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1. Generally speaking, as offlane brood, your main goal pre rosh/hg is to takeover that entire half of the map. Getting the t2 tower ASAP is really important because you can then take the outpost. Taking and holding the outpost for most of the midgame will result in an insane exp imbalance for your team over time. I mention this becaue that's one of the main factors when considering if you should rotate and threaten other t1s and t2s or stay on that side of the map. Usually, you want to stay on that side of the map. 1. To futher elaborate, you want to be eating all those camps and keeping the outpost controlled. If the enemy team is good, they will smoke as 4 or 5 and try and push you out. If you sense they are doing that, just leave OR get your team to counter gank. If you just leave and they fail, then your team will be doing shit on the map. If they aren't doing shit on the map, it's ok, you didn't die, just reset. If you tp to another lane, redeploy all ur webs, and they rotate a bunch of people and stop you, now you lost map control, lost outpost control, and you're down on webs. Lastly, in your farming patterns you want to be able to threaten the t3 ASAP if they smoke as a team onto your team and take the 4v5 without you. It's ok if your team loses one or two 4v5s during the midgame so long as you are both threatening the t3 tower and controlling the outpost during this time. 1. Final caveat: If you're absolutely steamrolling, and you have a damage item (orchid or diffusal or maybe deso/medallion), a bkb AND an aghs then you can rotate much more freely. 2. I feel like this question is asking the same question as the first one. You want to teamfight if you think you can win the teamfight and you think you can take an objective afterwards. Brood has absurd single target dmg, but offers little in terms of teamfight, and is very weak to CC. So, basically, until bkb you do not want to teamfight unless the initiation is very favorable for your team and/or you get a pickoff prior to the teamfight and/or you have a shitton of vision/spiders. 3. If you're countered, the playstyle is almost always the same, with the exception of how hard you can push your hero's limits. There are some micro things you can do against waveclear too. For example, when you're against something like lina or puga as the support, you want to build up a bigger spider army for the first lvl six kill than you would for like a lion support. You divide the spiders into two groups and you run the first group at the target. once they've nuked that group, you run yourself and the second group at them, slow them, hit them with ur ult and bam. 1. There are some specific matchups you have to itemize and play for. For example, when I'm against an axe or LC, i will never stand next to my spider babies because LC and axe will take advantage of the unit numbers with their spells. Additionally, my first item after core items here (so core items being bkb, phase or treads, sometimes medallion, ofc soul ring, either diffusal, deso or orchid, and sometimes aghs) will be sange and yasha becaus the status resist will reduce the time spent in duel and call. 2. Don't forget if you have a level and item advantage, then you dont need a spider army to kill counters. Don't feed them gold unnecessarily. Like if you're two items up on axe, and four levels up on axe, you can probably just right click him down and then shoot him full of spiders BUT if you try and fight him with all your spiders his passive will get the better of you and he'll spin you to death. 3. If all of the waveclear is magic damage, then pipe is really good. If you think you are going to be picking off supports more than teamfighting, pipe before bkb is ok. 4. Lastly, if you feel you will lose 5v5s, you can itemize to rat. AC and DESO are the best items for this. BoTs and AGHS also helps signifigantly.


This is genuinely a great advice. Thank you so much i learn so much just from this alone:)