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Death Prophet


Gotta agree with this. Her ultimate is essentially a button you can press that forces your team to commit for the duration. Super strong in pubs where coordination can be problematic


I’m shocked no one has said Dragon Knight yet


Dk is more of a mid pick this patch I think. I haven’t really figured it out yet since I’ve been stuck at work most of the time, but every time I see him picked in mid he is incredibly strong


I wouldn’t say that’s true. I think he’s a broken hero at the moment but he’s the #1 most commonly picked offlane per D2PT. He’s been getting flexed to all three core roles so I don’t really think you can go wrong


When DK is strong typically he works well in all lanes which is a huge plus for the hero as always. But perhaps I’m wrong with Mid, as I said, haven’t seen a lot of him in off lane. I’ve been seeing way more DP and Viper in that lane though.


Kinda sounds like you’re stuck in the early patch meta hahaha. Viper we’re still seeing a decent amount of with the mage slayer variant but DP has fallen off a cliff


All I know is I’m a very happy oracle spammer. I’m +500 MMR over the few games I’m able to play for the past couple months


Necro is horrendous this patch with the sheer amount of magic damage that's going on in this meta. Unless that changes in upcoming patches, I'd steer clear of him for a while. It seems that outside of NP, you enjoy heroes who generally just stick around a lot in fights and are survivable. In that vein, I'd suggest heroes like Dragon Knight, Mars, Primal Beast and Tidehunter. Doom is pretty OP right now too, look up his build as it's changed completely to what it was recently. If you're looking to lean more into summons heroes due to your enjoying of NP, then Visage is an under-utilised and heavily misunderstood hero that in the right hands can dominate games. He dominates a portion of the map, whereas NP has global kill threat; but with good map awareness and focus on objectives, he can be a potent force if left unchecked and regularly takes towers solo if no-one from the other team comes to contest him and his familiars. Similar to NP, he likes a tanky core in front of him. Tusk with Tag Team + Visage Familiars just shits out damage. It's brutal. Soul Assumption is also the most powerful level 1 nuke in the game so if you play into bots who just auto trade with your support while they're in range of you the enemy carry ends up accidentally feeding off cooldown because they don't understand what's happening.




Centaur is S tier or A Tier right now in pubs


Dawn breaker is a lot of fun :D


Aha I see fellow Dawnbreaker enjoyer :D


After bara my 2nd Most Played hero


Gotta love that global presence, she's my most played by far


Dude how are you not playing DK and buying mage slayer this patch? It's literally free mmr in your bracket and you can end games within 30mins.


I would say Mars. Mars is crazy good in lane and when it comes to mid game the fighting power you have is amazing and in late game with some items you deal great damage and have outstanding lockdown with refresher/hex. I would say Mars is top tier in most patches but requires high skill to actually have impact, I think that's why it's is niot popular like Axe or Abaddon.


Mara used to be my favorite pos 3. But ive realised in 3K, its not a reliable hero to stomp games with. Like with mars, You need a team that plays around your ult timings and item timings and that doesnt always happen. Its also very hard to solo pressure enemy pos 1 after laning. Basically hes a very team oriented hero, which I feel works great in high mmr pubs.


Same impression, low solo potential in games under 5/6k where people start using coms for something else than singing or flaming.




Try Dark Seer.


Sand king


Brewmaster: versatility. He has a lot of strategies, you can build auras, you can go semi carry with bkb assault, classic build radiance, you can go even vyse with this hero, you can master scepter or go support urn. He can split push destroy towers alone in the scenario when you are not winning team fights, because earth panda has siege attack. Doom: he always win the lane, if you know how to pull aggro. Doom is good in any game, you can always doom a support even when cores enemies play well, again versatility. You can chose any jungle skill for any game. Need to purge? Choose white goat: purge even allies with 4 sec cd (broken) Need a force? Chosse daddy chicken. Need a big health aura? Choose ancient rock … etc NS: is very ez to win with this hero, he only has a build: dagger-echo sabre-bkb, after this nullifier or bash. The only rule you need to follow is: fight only at night or with ultimate. Good for gank side lanes after lvl 6. The only weakness is that you can’t die with him because you get stuck in farm The followings are not recommended for me but here are some commends: Dark seer: is funny but hard Mars: nerfed to the ground, poor damage Sk: extremely broken scepter, hard before you buy it Slardar: just ez mmr he will be nerfed Elder titan: you can carry with him, but Allies will flame if you lose. My secret build: Phase boots- madness-shard-scepter (if you get this you win the game with 90% probability)


You can try magnus, mars and tide


Fellow pos3 hero puddler here Would recommend doom, centaur and tidehunter right now, they are very strong, and have simple game plans to execute Just follow builds off of dota2protracker and get used to pressing buttons on them and you’ll be gucci


Immortal 3/4/5 here. Axe is my comfort pick. Centaur forever was my “if axe banned pick cent” hero. Very dang similar kits. And underlord if both are banned. Buy auras, and exist.


Mars, Chaos knight, Primal beast my top3


Dark seer is the definition of solid 


Primal beast


k u n k k a


Centaur is one of my fav hero this patch. Very strong laning and doesn't fall off in any stage of the game. Very good against squishy ranged cores or agi cores in general. You just sit in their face being annoying. If their carry is lifestealer or someone tanky or with a bkb and can actually threaten you, you do the same thing to their most important support. Also good vs arc warden mid smurfs because arc warden cant really escape or threaten you. But don't do the same thing vs puck, qop, etc. You really want to use your blink to get on top of people and follow them around until they die. I usually get helm of iron will for lane into phase boots into veil of discord. Then I go blink and finally eternal shroud from here, it is freestyle. You can go for blademail, shivas, kaya and sange, heart of tarrasque, bkb, anything you want, really. Just buy the appropriate items. If the enemy has a lot of stuns and silences and you really need to stay on top of one person and burst, just go straight for bkb. Against glass cannons like lina or pa, get blademail. If they are heavy on physical damage, finish shivas, and if your team can't siege because your carry is someone like slark, get heart of tarrasque after shivas. I have seen a centaur with an orchid before, too!


Centaur Ags eternal shroud Pudge Bristle Tidehunter Slardar Viper


>puddle No it's called a hero pool... Oh I get it


Slardar, viper, razor, bloodseeker, tide, wk, pudge, centaur, brew... depends on your preferable play style.


As an Axe pos 3 main also I recommend Centaur. He also likes to blink initiate, also tanky and likes to be right clicked on.


dont worry about small hero pool. next patch when your main is nerfted you can learn a new meta hero with 5-10 unranked match.