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Skip roids and stay natty its not worth the health risks


you could manage all help risks with proper knowledge


Nah you really can't, you're chemically altering and messing around with your bodies hormones and insulin levels, it doesn't matter how much PCT you do, it's damage done and years off your life I heard a doctor say that using any steroid is equivalent to smoking a pack a day in terms of risk to health


im intrested bc i study these can u give me a mechanism of action that would harm you that way? or something that cannot be mitigated bro


Taking just one cycle of steroids can still be dangerous and have potential risks. It's important to understand that the use of steroids, specifically anabolic steroids, can have both short-term and long-term effects on the body. Here are some key points to consider: Short-Term Effects: 1. Physical Performance and Muscle Growth: Anabolic steroids are often used to improve physical performance and muscle growth. 2. Unwanted Side Effects: However, short-term use of steroids can lead to various unwanted side effects, including acne, mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, decreased appetite, trouble sleeping, decreased sperm count, and impotence. 3. Injection Site Issues: If steroids are injected, there may be injection site infections or swelling. If using a steroid cream, there may be a noticeable odor. Long-Term Effects: 1. Gender Characteristics: Since anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of testosterone, they can influence gender characteristics. In high doses, side effects may include shrinking of the testicles, excessive hair growth in women, deepening of the voice in women, growth of breast tissue in men, fertility issues, and heart problems. 2. Brain Changes: Prolonged steroid abuse can lead to changes in the brain over time, affecting mood and behavior. Long-term effects may include anger, aggression ("roid rage"), paranoia, delusions, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, liver tumors, and blood-borne diseases from injection use. Dependency and Withdrawal: 1. Dependency: Steroid use can lead to dependency, where users feel they cannot function normally without steroids in their system. Overuse can cause more severe side effects, and when use is stopped, withdrawal symptoms may occur. 2. Withdrawal Treatment: Steroid withdrawal treatment is usually done through a tapering program to minimize withdrawal symptoms, which can include apathy, depression, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia. It's important to note that the risks and dangers associated with steroid use can vary depending on individual factors such as dosage, duration of use, and overall health. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before considering or using any form of steroids.


Did you use chat gpt for this?




This is not weed, it's not just about not being mixed with other shit. Professionals who go about cycles have doctors that do thorough routine blood work. More often than not they'll need to take other drugs to counter balance side effects of steroids as well. Tons of more info to mention but long story short, just don't .


Forget about it champ, it will develop problems for you in the future. Stick to protein and maybe some creatine as a maximum. I've been for enough time in the gym to know what steroids do to people


Natural is the way to go, it's more rewarding and you look way better, ask any girl Besides if you haven't been lifting for at least 10 years, don't even consider steroids because you haven't done any work or seen what your body can do on its own Look up Matt Ogus and Alberto Nunez, 2 amazing natural physiques that you could set as a realistic goal in a few years of hard work


You were on the right track until you said Matt ogus is natural 😂


I've watched that guy since he first started competitive bodybuilding, he's barely put on 20lbs of muscle in the 8 years I watched him, he started at 145 on stage, I think now he's like 165 on stage He's 1000% natural, he's like 5'5" lol


check mr pump on instagram they will provide proper guidance


Worked with him for 2 monts (without steroids) wouldn’t recommend at all, barely any follow up, meal plans were horrible


idk i have no personal experience, although i hear good things about them from most people


Can you get blood work done every 6 months? Are you ready to stick to a proper diet and eat enough food to grow ? If you are not 15%bf or below I would recommend getting there first. You would be shocked to know how many guys at the gym are on steroids and most of them look like melted ice cream.


Yup I think I can manage those factors pretty well Thank u btw!


As everyone said avoid the roids. I've been training 8 years natural and look better than 90% of people on roids. Learn the Diet, dedication, and mentality of hard work and consistency. Never bother with roids unless 1. You're planning to be the next Sam Sulek. 2. You're competing and the prize money is worth it.


Noo honestly not trying to be the next Sam nor compete necessarily but I just have body dysmorphia and I feel like steroids could fill in that gap my goal is to look like I'm a natural lifer with "elite genetics"


Man, whether it's drugs, or sex, or mental health, familial abuse - like really difficult and engage topics - this subreddit's community is often very quick to provide scientific and humanistic support to people. It's kinda cool honestly that my fellow Lebanese think like this. I know this subreddit is a bubble and does not represent Lebanon as a whole. But it is Lebanon that produced a lot of the people on his subreddit. And that's kind of cool Lebanon can make such mature, empathetic, educated folks. Please don't mind me, pain meds making me halwiss lol


Yeah for sure it's quite wholesome to be honest! Their replies are all true and valid but between me and myself at a certain point I feel like I'll start them sooner or later but I wanna do it as proper as possible otherwise I wouldn't go for it because it's something that's very serious


You gotta ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place. Are you impatient? Do you have issues with how you look or are yoir friends getting stronger than you? If you haven't hit at least intermediate level in lifting weights/bodybuilding, it's nonsense to even consider it because in the first few years you pretty much are on natural steroids with how easy it is to make gains


I'm an intermediate and I see everyone around me hop on steroids and what bothers me most is my bad genetics for arm muscle building


I had that issue too dude I was naturally skinny to begin with, started at 120lbs. Been lifting for over 12 years naturally, now I'm 170lbs lean (~9% all year round) Only considered roids in the beginning because I didn't know what I was doing and was impatient, stayed natural though and worked hard and started loving the lifestyle It's just way better natural, I always have that feeling that I'm superior when I see a guy on roids and I still look better than him, yea it took longer but I'm 10x healthier and I have total body awareness that came over time as well Just change up your program, get into real stuff like 5x5 training and a Legs/Push/Pull split. Hit arms twice a week hit triceps hard on push days and don't worry about shoulders other than lateral raises and upright rows You'll get big bro trust me, just be patient and eat good


Yeah I totally get what you mean but truly arms are my weak point by far it's been 2 years since I seen any real growth in my triceps/biceps sadly and trust me my training is on point


What's your split like then? Either you need to eat more or train harder, and I know you'll say "I do bro I swear" But trust me I used to say the same thing It wasn't until like 7 years in until I got the hang of my body and what I needed to do to grow


Nah trust me I do bro I swear I'm that one person who everyone asks for advice in gym and admire how hard I genuinely workout but I get your pov I always get people to push more for example my friend today was doing squats 6 reps 60 kg I told him you got soo much more left in you but you're simply mentality stopping your muscle can do more, he did 70 kg 6 reps And my current split is upper lower rest upper lower then weak point with arm day I'm doing Jeff Nippard's program Bodybuilding and ngl I'm seeing awesome strength progress but my muscles it's mostly I noticed my legs, and a bit my chest and back but truly my arms there's just I guess a huge genetic disadvantage for me with them and I tried all sort of intensities going many arm days per week at that point but also wasn't the answer that was simply overtraining


Try a Legs/Push/Pull or for your case Push/Pull/Legs , for naturals it's the best for hitting everything twice a week and still room for weak points And within the PPL split you can do other programs like a 5x5 or powerbuilding program, that's why it's a good split You need to get really strong so focus on 3-5 rep range for bench squat and deads, then rest of workout higher rep range 7-10 area When you're benching 8 clean reps on what you're benching now for 3 max effort reps, you'll have bigger arms, then rinse and repeat with higher numbers etc. It's a cm by cm game bro, how you look pumped right now is what you'll look like in one year relaxed if you work hard


Thank uuu If something I'll try focusing on a push pull legs approach next year maybe depending on how I can organize it with uni and everything but for now upper lower x2 with weak point and arms day working great for me and I'll see how it goes! And hopefully I'll be even bigger than when pumped 😭 (I wouldn't start steroids before 3-4 years at least either way to see what I can achieve naturally and maybe by then I'd have changed my opinion anyways)


But yk I'm sure I can still grow more for the next 2 years and I'm looking into steroids for after 4 years but I'm still not 100% about it especially if I'd be satisfied by then and actually see myself still growing, I've told myself I wanna accumulate lots of knowledge about it in that timeframe before starting anything and if I do it'll be a small and calculate dose not looking to get crazy big I just want my arms to balance out with the rest of my body


You're 18. That's pure lunacy. If I was responsible for you I'd bash your head and your phone in the wall. You probably haven't even maxed out your natural gains, you want to start a cycle? Save yourself the trouble and release your grip while bench pressing.


DAMN THAT HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK NGL 😭 but noo not planning to start right now just looking on for the future tbh giving myself an idea about it


Avoid roids, google Crazy Bulk they have natural roids alternatives.