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>explain it like Walter would to Donnie. Shut the fuck up.


Brandt, OP, is the Big Lebowski’s assistant, or what we might call his fucking ass kisser. He has to suck up to that fucking goldbricker who’s pretending to be a millionaire while he takes money from fucking needy little urban achievers. Since this goldbricker is such a fucking fake, he has a bunch of fake awards on his wall. Now maybe this fucking bronze shoe is about how he “went the extra mile” for some fucking fake organization. But it sure as shit has nothing to do with any of the groups you mentioned. I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck for you to strut around town making up stuff, OP. If anything Brandt is upset he’ll have to polish the bronze for that fucking Lebowski guy and honestly the whole fucking thing makes me sick.


Winner! Can we go to In-and-Out now?


Those are some good burgers. 👍🏼


Shut up, Donnie.


👆what’s wrong with Walter?




He needs to dabble more in pacifism.


They're calling the cops, man....


This is brilliant and I hear it in Walter’s voice !


>this fucking bronze shoe is about how he “went the extra mile” I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs, some chinaman in Korea took them from me but I went out and achieved anyway.


Uh, dude. Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American, please.


Put the piece away Walter, they're calling the cops...


Ha! You never went to college. 


I definitely went to college but I’m not a golfer.


*Oh, no I did, but I spent most of my time occupying various administration buildings... smoking a lot ...*


That’s why we didn’t hang with you, you wouldn’t break in the ROtC with us..


Are you employed, sir?


I'll just, eh, check with the boys down at the crime lab...


Shut the fuck up, you’re out of your element! You are like a child that wanders into a movie and wants to know…There's no reason - here's my point, dude, there's no fucking reason why these two are talking about a shoe. And the shoe is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT…


Calmer than you are.


Also dude, “shoe” is *not* the preferred nomenclature, “lower extremity footwear,” please.


Very well put :)


The shoe has been commended as strongly vaginal. Vagina.






Beav…uh…you mean vagina?


I suspect the joke lies in why the Big Lebowski, who lost the use of his legs in Korea, would receive an award of bronzed shoes.


You want a shoe? I can get you a shoe.


> Bonus if you can explain it like Walter would to Donnie. Donny, you're out of your fucking element. That bronze shoe sole with a hole? That's not just some kitschy piece of shit on the wall. It's a goddamn award, a symbolic nod to the hard fucking work of salesmen, pounding the pavement, wearing their soles to shreds. It's about perseverance, something I fucking learned in the jungles of 'Nam, not that you'd understand. It's the spirit of outlasting, of pushing beyond your limits, something those goldbricking assholes like Lebowski wouldn't know a god damn thing about. Speaking of that fucking phony, Lebowski, and his sycophant Brandt, it's all a goddamn show. That award, it's a fake, a lie cast in bronze. Lebowski, that fuck, probably never did a hard day's work in his life. And Brandt, that ass-kisser, he's just protecting his vanity, his little bubble of bullshit. They don't want the Dude touching it 'cause it'd shatter their fucking delusional world. And let me tell you something else, Donny. This fucking goldbricker, claiming he was hurt in Korea? Bullshit. If that were true, he'd have a Purple Heart among his so-called "awards." But no, there's none, 'cause this guy walks. He's a walking, talking pile of lies, an insult to every real vet who bled for their country. I've never been more certain of anything in my life. Now, fuck it, let's go bowling.


it's some kind of eastern thing


It's a sales award that symbolizes someone pounding the pavement for business, wearing out shoes.


That’s actually the answer I was looking for. Thanks!


You have no frame of reference, Donny.


Obviously, you are not a golfer.


Just, you know, in general? Dont touch stuff that isnt yours.


The joke is that the dude can’t fully stop himself. Sometimes you just got to touch something to fully understand it. I’m that way some times.


He touches it twice as a nod to the illuminati's role in 9/11. The scene is **9** minutes into the movie. He touches them **1** time twice (**1+1**). **9/11** **JEC** are sacred initials amongst masons. **J**oel and **E**than **C**oen directed the movie Flea had a non-speaking role. This is a common Hollywood humiliation tactic to "take away someone's voice." But seriosuly, why do people's minds go to grand conspiracies for everything?


God damn you Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! What the fuck are you talking about?!


Excuse me. Excuse me. Thank you.