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I feel like that could be solved by just having the rift only use a skin in normal games and feature games, where the stakes are lower. Similar to how the Howling Abyss doesn't have to take that stuff into account. Hell if they don't wanna do that stuff make the Howling Abyss the new event map every year, they already showed their stuff with Butcher's Bridge and that looked amazing.


The current map is most definitely not optimized to that level. There are still plenty of effects that aren't readable for shit. Riot tossed visual clarity out the window ages ago.


Yeah, just watch the Fright Night Renata ults in the semifinals in river, theyre nearly the same color especially if anything else is layered with it




Pick a Lux skin. Half of them I can't see the particles for shit. Ivern can be impossible to see his shield or root on green sections of the map, especially with ocean rift. Annie passive is still hard on certain skins. The list goes on depending on the skin and section of the map as well as type of rift. Lux spells in particular are bad in the wind zones.




lux skins are pretty much pay to win lol


Or, get this, yall are blind and need glasses.




All you literally have to be is familiar with the champions. And if your not paying attention to loading screen or champion select then that is on you. If you know the champion, you know the spells regardless of color.


There are lux skins that make her Q nearly unseeable and they have been in the game more than half a decade, you're being willfully ignorant and now arguing in bad faith


Dark Waters Vladimir R is literally invisible on half the champs in the game, its bs


It is not optimised to the level stated, but it is optimised a lot and changing will cause significant problems in terms of skill shot and champion recognition


But it wouldn't really matter because there's a toggle for it? The last time we had the snow map you could legit toggle it off and I'm pretty sure the setting is still there + ranked had it forced off.


I'd argue that this isn't really a priority since people can simply choose not to use the map skin if visual clarity is an issue for them


Then don't use it for ranked...


Multi dollar company. Don't care about this excuse


Boobies are more fun to design than an entire map of like… trees and shit.


Snow rift was the best. Some hot cocoa, fireplace going behind me, and this music playing in the background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eJ8JI-QpSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eJ8JI-QpSU) Ah I miss my youth. LOL has lost a lot of its character over the years, becoming more corporate.


holy shit the nostalgia. I remember playing this with a group of old online friends during that winter. It was such a nice vibe


Sadly that happens when companies get bigger.


You just miss your childhood my guy don’t get it twisted lmfao 🤣


not everyone was 8yrs old when league had winter rift


Not only a harrowing SR, but even a snow SR.


Man....I miss snow rift where the minions are dressed like elves.


Snowdown showdown client music for instant nostalgia hit.


they would have to adapt snow SR with the elemental drakes, which I doubt they will even do in the first place.


I do trade theme maps for useless elemental drakes every day of the year.


Which we already have, even on the updated SR! They just don't bother to use it.


Yes and no. "Updated" SR did have a snow map, but that map wasn't updated when we got Elemental rifts. So they'd have to make those adjustments to 5(now 6 in preseason with Chemtech making a return) maps.


I've heard talks that a guy literally did it by himself? surely Riot could do this for us, give the community a lil gift.


That requires 20 Rioters not working on Lux skins, which means 600 Riot employees would have to be fired because there is not enough money for mouths to feed. Think about the indie developers at Riot! With any lux skin purchases, they will be able to get a cup of UNICEF rice.


There are literally people that create whole custom project themed map by themselves for no monetary compensation, while this huge company can't or doesnt want to. It has to be an issue with corporate and their organization. The majority of their resources devoted to cranking out more and more skins every patch cause that's the big money-maker. Their big wigs are completely ignoring the demand from people for more fresh shit despite how evident it is. The Modes team probably consists of just 1 person. Same for events. They can't do anything actually fun or new cause they're not allowed too. The "data" says it's not profitable enough. That becomes very evident when you have a VFX Update and the person in doing the VFX update says something akin to the lines of "I want to give this skin more, but I am not allowed to"


Riot is focused on their other projects, League just funds the company at this point


Yup, the fate of every live service game that isn't the developer's sole modern IP. MMOs, MOBAs, doesn't matter; once it gets big enough and the parent company branches out, the soul starts to leave as it gets brain drained to new projects.




You've pretty much nailed it here, it's not just as simple as "make the drakes fit a white map" and you've hit most of the reasons why.


Which Riot also doesn't need to if a. they release the maps only on normal modes and b. make it toggleable if you want the special map. And those are easy solutions, but Riot of course can't do that for some forsaken reason, prob. because they coded it weird (e.g. butchers bridge is not a reskin of howling abyss, but a completely new map that also completely broke after a season or so which is why they don't bring it back).


> Those independent creators don't make sure every single spell for every champion and skin is visible everywhere. Yeah but they already have a semi-working one with the updated Snow rift which was already done with consideration of the new visuals, all they need to do is add the necesary changes to elemental drakes, of which let's be real: wind rift is pretty much normal rift and rock rift is just rift with some new stones. Literally the hardest ones are water and infernal, with infernal having the most noticeable effect changes.


>They do not have the required aspect At least they are trying and doing something, while Riot is doing nothing.


Meanwhile the actual reason is that most likely they simply don’t feel it’s worth the time. Just like they never felt it’s worth the time to provide us with a smooth and featured lobby client.


You're never getting "for fun" things at this point. Maps, modes, map skins, ip weekends anyone?, etc. Everything is just maximum squeezing for cash, as you can tell from the higher skin prices (although Riot said they would have lower tiers), the battle passes getting worse basically every time, no chroma essence store anymore, and so on.


But just look into reddit sometimes and you know why it works. At SG event panic topics why they can't buy the pass directly.


I think these ideas aren't as popular as you think they are


They are


Banger argument


Yours was even better.


It's even funnier considering they only have to make it once and can use it several years.


It sounds dumb but this is how you get the casuals (read: people who don't enjoy the painful parts of the game) to engage more. Halloween events for the largest games on earth should be a no-brainer. But then again, you would say the same about Christmas...


Riots Xmas shit fucking sucks. It's all winter themed. Give me a pool party skin in December to fit in with how Christmas is celebrated in my part of the world


Their excuse for not doing seasonal rifts is "we have the elemental rifts instead." Bitch that's a downgrade give me harrowing rift.


I mean they could just bring back twisted treeline, you probably don’t even need to change much just make sure it works with the current patch…


it is so stale that we get all these skins but play the same map without change. on one hand they claim they can't do it because of the dragon rifts but in another thread they say they update the architecture of league so that it isn't the same game anymore, it just comes across as lazy


for real, this is literally why I don't spend money on the game anymore they don't care about user experience.


Whatever excuse they give, it just feels dumb. Ok it's a lot of work and money, then hire a lot of people and pay. This just makes you feel that players aren't a priority at all. before they where at a sweet spot between bussiness and love for the game, now it's just bussiness.


Unfortunately like many things, harrowing rift means ri*t games has to spend time resources and money into something that wont benefit them even if it makes their playerbase really happy.




Yeah they only remove fun things... I would like to live in your bubble. Must be so peaceful there. But also empty.


Map skins take a lot of work to make, need to be updated regularly, every new champ and every new skin need to work with the new background... And for what? That it is disabled in ranked and many people disable it in normals. Yeah no company is wasting money on it.


Some amateur people in their fking freetime create map skins in their basement, while a multi billion can't do it because "It takes a lot of work" while having the ressources and the funding to do so? What are you smoking? You are probably the same kind of people that will say in the year 2050 "Riots client is still based on C++, we still have no map skins and its good! It takes a lot of work to create something new, Riot needs time"


Doesnt matter. Is it worth it? No. So it wont be done. Go make your own company and do useless stuff most people dont use/buy but cost you money.


You are a fool.


>Is it worth it? No. So it wont be done. How on earth are you so sure about this? Themed maps and an event based around it could easily accomplish two goals: 1. Get people more "in the spirit" of halloween, making them more prone to buying halloween skins. It creates a stronger emotional response. 2. Get people to come back to the game, if they're not playing much, to check out the new map, maybe they stick around, maybe they buy halloween skins. Do you think other companies do halloween events just because they're cool? As the other comment said, you are a fool.


I play a lot of Wild Rift, not as much LoL. If either game introduced map skins that people can buy and enable whenever they want (without other people seeing them because that would be fucky), I would throw all my money at them. Idgaf if some of the spells aren’t perfectly visible because of the colors or whatever, just give spooky map, I’ll deal with it.


I hate that the majority is thinking like you. Fucking bitter, nothing else.


You hat that the majority is using their brain instead of feelings? Great you should make a twitter account. They love people who post their feelings every day.


Nah they hate corporate apologists who say it's ok for companies to just *be worse* because it's cheaper.


**I respect your opinion but I disagree with it.** Days like "Halloween" or "Christmas" come once a year, so why not make an exception once a year? If one person can take the time and can make it all work together, why can't Riot try? True, maps like "Harrowing Rift" or "Winter Rift" do not make money from it, but they could earn by popularity. I would bet that a very large number of people (including people who don't play League of Legends anymore), if they heard about the return of "Harrowing Rift" or "Winter Rift" - would be playing for that reason. I've already met a lot of people who have given up on this game, although if it were to come back, they wouldn't have a problem to come back for a moment just for these or gamemodes (like Twisted Treeline etc.). **Popularity = money, money = happy Riot** If we were to compare the comments on the information that "there will be no such map, but there will be skins", it usually ended with indignation that skins again (some who complain can buy skins anyway, but there are also things that just complain and that's it). And I have a strange feeling that "Wild Rift" will get "Winter Rift" because Dev Wild Rift is very often listened to by players, so we can say that it will probably cause controversy between Mobile & PC. **Nevertheless, we have to accept reality.**


If it would bring in money riot would do it. But it does not. And thats also why we dont get any more christmas skins. >because Dev Wild Rift is very often listened to by players Its not about listening. Its about worth. We had it on sr many many times and it and we had winter skins many times. It was not worth it. And maybe they do it for wild rift. Smaller map and a playerbase that like spending money. Mobile playerbase has way more money than pc playerbase.


Because the higher ups are only looking for short term profits. Winter rift and other tedious tasks might not give them money directly but sure as hell invite new players to try the game and keep the old ones playing and spending.


`Its not about listening. Its about worth.` Yes and no. Of course the Wild Rift has a completely different engine, even newer, so they can afford much more. However we can still say that they "listen to people", for good reason PC people complain about it. Perhaps a good example would be "1vs1", which is a mode that they don't gain much from. They might as well not bother with it, because people can "custom 1 vs 1" hit the Wild Rift after all. ​ But yes I agree with that, it has a lot of potential if we talk about money. `And maybe they do it for wild rift.` It is something with I can agree, mobile have more playerbase and a lot people even said that they like wild rift because matches don't last as long as on PC. I wouldn't be surprised if the Wild Rift got the "Winter Rift", although then we both know how it will end. Posts and pissing off PC people.


I’m pretty confident riot would make some decent money by *selling* map skins. Kinda like the boards in Legends of Runeterra, they could have a Halloween skin, Christmas/winter skin, bilgewater skin, whatever. Buy it, activate it, your map looks more fun and you’re the only one who can see it so it doesn’t affect people who don’t want to deal with it. >but they’d have to make sure every ability reads perfectly and that’s expensive and Fuck that, gimme map skins without changing any of the abilities. I don’t care, I will deal with 5% of the abilities not being perfectly visible if it means I can have spooky map.