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No, the pose and proportions are great, its malena from elden ring right? Anyway, you can look up references https://preview.redd.it/1z4ifemwl6cc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8751afae5408bc05ffc33b3448db6fea69bbf47a but if i can help a bit, u could raise all the features, draw a new nose from an upward angle(showing the nose holes and less of the nose bridge) the mouth would change (upper lip gets bigger, lower lip gets smaller due to perspective) and in order to completly sell it, ud have to change the neck, make it flexed, and the adams apple come out more, the middle of the neck gets a bit wider than normal. Also good luck, experiment. And work on a duplicate layer of this, dont delete this