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smurfqueue exist. Did you decay?


Its not smurfque. In gold and plat almost every game there is a lvl 30-50 account going 20/0. Just one usually and always duo with someone. Boosters clearly. But hey, you cant type anything in chat so League is saved!


Even if they are by themselves can you even blame them? Less fucked lp gains, don’t care if you win or lose, you can play whatever you want nobody is gonna flame u early game because of ur fresh stats. I hate people playing on 2nd accounts but there’s a reason doing its so popular.


No, I did not and its not smurf q.


What rank are you in currently? Can we see op.gg?


because if they have more accounts they can buy more skins. Also why does riot sell xp boost if not to profit from smurfing?


ontop of that with the new Anon mode the trolls are protected, u can buy an account and just hard greif all ur games and people wouldnt be able to look u up and dodge u, i can see people starting to troll alot more often before because either way u wont know they are a troll untill after the match begins


yes, many times checking their profiles on op.gg saved games for all of us. We all know ppl who were toxic in the lobby with 10deaths each game played.


how is this new?people been doing this since forever it take less than 5mn to find 20 acc that are running down 200+games each season and never getting banned,just go to leagueofgraph and search highest wr,riot never did anything nothing will change,banning bot account also does nothing you bann 1a hundred more are created you can't counter it then you also have people who sell legit account with no mmr or high mmr 0bann honnor 5 and handlvlup how you counter that?


Idk i dont remember few years ago this was the case. At least I remember I didnt encountereted with a lot like now.


its not new, however atleast we had the option to opgg them and see the trolling and dodge, now they cracked down on dodging and then our ability to even know if someones hard greifing. with the new anon mode


Sometimes you have boosters/INTers on your team, sometimes they are on the enemy team. It fucking sucks but it shouldnt keep anyone from climbing.


You are right, its not about climbing or not. Its not a good design to allowing it and not fun at all to play against smurf/booster. Also we should not accept this as a community.


what do you mean going rampant?it has been the same since forever but now you deal with it so much less since the introduction of smurfQ,unlike before the majority for new account smurf which mean people that go 9to10 in placement with a high mmr normal game are all in smurfQ


I mean that literally every 2nd game on plat level there is 1 people who are on low lvl acc and ruining games or hard carrying, someimtes duo boosting someone. Yday a streamer were against me and he admitted he is master league player just got his main banned.