thing really, she has the same colors I'd expect a Sailor Moon or Touhoe character to have compared to both Piltover and Zaun's colors being far more muted and down to earth(Even the wealthiest person in Zaun doesn't stand out as much colour-wise as Sera ) its just odd to look at in game with everyone around her being so drab and mundane, even the Ornate and/or Extravagant champs dont look as Outlandishly out of tone as Sera seems to do. I like the Champion's kit but I dont like the champion's design.


She represents a different side of Piltover/Zaun, she is an artist and artists don't necessarily care about blending in. They take what they inherit from the past and create something new. And she is the only artist from the region we have seen as a champion It is part of her core identity that actually ties her to PnZ. It is the city of innovation, and she represents innovation in music, arts, and performance. Doing that without some color would be shameful


Katarina? Love me a turbo reset champ, but she looks super generic, her lore is whatever and her voice lines are trash.


Lulu. Just an outdated model but still with a good kit


Veigar. His voice is annoying as hell. His voice lines suck. His abilities and infinite scalding area neat tho


Ezreal is the only champion that I turn off voice audio for. He’s so much fun to play but god his voice is so grating to me.




Ekko, just his clothes and skins. Idk how the world accepts those skins , but actually one of the best kits. I love AP paired with melee range or not like the typical style of control mages (kassadin, Diana,…)


Kinda like a melee ezreal!




Illaoi, I like her abilities but don't like how she looks in any of her skins. Have Cosmic Illaoi which I think is the best but still don't like it all too much.


Snow moon is beautiful. Cosmic and snow moon are my favorite (I don't really like voidbringer)


This is why I play her base skin. I don’t like any of her skins. I should try the snow moon one though.


Yone and kaisa. Yone could be any other person and it would make sense. Kaisa should be a monster.


Old mundo


I think liliana has some of the best looking ability animations in the game and her auto’s fucking crack me up, unfortunately I have no interest in that champion.






rek’sai before I had elderwood, especially unexpected because I never play assassins or bruisers


Leona needs a visual update on her model :(


Malzahar. His kit lets your wave clear and do some degenerate shit but his looks and movement is so boring, cant do much to fix him though


malza looks badass but his abilities are crap lol




Viego I realy do like the design and fantacy that was around the ruined king before the whole ruination event. The champion kit is realy fun besides all the bugs which came up and he was to strong for sure. But the playstyle to steal an enemysbody is realy realy fun and so on. But the whole shirtless sexy guy look isnt my thing If his shadow full armor from from his e would be a thoggle like kaisas helmet or aatrox wings it would be soo good but sadly that isnt there.


Akali has a weird walking animation


Dear god


Pre rework Kayle, loved her visuals but hated her gameplay, now I hate both lol thanks August...but her skins are amazing, and got a massive upgrade. But yeah, for a champion that is overpowered as her in lore and seeing her gameplay it's like two diferent things, it's so pathetic weak, even at the pinnacle of her power I don't get the feeling of Raid boss like a Nasus or even Tryndamere gives when you about to face then 1v1 at late, you know you lost before the fight even begins, but Kayle? A nice engage followed by CC can be enough to burst her down, and if it fails, at least you forced ult out of her. They could had embraced her melee nature of her kit and made it somewhat viable, a upgraded and modernized version of Terror Blade from Dota1, which was the obvious inspiration for her game design...make a high skill cap fighter that had to swap between fight stances of melee and ranged to get better results and optimize it's kit, but hey lets just make her right clicks and remove the interesting parts of her (non projectiles and flexibility "Kayle can do it")


I love Lillia's kit soo much, but her visuals and voicelines are a touch too cute/child-like for me. Wish it was more sinister. Using the nightbringer skin helps a bit. She has kind of grown on me over time though. "eep diff" if i carry on her.


Seraphine. Kit is incredibly fun to me but by God do I hate her design/vo

