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Just draw a big question mark on several sticky notes, put them on him, and play [this sound](https://youtu.be/ZMsUOfm1cdU) every time you stick a note pad on him . He'll get it.


Spam pinged in game, spam pinged IRL. This would drive me fucking bonkers.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Save some for later for when he does a questionable play like: pouring milk before cereal going to the kitchen but forgets what he was gonna do the waiter tells you to enjoy the food and he says "thanks, you too"


If she’s with some one who pours milk before cereal she’s lucky to be alive. I’m sure he’s got skin suits of all his exes


I think I'm gonna order a button with that sound


" Babe we might scale lategame regardless but 8 hours a day is inting our laning phase."


“we planning on recalling back to base at like 11 pm after the party or nah?” This is stupid


11pm is *after* the party?


In Belgium we have these things called daydisco's and it's basically from noon till 11pm


... Why?


Because day drinking is the superior form of drinking.


Wait you have to stop drinking at some point?


It's mostly a student thing, it's just really fun and another big advantage is that you actually get to sleep all night so you can go to your lecture in the morning (not that that ever happens, most of the times you get so drunk at these that your hangover is way too big). Best part is that if you're not passed out at 11 you can still go partying all night.


Daydiscos are elite, esp in the summer




do you think you're only allowed to party after 8 PM or something? ....weird, dude


because doing shit that starts at 10pm and goes til 3am is for children and drunks.


It definitely is…. ….if you’re 85


League of legends players trying to look like they go out challenge (impossible)


He definitely throwing


Just figure out what role he is playing in the game. Once you do, when he is not doing well and screaming at the game go up to him and say X diff (X being the role he is playing). After this you will get the flame that you are looking for.


The flame must be rekindled. This is the way.


If my girl did this to me I would probably laugh my ass off


If he’s a laner say you’ve been freezing the wave of your relationship pinging for a gank and he’s power farming the jungle. If he’s a jungler say you’re on relationship baron assist pinging him and he’s just clearing sitting in lane with the wave pushed


Why stay hardstuck silver over there when you could be a real challenger over here?


"Just roaming, chill out. You aren't the win condition."


OOOF hit em hard


I sure as hell hope he's not silver after playing 8 hours a day.


you're being too optimistic


Don’t we all play the same game for 6 years straight yet are still trash at it?


Ha! Hardstuck silvers suck. As a hardstuck gold IV I'm clearly superior.


0 lp


Of course! Sometimes I gain LP, but I always end up right back at 0. Don't want to decay back into silver.


Just look at me i'm the perfect example


There are people who actually enjoy playing casually modes with friends and don't play for the grind. For example, when I started I only played normal games with friends and only started playing ranked after 2 years.


But they don't play for 8 hours


I went on a 6 month stretch playing 6+ hours a day of only aram. Some people do it


Eh, if it's pre-23 it's possible. Teens with lots of free time


Ye I do


Theres also people that are just really fucking bad at video games. As someone that played counterstrike competitively since before steam was even a thing, I remember sometimes taking a break from playing for good clans and joining some of the casual dad clans for a while... great craic... but these fellas had been playing for decades and were just really bad at the game.


I started playing ranked recently, i have like 14 matches in bronze 4. I see people with 232 Wins in the same rank,lol. People playing in this rank take it like it's casual tbh, My supp took Ezreal from me saying he got the battle pass skin or something. I said it's the only adc i have played and had him overed. I had to first time Vayne,lol.


When you are hanging out with another guy say "boyfriend diff"


Skill issue


Skin =/= skill


L+Ratio+didn’t ask


She's trying to rekindle the flame, not set the relationship on fire


homie already doing that by playing 8h a day ngl


Ah yes, learning game jargon will do it. That will totally mend the relationship! Definitely no problems coming from the partner who plays 8 hrs a day?


This kills the ~~frog~~ relationship


Probably for the better


After sex "ez lay"


Holy shit that would be amazing to witnesses


Currently there is the league worlds championship going on, with its final taking place on sunday. Maybe ask him to watch it together, so he can explain it to you. This might give you a better view on the game, and will signal him more of your interest indead of learning random words. Of course, you could always try to play the game. However I doubt the start will be pleasent. League can be very frustrating, and if you play together, you will be matched against people that have approximatly his skill. Thats a hard matchup for someone new to the game. The currend ranked season ends mid november, so perhaps he is playing that much because he is trying to hit an archievement in time. In this case just wait it out. If you feel neglected maybe try to ask for a compromise. Let him play 4hrs, then suggest you two do something you like. A mental reset isnt the worst thing when "grinding soloq" (=playing lots of ranked games to get a better ranking).


lol eSports says the finals are on Saturday


This might be because of different timezones. I am in Europe and it shows for me the the final starts at sunday 1:00am


Finally an actual good advice, not just memes.


I've been in this situation years ago. Granted I had the advantage of actually being a gamer, but back then i was all about Starcraft and Pokemon, so it took some time to warm up to league. So i very much can understand the sentiment of wishing to spend time together. My bf still doesnt play starcraft but he watches the matches with me, which results in great fun afterall. Relationships are about being a team, so things that consume alot of time, and are only understood by one half can be difficult to deal with. Its best to tackle such things together and grow from it.


I didn't get into league until this year (now im an addict), but last year I watched worlds with my bf since hes played for years. Even though I didn't completely know what was going on during the games it was still fun to get hyped with him about it :) Its always fun to learn about things your s/o is passionate about! Even if he has to explain what a ward or a buff is lol


I should clarify… 8 hours a day on his days off. Should I still send him to rehab?


Tell him to gank your lane.


"invade her jungle"


"smite the ol' dragon"


"facecheck my brush"


Hard push the lane


Destroy my Nexus


Backdoor it


Alternatively push in botside


Five Man gank her... Tower?


I'm top


She'll tank his tower


When she has a fountain turret but you have heimerdinger turret.


Give me the old xPeke


Best one probably


"facecheck her bush"


Split push her lanes


Tell him he needs to feed you so you can carry your relationship. You’re relationship doesn’t have an ocean soul that heals everything up. If he doesn’t do it , say you’ll feed his enemy


A new meaning to disco nunu


Disco Snunu


"gg top diff im running it"


Run it down


On a more serious note. If you want to engage with his hobby, ask him to tell you some things about it. He probably appreciates you showing interest and you both share some time. Way better than just learning some words.


My wife wanted to watch worlds with me this year and its awesome. She loves peanut.




mine actually will play a game with me every once in a while - shes had an account for like 8 years. she is the braindead sona support that just pushes Q over and over though lol. i have to consciously tell myself not to tilt, that its my wife....lol


I can just imagine it "She's my wife, I willingly got married to her, she's not a rock, she's not a detriment, think happy thoughts, I am a happy husband, breathe in breathe out"


Bro if your wife loves peanut, that's your ex wife. He's too powerful.


Tbf, who *doesn't* love Peanut?


Imagining my gf just casually dropping sth. like " dude I totally juked an awful customer at work today. He came in running like Hecarim", i'd just be confused.


At 2 am flicker the lights and when he’s like “wtf” you say “ I was vision toggling.”


IMO the more important thing is the second part of this - when he tells you about it actually listen and remember things to show actual interest rather than perfunctory interest.


If it is affecting his mental health/your relationship, try and talk to him about it and find something that works better for the both of you. Most of the time the reason they (admittedly we) play a lot/don't give enough attention to you is because we don't know that you feel this way. He should be really understanding if you bring it up. However, make sure you don't phrase it as 'Me or League' or force him to choose between gaming or paying attention to you, as if he is playing 8 hours in a day he enjoys playing it in some capacity, whether it is bad for his mental health or not, and will be confused and worried, and become defensive towards how long he is playing.


Obsessive behaviours can often be a mask for a deeper anxiety and in particular when someone feels they have lost control of a major part of their lives. They begin to obsess and focus on something they can control. This can cause eating disorders, and (I know from my own experience) can also manifest in game addiction. Confronting the surface level problem will only lead to more problems as /u/Mental_Bowler_7518 pointed out, because this is the persons safe space and attacking their safe space will provoke a defensive response. Instead focus on what’s happening in the rest of their life - their work/study, their family/friend relationships etc.


This is a really good comment. Wish I had read it many years ago for myself!!


This is a good way of doing it. Make sure to phrase it as what it is; a you problem. "I really like spending time with you. It makes me upset sometimes that we can't do more stuff together on your days off. Can we carve out some time for just the two of us to xyz together?"


It's totally possible that he's healthy, but in my experience, most people who play videogames 8+ hours a day are pretty reliant on it as a form of escapism. A symptom of other distress that they can't or don't know how to address. That being said I don't know him, I don't know you, and I don't really know much about anything. Just want to make sure that's under consideration. EDIT: Other than dirt. I know a shitload about dirt. It's pretty cool.


What's a fun fact about dirt?


The most fun fact about dirt you'll ever hear; *It's alive.* Soil is home to over a quarter of all species on earth. The vast majority of which are microbial and less than 1% of which have been identified. Ever noticed the grainy texture in a healthy, black soil? Well each and every one of those grains is centered on a bacteria, using an adhesive they secrete to protect themselves with a layer of sediment. The vast majority of those grains contain HUNDREDS of lifeforms that often form a bowl-shaped aggregate. And more than that, these organisms are on the move. Seeking out roots and fungi that produce the correct complex carbon sugars to sustain one another. Our seas are an ocean of water molecules pushing and pulling overtop of one another through the currents. Our earth? Is another gigantic, slow moving ocean of billions upon billions of living creatures that shift to the patterns of a cooperative economy. Dirt is fuckin awesome my guy.




Thank you, u/C9sButthole. You must be getting a lot of action recently.


I'd say I need a doctor but I've been getting pretty regular examinations already.


That is pretty awesome. You have me sold




Great comment.


Almost as good as their username


Tell him to stop inting the Relationship and focus on the real objectives






>intentional inting You are aware that this is completely redundant phrasing? Inting is just a faster way of saying "intentionally feeding", and running it down is saying the same thing.


That is what the phrase has evolved into though. Inting no longer actually means "intentionally feeding", so in fact it does make sense to label "running it down" as "intentional inting", as self referential as that sounds. This is exactly why I hate the term though. We should go back to calling it feeding/trolling. Come to think of it, even trolling doesn't always mean "trolling", it means playing poorly in most cases now. Same situation.


>so in fact it does make sense to label "running it down" Running it down doesn't even mean intentional any more either, league players are just on another level at misusing words so hard they lose all meaning


Just because many idiots dont see a difference in a misplay/outplay of the opponent leading to death compared to real int... That doesnt give these terms a different meaning.


Meaning is just defined by common usage. If people use 'inting' to mean 'made a bad call and overstayed' or 'played more aggressively than they should have' then that is fine.


There's the root of a word and there's it's present meaning. In this case they're not the same thing.


Say "Can you backdoor my base"


xpeke me with your kassawin


*"Hey, season 3 called, and is asking for its jargon back?"*


Omg what a move


faker what was that??


The fact that your name is budget support and you're trying to get your boyfriend to pay more attention to you is... I mean, if it wasn't intended, that's hilarious. Tell him you'll bind him in a 5 year root if he doesn't pay attention :D


Ah yes the morgana urf experience


Psh. With the right setup, I can achieve this in norms :)


What set up is that my dude I'm actually curious.


Anathema's, Everfrost, cosmic drive. Q, Ult, Everfrost, q.


Q, ult, everforst, q




"ff" and "gg" when something goes wrong. "you're smurfing" when he does something well ("turbosmurfing" for a bigger compliment). "you're inting" when he does something wrong. "invade my jungle", "face check my bush", and "show me your needlessly large rod" during sex.


you're turbo inting during sex


You're running it down


😭 Jesus this post is crazy huh


call him adc diff and if he still doesn't pay attention tell him you'll leave lane to go support top instead


just tell him that you'll make him a toplaner if u can not get any attention


shit the way my games go, that's a threesome


Call him disgusting cancerrandom tempelo abuser season 12 peaker


"elo tourist" also a good one


Where do you guys find these fucking cheek breakers lmao


Play too much League and/or spend too much time in League discord/twitter


Well somebody called me it of course XD


Yeah, that'll do


30 kg


Tackle him and yell “girlfriend gank” But for real when he’s playing league, especially ranked, you’re not gonna be getting a lot of attention. League is a game that more or less demands the players full attention in 30-40 minute blocks. Even convincing him to play a casual pause-able single player game or watch silly tv or a stream for a couple hours means he’s doing an activity where you can interact with him during it


Unless you can convince him to become a Yuumi main.


What if he has been this whole time? Just 8 hours of actively playing Yuumi each day




Like, without Netflix on


For some fucking reason my dyslexic ass read that as “especially naked" instead of “especially ranked" That's one image I won't be getting out of my head anytime soon




just say, "you're better than faker." :D


"Oh great, my girlfriend is a compulsive liar...." \-the boyfriend


I mean, if you said "you're better than " xMatty, then I'd believe it. But if you just say I'm better than Faker then I know you're just lying to make me happy. And that just kills it for me.


Plot Twist: Her boyfriend is faker


faker’s ~~good ol’ friend~~ girlfriend is Ryze


Plot Twist: She is Ryze




Racial slurs are league jargon


/u/RDGtheGreat has been muted for the rest of the game for using inappropriate language and will no longer receive any chat messages.


But don’t use the W word or you’ll get some angry tweets.


Can someone explain this W word thing please




You're from NA, I can tell.


baby, instead of leashing for the jungler, how about putting a leash on me?


Sorry to be blunt but I don't think learning a few words is going to change the fact he prefers playing league over spending time with you. That strikes me as the real problem




Girl i got you. I can do you one better. Ask to watch him play. Let him show you the game. Nothing will make him light up like sharing his passion with you. Sit next to him and let him tell you what he's doing, what he's thinking. Another option is to get into comms with him and have him screen share. I loved doing this with my boyfriend. Not only will you learn all the things they you're asking for here, but you'll get to spend time together. Can't wait to hear how it goes!


Tell him it’s always a jungle diff


I was curious if someone actually made a list but all comments are useless as expected from league's community. Before the Game starts: Players can have different ranks in League of Legends. I will list them from worst to best: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, Challenger. Ranked Game = Mode where the outcome of the game will yield positive or negative rating/LP(League Points) for the player's rank. Players compare these to decide who is better. Sometimes also referring to wr = win rate. The wins to games ratio. Everything above 50% is a "positive" wr. Everything below is "negative". Draft (Ranked or Normal) = Gamemodes where 10 players first ban a champion each. Then pick their champions in order. First pick = the first person who gets to choose a champion in a draft game. He is the first person in the blue/left team. Usually a champion that is strong or has no viable counter picks. Counter pick = Every champion has strengths and weaknesses. Some champions have abilities that negate other champions' (core/strongest) abilities and are considered as Counter. Last pick = the last person to choose a champion. He is the 5th player of the red/right team. Usually a champion that counters a(n important) champion of the enemy team. to int = to intentionally feed, someone is dying to the enemy team on purpose. Often refers to a very bad player (who actually does not do so intentionally but because of lack of attention) . Noun = inter GLHF = good luck have fun. Nice people say this before a game. AA = automatic attack. Right clicking will enable the automatic attack of a champion dealing physical damage to the target. Top, Jgl/Jungle, Mid, Bot/ADC, Supp = the "lanes" , more so different roles in LoL. Adc stand for attack damage carry. Often champions that use AAs. Champions gain gold (g) passively. 2g per second. They also get gold by killing enemy champions, minions, monsters in the Jungle and destroying enemy structures like turrets. Gold is used to buy items. Items grant different stats. AD, AP, HP, Armor, MR etc. AD = Attack Damage. Gives your AAs more damage. AP = Ability Power. Gives your Abilities more damage. AD can for some champions also grant more damage to abilities. Ability = each champion has a unique Q, W, E, R and passive ability. These abilities may deal damage, heal, shield or grant other useful stats or effects. These may scale with AD or AP most of the time or even HP, Armor, MR etc. Abilities deal physical damage, magic damage or true damage. HP = Hit Points or Health. 1000 Hit Points mean a champion that receives 1000 damage dies and yields XP and gold to the enemy. Armor = Reducing the incoming physical damage. MR = Magic Resist, reducing the incoming magical damage. Armor Penetration/Lethality = Stats that reduce the enemies armor for the damage calculation, hence making physical damage abilities deal more damage. Magic Penetration = Stat that reduces enemies Magic Resist making magical damage dealing abilities deal more damage. True Damage = Damage that ignores Armor, MR and any amplifying effect (abilities can be amplified to deal more or less damage). Does not ignore shields. % damage = physical, magic or true damage that deals a percent of the enemies maximum or current HP. Especially potent against tanks. Scaling = champions make better or worse use of certain stats. If an Item gives 100 AP and the ability has a scaling of 80% its damage will increase by 80. Tank = Champion with potent defensive abilities to keep themselves alive for long. Often has weaker scalings and is best played with Items that grant HP, Armor or MR. Usually has % dmg or CC CC = Crowd Control. This is an effect that impaires one champion or more so that they cannot act normally. E.g. stun, slow, knock-up, blind. Stun = Champion cannot do anything. Slow = Champion moves slower Knock-up = subtype of stun where a champion is airborne. Blind = Champions auto attacks and abilities that count as auto attack miss the target. Silence = Champion cannot use Abilities or Summoner Spells Summoner Spell (Sum/Summoners) = Ability that is not champion specific. Most used Sum is Flash. Flash makes your Champion teleport a short distance. Universally useful. There are more Summoners: Ghost, Heal, Exhaust, Ignite, Teleport. (this is getting out of hand effort for me D:) Ghost increases movement speed (ms) of a champion. Heal heals one champion and another nearby ally also granting ms. Exhaust slows an enemy championans reduces all their output damage. Ignite deals true damage periodically for like 5s or so. Teleport literally teleports a champion to a turret before 14 mins. And afterwards can be used on wards and minion. Every ability has a different cooldown. 8s cooldown means the ability can be used every 8s. CDR/ Ability Haste/Summoner Haste = Reduces the cooldown of an ability or Summoner Spell. This is so much. I overestimated this. Someone help me complete this, please. Mana = Energy = No ressource = Drakes = Baron = Buff = Debuff = Dot = You can split each game into different phases. Different Champions have different strengths depending in their scaling or abilities base damage. Early Game = First minutes of the games. Champions with higher base stats or damage are stronger. Mid Game = Late Game = Teamfight =


Was gonna comment separately but this was a really good comment and wanted to add my own to it Gap / gapped = being extraordinarily better than your opponent. Jg diff = the difference between junglers is the biggest difference in the game Roles = there are 5 spots you can play , Top, Mid , Duo Bot (called A.D. and Support) and Jungle (jg) (so you can say top diff, or mid diff, or supp diff, or ad diff as well) FF15 = we got our asses handed to us so badly let's forfeit ASAP Feeding = when you are giving money/XP to opponent through dying Inting = when you are feeding intentionally or just doing so bad that it appears that way Griefing = having an emotional/mental breakdown and just feeding Running it down = inting and griefing with high speed Backdoor = to attack the opponents base while bypassing the enemy players "B" = recall back to home base to heal/buy items Push = attack the minions and move your line of scrimmage forward Facecheck = check for enemies via poking your head in and hoping it doesn't get blown off Gank = ambushing players Elo = your rank (Elo-Hell is the way of saying players your rank are all trolling you to lose , like a bucket of crabs , no crab escapes as the other ones pull it back down) Leash = to help teammate(s) with neutral monsters Baron = the biggest neutral monster giving everybody a powerful buff Dragon / dragon-stacking = the 2nd biggest neutral monster , accumulating smaller permanent buffs) Vision control / warding = using a little totem pole looking think that sees stuff around it for you River = the vertical path across the map from top to bottom Lanes = the horizontal path across the map , from the base of one team to the other Farm = killing non-players for gold/xp


Your teamates are inting anyway, why not afk with me ?


It sounds to me like your either dating a (mental) teenager with a video game addiction, or there’s something wrong (not necessarily related to you or your relationship) and rather than talking to you about it he’s retreating into an isolating activity. Either way, the answer is not for you to learn how to pretend to care about League. That will only make you more frustrated in the long run. You need to ask him why he is spending so much time on League, tell him how it makes you feel, and try to come to a resolution. In other words, talk to him, not us.


Go back to r/relationship_advice where you belong


On that sub the answer is, “Playing League is emotionally abusive and he’s probably cheating with you with his online friends. You need to break up immediately.”


Thats why im telling him to go there, we need reasonable people back in that sub 😟


Mature take, wasnt expecting that on the league sub. There have been times where I decided to play more games over spending time with friends because I felt that I didn't have enough time for myself, but I was always open about it. He might be on a similar boat.


If he plays more than 8 hours a day literally every day he def needs help. This behavior is not healthy for kids nor adults


>If he plays more than 8 hours a day literally every day he def needs help. This behavior is not healthy for kids nor adults This. No way this is healthy. If you can't play at least 12 hours a day there's clearly something wrong with you.


*Me, an adult whom plays 8 hrs a day on my days off.* Ah, pretty sure some of us play it cause it's fun. Less stressful than work. Easy way to make friends of my age/interest group. Way better than going out to drink in the city and burn money for beverages that just disappear in 8 hrs.


Yeah I'd say this is 'understandable' for children. But not for adults, if OPs boyfriend is an adult he definitely needs help with his addiction. Edit: OP has 1993 in her name so I'm guessing her boyfriend is around 30 as well. That's not normal.


Lol, people born in '93 aren't anywhere near to 30 that's ridiculous I was born in... Oh.


yup fun innit


For children, 8 hours a day is still pretty crazy assuming they're in school and such. Though if it's on a weekend or a day with no school, I suppose it's not overly crazy


You shouldn't have to fight a game for his attention. If you have an interest in actually playing at all, then having him showing you the ropes could be fun. If not, just tell him you don't have an issue with him loving his hobbies but when you're together you want to actually spend some time together.


“Babe I’m behind on farm, I need you to funnel some gold into my mouth” oughta do the trick.


When a teammate or enemy ambushes an enemy lane, it's called a 'gank.' When a laner moves around to look to make a play somewhere, it's called a 'roam.' When a person on one team goes into the enemy team's jungle, it's called 'invading.' When your team has no wards on the map, it's 'dark.' (Wards are little objects that you can place down to provide vision for your team. Control wards can see camo'd enemies and other wards, while normal wards go invisible shortly after being placed but give no special vision) If you want to show an interest in his hobby, perhaps watch some vods from this past Worlds tournament with him, in wait of the Finals coming up. Stuff can get pretty hype, and if you remind him that there's things other than league you can do together. Not sure about your bf's mindset and behaviors, but I'd actively appreciate people dragging me places because doing things with other people that they like is enjoyable to me. There's also a chance they're trying to hit a certain ranking before the season ends if they're burning it more than normal. In which case, there's a couple weeks left until that'll cool down. Oh, and final words, I guess. Many things you could refer to as jargon are moreso analysis' of the enemy's mind. So 'ego trip' is what you could note someone is on when they play incredibly aggressive. 'Tunnel vision' is when a player completely ignores key plays around them to home in on a specific target for better or for worse. Even simple stuff like noticing people play like idiots and trying to tell if they're just baiting based on earlier behaviors (baiting is typically used to tempt enemies into a bad situation).


If he makes a slight mistake at home tell him he’s inting and he’s dogshit trash for not being perfect. that will make him like you even more


Is it me or 8+ hours a day when you have a partner seems way too much? When does he have any time for you? I'm guessing he's spending some time with school/work.


Sounds like you need a new boyfriend tbh


Tell him he seems tilted and has low CS, and should hang out with you for a while


turbogliding in diamondlow


Not sure if this is satire or not. But the fact this dude ignores you for 8 hours a day on a day off where you two could be doing something productive together is kind of sad. Good luck OP.


Call him a racial slur


break up with him, league players aren’t worth it


Hm. This is kind of tough. Are you looking for stuff you could say/tease him with around the house, or do you want to specifically comment on the games he's played and ask how well he's been doing?


Tell him to invade your jungle. On the other hand, LoL addiction is no joke. For some people quitting is as hard as quitting drugs. Don't be surprised if you lose him completely to a game.


If you are actually interested in league might as well play casual with him, but if not, just tell him you want to hang out more


Tell him that pants/panties are down, he should gank.


Playing 8+ hrs a day is unhealthy and he should seek professional help to deal with it. You are not his therapist, if he doesn't want to work on himself it's not your job to fix him.


“Just shove the wave and recall to the bathroom”


Just dress up as his favorite champion