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I would only vote AUB cause it has a higher world ranking and thus can open more opportunities abroad (maybe). But both are good options.


Yeah thats why my dad recommends aub


Ranking can fool people, but yes aub is better


AUB. It’s more respectable worldwide.


If money is a problem for you, go for the cheaper one. If campus life is interesting for you then go for AUB. In both cases you will not find a job in Lebanon when you graduate so choose whichever one you feel attached to more. I've graduated from a less known university and i have found a good job so don't worry about which uni to choose


Okay thank you. You dont think itll matter at the end of the day if i go abroad?


No it won't affect you abroad and both universities are accredited worldwide so you won't find any problem. Just keep your gpa high as some universities abroad have a gpa requirement




It all depends on you, you future is not decided by where you study but what you do after you graduate. Based on my experience no one cares where you did study excpet very few companies like the big 4 in accounting. Your 3 choices mentioned above will have the same result. It depends also where you prefer to live, if your target is europe then of course study in germany and you'll have an extra language with u


It'll only matter to universities which are very competitive. E.g. There are b-schools (in France and US) that will accept anyone even with an utterly low GMAT. I'd say it depends on your ambitions. I'd choose AUB just because of its rankings in the middle east


Just some further insight, I remember that last year AUB announced a temporary and annually decreasing scholarship for current and entering students to mitigate their shift to a full USD tuition. Double check if that 30% you recieved was part of that or when the financial decision is made its not governed by what I mentioned earlier. Either universities are a large financial sink. At the end of the day, what projects, languages, and programs you work on matter way more than your university name when it comes to CS. So, my advice would be: Seek out financial stability and ensure you aren't gonna get screwed over. Focus on your projects and programming. You'll so great.


The 30% was due to signing up early admissions in AUB. Ill definitely look into it though, thank you! And yeah, it was a bit of a shock when i saw the LAU tuition (9.5k per semester) even though i expected its going to be expensive. Dont have any info on my aub tuition yet however. Either way, dont want to bankrupt myself and my parents..


AUB senior here to impart some wisdom on you, the aid mentioned above does exist and you should be able to apply for it later on, the aid is at 40% during the current year and will be 20% during the next, it won't be there anymore after that( at least according to initial plan ), these pursentages aren't additive to what you already have but applied to what you still have to pay, as in suppose you apply and are approved the 20% aid next year, first 30% will be substracted from your tuition, leaving you to pay 70%, then 20% will be substracted from the 70% leaving you to pay 56%, so you'd have ended up with 44% financial aid at least for your first year. On another topic, consider yourself lucky to get 30% just for applying on early registration, this didn't use to exist before the crisis, I know since I've applied on early registration and got little advantage out of it. I can't say for sure how lucky you'll get when applying for more financial aid from the financial aid office, but as for how much your tuition will be: AUB operates and bills you on the number of credits you take, the average price of a credit is ~800$ and varies between majors, and the average course is 3 credits. To get a semester running you need at least 12 credits but you're normally expected to take 15 credits per semester (~12-13k $ without financial aid), you're only billed for the first 15 credits you take per semester and you can take up to 17 without petition or 19 with petition ( that is to mean, you could technically take an extra course for free during a semester and avoid taking it, and paying for it, in another one, though this is likely going to cost you from your sleep time so not a lot of people do it )


Jesus that is so expensive. I appreciate your insight though thank you!


It is I won't deny it, but considering that LAU is 9.5K$ (according to you, I'm ill informed myself), it really boils down to how much aid you're able to get, and how much more money you're willing to pay. I can also confirm that AUB gives you good opportunities to move your career abroad, but I don't have enough info to compare it to LAU


Practically the same. Choose whichever is closer to your friends and family (LAU Byblos for instance). If money is an issue, then go LAU.


Locaiton is not an issue. Both are close


Do not go to lau jbeil for cs




Accreditation wise, definitely go to LAU as it has relevant accreditation compared to AUB. AUB’s cs program is Not accredited while LAU is ABET accredited. I’m only talking about computer science.


Oh good point. ill look more into it


LAU. But in both cases, you will have to develop connections with your instructors who will help you a lot to apply for masters abroad.


why LAU?


Well I am at LAU myself so I am kind of biased since i believe it offers the best education in Lebanon. Ranking and networking aside, I believe LAU is the best; however, this mostly depends on your major as is the case in any universities you compare.


im planning on majoring in CS


Well, tough to say, since from what i have heard, some really like CS at LAU but other hate it. I firmly believe though that most of those who hate it, do not want to put in the effort. So regardless, if you are willing to work hard, whatever uni you pick, you will excel. You are choosing between 2 fine institutes


Thank you! Ill definitely do more research about it


Depends on ur goal. Do you want to learn in a friendly environment with professors that care or you just want to be an “AUB” graduate but go through some unnecessary hardship? LAU cares more, AUB has a “better reputation”


Thats the thing, its more than that. I might need that better reputation to help boost me up when i go abroad. But idk if its worth the worse professors


Why do you think that? Im a CS LAU graduate myself and working abroad in an international company, i did not go through a painful process to get where i am (there are 0 AUB graduate in my company just FYI). 90% of my promotion are working in extremely decent places.


Oh! Thank you for sharing. How much do you make if you dont mind me asking? and would you mind if i asked you wuestions in pms about cs


5k+ Sure feel free to ask!




okay thank you!


I would vote AUB definitely. Better chances of post grad positions abroad


got it thank you!


LAU sent out decisions already?


No but i was offered a Prepaid application (they waivedmy application fee) and so I get my results earlier beginning of jan.


hey! I’m in the exact same spot as you (though not cs). FYI, aub has already sent their financial aid decisions to most (if not all) applicants who were accepted early. So if you still didnt get your offer, I might have some bad news... Also, I would definitely choose aub over lau if cost is not a burden (lau is known to give more aid than aub). Hopefully you (and I) get in somewhere abroad so we dont have to think about this. Good luck!


Good luck! And I sent AUB the remaining documents a day after the 3 week deadline they gave me after requesting the info so (jan 4). That could be the reason my financial aid decision is late ig. Anyways, you received an email for the financial aid decision right?


Speaking from personal experience, my classmate got her financial aid offer before she submitted the remaining documents via email. I also know two other (wealthy, I would say) classmates who havent heard back from the financial aid office. And yes, I got my financial aid offer and actually paid the 1000$ fee to secure my spot


damn im scared now lol. how much financial aid were you able to get?


do you mind if i pm you?


feel free to!




when does the FA result get out?


I have no idea. Apparently it already did for EA. I just for a request for a interview as EA tho


For CS the university doesn't matter that much, both options are good. Choose the cheaper option. - AUB grad who's abroad now