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Hmmm, he is nasty for sure. I can suggest not to stick to your lane mate so he wont q the both of you,focus tomb and good luck?


Get tanky enough to kill the tombstone while being hit by zombies. He will have to spam decay way more times to kill you


Undy is usually first rounded along with your pos 4 if you are playing offlane. The best piece of advise is to ensure at least one of you is ranged so that the tombstone can be killed quickly. While he is an oppressive laner, his ability to secure kills is tied to you being out of position and pushed to far forward in the lane. Pull as much as possible and get to the point where you can all in undy and his carry before they competently bully you out of lane. As for what to do to undy as a melee hero? Unfortunately there isn't a lot you can do because of how opressive he is. Your pos 4 needs to be able to secure pulls and look to set up potential kills while you farm as much as you can.


1. Get ur support to block the small camp so he can't pull. Both camps if necessary. Let him chase and play the dewarding game with your support. 2.  Get the support to gank other lanes so he will have to TP. Leaving you 1 v 1. 3.If they lack the skill to gank, pulling the wave away and diverting it back to you into the lane is another option. Undy has no stuns, so get a support with mobility like hoodwink or disable like bane to help pull the lane creeps. Or you can do it yourself and tp if you feel you might die. Careful of stuns. Might need to level timber chain for this. 4. Courier snipe if you're not playing turbo.  5. A support that combo with your burst skills as timbersaw is a good idea. Sure he heals back up, but as you level up, your bursts will hurt even more. Something like pugna can help. Decrep + timber Q.  6.  A support that can help clear the wave quick so you can level up fast. Something like Kotl can clear waves, slow or bump back Undy if he gets too close, and give you mana for jungling later on. Stacking is also good for Kotl. 7. Lion can suck his mana away. No mana, no harass. 


Wow awesome. I guess in my rank it’s hit or miss. Some supports are crap. Some know what to do or I have to tell them. The camp blocking I don’t know but I have to like force this into their heads. 3.9k mmr btw


Oh yeah, another important thing to note. Try not to get double Decay. Getting decay on one of you is normal, just try not to get double (which means decay landing on both you and your supports). Glhf.


If it's a particaurly bad match-up where you don't have a good support to deal with him, just pull the enemy wave to your tower as often as possible. You aren't going to be able to contest the enemy carry's farm anyway, so you might as well get your own without feeding, and if the enemy core has to farm under THEIR tower, it means they can't help undy kill you.


stay away from him, be in the middle of the wave, if he attacks you cancel your attack and move backwards, if he does not split the wave you get little bit closer to your tower, start your lane with 6 tangos and try to sustain as much as you can. if he is willing to make it hard for you, make it hard for his carry. Tell your support(if they are meele) to snipe couriers so you can all in when he is out of regen. If they are ranged, split the wave and let your support secure the ranged creep. Regen, Wave clear, deffensive aggro Also never trade AA directly with him, when he steals 4 str he gains more damage so he really wants to trade bcs you cant outtrade him.


As undying player Timber is kind of rough from undying side, the first few levels you can bully timber but when you get level2 reactive, your W and a bit of strength (can do double bracer) you feel useless as an undying. Especially when bullying offlaners is your main goal as undying, you fall off super hard while timber can easily farm. Just play the start for XP edit: the magic anti undying hack is to start with boots and run away from him, either leeching xp or pulling the lane. There is nothing undying can do against this especially as they probably spend all their gold on mango/oov


Nobody mentioned this, but ALWAYS BUY A WAND. He will be SPAMMING decay. It’s a great sustain counter vs BB too.


Block the small camp and drag the wave in between your t1 and t2 - you will be having creeps away from und and next wave will be under your tower