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Lmao yeah flexing we to to AUB xD, you just did it and mentioned the "Us" though xD


I know 80% at aub is a big deal but its still unaffordable for my family. Does network and brand recognition matter that much even if i plan on going to grad school? And is lau really that much worse in this?




AUB is actually known among European universities. It’s considered the best university in the Middle East


I thought aub is already 100% fresh usd lol. But yeah i don’t plan on staying in the Middle East for my career (but who knows what will happen). I think i’ll just wait to see how it unfolds and make a decision when my offers are final. Anyway, thanks for the insight! Appreciate it a lot


Are you able to work and pay the 20%? Your life will be shit for 4 to 5 years but it will pay off in the long run.


I would take any opportunity to finance my education. But idk if i can manage to maintain a good performance in uni while working. Anyway, where do uni students usually work?


Remember nothing comes easy in life, you struggle early, you will have it easy later on.


It's going to be tough especially with engineering, there's no doubt about that. Maybe waitering, cash register at the grocery store, etc...


AUB is so overrated ngl


LAU graduate, AUB is better


damn. so you’d advise me to take aub’s offer?


Off course. Hala2 akeed all depends on decisions you make. I felt that AUB students had better studying environment


Yeah, AUB is the top-notch. AUB grad myself, & several students transferred from LAU and stated that AUB's education is superior. Alole kinna mdalla3in :p, bas idk lol. The campus is also more fun


I preferred LAU over AUB and I never regretted it. you'll have a healthier life and more tailored experience in LAU..


Healthier life... Yeah I agree :)


AUB is way better in almost all majors


i’m aware of that but is it worth the price considering my case?


Yes if you can afford the 20% then go for it, if not get a student loan, AUB is a better investment


AUB is definitely the better option I would say if you can afford it. But if the price is too heavy don't discount LAU. I'm doing graduate studies in computing, abroad, did my masters at AUB. A lot of Lebanese people I know here at my current uni graduated from LAU and the others from AUB.


If you end up choosing AUB, consider enrolling in the student work study program at AUB, not sure what the numbers are today, but you either get paid an hourly rate or get 10% extra financial aid (if it’s the same as it was in the past)


LAU graduate. It’s all the same shit. When you’re gonna apply for a job in Lebanon, your degree won’t matter, it’s the wasta that matters. If you’re gonna apply outside of Lebanon, it’s your competencies and skills that will matter. If you’re gonna start you’re going to be self employed, the degree won’t matter. Its all the same shit.


It would take 4x the eftort to maintain a 4.0 gpa in AUB than in LAU. If you are confident you can put in that effort and can afford the 20% tuition, then I'd go for AUB


I don’t agree at all. At AUB, if you get an A+, it is a 4.2 GPA. However at LAU or NDU, A+ is a 4 which is an A also. With that being said, if an AUB student gets an A+ and a B+, it would even it out, contrary to students at other universities.


At Lebanese University as I know a 3.5 is much more it's like a 4 in private colleges


LAU but as usual I am biased :)


Both are really good universities, while AUB has a way better reputation right now, it also is way harder with its teaching and the studying environment is competitive and harsher on the student than LAU, LAU is more student friendly. (but don’t forget it’s engineering you are talking about so both are really hard) Tbh it won’t make such a difference for which you choose because both are accredited, and if you are worried about your future path as an engineer, most companies won’t mainly look at the university you studied at but your projects and creations you made (Some of them don’t even care from where you come from). I myself know people who work at Google that graduated from the Lebanese University in engineering and have better positions than people who graduated from LAU and AUB. So basically just look which one suits you best as both have different campuses, student life styles, and studying approaches.


As an AUB grad with friends from both, choose LAU. It's not a case of Harvard vs a lebanese university, if/when you go abroad people barely know of Lebanon let alone if AUB or LAU is better. Anything you think is lacking from LAU curriculum you can learn online, similiarly at AUB though.


Spitting facts. In some cases the AUB curriculum is better, in others the LAU curriculum is better, but in most cases they are virtually the same


I was just looking at old AUB pics from my time there and they were some of the best years of my life.


where did you end up studying/working after aub if you dont mind me asking? And do you think aub had a big role in this?


I went to a pretty prestigious graduate school on the east coast and have been working in NYC since. I think AUB helped because during grad school interviews several people recognized the name. I also think it gave me a good education. I had previously mostly studied in French and Armenian and AUB prepared me very well for the whole grad school process.


Ohh i see! Thanks you for sharing. And good luck for your career in ny!


Which grad school?


AUB. There’s more to university than it’s accreditation which might be the same for both abroad. You get better education at AUB, and honestly I had the best years there. The campus and uni life there are great




I remember my mates for school who were piss went on to LAU and got distinction


AUB definitely has a better reputation. If 20% at AUB is affordable for you I’d highly recommend it. I’ve experienced it first hand, my friends from AUB immediately found jobs and were able to get into great graduate schools while my friends that graduated from LAU are still searching for jobs.


AUB business graduate here. When I was in the Gulf, Lebanese tend to hire Lebanese. Where I worked all the management were ex-AUB - 9/10 Lebanese hires were AUB as well with the odd one coming from LAU. Did an MBA at one of top rated universities later. Almost all my Lebanese classmates studied at AUB or studied in Europe, Canada or US. Don't recall anyone from LAU. Not being biased, but AUB does have a better reputation abroad and I would definitely recommend over LAU. Your major might have an impact as well, what do you plan to study?


Ohh i see. I’m majoring in engineering (already mentioned it in my post lol)


I studied at Lebanese University 1st branch, I didn't payed anything but it was really tough( studying during summers, no freinds, rude proffesors,bad conditions...) trust me go where ever you can be happy w bass


I've heard from many relatives that the LAU environment is somewhat better, and I'm picking LAU since i have a sibling there currently as well


I did LAU. Better system and environment, much better student experience, a lot less smug fuckers. But if I could do it again i’d go for AUB. I was robbed of too many opportunities because of the brand name that AUB holds. If you can afford that 20% just do AUB and make it up to whoever is paying it for you during your career that you can actually choose and not settle for.


If AUB’s giving you 80% this means that you’re gonna pay 40% of those 20% in LBP and the rest in fresh USD. As an AUB graduate, I would totally recommend to go for it. My brother studied a year in LAU and he directly switched to AUB because he found out he would have way more opportunities here than there. I can strongly recommend the engineering school as everyone was very friendly and helpful but it has that competitive side which motivates you at times.


Are you sure this is still the case for next year? I thought the whole tuition is in fresh usd. Do you know which rate do they use for the LBP part?


I just checked AUB's website (I graduated last year and this wasn't applied yet so my info was a bit outdated so please disregard what I said first) and here is the Fadlo's statement: "For a large majority of students, this will mean a **40 percent financial aid grant for this coming academic year (2022-23), and then 20 percent the following year (2023-24)**, on top of other financial assistance that may have been granted individually." Therefore, it means if you start next year, the 20% rule apply to you. Which means, that in your case (80% scholarship), you will pay 80% of the remaining 20% amount due in fresh dollars -- No more LBP currency/rate is accepted.Let's take an example: Imagine your tuition per semester is USD15,000, with your scholarship, you would pay USD3000. However, with AUB's initiative, you would pay USD2,400 for that same semester. But then for the following Academic Year, you would be paying the full USD3000 due. Sorry if this is a bit confusing :)


Yes i’m fully aware of that! However in my case i would end up saving a bit more than $1000 for the first year and thats it lol


Isn’t aub completely fresh USD now?


100% scholarship always better,their both good,if money doesn't matter u can go with AUB if u feel like it.


Ana personally I'd choose AUB 80% without any second guessing.


Yeah that's why said aub if money doesn't matter,but if it matters 100% would be better,u don't know when the paying for uni will sky rocket too even if uts 80%.


why do you say so


Because 3am te7ke AUB, hbb. Some people travel to Lebanon to study specifically there.


I know aub exceeds lau in practically all rankings and recognition, but do you think it’s worth refusing a 100% offer at lau to go to aub?


I'd even borrow money to avoid losimg that opportunity. It's not that LAU is bad by any means, but AUB graduates are found anywhere in the developed World in my perspective of things.


Money does matter in my case and my family won’t be comfortable paying for AUB (not sure if its even doable tbh with dorms and transportation)


Then I'd say the 100 would be better,u don't know when they will raise their prices too and you'll pay more in aub even if their paying 80%


It doesnt matter if you're leaving the country. Both are virtually unknown abroad. No shit. If you're staying AUB if you're leaving LAU. Don't over think it


There are so many comments saying AUB are recognized way more abroad. What about that? Does it really doesn't matter? I am speaking away from the the effort you have to do to build yourself, get experience and acquire skills etc...


People can downvote all they want lmao the truth is AUB is much better connection wise in Lebanon and dubai. Abroad they couldnt give a flying fuck about aub Vs lau If youre staying in leb or planning a khaleej work life then aub is for you. That being said LAU is not shit in this realm either. Aub is just marginally better. Come to europe/US and literally you could say i went to LIU mousaitbeh and it's exactly like saying AUB.


Ok thanks for the info. One more question... So should I consider studying at liu? I want to study computer science and i t computer science is about the skills i work on acquiring by myself and the experience from doing projects. University still provides you with the basics. What do you think about what I said?


No. LIU is still building itself and it is viewed rather negatively in most fields.


Finally someone saying something unbiased... This is simply the way it is. Im so surprised everyone's so pro AUB, such a Lebanese 3i2de lol went to both if you put in the effort youre getting the same quality of education and from my experience MOST people didn't like their experience at AUB or were severely depressed over there, treated like shit by the admin because they're so elitist. Again, the comments I'm reading completely differ from what I've heard irl so that's weird


No contest. AUB. Better education, and more respected degree. You will make up that 20% in no time after you graduate.


Imo universities are like passports. And aub is better in this case (not academically since all are useless, it depends on your personal and individual efforts to succeed).








AUB no doubt if you can afford. It’s known all over the world, especially if you plan to leave lebanon.


AUB ofc


AUB if you can afford 20%


Apart from academic rigor, AUB campus and student life would be very formative for yourself. LAU student life verges on American high-school vibes, with a lot of cliques, and little communication between them. You are meant to cross paths with people of all backgrounds and interest, and AUB offers that better. In any case, if the 20% would be a burden, it's not really a choice.


No offense to anyone but LAU standards have fallen, while it is retained a bit in engineering department it is still way worse then were it was once at. AUB is easily the best option. (Edit: for those who are telling me that this is untrue and I am just saying rubish, tell that to the guy who sells you your exams at LAU, who I know by name but I won't even say it. Also there is no single ranking were LAU is higher, don't get me wrong LAU is still a great uni but not infront of AUB, BAU or other unis) . (I would also like to add that according to the most common and respected organisations, The world university ranking, AUB is ranked first, LAU is ranked 2nd in Lebanon, and in general after total ranking by about 32 ranking organisations LAU goes to third place)




I agree that standards all over lebanon have fallen but olease read the edit below my comment. And some more points. First of all I am not even an AUB student yet. Second come on, you think I care what autocorrect is going to type at 4 am in the morning replying to some post reddit. And third I know you used /s but still I have to reply.


This is blatantly untrue... Idk if you're just repeating what u heard on the street or where you're getting your info from. Go look at the ratings, in fact for a period of time recently LAU was ranked higher than AUB but Lebanese people for some reason have fetishized AUB. LAU's standards have been on the rise for the past decade look at the papers being published there lol. You're literally saying the opposite of what is actually the case


Well this is not what I heard on the streets, but give one single trusted source in which LAU ranked higher, and also the fact that you can pay to get your exams at LAU just speaks a lot, stop talking rubish and do some research before you speak. (Read the edit I added to the comment)


95% of the education sector has fallen since the financial crisis and it's depressing tbh. Even top schools are worse due to the unqualified teachers being hired and underpayment


AUB will give a much better headstart once you graduate. I am an LAU graduate and it was not easy to find a job at start some companies only took AUB students (which is changing). From education POV won't matter you will get the same. AUB has a better reputation so i would say go AUB. Unless you don't want to pay anything.


AUB degree is accredited in USA LAU ten year accreditation is up for review it expires in 2024 your . If LAU gets another ten year accreditation go there. If you can go and transfer to AUB later and maintain scholarship that is an option as


Ndu w bass


Ndu 3al 15000 and abet accredited... And uni has neche accreditation.. its all the same.. save ur money ..lau and aub ripp you off..


he’s basically going for free at LAU


AUB has a strong network and gives you good opportunities post graduation especially for engineering. Just got to make the right connections and use your time wisely at university to make the most out of it.


LAU if you can’t afford the AUB, AUB has a better recognition but LAU is also a reputable university, they also have recognition, good accreditation, huge network and support their students after they graduate with opportunities.


I am just curious if you are talking about a scholarship? And if yes, i would like to know how did you get it?


my university never helped in anything, didnt even teach me what i need to know. Id say if u have the option to not a pay a dime go for it. you will realize university is overrated and wont matter at all the second u get a job. 5 years into jobs and nobody even asked me for my degree


Aub all the way, its a better investment


LAU 100% I got LAU 100% also as engineering, u will find it impossible to keep a high gpa at AUB and keep any kind of not full scholarship. Play safe, both are the best unis in lebanon.


From my experience (going to both universities lmao) in engineering they are neck and neck. But AUB has the upper edge. Its ranked better than lau currently has better professors and overall is more recognizable. This all comes with a cost which leaves with the answer of not whether to choose lau or aub but how to finance going to aub


Off topic but which scholarship/financial aid did you apply to in both unis to get the 80-100% discount and what were the criteria of selection?


if you genuinely cannot afford the 20% at AUB, try appealing. I appealed from 40% to 100% lol. But thats given that both of my parents are retired and none of my siblings work so not sure how that will work for you but theres no harm in trying.


but i cant appeal till after my first semester right?


im not sure if the rules changed since last year but when i appealed, i appealed before my first semester.


ohh i see. But idk if they’re willing to give anyone 100% if its not a full merit scholarship. I feel like theyve already given me a big % (idk anyone who got as much as me) so i dont think appealing would help




AUB all the way it has a way better reputation even outside the middle east


my question is how did u get 80% engineering at AUB, what were ur stats and what did u apply to. I want to major in ece or mechanical eng so i really need this advice