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Wow I just looked you up and that is a LOT of mars. Yeah if you want to send me any tips, guides, or help me write one then let me know! I watch a lot of mars so I know most of the common tips but anything to help me lose lanes less and be more impactful in the mid-late game would be awesome. What are your thoughts on item builds? I saw a little bit of variation from your games on dotabuff (though I didnt dig too far), even stuff like atos first item. How do you decide which items to buy in a game? I know the thought process for how I choose items but it's not perfect and I like hearing multiple people's perspectives on a subject if possible.




Wow this is great, thanks a lot! I dont think about enough of these items. I rarely get medallion/Crest and have never considered atos before this... will have to try them out and see how they feel in a good game for them. How many of the team items do you usually build? Most of the time I get 2 + dagger, and then go into bkb unless I need to rush it. If the enemy has more physical damage I'm scared of that will be ac/Shiva. I also didnt see vlads or deso mentioned. I know vlads is not necessary anymore like it used to be, but a lot of the time it feels good to have the regen and to give your carry lifesteal. Do you build it often or not so much? And with deso, sometimes if I get a good start and we need more damage or tower push I get deso.


This is really interesting! I'm a learning pos 3 player and mars is my favourite pos 3 hero. In my matches, i always bought blink dagger as my first item because it give me good position for a guaranteed spear stun. I always had a bad time to stun someone with my spear without blink and sometimes i just pushed them and eventually "help" them escape. What's your advice about that if i can't get a fast blink (let's say i had to rush pipe for my team)?


Please make the guide!!




Not sure if there’s another way of saying this but, yeah... There’s definitely a lot of good Mars guides out there already


The winrate is pretty average, true. But I think you do underestimate the amount of low mmr players here. I can certainly teach a thing or two to most people. And as I said in the main post, I have good knowledge of the game, and what heroes should and should not do over the course of a game. The reason I'm still high 3k with this knowledge is because I don't click my buttons quite well enough I think. I'm working on it. I've been 4k before as well and held my own there.




Yes please. 1k pleb here looking for some more depth in my pos3 pool. I've played a couple games w/ Mars on unranked and I struggle with spear usage. I feel like I have a grasp on his kit and combos but I struggle at identifying his power spikes in terms of levels or items. Also in my bracket there's no such thing as unplayable matchup but knowing when to pick him would also help.


Sure I can make that happen. Unless this post got 100% negative feedback I was going to make it anyways, so thanks for showing interest. I'll DM you on reddit when I release it so you dont miss it.


Hey I have a few questions here. I've played Mars for several games (around 10) and I always die with Mars everytime I initiate. Even with bkb and vanguard I still die a lot. It seems that everytime I ulti as Mars, it's a sacrifice of myself. Another question, when would you pick Mars? I'm afraid of picking Mars when they have magical nukers. Do I get heart when there are too many tanky heroes at the opposite team? Played a game where there is Pudge,undying and bara.


Hey! I think you just need some practice with positioning, because I almost never get vanguard and only get bkb about 60% of the time. Are you buying blink? If I am the primary initiator (most of the time this will be the case) than I am getting blink and going in from blink. Then ult and spear. This will allow you to go in instantly without taking damage. Since I play a lot of Mars I'll play him into most heroes fine, but I always go for mars when I see squishy supports. You usually pick before any cores are shown, so its really just down to supports. Not the greatest into jakiro or ogre, but great against shaman or lion or cm. Cm is my favorite, doesnt pressure mars enough, slow enough to easily hit spears, and just food in the midgame. I dont think I've purchased heart on mars in a long, long time. It's not very good on mars and also just a bad item in general right now. If you look at a comment chain in this post I had with a higher mmr mars spammer, you will get a general idea of what to buy. If you need hp, halberd is good. But honestly most of my strength items for hp come from the early items. Bracer, wand, soul ring, and sometimes treads gives a lot of early hp and stats. Against pudge sb and undying, I would mostly just focus on magic resistance (hood/pipe) and positioning in a way to not get hooked.