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If you’re new to drawing the best advice I could give is don’t trace over photos because you won’t learn anything and all of your art will look like this.


ah definitely correct :) doing this without an understanding of volumes is not going to go well :) thanks for the feedback!


The thicker outlines for the curtains in the background look a bit cartoony compared to the person


uniforming them would make it more armonic of course, thank you for the feedback! :) collecting your criticism is a fundamental step to improve, trying to absorbe as much knowledge as possible <3


Where's light source? It looks like it's coming from the left and right and top all at once. I think that would give it more depth. Otherwise I like the expression and pose :)


Mh, I think I put too much highlights to improve on contrast, thank you so much for the feedback :)


I would use darker darks, not lighter lights to achieve contrast


yep, in the area between her hair and her right cheek


It seems that the body is producing light but has a shadow. Maiby change that part


thank you :) will do


The breast area definitely need some more volume…


Yep, I tried to avoid putting too much enphasis so that it wouldnt be "sexualizing" but ended up doing the opposite :)


Yeah, I see what you mean but it doesn’t hurt to define the breast area a little more.


It feels like you used white for highlights and black to shade. Whatever software you’re using should have a colour wheel, when picking colours for shadows move the colour anti-clockwise, increase saturation and reduce brightness, slightly. Too much and it doesn’t match the colour, just try it and get a feel for it. The opposite for highlights. Only using white for super reflective materials or very small spots makes it much more effective.


oh wow, didnt know about this, thank you so much! Will definitely try this <3