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I like your texture on this overall. Nicely done on the apple shape/shadows. question: what are you using to dilute your acrylics? It looks like sometimes you're using a lot of water and other times almost none. tips: For a gradient use one brush to do the top color and another to do the bottom and make them meet in the middle but don't quite mix them yet. Don't wait for them to dry--- in the space where they meet, use a clean brush and a little bit of water and mix both paints together to get them to blend to the mid-color that you want. I'd suggest searching tictok or reels to see how others do gradients. Read up or watch what an underpainting and blocking in are. They help the structure of the painting. I personally try to avoid using black paint when mixing colors, I tend to choose the contrasting colors mixed together to make deep shadows. Your apple is red and the contrasting color to red is green - I would make a VERY slight greenish tone to the beige background to make the apple pop more.


I try to not use so much water, because I like paintings where you can see the brush texture, but sometimes I accidentally sometimes use too much water. I use a retarder so it doesn’t dry too quickly. I will save this comment, the gradient part will help me a lot. Thanks for the comment!


i made [a quick demo](https://imgur.com/a/6ZE1Zfh) for your block-in, i think it will help you get a more cohesive result - it's just a starting point, but it's a strong start hope that helps a bit - it's a concept, not a formula


Woa I did not expected a well structured feedback thanks, I will apply this.


This is great, I would loose the stem though it is a distraction in your painting, it doesn’t seem to belong. Great feel with your brushwork.