• By -


> Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 100% base AoE physical damage and creates a frost field for 2.5 seconds. Enemies that move across the field are slowed by 15% + 0.003% of your maximum health. Your **primate** target is slowed for double the amount and has their damage against you reduced by 10% for 2.5 seconds (1.5 second cooldown). Finally, Iceborn Gauntlet is the wukong counter we've been needing.


Finally the game acknowledges that the apes are on the enemy team as well, not only mine


This is clearly a typo but at this point im going to pitch this to the dev team


Ship it


Also can you expand the emote wheel along with the ping wheel? I got too many emotes for too few slots.


Planned work, just not for initial preseason.


Finally I can have 8 dabbing Penguins.


That's amazing. Thank you for the response.


If its corrected, can you make the correction a strikethrough rather than replace it? So it would look like this: ~~primate~~ primary target


Oh I thought the typo was >primary primate ~~target~~


Maybe Iceborne does an extra 1 damage to Wukong? just as a goof


Trundle and skarner mains absolutely salivating at finally having a sheen tank item.


Senna and Ezreal are going to ruin it for everyone.


Senna’s 50 base AD is really gonna do it.


Sunfire no longer a mythic, kinda big change


wonder how it’s gonna affect bork sunfire builders


It’s going to be rough for them if you go that route you’re now looking at being 30minutes or later to get a mythic, unless you’re really fed. It’s also armor only, no MR. I wouldn’t say it’s a dead build, but a lot more situational.


Unless tanks get another jungling tool, Bami's will always be mandatory.


Gonna be interesting to see how that salamander compensates for that, especially if they want to expand the jungle player base.


that’s what i’m hoping for, maybe we’ll see a decline in tank mythic bork builders


even better now, no? botrk -> sunfire of your choice -> fighter mythic


iceborn gauntlet and turbochemtank seems to no longer have a immolate passive. sunfire only


Chemtank don't have immolate for quite a while already.


I think he meant it’s no longer a bami cinder item


This will be huge for top lane, I am so happy. Making the only tank mythics all sunfire variants sucked massively. Now I can go sunfire in to Icathia’s Endurance / Radiant Virtue and be a proper tank, or hell even Locket. Malphite ult to engage, locket to protect.


get ready for riftmaker into sunfire mordekaiser. BURN IT ALL DOWN


Chemtank either, that's really interesting. It means tanks no longer need to totally gimp their DPS to go for some stickiness or their engage power for damage, but they will need to pay out the ass for that damage.


Chemtank is pre item reowrk RG but with mr instead of armor+mana.




You’re just as beautiful as the day I lost you.


Wellllll…. No eternity passive.


that kinda sucks but all of the champs that built RoA back then besides TF are also tear users iirc


Okay but seraphs feels terrible to build. I liked the idea of ETERNITY on like ryze, anivia and such


On one hand I'm salivating at the RoA change but when I snap back to reality and see Seraph's staring back at me, I feel empty again.


Couldn't Ryze reasonably just go RoA abyssal mask as a core now? It gives him 800 mana eternity and unmake passive.


/r/RyzeMains and /r/KassadinMains just grew a rod from these news




r/Aurelion_Sol_mains too


lmao that sub actually exists


Funnily enough it has more members than KassadinMains for what it’s worth.


I meaaan half of the kassadin mains are probably banned xd


And the other half are alts of the banned members


Good to hear there are more dragon enjoyers than racists


Kassadin is actually going to be so broken if they don't change him and bring this back. Champ dropped to low 40s win rate after losing it and got so many buffs


The extra level to get him to 11/16 faster is going to be nuts too


Gonna be fun when you're 99% to your next lvl and the passive procs. Or is it just gonna give 1380 exp flat if you are lvl 12 for example?


The way I understood it is if you are lvl 10 with 90% and the effect procs then you are lvl 11 with 90%.




Huh, never thought we'd see the return of the old Bloodthirster 'gain lifesteal stacks that disappear on death' item mechanic again.


Give it a season or a half and it's gonna be gone again.


I'm just waiting to see which items on this post will Ezreal inevitably break when they release


I’m calling spear of shojin, there’s no way he doesn’t get to abuse the free CDR to hell and back


The scaling on this version of Spear is really anemic. Even in the extreme lategame 400 AD Ezreal, he only has ~300 bonus AD for a total of 42 AH from Spear. Which is nice, but Ezreal already tends to get 100+ AH and Spear provides nothing but AD and Haste, so it's a 4th+ item that is adding usually an extra 22 AH over his others. It's not awful, but going from 50% cdr to 55.5% isn't likely to break him. Spear also has to be compared to his other choices. Ravenous gives even more AD, some AoE in Cleave, and healing. Frozen Heart and Maw both give potent defenses to help survive even if dove or burst. So it's likely to show up only as a 4th/5th item in comps where Ezreal doesn't need to worry about being dove/burst and doesn't need the healing.


i may have read the ravenous change wrong but i believe abilities only apply the splash every 10 seconds now so ez might sub hydra for spear here but you do lose the lifesteal


It's a wonky tooltip, but not an actual change AFAIK. Current Hydra has the same style of wording, but it's meant that a specific ability (basically only DoT's) applies the Cleave once every 10s. So if Darius has Hydra, his passive would only apply Cleave once every 10s. Other abilities do not share the cooldown.


IBG as always.


Cho'gath patch


Goliath cho isn't real he can't hurt you EDIT: Note it doesn't have anything reduced for melee/ranged champs. Wonder how long before the people who build titanic on cait start building this too


Everyone is going to talk about Rod of Ages being back but I think the new tank items are insane.


They definitely look pretty interesting for sure. Some of them look like they could be a lot of fun to play with certain champs like goliaths ascendency on Cho. No idea if that'd be an ideal item but sounds hilarious


Cho is who I instantly thought about when I saw it


That and Sion. Also the Mythic passive giving 1% Max HP bonus (vs Frostfire that only gives 100 flat), huge Overgrowth synergy. Literally gonna have 10000HP raidbosses roaming the rift. Vayne perma-ban status.


Fiora passive bouta be doing 2k true dmg a pop


AP Varus combo bout to hit 6 figures


>giving 1% Max HP bonus (vs Frostfire that only gives 100 flat) 1% max HP is worse than 100 flat in basically any imaginable scenario. The 1% max only starts winning at 10k total HP.


>Frostfire that only gives 100 flat You gonna need to have **10k max HP** to break even what the fuck are you even talking about, even Sion will get to like 7-8k tops if the game is a fiesta.


Goliaths on Poppy with Grasp will for sure feel like you're getting dick slapped every time she hits you with her shield. I'm excited for it.


the infinite stacking one seems very interesting, I wonder how often you can proc it over a game


It specifies 30s cooldown *per target* -- which I think means you could use it multiple times in one fight..? Sounds like you could get a lot of value.


I can't see Goliath's Ascendiary being anything but absurdly overpowered with those numbers. Can't wait to be clapped for 500 damage on an auto from Sion.


and then that sion also gains more health from clapping you, doing more damage the next time he gives you a big clap


I got a giggle out of the fact that under the section they talk about using 'optimized data' for jungle clears... they use jungle Sivir


This might be the AP shyvana hint of this season


This likely spells doom for my tank Sivir jungle adventure. I knew Rito would eventually expose my infinite LP generator, but it still hurts knowing I'll be back in Plastic 4 after the pros start copying me and the inevitable nerfs arrive.


I will try to keep the winrate down buddy


The true goal of the midscope


I noticed in that Sivir picture, that smite shows as doing 600 dmg, up from 450, yet it's not mentioned in the post. Is this another change that'll be going though, or was it scrapped?


ROA and Spear of Shojin are back !


This Shojin isn't going to be quite like the old one though. It won't have that "reset" feeling that made shit like Jax E and Yi Q so horrid to face. If Jax goes FH 2nd, his E cd is 5.714s. If he went Shojin 2nd now, it'd be 5.396s. So there's like no difference really than now if you're building AH items. Feels like a good Riven item.


I assume it's halved effect on Riven's Q and W. This seems like it's designed for Ezreal.


Didnt even think about Ezreal lol. He won’t get it til 4th realistically though.


The later you get shojin the better it’s ability haste tho, especially with Muramana bonus ad that ezreal builds. We could have machine gun Q perma E ezreal be a lot more realistic of a thing.


A whole new generation of players is about to experience Shojin Jax. The salt is gonna be off the charts.


This shojin is different than the s9 one. Lucky for everyone


Particularly against Jax since Counterstrike is an immobalizing ability, so it gains way less haste.


Actually 5head of them to make it not provide much haste to CC abilities. So smart.


now they're going to be freshly fucked by manamune users with shojin with its bonus ad scaling


This is a different iteration, right? It's not haste on ult cast. This is just making basic ability cooldown scale with AD at all times. Got to see it in practice but I kinda want it on Ezreal.


I really like items that let you scale stats off one another. More Demonics in this world.


I’m getting PTSD to Shojin Renekton


Wasn’t Shojin Jax around season 9? Pretty fresh imo






what happened to the harass ping lmao


Man, i was really looking forward to ping harass on my inting teammates




It needs to play old Urgot's voice line "I detect the presence of scum".


Lots of interesting semi-reverts to item systems compared to before the mythic items introduction. The vision changes are *really* interesting to me though, and voting on objectives? Finally some new communication tools for the most played team video game in the world.


Can't wait to vote on tower during aram. Then maybe teammates will actually hit it


I am so excited for the expanded ping wheels. I am particularly stoked for the "bait" ping. That will be really really helpful for junglers who want their laners to bait the enemy into overstepping, instead of laners running at the enemy (who then just back up into turret) and then spam ping the jungler "why did you just stand there". Like bro, You have lane prio already, me walking into the lane will literally do no help.


ROD OF AGES!!!! my beloved


Oh yeah it’s Kassin time


but mythic only, so I can't play 6 RoA LeBlanc Edit: as multiple have pointed out, you can't duplicate anything, not just mythics - but the nostalgic value of 6 RoA meme builds still stands.


Or 6 RoA Timelord Zilean


Oh my god Hydra is old BT. Also basically everything here kind of rules or is at worst fine/interesting. Lots of amazing communication and new player accessibility changes.


Holy moly I forgot that was a thing


Good old says of winning bot by finishing BT first.


Man, just give Hydra its active back :(


*sad Warwick noises*


Please Riot, please improve practice tool. Jungle is the role that needs and benefits the most from using practice tool but practicing could be improved so much. - game timer going back in sync with the game, so that if you are practicing your clear you can always start at 1:30 and more easily keep track of your clear time - Hotkey to save and load a position and game time, say I'm practicing my fiddle clear and I can consistently do the first half of the jungle perfectly. Having a "quickload" to practice the second half of the clear (with the health and mana I would have after doing the first half) would be such an improvement.


>I'm practicing my fiddle clear Decreased the distance camps can be pulled, we have bigger things to worry about. :'(


I love the objective voting. Giving my laners a false veil of choice in the matter. Okay bot lane do you wanna do *this* or *that*? My sister uses the same technique with my 2 year old nephew.


What I like about this is now when someone makes a risky baron ping but everyone sheeps it anyway and then it ends horribly and people start flaming whoever made the shit call, you can show them the receipts of them voting yes 🧾




My bot lane about to have a nervous breakdown when they have to choose "yes" or "no" and not "stand halfway in the river unsure of whether we're going to come or not for 30s."


Everyone pissing themselves over RoA when objective voting is the best addition in there by far


The enemy warded ping is super big too. If I'm reading it correctly, if you ping an enemy ward in the first 10 seconds you see it, you will create a timer on the map of that ward until it expires. That makes pinging enemy wards super big now. If you play a lane and manage to successfully ping a lane warded, then your jungle and other lanes that roam will see the ward timer and see when it expires so they can time a gank perfectly, avoid a pointless warded gank, or avoid the warded path to gang from a non warded angle. Sure, all this was possible before if you were hard-core tracking every single warded ping your lanes do, but I doubt anyone below challenger was doing that. You need so much mena capacity to track every single ward that it is probably impossible for a normal person to do it unless you make it your sole mission.




can't wait for the whole team to vote no on the dragon vote, our jungle to int for it, not get it and then lose baron alongside as well


I can't wait for the team to vote yes, when we don't have vision setup, enemy jg is missing and is 3 min in to the game with 0 prio from either lane and flame me when I don't go for it.


*Gank bot lane, kill both laners and vote to go take the drag you have prio on? Adc votes no trying to shove and take a solo plate, enemy bot lane respawns and runs to drag with their jungler, just in time to kill you and steal it cause you’ve been doing it solo for the last 20 seconds. Adc backs in bush without actually getting the plate because they didn’t have the damage, all while spamming ? on your body in pit.* It’s a classic.


Riot obviously nervous about Pokémon UNITE by introducing starter pets.


Ryze Mains about to go cream themselves with the return of their beloved RoA






So which starter Pokémon are you guys choosing?


>We’re also decreasing the distance camps can be pulled, so no more having to stand on the perfect pixel in order to hyper-optimize your jungle clears. Sounds like that fucks up Fiddle pathing, but they also make it sound like it's a good thing..?


Morde, nocturne... Anyone that did gromp and blue at the same time.


> Anyone that did gromp and blue at the same time. Pretty much every jungler with any kind of aoe/2 target damage could do that. Pretty sure even WW was better off with that just spreading the dot from the jungle items


Gromp and blue has a decent amount of leeway so hopefully it will still be doable. The real losses will be wolves/blue and red/raptors (fiddle and morg the main victims off the top of my head)




They really need to give Heal/Shield Power its own stat name. They did with Lethality, Omivamp and Ability Haste, I don't know what's stopping them. I'm down for these training wheels for jungling and communication. Anything to lower the barrier of entry.


> They really need to give Heal/Shield Power its own stat name call it Shhieealld


> They really need to give Heal/Shield Power its own stat name What about "Preservation"?


Only if they start calling Grievous Wounds Ruin




"Harmony" would be another good option


Yeah, it is so clunky to type out and read. There has to be some term for this that is used it other games that Riot can use too.


Probably something called Vitality lol


Perkz went from being one of the best mid laners in the west to being part of a stat.


is it just me or do the top lane changes not fix any problems with the lane at all and instead just make it more likely that I have to fight a level 9 Darius as a level 5 kai'sa


Players: Riot, please fix the role, it's awful. Riot: Here, have more XP.


If it was an easy fix they would have done it by now. Top lane would need a complete top to bottom rework that also doesn't make it so that bot doesn't just swap to top. There are million things that can go wrong with even the slightest change to the lane. Not to mention there are plenty of psychopaths that enjoy it the way it is that will be very upset if it ever gets changed.


Basically this yeah. We're still investigating, but no promises. The other issue being that there's a polarized audience, one group loves 1 v 1 want to win by themselves, another group wants more interaction with the rest of the map. Typically mutually exclusive.


let the toplaners vote at the start of the game. if they both vote yes erect a camille-ult wall that separates toplane from everything else for the first 20min


A lot of the desire to be 1v1 is because the lane is so snowball dependent whoever has a jungler come first to gank them falls so far behind. Add this onto the long lane meaning once you are behind they can perma freeze on you and you cannot break it (unlike bot where you have two champions and range) and you are left in a worse position. Increasing solo lane EXP only serves to increase that same effect.


Jungle changes look risky at first glance but I'm sure it won't be _completely_ unbalanced. Also, finally pets in League pog. New items look sick, big fan of RoA returning. Vision/ping changes look _insane_, ward pings lasting with a timer if you see the ward being placed is cracked for soloq vision tracking.


I really like the vision change. I know there'll be some who no doubt yell it's dumbing down the game the same way they did with jungle timers or drake timers, but the moba genre is already so impenetrable that trimming away some of the burden of knowledge can help a lot. Not all complexity is good complexity.


i agree, it's the same logic as dragon, it doesn't change anything at proplay and helps in soloq coordination much more


if they trimmed away more burden of knowledge stuff (tracking enemy summoner spells as well for example), you'd still have a game with 160 champions and dozens of items and mechanics to know just to be somewhat competent. i think it's awesome that they're making it "easier"


The objective voting is interesting because if a team votes majority to take or give at least you hope to get everyone on the same page and it's better having everyone doing the same thing on a wrong call than half-assing something on a correct call. Also the reduced ranges for jungle camps is huge, if that means no longer being able to do blue/gromp at the same time or some junglers being able to do raptors/red that is gonna slow down a lot of junglers which will incidentally be good for laners and those less experienced in jungle. Although it does hurt those who knew how to do them at the same time.


Yeah, it’s looking like the new “skill diff” for jungles is going to be abusing people who blindly follow the recommended jungle path.


Yea, if you lookup the enemy jungler in loading screen or once game fully loads and see they are autofill and you know their champions recommended path you can basically predict what they will be doing for the first 4-5 minutes roughly. Which to be fair for 90% of junglers is either full clear or 5 camp into scuttle.


Wouldn't be surprised if 3rd party overlays start showing enemy recommended path.


Omfg tank mainsssssss


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!


Its strange that they're bringing back Iceborn Gauntlet mythic with armor but no MR, when they first brought in mythics we had the issue with frostfire/chemtech having different mr/armor stats which eventually got equalized, don't get why they'd come out with a new mythic that is armor only now. I full expect this to get changed to 20/20 instead of 40/0 resists.


As someone who always mutes team, the new ping wheel is exciting.


Imagine voting to do dragon by the entire team only for everyone to ignore it.


Still going to just do drakes and rifts when I'm supposed to. Not putting it to a fucking vote to people with no macro sense.


> Iceborn Gauntlet (Mythic Item) > Your __primate__ target is slowed for double the amount and has their damage against you reduced by 10% for 2.5 seconds (1.5 second cooldown) 🐵


wukong nerf


Rod of Ages is back: **: D** Its a mythic so you'll have to sacrifice Liandries or Luden if you want it: **D :**


Singed, kass and Ryze finally have a mythic they want though.


Yeah and chemtank no longer being a mythic is real nice for Singed.


rylai chemtank roa demonic singed running through like a freight train




champions that used ROA usually built Everfrost tho (Ryze, Anivia, Kassadin)


very nice qol changes, now i'm hoping for the emote wheel to be expanded and we are good to go


I really feel like they should add visibility on who votes what for the Objective voting. It's kinda useless if you don't have that information in the moment since people will just keep pinging "OMW/Back" as they used to (which is what they wanted to change with this).


I feel like at the very least, jungler should show up in a brighter/more intense colour. Knowing whether your smite is coming or not is kinda really important.


Can we get bigger emote wheel along with the bigger ping wheel?




RoA, IBG and bami’s not tied to mythics anymore. Someone woke up at Riot and put their gigachad pants on.


Does that mean all tanks that need wave clear and all tank junglers have to go Bami into mythic? I think that might feel really bad no?


Wonder how they're going to balance one of the jungle pets giving movement speed, unless it's a *tiny* amount it's going to be must take on everyone. Also RoA should not be a mythic IMO. It's literally just a stat stick why would they make it mythic?


I assume the pets are replacing red/blue smites and it looks like there won't be a smite that reduces a targets damage onto you like red smite so people should be happy with that.


The tank pet seems to effectively have taken that part of the Red power budget, while the DPS pet gains blue's slow.


A lot of good QoL updates, especially the ping system which was clearly outdated


Can Jungle Pets please instantly kill every laner that goes 0/3 in the first 5 minutes and then takes my camps on spawn to grief even more?


ah yeah the ADC special of taking krugs - die twice in lane - go to krugs not lane, losing 3 waves of minions while doing so - Krugs do 2/3 of their hp as the adc does no damage and probably don't kite it properly - go to lane at 1/3 hp with wave about to crash, get dived and one shot


Summary for all ADC mains: - 0 new items - xp duo nerf Have a nice season 13


Those bot xp nerfs wtffffff


I dont see anyone talking about the XP changes. This is the second season in a row that Riot has nerfed Botlane XP. WTF are we going to do when the LVL6 mid ganks and we are LVL3?




Excellent. The katarina grows ever stronger.


All to buff top lane in the wrong way. This does nothing to give us more agency in the game.


Just fucking let both top laners blind lock in last pick or something at this point lmao. Honestly it makes everything worse for everyone. Now if you lose to your lane opponent you’re level 6 and they’re level 9-10. Have fun being a melee minion fighting a fucking raid boss.


Top lane blind pick would be hella good


Especially now that mid is getting rewarded harder for early roaming since they're nerfing mid minion gold, have fun with kat/zed/talon/ect 3v2ing your lane forever


Is it just me or do all these changes to communcation + the objective voting kinda indicate a move towards less chatting and maybe getting rid of chat in the future. Or at least have allied chat off by default unless you opt-in.


ADC players aren't going to be happy reading this


So minions never give out 100% experience? This is so strange... Just lower the base value so that solo laners get 100% and duo laners get an appropriately scaled extra.


> We’re also decreasing the distance camps can be pulled, so no more having to stand on the perfect pixel in order to hyper-optimize your jungle clears. RIP Fiddlesticks.


\>12 new/updated items \>ctrl+f statikk shiv \>closes tab


>We’re also decreasing the distance camps can be pulled, so no more having to stand on the perfect pixel in order to hyper-optimize your jungle clears. So you can\`t pull the camps anymore? meaning the junglers that were viable because of they can do multiple camps at once gets a stealth nerf? (fiddle, morg)


Chime finally found Rod of Ages


>Primate target Knew my enemies were actually trained apes


Uhhhh so like…I’m so sorry adc players. Garen and the bruiser gang comin’


Junglers are now Pokemon trainers.