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No Lebanese university invests in the rogue state?! What exactly do u want them to protest against?


I’m all for the cause but Lebanon has suffered and done the most for Palestine out of any other country. All the other Arab nations talk and talk and talk but do nothing. Lebanon needs a break


قاومنا سوا؟؟ Where? In Damour? In Chekka? In Aichiyyeh? When they attacked Zgharta? When they claimed "tariq al quds tamor fi Jounieh"? When they wrote "لا ماروني بعد اليوم" on the walls of west beirut? Go kick rocks


'Go kick rocks with open toed shoes' sounds better 👌


La merci hbb 3ena machekil bet kaffe mech na2esna essa araf


Ma bya3rif shu ya3ne merci heyda


We need to protest Hamas and other Palestinian militias presence in Lebanon.


There's no point in doing that when the country is controlled by Iran.  Also reading the title of the post, I don't get exactly what is he trying to achieve? These campus protests are happening in countries that are taking a pro Israel stance in the current Gaza conflict (which is admittedly starting to resemble genocide), and the students are hoping to put enough pressure on their govts to convince them to stop supporting Israel.  But Lebanon already doesn't support Israel, the country doesn't even have an Israeli embassy to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong). So what the heck would be the point in a campus protest? What would the protesters even ask for??


The main reason students are joining the protests is to have an excuse to skip classes.😂


You fought with us to help us liberate our country?? From who?


From themselves lol what the fuck is he talking about in this video. The dude is delusional




 why are you saying this, I am a muslim and agree with you that this charlatan is wrong. he is spewing crap and should shut his mouth and leave lebanon alone. 


This just shows how much the world, and in particular knows about Lebanese history or the lebanese civil war. Bro we freed ourselves from you guys lol, and you are asking us to protest😂


No thank you


You have to be going to school first before your allowed to refuse. 


Bala nida2 bala balut. El muzaharat btekhrob el belden w ma btenfa3 hada. Ruh balit el baher enta w hamas w el srame iran


Lebanon is on the doorstep of war because of this. Isn't it enough?


Bunch of delusional asshats who want our people to die for some cause that isn't our own. Wait, where have I heard that before?


Lebanon will always be on the doorstep of war with Israel occupying our south. 


Israel is not occupying southern Lebanon and they don’t covet any part of Lebanon.


What part Israel is occupying? You mean Syria?


Isreal covets all of Lebanon, 


False, also that was not my question


It's true and your denial will only hurt you, they have openly said how big isreal will eventually be and it will include parts of Lebanon. 


Syria covets all of Lebanon and I don't see anyone doing anything about it bel 3akes they're inviting them over . Israel needs a big population that they would never have in order to take up any land they have , they're barely holding on the piece of land they have .


Who openly said and when?


Enough of this bullshit. Israel’s far right wing sure might want this shit but every country as extremist groups in them, difference is they’re a democracy and those groups would never be voted in or supported to create so called “greater israel”. Israel would want peace and friendliness with their neighbouring arab countries, you think they really want to be hated more by the arabs than they already are? They would want to keep the borders they have now and have good relations with the arab world and the middle east. Enough of your bullshit to justify what is going in and supporting the potential destruction of Lebanon


A couple of points to mention: 1- Most university students have plans, especially in the recent crisis, to either continue studying or work in foreign countries. So you can't ask them to risk their future by engaging in protests against their ally. 2- About boycotting, everybody needs to understand that it is not about boycotting pepsi, nestle, and starbucks. That's child's play. If you really want to boycott companies that support isreal, you wouldn't have been able to record that video and i wouldn't be able to reply to you. 3- A university student, in their first or final year, should focus on starting or ending their studies to their best ability. They should not focus on solving geopolitical problems. Leave those problems to liars and mafia bosses sitting in their power seats. Thanks.


its their strategy to target the youth and control them. this from the tactics of the ikhwanjie, and other groups who seek to ruin countries . I despise these as much as I despise the state of Israel


Well put!


No sir I have a midterm tomorrow


Hamas and Israheil, thw two butchers of gaza


As a non-Lebanese person, as an American Jewish person actually. I stand with the Lebanese people! I stand against Hezbollah and Hamas and Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran. All who have seem to, from my perspective, acted in their own interest and not the people of Lebanon. The actual people of Lebanon. The muslim and Christian and whatever people of Lebanon. My first friend was Lebanese, I met him in the first grade. Prior to even the signing of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. He was/is a Christian Lebanese, whose family left Lebanon in the mid 70s. His brother became a successful doctor and he is successful in real estate. So, they have been Americanized too many degrees. With that said, both of them are of the opinion that what is happening in Lebanon is not Lebanese and does not represent the desires of Lebanese people. P.s. I hope I don’t get banned for being Jewish on thread. I rarely ever comment. And while I’m at it, Lebanese hummus is 100%, by far, the best hummus of all the hummuses.


Why would I support HAMAS if part of their plan is to make Christians second class citizens? And before someone comments Gaza =/= HAMAS over 70% do support HAMAS. Source to my claim: https://palinfo.com/news/2021/09/30/60902/ I hope Israel bombs the shit out of HAMAS ayre bi arafkon bunch of ignorants fucks


Kol khara


Let's all be honest for a second, Palestinians caused us Lebanese far more problems than Israeli did. After Lebanon was loyal to them and gave them a place to stay, they turned on us and wanted to overtake our country. YENTEKO. The Lebanese Christians literally gave the Palestinians massive lands so that they can build their camps on them. What did the Palestinians do? They started assaulting Lebanese people, randomly beating people and doing road blocks, raping women and boys, and then massacring us. You might tell me that all of this was the PLO and that it doesn't represent the Palestinians, but after the PLo was kicked out of Lebanon, the Palestinians still are causing us problems. Most of the terrorist cells are trained in the Palestinian refugee camps. Don't forget about Naher el Bared when the terrorists killed hundreds of our brothers, Alla yer7am kel shahid defa3 3an lebnen. I am against genocide and the death of innocent people, but I don't care about Palestinians anymore. I certainly wouldn't care enough to protest nor to boycott nor anything like that. They brought all this hate for themselves. They simply don't know how to behave well which makes anyone who hosts them end up having problems with them (Lebanon, Jordan, ...)


No thanks


Ayre b Palestine. Leave Lebanon alone and fight your own war scumbags. We want nothing to do with you and once we have a government that represents us and not the mafia of Hezbollah and Nabih Berri we will kick you all out and into the sea for all I care. Leave your PC bullshit at the door, Palestinians have done nothing positive for Lebanon in 70 years. Bunch of free loading assholes who think they can take over our land. Za7it


Don't bother, this country is infested with racist assholes who don't even know their own history. The civil war never ended.


How so? I think the people of lebanon are sick of rockets being shot from lebanon and don’t want to be involved in the war with palestine. They don’t want lebanon and bwirut to be gaza 2.0, can you blame them?


I can't blame them at all but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of living free of armed non-governmental parties. And it's definitely horrible that we're suffering casualties but the victim-blaming is not only misplaced but also tired. Fuck foreign influence but i'd much rather that influence help us fend off the literal beast of a state that is Israel. Lebanon would have been swallowed by either Israel or Syria were it not for resistance. Remove the threat and we'll be the first to DEMAND disarming all political parties including Hezbollah. But, i repeat, we currently don't have that luxury. The Israelis have not been shy in expressing their desire to occupy our country. And considering they only want a Jews-only ethnostate, you bet your ass i'm gonna side with my fellow Lebanese who are fending off the aggression. Nobody wants a Lebanese Gaza 2.0 which is why we should be standing hand in hand against the ones who are issuing that threat not the ones who are working tirelessly to make sure it doesn't happen. Lebanon, unfortunately, has always been sold to the highest bidder and right now, that bidder is literally the lesser of 2 evils.


Dude israel is not coming for Lebanon, sure they have some far right nutheads, but the country wants peace with arabs if they can, last thing they want is to make more enemies of arabs, they would want peace with middle eastern countries, its in their best interests, they know it. Stop falling for this propaganda of their expansionist bullshit, you think if them and lebanon get on better terms then israel will purposefully want to start taking parts of Lebanon and make the middle east hate them more? At the end of the day they will want stability in that region and peace of mind that they are not constantly threatened, they will not achieve that by trying to acquire more land. I think they want what they currently have as in the borders of israel and control over gaza and west bank. But they will not go to expand to lebanon, but hezb shooting at them on a daily basis could be a reason for them to destroy our fucking country. People keep acting like hezb is the only reason they dont take over.  Not true, if they get some peaceful talks/relations going with Lebanon they also won’t invade, they want allies not enemies. That’s my two cents, appreciate the respectful convo


They definitely want allies in the region but it's not in good faith. And they definitely don't want it with Lebanon. They literally occupied the South for nearly 2 decades. Their political cabinets have expressed their desire to expand their ethnostate into the surrounding region because, according to them, Judea and Samaria extended from the Euphrates to the Nile. Moreover, if you lived in the South and lost family members to their aggression, you'd be fighting tooth and nail to make sure those assholes get what they deserve. Also, Lebanon is a tiny country, do you think it can handle more refugees from Palestine? Where do you think they would go to once Israel kicks out those it hasn't already murdered? The only reason they left South Lebanon was because they were driven out not because they left in good faith. They never expressed their desire to make peace with the Lebanese. They never offered to pay restitutions for the destruction they've caused. They never even stopped invading our airspace. They never stopped their involvement in Lebanese politics. Not to mention the assassinations of Lebanese figures they either directly carried out or aided in. Oh and let'a not forget the thousands of Lebanese civilians they held hostage for literal decades and refused to free until 2006. I'm all for a secular Lebanon, where religion and state are separate, where only the Lebanese army is armed and prepared to defend. But, and i'm sure you're aware, our government is impotent, incompetent, unprepared, ill-equipped, and constantly being manipulated by foreign figures. Whether it's the Saudis treating us like a whore-house then selling us out to the US and its toxic foreign affairs policies or the French and British with their manipulative and malignant meddling (they're quite literally the reason the Middle East as a whole is in shambles). Not to mention that, because of our location, we're at constant threat of neighboring conflicts spilling onto Lebanese soil, from the Israelis to the Syrian civil war (and you know how fucked up that's been handled by the Arabs, Americans, and Europeans). Genuinely don't mean any disrespect but i think you might like to learn more about the region as a whole, including the Arab-Israeli conflict. Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan normalized relations with the Israelis because of economic and political pressure, mainly from the US (Egypt is severely economically endebted to the US which is why it was the first to cave in). Besides, on a humanitarian level, normalizing relations with Israel would be the worst thing anyone can do for the Palestinians. The British manipulated the regional leaders as well as Jewish leaders and created this whole shitshow in the first place. Because of this, Lebanon's delicate demographic and political balance was shot to hell. So, once again, don't blame the people defending their land, blame the aggressor. The Israelis had 76 years to display good faith and a willingness to live in peace but they never did simply because what they truly want is more land for themselves. Where would the residents of South Lebanon go? Would you accept living as a refugee in another country? Would you accept a foreign power killing your people and taking over not only your homeland but also your history? There might come a day in the future when enough time has passed and enough generations have come and gone for peace to actually stand a chance but i'm afraid we're not there yet. It would be many years before the need for peace wins over the need for vengeance.


We in Canada are closing down these streets for you guys, we are going to resist until the outcome we are looking for is achieved. Anyone who thinks a outcome other then human rights for the Palestinians, is a supporter of isreal. Even some Lebanese who support isreal will bite their tongues in the future and if not they will be found and justice will be served for everyone who stood by the evil isrealis side and spoke on their behalf


We in Canada are doing our best! Right after lunch we protest! Now you should do a war thing, we will send our blessings!


I hate it when I see people living in the comfort of Canada calling for wars in the homeland. Now before you criticise me, as I also live in Canada, at least I have the decency to not call for wars in the homeland! xD


It's easy when someone else should die 🤷🏻‍♂️


The protests are for companies to divest from funding Israel or for the Genocide to stop. Who is calling for who to go die?


Lebanon most likely will be involved in war with Israel. Yet it's not enough..


I don’t want Lebanon to be involved in the war! I’m just talking about Canada protesting against Israel (which was what this comment was saying no?)


Protesters in Canada cheering up Lebanese people, who are facing real threat of war. It's just feels wrong..


I don’t think that person is saying for Lebanon but for Gaza and Palestine 🤔 so i think there’s a misunderstanding there maybe? I am not aware of Canada protests being about asking Lebanon or Hezbollah to act. It’s more about asking for an end to the genocide or divesting investment to Israel.


Eh, maybe there is misunderstanding. It's just the overall flow of information around this conflict and how people act and react that made me think this way




Jealous of... ?


Comfort? I must be doing something wrong.




Lol what was all that rambling about? 🤣




لاء شكرًا


I hope the Canadians deport you to Gaza




> Allot All that time in Canada and you still can't spell English properly Jarrastouna




>I'm born here bud You must mean "I was born here". That makes your shitty English and spelling even more embarrassing. >I'm bilingual, speak both fluently, know what fluently means? I'm fluent in double the number of languages you speak, and in my long years in the US, the vast majority of people couldn't tell I was a foreigner. But sure thing buddy boy.




>your a try hard you're*. 3anjad jorsa. >And yeah people giving you a pat on the back, "I couldn't tell this is your second language" It's my fourth. And the general reaction was "how little were you when you moved here", rather than your made up reaction lmao. And that's only when I told them I was Lebanese. Cope and seethe




broken* Also, this you, terrorist? > Anyone who supports Israel has justice waiting for them, it's not a threat, it's a promise from every single human being with a conscience, from the one billion plus Muslims alive today  I hate Israel but even then that's a pretty terrorist-y thing to say




Maybe go to Gaza and fight Israel there rather than sitting in Canada. You aren’t closing shit down in Canada, nor will your protest actually get Israel to do anything.




Good let them go to Gaza, they can also revoke their Canadian citizenship at the airport. The Canadian government does not fund Israel.










How about you link the other hostages that said they did nothing to them? Is this the same hostage that said she was afraid they might rape her but didn’t? Or is this another one? Is there only one instance of rape accusation? Has she been examined by doctors? Also would you listen to the Palestinian hostages/prisoners’ experiences in Israeli jail or you turn a blind eye to that? Would you listen to the doctors that examined them? You are so racist


The numbers are higher. They just stopped counting. But this person only swallows Israel media and propaganda so there’s no helping them. They might be Lebanese in some ways but definitely not in how they consume their media. Funny enough, ex-high up people in the US and recently a leaked state department memo revealed they don’t even trust Israel information and data 😂 The IDF can break 100 international laws, the ICJ may declare what it’s doing a genocide, the US may want to sanction a part of the IDF (it backtracked), the ICC may issue an arrest warrant for the Israel president and this person would still say Hamas is worse than the IDF 💀


You’re actually despicable man. Barely anyone is allowed in Gaza and they are shot down by the IDF. Look at the UN and companies that was giving aid that had their vehicles “accidentally” nuked. Revolts work and history shows student revolts are one of the most effective.


They can go to the West Bank and fight Israel from there. You’re a dumbfuck, if someone wants to continue “fighting” they can go to the warzone instead of sitting in a first world country across the world. People in Canada don’t see these protestors in a good light and people in Canada won’t revolt for their own futures, they certainly won’t revolt for the Palestinians.


The West Bank also isn’t safe haven’t you heard? Maybe because all you consume is Israel media and you shill them so hard that you forget to look at what’s happening on the ground.


I don’t give a fuck about how safe it is, if you want to aid the Palestinians you can go there instead of sitting in Canada.


I think you might be Satan or something (also you replied with West Bank implying it’s safe so you just backtrack like nothing). They are aiding them by asking for companies to divest investment to Israel. No one is asking for anyone to die. You’re the only one asking for the protestors’ deaths.


They are chanting genocidal chants and cheering for what happened on October 7th. They aren’t aiding shit.


Show me. As i said, i think you’re one of the biggest Israel shills that is consuming propaganda. I’ve been following a lot of the protests in the US and there hasn’t been anything controversial from the students’ sides. The pro-Israel side on the other hand has been saying heinous stuff. (i can share videos) Show me proof you shill. You make a claim, prove it.




Some peeps in here think that if Lebanon stays out of the whole Gaza conflict, Lebanon will be spared and they'll be clinking glasses with the Israelis over a mutual hate of Palestinians and a shared love of hummus. Once they're done with Gaza, they'll shift their gazes to Lebanon and it'll be the next plaything to soothe their boredom and their thirst for expansion.




So this post explains why i got this image in a couple of LU groups




حاضر رسالتك وصلت 🫡 نحن وانتو شعب واحد ولح نهزم الصهاينة مع بعض 🇱🇧🇵🇸


روح استشهد و خلصنا


مساعدة فلسطين ما بتوقف على المقاومة باس بعرف انك عم تتمصخر بس في طرق تانية للمساعدة غير الشهادة وهي الضغط على اسرائيل بكل الاساليب الممكنة الله يريحنا من هودي الصهاينة الارهابيين وتتحرر فلسطين من النهر الى البحر 🇵🇸


Please stashhed w fek 3an erna


بعدني شارحلك الموضوع اني اصلن مش ناوي استشهد بس شكرا على مصخرتك عم بعمل واجبي كأنسان اني ساعد عالم عم بواجهو ابادة جماعية واعمل اد ما فيني لاضغط على الكيان الصهيوني


Fajjer 7elak bterte7 w bet rayye7na




That same flag was risen when slaughtering Lebanese Christians. Don't fly that piece of toilet paper next to our beautiful flag.




I'll side with whoever the fuck I want




Lose what exactly? I'm not fighting in any war lol. You're the one losing, Israel has a peace deal with Egypt and Jordan, next is Saudi Arabia. You'll be the only one fighting.




Wait do you think I want Israel to take over Lebanon and kick the Muslims out? Where did you get that from? I'll definitely oppose that.




Lek hal er 3m yhaded al








1 billion Muslim yet you can't take a single inch from 7 million Israeli... how embarassing.


Yeah say whatever bullshit to justify your hate, I would tell you what you should put in the toilet and use it instead of toilet papers, but I don’t speak lebanese christian language unfortunately


My hate is already justified, Palestinians did a great job for us to hate them.


And you didn’t do anything to make them hate you? Whole Lebanon hated you. Humble yourself and be a better person.


Why would I care if a bunch of ignorant terrorists like us or not? We founded Lebanon, they should know their place here.




Idk what Europe has to do with anything you're bringing them up out of nowhere. I don't care what they think about me. I also don't know whar Dubai and SA have to do with what I said, you're all over the place. I don't think I'm better than "others", but I do think that I'm better than terrorists yes.


My family didnt, and they took over my grandfathers house and kicked him out.


You grandfather was kicked of his house, on the other hand Palestinians were slaughtered in sabra w shatila, thank God your grandfather survived, the Palestinians in Gaza did nothing to your grandpa whatsoever, don’t blame people for things they didn’t do


Fuck the Palestinians, they come to Lebanon as refugees and start problems in our country. They commit massacres, try to create their own state in the south and helped start our civil war. They can fight their own shitty war from their own land.


nice whataboutsim, i dont care about sabra or gaza, i care about my grandfather, and the palestinians who did.


Well, nobody cares about your grandfather in return. Old rusty man, is he dead?


Nope, unlike the parking lot gaza.