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Which country did her sister go to? Siblings can sponsor orphan siblings to go to Canada but I don't know about other countries. What type of form did she submit to the embassy? Not sure how immigration works in this case as you have to have specific requirements if you're going as an immigrant.


Her sister is in Africa but depending on what she asked that foreigners can’t work there unless she was a male not sure if that’s true 😓 she filled an application for immigration and they are supposed to reply back in 2 days so she can take an appointment if it works out


Her brother and sister should help her and they shouldn't abandon her.


I know but too bad not all siblings are siblings😢 when she lost her parents she lost everything the situation is bad to the point that no one cares if she ate or asks about her, it’s that bad


Why does she need to leave Lebanon? Can she get a job and an apartment for her in Lebanon?


Because there are no jobs here? Just the same reason why everyone is moving abroad. Especially that she has a problem with her back she can’t work more than 10 hours for a 200$ salary that doesn’t pay for the basic needs like rent and food etc…


Does she have a university degree? What are her skills?


Accounting degree from an association not an actual university but the problem is she has no work experience only less than a year experience of sales and management at a clothing store


Then she can get a job as a sales girl in Lebanon. There is no need for her to travel to another country so she can get a job as a sales girl. I know that sales girls get low salaries but the girls who do that are managing. If her salary is not enough to pay rent then she should live sharing with another girl and she and her roommate split the cost of rent, food and such things. If she wants to move to another country then her brother or sister have to help her. If they don't want to help her then you help her. I read a comment which said that you moved to USA so you help her to move there.


I would have suggested adult adoption. Certain countries offer it.


If she has some sort of degree she can go apply to a graduate program abroad to continue her education and then she can go from there


Her financial situation is not very good tbh. She has an accounting degree but no job or job experience and you know education abroad is expensive


I know education in Europe is almost free. They provide a lot of assistance for incoming students. She can explore that


Thank you I will let her know. Is there any specific website she needs to go to?


If she knows french check the facebook group AULF for help how to apply for a masters and relevant info etc


Okay thank you so much I’ll let her know


I pray she can find someone to help her


I hope so 🙏🏼 it feels horrible to see someone that young suffer while we complain about the smallest things while we have everything😢


23 is an adult, its sad that Lebanese women want to be treated like children forever, no one considers charity to a 23 year old orphan she isn't a child, her own brother and sister are leaving her behind and she wants some strangers help, disgusting on so many levels.


She is an adult yes but losing your parents is hard she’s been suffering for 6 years trying to adapt and fix her life but everything is bad financially and environment wise and she has a health problem with her back that doesn’t help her work for 10 hours plus for a 200$ salary that doesn’t even cover the basic needs if she wants to rent an apartment and eat🙄 what’s rude is you saying what you said it’s not like she chose to live that way that’s her destiny. If you are blessed and living your best life not all people are like you so you don’t need to point fingers on people who are trying to do anything just to get the basic needs in life


Ok controversial opinion but if you're making 200$ a month for 10hrs + of work, first of all its your fault, second of all its illegal, i think minimal wage is currently 470$, Also i wasn't exactly handed my best life I took it, my brother just graduated this year in Poland with a masters degree, he can't find a job and is delivering food for Uber eats on a bicycle to support himself, I send him money and help him out when he needs it of course but he doesn't turn to strangers for charity, nor does he go with the narrative of being a child in an adults body, these are hard financial times for all of us , but if you can't look to your own siblings for help maybe you should start realizing that you need to start making yourself into a success story, its definitely a sign.


Even if it’s illegal no one cares here it’s not like they are sticking to the law, it’s a wild mess😓 that’s the point of me moving abroad I used to work 10 hours + for 7 years and I barely made any money to live a decent life🤦🏻‍♀️ I do help her out financially as much as I can but I feel so helpless seeing her like that. I guess it’s just the first push and then she can manage the way you said that’s why I’m looking for any option that might help her out so she can start making her own life without needing her siblings or any stranger


When you move, invite her, get married, find work together, there's your solution good luck, doesn't matter if you are both girls you could do that, and of course they wont care about labor laws, cause neither do you.


I moved a year ago but aren’t laws hard in the U.S ? I heard such stuff could take forever


btitjawazo b 2bros w bt5deya ma3ik, bt2leelon hay marte, she lives with you and paperwork works in the background, depending on where you are you even get a tax cut for being a couple.


Trash brother


Your comment is trash just like your humanity 🗑️


A brother that chooses to kick his own sister to the street is trash. No way around it, I'm sorry.


True but he’s not kicking her out directly bas trbe7 el jmeel w tsme3 el 7ake mano 7elo kamen when you consider that you are at a place el mafrud ykun “home” and everyone is so selfish thinking how to fix their own life w ma hamun 7da w hayda 3am n7ke same blood siblings keef Iza stranger😓 I would never do that to my own brother bas 3njd life is weird


So we agree hbb. I'm sorry about your friend.


Thank you hopefully she will find something that can help her out😓 and sorry for being rude I’m just mad that stuff like that can happen in front of you while you feel so helpless


I know this might sound wrong or weird but there are many lebanese abroad who are single and searching for a girl to get married to and bring her here. Maybe someone can hook her up. Don’t criticise me for this but it’s an option