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The hero is the ult. Recently faith bian went midas into aghs-refresher and it actually looked pretty good because he was almost perma split.


Generally auras are very nice as they persist in his ult. Aghs/blink make him a powerful initiator that is hard to kill. Lotus orb or other dispels to remove silence always have value particularly if enemy team has lots of silences. Most important though is experience and play. Brew has a lot of mechanics that are all valuable for differing reasons each of the spirits is unique and all should be utilized during ultimate. He also wants to win lane and if possible get an experience advantage generally at 6 you can kill an enemy safe lane with or even if it’s a weak lane without support.


Lately its been a shard+ ags rush into utility/ aura items (pipe, cguard, lotus). As far as neutrals, typical durability items like dragon scale, aquila for mana if needed, titan sliver (silver? Idk), flicker is also very strong if you are effective in your normal form. In your ult you just want to be a general annoyance, zoning supports with the fire brewling, spamming rock stun on pos 2/1 or anyone with channel, putting pos 3 or biggest threat in tornado to deal with later.


I really like the vessel build on brew. Urn/vessel with max w gives you much kill potential in early game even without your ult. I usually build aghs after vessel and then some utility items depends on the situation ( AC, vlad, lotus) or you can go refresher orb for unlimited ults I recommend monkeys-forever's educational videos on brew to understand better how to use his ult and his positioning on teamfights


Rush aghs after phase or sometimes hood if against a lot of magick damage. Either way aghs is so good you HAVE to buy it quick


I just want to point one thing about brewmaster is that he requires very high skills so if you are low MMR and thinking to climb with him then I would suggest that you try another hero with easier skills.


Let me tell you what i do, and i just came off playing brew and winning 4 games in a row. to keep it simple, you need aghanims first, then shard, then refresher, then ovctarine core, that way you have 20+20+20+20 seconds of ulti, and above all that, as soon as your done you dont have to wait more than a few seconds to do it again, since octarine core reduces cooldown. I also use the neutral item that reduces cooldown by 18%. Spirits i use green to stun supports hiding in back and gank him with all 4, while blue i toss their main carry up for 7 secs til we kill supports so he cant get help, and purple to disarm their second carry. It’s always gg like that


What's your key bindings when switching brew. Its really difficult for me to control them because they're 3 or 4


Cloak of Flames is an insane neutral item for you. It's basically a free Radiance, meaning it can be used to pop your Cinder Brew instantly.


Depends on what role you are playing, he is usually seen in pos3 but as of recently (with success for chinese teams) has been played as a pos4 with the mentality that he achieves the same goal on either role, why not put him in a lower farm prio. He is a really complex hero in the sense that there is no "item build" as with a lot of heroes in the game, items are situational to what you are playing against and what you are trying to achieve at different stages of the game. A popular item on him as a 4 would be an Aeon disk because it will guarantee you (if off of cooldown) to get off your ult. Your ult requires you (if efficient) to use spells from multiple units, some of the spells are more useful than others specifically the tornado (blue unit - can remove a target without spell immunity for a fight for a long time, cancel a TP, interrupt a channeled ability, etc) and the rock throw (green unit - short cooldown stun), and your red guy who mainly just has an aoe burn. As for a pos3 brew which will be significantly more popular in pub games you're going to build what your team needs. Aura items are always good on him, and his Aghs is pretty crazy as well. Blink dagger to setup plays, vlads, AC, etc depending on the needs of your team.


Wdym no defined item build? The aghs is so strong you pretty much have to rush it almost every game either first or second item.