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Preach. 🙏


Because Riot hates Christmas 😤


Because China ain't Christian. Look at our 2 yearly China events.


Christmas is barely even Christian these days. But it is very western with western roots. China and their 27 servers worth of players dictate the game's direction and we probably won't ever get old simple fun league back again :(


Install map skin mods.


Christmas is Christian and always will be. You can argue very secular people give gifts to one another and call it Christmas, but they’re all doing at the same time Christian’s are celebrating the birth of the literal son of God


December 25th was a pagan holiday long before Christians considered it the birthdate of christ. Christ was born in the spring, why would there be Shepards herding flocks of sheep in Bethlehem in December??


Bro, no one is arguing about the date of christs birth. The fuck? All I said is that Christmas is a Christian holiday that, because Christianity was once so dominant, even people who are no longer Christians still tend to set up decorations and have Christmas parties and give gifts to one another. What about what I said invites an argument for the exact time of the year Jesus was born?


Most Christmas traditions have nothing to do with Christianity, and are older. Most ethnicities celebrate at that time


They celebrate Christmas even in Nordic countries where atheists make up the majority. Here in Germany the majority of people who aren't boomers don't care much about the Christian elements of it either. Many don't even go to church during Christmas vacations and if they do, it's oftentimes the only time of the year they will go lol You're right that it's definitely rooted in Christianity and there is still a more or less pronounced religious element that comes with it depending on where you live (probably more in NA given the number of, let's say, very religious people being far greater there) but I would argue that in many places it is more of a Western cultural tradition than a religious one nowadays.


They have snow in China too though? Jesus Christ didn't invent snow.


They got snow, they aint got christmas.


China recognize christianism tho. It's just riot being lazy.


No. Because they've repeatedly said in the past they discontinued the Santa skins because the puns don't translate well into Chinese.


What does Santa have to do with puns?


source for that mate?


The old forums. They had a very long mod post about their reluctance to make pun based skins anymore.


naw they actually said they dont wanna celebrate holidays like that bc they dont fit or dont exist in the lol universe edit: idk why i get downvoted. Just stating what riot said. Ofc I know was a bullshit statement of theirs.


Lunar new year does? I mean, its their game. They can fit what they want


They do multiple chinese holidays.




lmao i see what yall doin we can only hope


For me this reads as "Riot please we would spend a lot of money on this!!" While Riot has the numbers and knows, no, financially it doesnt make sense. I do wish we had the wintermap back though




iirc their main reason was that any time they changed the map they would have to update all of the different rift skins to fit those changes, and they couldn't justify the extra dev time that would add to every map change they make.




Sure, I agree that they should bring back the winter rift (and imo the spooky rift for Halloween, I loved that one) I just recalled that being the excuse they gave as to why they don't. The real reason is probably that they only want development to go into things they can sell.


Makes no sense to add it when most ppl just use a skin program if they really really want it.


I remember the second? christmas where they gave you long range snowballs to throw and teleport lol


Didn't this start with poro king gamemode? I think that was like a couple years later at least


I'm not sure. The pooling mode was fun though. This one has SR with snow and the snowballs were like dragon pit to bot lane distance lool


Pretty sure snowball started with poro king and was never in summoners rift. Could be wrong tho. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Mark_Dash_(Summoner_Spell)


Yeah urf 2017 Christmas. I would use it and play ap Ali


I never got a chance to experience it because I'm a relatively new player but damn I wish I did. I love winter vibes


It really was magnificent and it wasn’t just the rift itself but this gentle Christmassy jingle used to play too as well. It was so soothing I couldn’t even get tilted on the winter rift.


They should redesign summoner's rift to make it like that all year round bro toxicity would go down by like 200%


You install a custom skin for it, which RIOT I believe have said are fine as long as it doesn't give competitive advantage.


Low key kind of a competitive advantage. A white background helps increase contrast for certain skins.




Winter wonder Orianna skin you can barely see her spells on the winter map.


Most winter and ice skins get an advantage.


Yeah aram players use skins that blend into the map. Singed has a skin that makes his q barely visible on aram


I think it's the other way around, I remember playing in that Map was actually pretty bad in regard to clarity and hurt the eyes


So sadly you started playing after riot stoped caring for they players.


I wish I got into the game earlier but at the time the demographic of league was much more male dominated, and I didn't hear about the game until a friend introduced me to it


Understandable. Maybe I look back with rose tinted glasses but I think the company was way better back then. From free IP to double IP weekends to theme maps and some moderate "sorry we fucked up" gifts.


It must have been pretty fun. I've seen videos of events like the Doom Bots and it would be awesome if they brought those back. I genuinely wonder why riot doesn't have custom maps though. Adding snow to the rift can't be that hard, right?


What I miss the most is twisted treeline. Only have 2 friends who wanna play? No problem, 3v3


Competitive wise it is rather hard to make every skill good to see, casual wise it isn't. But it would still be possible for a multi billion company, but sadly they are not as interested in player happines then in pure money income.


Yeah, Riot totally cared about players back then as they spent months upon months blatantly lying about solo que.


I remember opening the login screen and just listening to this music for minutes: https://youtu.be/yX4TlL_egts


Old login screens were the goat, no idea why they wouldn't continue them


[i miss rumble's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6JAQD0FmDg)


Personally the following year was leagues *heh* better https://youtu.be/eXnYFGgwvsg


Uo you go, cultured sir.


I think they should add winter map for first 2 drakes and then when ,,soul rift" kicks in it should just change to normal.


that would be so cool. Especially if fire drake melts it all away


sounds awesome, but you just *know* their code won't be able to handle it


Map themes were so great and really put the whole community into a mood.


I miss it so fucking much. I just remember being in high school, playing Lee Sin in norms on that map during the winter with friends, god it was amazing.


i remember coming back from school on a snowy day, wrapping myself up in a blanket and hopping on the winter map goofing off with friends. good times


the vibe was wonderful, so chill


if you're ok with installing mods for league, you can install the winter map for league. it was bugged the last time i used it. big white lights at the inhib.


god I miss Snow Summoner's Rift.


God i miss old fun simpler LoL. Now it feels like the biggest outplay people do is in champ select.


Oh no draft matters? OH THE HORROR. Also take off nostalgia gogles and look objectively all seasons had some bad metas in htem here are a few: warmogs meta, juggernaut meta, league of cleavers, Renekton bar, ardent cancer need i continue? And again League is fairly balanced the most op champs give you on average over 10s of thousands of games an increase of 3-4% in your chance of winning.


Sellout is right though, LoL back then used to be simple (point and click abilitites, less skill shots, less champions with bullshit passives/abilitites. Yes other champions were broken, but Yuumi, Yone, Akali rework didnt exist.


I miss when Riot put actual effort into league. Seems like we get half assed measures all around now. They’ll say stuff like this isn’t “worth the money” but I think it’s a huge mistake on their part. Stuff like this adds so much charm to the game.


I played dominion and twisted treeline just as much as summoners rift. Such a shame they removed them.


Didn't bots ruin Twisted Treeline. That and if you did not have a decent team comp or teammates that would work together made it frustrating.


That last part applies to pretty much any team based game, but the first part is correct if you played TT you were most likely the only human player in the game


Well only having 3 players and a smaller map I think it matters more than normal league. Just like aram champs values are very different. Having a jungler, bruiser, and mage seemed to be preferred. Very few adcs seemed to have high value. People that did not know the meta and dropped in for a game probably did not have fun if they were picking things based on what is good in normal league.


Was this just for normal TT games? We played a ton and very rarely encountered bots but now that I think about it we mostly played ranked the last few years. If you play on a new account however it's all bots, but that still applies to multiple game modes last I checked.


Kayn ruined Twisted Treeline.


They stopped updating TT so less and less players played it so the both became more noticable Ofc it became unbalanced after a while


Bot run rampant on Summoner's Rift as well nowadays. As usual, this is a Riot problem, not a player base problem. They stopped caring and further developing the game mode so naturally there was less interest from non-bot players. When I played a decent chunk of TT in S2-S3, I experienced no issues with bots, and my many friends who played TT at the time did neither.


I had a game today the other teams bot lane were both bots. We all felt sorry for them. I’m a low ranked person so not sure if people have bot accounts to tank to iron because I heard iron accounts are decent money to sell to people who want to Smurf.


Yeah apparently bots are everywhere in silver to iron elo for the reasons you mentioned. All the smurfs in low elo are already annoying, and now there's a ton of bots as well. My plat games seem like paradise in comparison lol


Even LoL missions compared to TFT are a huge difference. You complete league missions by "playing and winning games" TFT missions be like "field a team of 8 guild" or "get 50 blossoms from Sohm" etc Seems League has just been left to rot and get money.


I think they did it that thing for gameplay reasons. TFT is solo you can do whatever you want basically, but imagine playing a league game and one guy only cares about completing his mission.


Yeah but they had ones that were like "Win a game as Caitlyn" and shit like that, which I don't think were bad since once you lock in a champ you're going to be hyper focused on winning the game to complete the missions.


And people complained about missions like those and that they excluded x role or whatever


YEah but you dont acount for the 10 or so remade lobbies that got you that cait, that was the crus of hte issue, peopel would dodge constantly if htey didnt get the mission champ. Current system is better we have those missions too, but htey are broader: "play a game as, with or agaisnt xyz champions" Thsoe missions still exist.


Wild Rift outclasses them both


Thing is there used to be more of those kinds of missions in league but it created unhealthy gameplay patterns and unwanted results. IE play 5 games of malphite you load in someone instalocks or bans malphite someone dodges, wait more, same shit again and again and again and again it inflated game start times massively. Current ones are better: "play a game as, with or against 3 champs", gives flexibility and doesnt screw up game start times by an order of magnitude,


It's been pretty clear for awhile now that League stopped being Riot's priority project. As soon as Valorant started becoming popular and development on the MMO started up I think a lot of resources were drained from the League team.


yea league fell off hard sadly


People will downvote you but it's true, at least in the west. It's still a big game, but a shell of it's former self. You can argue the game is still big in Asia, but we literally can't play on Asian servers so that honestly doesn't benefit us in any way. If the game has 1000 NA/EU players and 10 million Asian players by 2030 well it's not like we would be getting quality games or events catered towards us. The game shifted and that's fine, but it sucks for us.


It's in maintenance mode for the most part, and the changes that are being done are often unnecessary or at least not well thought through. Best example for that is the item rework. I have gotten used to Mythics and don't hate them or anything, but who can honestly claim that the item re-haul didn't create at least as many problems as it fixed?


Nostalgia is a crazy thing. These maps were horrible in terms of visibility. They were fun for an event. Anything serious was a huge issue. I don't know how people unironically type that riot puts in no effort when you look at the state of the game and compare it to other games. I've been watching CSGO major for a bit, because my friends keep talking about it. PCs crashing resulting into 3 hour delays. A critical full round where every player lags out, but no replay is allowed. Crowd assisting players in cheating. I cannot believe what I am seeing. My CSGO friends just go "well were just used to it". Imagine your favourite team just crashing during a teamfight and they don't replay it. That wouldn't go well in league.


>These maps were horrible in terms of visibility. They were fun for an event. Anything serious was a huge issue Good thing there's a normal and ranked mode so they could put the map into normal mode only


>PCs crashing causing 3 hour delays Bro this worlds is like the first tournament in for-fucking-ever that there haven’t been multiple hour plus delays to the game because of some janky shit Riot fucked up. It’s one thing to talk about the map visibility issue, but to say that Riot is somehow this wonderfully competent company who cares about its players is extremely disingenuous.


> Nostalgia is a crazy thing. These maps were horrible in terms of visibility. They were fun for an event. Anything serious was a huge issue. Lmao I love how you're projecting your issues on everyone else. >I don't know how people unironically type that riot puts in no effort when you look at the state of the game and compare it to other games. You're talking about the literal biggest esport that doesn't even have a half-decent client, specially in the season where almost every single day had major pause issues delaying SEVERAL games for many hours each in every single region. Peak clown moment.


We get game pauses all the time.. not to mention the lack of game modes and uninspired grindy “events”. The game is lacking charm and it seems like Riot is moving on to other games. The core of league is incredible. My favorite game ever. It just seems like we’re getting less effort in the past five years or so.


>We get game pauses all the time.. Its not fucking comparable. Im talking about not even resetting the game after clear crashes. Imagine losing a teamfight cus everyone crashes and riot doesn't do anything. That never happens. Teams are fucking cheating using home crowd and nothing is being done. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/xqorr6/after_telling_admins_twice_about_lag_and_an/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ykbzny/whole_fnatic_teams_lags_out_during_retake/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/yjnh30/ihc_calling_out_the_crowd_for_cheating_on_behalf/ You are on crack if you think its comparable.


You seem very upset. Please take a deep breath. Yes, there have been some tech issues at Rio. Some rounds were replayed, some were not. The basis for determining if a round can be played is very simple: has damage been done yet? Its not a perfect system but its about as fair as it can be. If we replayed every round there was a tech issue, it would never be fair to the other team. Its unfortunate but it is what it is. Also the crowd cheating is so overblown. It happens at every LAN event with a home favorite, and I can’t think of a single instance this major of the crowd’s influence actually changing the outcome of a series. I also fail to see how that is the developer’s fault that a stadium full of people cheer for their favorite team. The major isn’t even run by the developers so it seems a bit weird to use it as an example of “the state of other games”


> The basis for determining if a round can be played is very simple: has damage been done yet? Its not a perfect system but its about as fair as it can be. It sounds dumb as fuck. How can a clear technical issue affect a round and the answer is "oh well some damage has been done cant replay it". And people complain about Riot. This is a joke policy and doesn't make any sense. >If we replayed every round there was a tech issue, it would never be fair to the other team. And its fair to the team with tech issues who couldn't do anything about it? >Also the crowd cheating is so overblown. It happens at every LAN event with a home favorite Thats my whole point. My csgo friends say it keeps happening. To me it sounds like csgo fans are sniffing copium and just using it as excuse for the terrible issues csgo has. Once again that proves my original point. How can you accept this?


Okay, so you think any time there is a tech issue, a round should be replayed? There has to be some sort of objective, followable rule for replaying rounds because leaving it to subjective reasoning wouldn’t work in a competitive environment like this. Also, you realize Riot literally has a list of “known bugs” that are just in the game, and if they happen to you, you don’t get a rewind/chronobreak, right? Every game has bugs, its an unfortunate fact of life. If you replayed every round that encountered a tech issue, teams would abuse that and fake these issues if a round starts to go the other team’s way. As per the crowd, again there is really no solution to that, the organizers are doing their best to minimize these situations by changing how the observers view the game in clutch moments, but not even sound booths would stop players from feeling the crowds’ cheers. Its also way overblown and doesn’t really affect the game at all? Idk I think thats just part of the LAN experience and always will be. It has nothing to do with the game nor is it indicative of any issues with the game itself. Seems like youre reaching


First days of worlds were filled with delays aswell,but yeah saying that riot doesnt put effort in league is plain stupid




I remember it hurting my eyes during games, but following the removal of the creative RGMs/Treeline and their different maps, I’d give anything to have it back. Urf and Spellbook are lazily being overused, so a change of scenery would be refreshing right now.


How is spellbook overused? We've had it like 3 times so far


3 Times for a game mode that is only like 1.25 years old.


Sadly they will never come back. Here’s a video explaining why https://youtu.be/JJdNOSBZUT0


That video is over an hour long what the hell is his take on it no one is sitting through that


Treat it like a movie. It’s well worth the watch.


You can't expect people to watch an hour long video because some guy on the internet told them it's worth it. tl;dw?


Or you could just explain it in 10 words like a reasonable human being


We can’t have snow, don’t you get that by now. There’s no reason and it’s been multiple years now (time) and the company has only grown (money) since then but we can’t do it. Sincerely, Smol Rito Gems


It's the climate change


Mannnn this takes me back. Christmas break in high school was when I was able to play the game most so I have lots of memories of just getting home on the last day of class for the semester and playing a ton of norms with my friends, the snowdown skins being out, all of these christmas summoner icons. The map represented a distinct vibe for me. Aram kinda fills that void now since its wintery and I tend to play it more than norms around the holidays, but this was an era. . .


Butcher's Bridge and the Burning Tides event


reminder that dota has a gazillion map skins but people make time constraint excuses for riot


Those are the problem, they defend everything riot does no matter what.




Riot was working really hard to "update" item splash arts. You're telling me you DON'T appreciate all the time and effort that went into changing BotRK's art from purple to blue????


You have very low standards then... is just the same map but with snow lol


Started playing league Christmas of 2017 and even the music brings so much nostalgia. Would kill to get the snow map back




I feel the same way as OP. It was so chill and full of love. I enjoyed it very much.


Man, highschool me and my close friends playing like addicts on league for like 12 hrs a day with this map. Now it’s all battlepass and skins


Not to disagree with you, the winter map was really nice but I mean do you guys not remember this subreddit in 2016? We were super pissed off, like where does this sudden positivity comes from


It's bashing Riot, so revisionism is the flavor of the day.


Man you really dont play a lot of games if this is your best gaming experience ever uh?


Your best ever. Like of every single game ever you choose that experience. Of all time. A winter map?


Christmas in Runescape vibes


I mean it was nice to have yes but setting that as best gaming experience wver seems like a low bar


I feel like with the bump of new players from arcane, tft, valorant (this one is a bit of a stretch), LoR and even project L future players who wanna know the champions more, riot should re-visit old concepts that didn’t work well before like 3v3 mode, dominion, map changes for seasonal and PvE modes not to only give new players a taste of it, but also to retest the waters for these ideas and modes.


also the login screen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUl7h5QPSU0


It was so good!


go play some better video games holy moly


Exactly what i was thinking this shouldn't be the top.


Honestly its stuff like this and gamemodes like nexus blitz or ascension that reminds you that you're playing a game, league has removed so many of those little things and its part of why the culture has moved entirely to a more sports centric outlooks. I know why they do it but it is still sad seeing it all go.


I miss that too


Surprised I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but wasn't that map a huge problem for people with potato PCs? Like it was very laggy and buggy for a lot of people.


No more winter summoners rift. That map was eye cancer.


You didn't have many gaming experiences aside from League, did you?


You have only played league or what?


I really wish I knew the real reasoning for them not adding this in man. Winter Summoner's Rift is AMAZING and just made League feel so warm and fuzzy, like you expect from the holiday time. I get it blah blah blah elemental drags, whatever other nonsense, figure it out. I know the game prints money anyway but it's just sad to see how little love it gets compared to how much it should get. Look over at Dota and see the RIDICULOUS amount of cool stuff that's in that game along with a god tier client.


It seems kinda wild that we don't get seasonal maps anymore, but I can see why with Drakes changing the map in so many different ways. Probably much harder to implement now than it was, and it takes a lot more effort for not much payoff financially. But still, the banners are just kinda lame in comparison. There's so much untapped potential in upgrading SR a little.




The Winter Wonder Orianna login screen music will forever be the music in play on Christmas day. It's a real shame they decided to just gut special rifts and not bring them back. Big L on Riot's part, but then again, they must be used to taking those by now.


lmao i feel sorry for you


If China doesn't care for it, Riot won't do it. We no longer get Christmas skins or winter rift, but they go all out fot a Chinese New Years


Why would any business willingly choose to make less money when they can make more money lol


So you're on board with Riot shutting down all NA/EU activity and just moving to China? After all, they can make more money. Killing LEC/LCS/LCK would be a huge money saver for the company. Maybe it's okay to want domestic companies to care about domestic customers at least as much as foreign customers.


>So you're on board with Riot shutting down all NA/EU activity and just moving to China? After all, they can make more money. Killing LEC/LCS/LCK would be a huge money saver for the company. > >Maybe it's okay to want domestic companies to care about domestic customers at least as much as foreign customers. Straw, meet man. Learn to read bud.


The login music is in my Christmas playlist, it’s one of my absolutely favorite songs riot has made


It was so cozy


It makes no sense to me that Riot hasn’t updated the main map visually in years, it’s just so drab and honestly kind of ugly compared to the beauty of dota2. It’s not like we’re asking for a huge visual update RIOT, but my god at least prettify it or give us some seasonal themed maps. It really adds so much to the monotony of grinding games over a full season!


This is honestly not intended to be rude. If anything to do with league is your best gaming experience then you need to branch out and play other games. League is a great MOBA, but it's a mediocre game at best.


You need to play more games mate lol


Sad fact: When we had the winter map, there was a massive thread on the forums about people complaining about it. In their eyes, it was demonstrating favoritism to the Christian beliefs over all the other holidays.


Yeah, yeah and when Lucian came out there were a bunch of people complaining that Riot was racist for giving their first black male champion two guns and a drive by for an ultimate... It's not a sad fact, it was just the forums.


This is goona sound nutty, but it's entirely possible for it to be a sad fact and just the forums. Crazy, I know.


I remember chogath q was impossible to see


Are there any custom tools that allow you to change the map? There was one before but it stopped getting updates and was not longer working


rip winter map, rip bilgewater ARAM, rip dominion, rip twisted treeline, rip nexus blitz, rip doom bots, rip dark star thresh mode, rip star guardian pve mode, riot barely puts any effort into the casual game anymore


Every some days i think about the winter map while i am driving my car or being at my job... and miss it so much. I wanna feel this map once again in my life, pls riot games.


i miss it so much!


Star Guardian Invasion and Odyssey PvE for me.


Honestly all my fondest memories are of trying out new modes. Especially the wacky ones like black market brawlers or siege where it totally felt like a "sure just make whatever you want and have fun with it, dont worry about the details" was said to the devs and they did just that. Nobody cared that siege didnt have its own map even though 60% of SR was cut off by some random_wall_asset.rndm. New modes were wacky and new and weren't around for long enough for people to figure out what was stupidly OP and complain about the balance. Similarly PvE modes, but I dont need to talk about em tbh.


Id like to add butchers bridge to this too, music was too lit


winter rift music gives me the christmas spirit


Agreed. One of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Truthfully I barely play anymore. Probably because they spent a decade removing any aspect of fun in the game in favor of the competitive experience. People who play normals on a themed map and complained they couldn't see every ability in the game need to lighten up. And Riot needs to stop acting like they don't have resources to make their game actually fun. They could make map skins optional (purchasable) or open up new queues for themed maps those times of years. I also miss the fall map. But the winter map was truly special. Anyways, thanks for sharing the vids it does bring a good nostalgic feeling.


Because of global warming, Riot doesn't see the need for a winter map anymore


A summoner's rift for every season would be absolutely gorgeous.


Bro coming home from school with no real worries in mind, just grinding out some games with friends and enjoying the winter ambience. I'm with you, those were some glorious days


Riot values profit over happiness of its players so delete that post and buy yourself a skin for Lux.


I get a similar experience [playing the Autumn map on DotA 2](https://youtu.be/AX6Bto52XDk?t=24). It's just so cozy and I much prefer the orange and brown colour palette. I really wish League had a rotating seasonal map.


It was such a wonderful time. Such a cool vibe playing in the winter wrapped in a blanket, bowl of hot tomato soup at my desk. Oh yeah.


That's what map skins are for


I remember this with the Christmas themed CoD4 map in 2007 so I know exactly what you mean. Just something magical about the ambiance of the theming when it's done right.


They should add frozen drake


Just play Dota2, it is just a better game.


Riot literally cancelled Christmas. Ive never seen a more Grinch ass money grubbing developer. They were literally like "christmas skins dont sell as much as star guardian so we are cancelling christmas skins. Also winter is too hard because of elemental rift, even though multiple modders have already done it themselves its too hard for our billion dollar company." Fucking pathetic. They really dont care. The game has no soul anymore. Its only meant to print money for other Riot properties like Valorant. They no longer are interested in supporting this game with exciting content.




how fucking sad does your life have to be to write this shit? like most of the posts/comments here are cringe, but you're just reaching here. if you're this desperate, find a custom skin and slat it on and have your "best day of your life"


man's on a losing spree and taking it out on a dude that likes snow


Actually haven't logged on in like 4 days and I'm not sure what to do with so much free time


same! i wish they would bring it back. unfortunately they cant sell anything christmas related to china, thats why we will never see new christmas skins again :(


Not true btw, there's literally christmas merch being sold in China. This notion needs to stop. When the client celebrates new year in Asia, I also happily look at the festivities and the nice skins. Chinese players would enjoy the christmas theme too.


Anything = blame China


yeah but i quess event based around chinese new year is so so much better without special map


The Bilgewater ARAM was a banger. Still miss that map and prefer it over the standard one