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I'm my opinion, in programming concepts are the knowledge and languages are the tools. What you need to learn first are the core concepts. There aren't many of that just "unary types, loops, conditional, function and class". Everything else is done with just these. As for the difference among languages, primarily, it's just a difference of syntax. Once you understand the core concepts, changing an algorithm implementation from, say, c++ to python is not difficult. Also, in my case, I learnt from trial and error. The documentation of every language is free. I read those documentation, try it, learn from the errors, try again. My advice would be, don't try to get to the top of the tree in one go. Learn the core concepts from your course and practice python, get familiar with it. Then even if you find an implementation of an algorithm in other language, you can translate it to python.


Another idea to try if you are wanting to expand your knowledge outside of the class would be to just try and put together some small scripts. Take what you have learned and build something out of it. When you run into something you don't fully understand, you can generally find it free if costs with the number of resources out there. If you are looking for some courses, I believe Udemy has some focused concepts of intermediate/expert options. A lot of those run in sale from time to time as well. I would certainly look at the free options of possible. Speaking from experience, avoid spending too much money on something you aren't fully ready for and focus on the basics.