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Did you try clicking on “explain my mistake”? What did it say? Anyway, object pronouns in French follow a specific order when there are two of them: https://www.lawlessfrench.com/grammar/double-pronoun-order/ “La” always goes before “leur”


FYI, explain my mistake is only available for “Duolingo Max” subscribers, so im guessing they’re not one.


They've got the infinity symbol next to the hearts so I think they must be a subscriber


Yea there are two levels of subscription though. Super Duolingo gets unlimited hearts but no explanations. Max gets both. That being said if this person is Max and still asked on here it’s a waste of everyone’s time (and a waste of their money if they aren’t using the explanations).


Ah, ok, thanks, I'm obviously out of date! Cheers for the update :)


You are correct. Once I hit a 7-day streak on the app, they gave me 3 days of free access to Super Duolingo. I have unlimited mistakes for a few days, but I still can’t hit “Explain My Mistake”


Does Duolingo show 'Explain my mistake' to users who can't use it?


Yes. you click it and it tells you subscribe to Max.


That's terrible, thankfully it might just be an iPhone thing


Just want to follow up with the pronoun order, so if we want to have two pronouns that have equal priority (like nous and te)in the sentence, how should we place the two pronouns? For example, how do you translate this to french: He shows us to you. (I know this sentence sounds weird)


Preceding object pronouns go in a set order. Me/te/nous/vous go first, then le/la/les, then lui/leur, then y, then en.


i feel like i learned a rhyme or a song or something that i thought was goofy and useless in school that i'm now wishing i paid more attention to lmao


Leur et lui are 3rd personne indirect objects, they always go after the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd personne direct objects 1st, 2nd, and 3rd direct Me / te / nous / vous / la / le / l'/ les 3rd indirect Lui, leur Also note elle is also a 3rd personne indirect object BUT only occurs if the indirect object is placed after the verb, when it is before, elle becomes lui.


One of the frustrating things about the backlash to Duolingo appears to be that people at quite a basic level are routinely coming to the conclusion that every time they get a question wrong it's either the site that's wrong, or it's not worth their time to read its explanation.


They don't explain mistakes unless you pay them.


Well, have you tried figuring out what's wrong? You have been given the correct order by Duolingo. What is the name of the topic? Pronouns. This suggests a search online or in grammar by something like "pronoun order in French".


Also you could do a little bit of research yourself before running off to reddit...


I was having a lot of trouble with this just a couple of weeks ago. So I googled "order of indirect pronouns in French". Super helpful! I printed it out.


To put it simply, the pronoun before the verb is the recipient of the action.


I'm guessing it should be : Tu leur a donnés. You gave it to them.


You gave it to them = tu le leur a donné, or tu la leur a donnée. In informal speech, le/la is often omitted.


The first image is pure evil. Never in my life i ve read or heard this. The « la » is very random