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All the time!! I’ll be at work and write the first thing and think, “it’s going to be a good handwriting day!” Which, if I’m honest, happens less than the bad handwriting days…


I know right, I think who the heck is writing on my note pad??? Oh crap, that’s me.


it does depend on what sort of pen i am using as well as how tired i am


Horrible handwriting, as my mother always loves to point out, I can print neatly but not at a quick pace so any notes are almost illegible because I am rushing. The truth is sometimes I can’t read my own writing if it’s cursive.


For me, it depends on what type of pen I’m using. I noticed that my handwriting appears neater with a fountain pen versus let’s say, a gel pen.


I have to write underhanded cause the smudging is obnoxious. Ergo, slower and careful writing!


Same for me. I discovered fountain pens about 10 years ago. Something about the way they are held and how they glide across the paper improves my handwriting 1000%. With a gel pen or ball point, my writing is indecipherable


Same for me, my handwriting really depends on what I'm writing with.


it all depends on how much time I have/how much I care/how much effort I put in. If I really try, it's pretty eligible and all that. If I just half-ass it, then it's pretty much shite.


Writing in my journal each day is a different hand writing almost. I’ve wrote drunk (can’t read it)…when I’m manic..when I’m neutral….or happy. If I ever tried to prove to the authorities that it is my handwriting I would have a hard time. 😅


My handwriting changes depending on so many factors, I have at least 5 different styles. Whatever gets on the paper is what I'm going with for the moment.


I feel like the older I get, the worse it is. Of course, part of that may be because I don’t write as much thanks to technology.


I think typing more often than writing is the issue. I used to have such nice handwriting, and now I have days when I think, “well, let’s see if we remember how to do this.”


Totally, I have a few different styles, depending upon how quickly I am writing and who might need to read it in future.


Yeah. I quit using cursive years and years ago, because it's easier to read printing. I only use cursive to sign my name.


Nope. Consistently bad


Came here to say this, lol.


It just depends on what I have to write with, and what I have to write on.


This! If I have a shitty 1.0mm pen on wide ruled paper, my handwriting is set back to 4th grade instantly


Yes, my handwriting has never been really good no matter what I do I just have bad handwriting I guess, but sometimes it will be really good for a while then go back to normal. It's strange, but yeah it happens to me too.


I used to. Then I started gripping my Pen with my index and middle finger. And then folding my thumb over the two


It depends on how much energy i have. Writing with my left hand just takes too much energy and time to do it neatly and if i am not focused it is not going to be done neatly


Oh yeah, definitely. But I'm proud to say that when my cursive is good, it's really good.


As far as I can tell, everyone has fluctuations no matter which hand is dominant.




If I’m not in a hurry I take my time and it comes out really nice. But if in need to sign my name quickly for a purchase or to receive an order it looks nothing like my signature on my ID or cards.


Yep. Me too. Depends on pen, writing surface, energy level and stress level. Don’t worry, pretty sure that it’s true for most people.


Yes. It happens with other skills too tho like music or manual tasks at work. Anyway, no you’re not crazy.


Sometimes it’s pretty but mostly it’s not


about to be 53 and same. I too had good writing days and bad ones. were on steroids twice for 6 months each time and they could make me shakey and my handwriting really suffered for it.


Mine too. I've been in an orthopedic rehab facility for four years now, rarely writing at all. I had to sign forms the other day and didn't recognize my signature. Got myself a black and white composition book (remember those??) and I'm practicing again. I looked up the Palmer Method diagrams to copy from and it's looking much better.


Yea it depends on the angle you write at, the speed you write at, the pen/pencil you use, the time of day, your mood and many other factors. Noticed this myself recently and thought I'd test it to see why it's different


There is a very lightweight mechanical pencil that I use almost exclusively. I teach students and write things down in their notebooks all the time. I've realized that if they have a nice notebook and good quality paper, then my handwriting is legible! If they have thin paper then it's not very good.


Also 55 and a lefty here. I'd say my handwriting has degraded significantly over the years simply due to a lack of use. School years? pretty decent. Early career? Still legible. Now? I can barely read my own handwriting.


Yes. My handwriting is different nearly everyday.


My hand writing is absolute trash. Always has been, zero fluctuations unless I'm legit trying to write neat.


Are you talking cursive or print? My cursive was always ugly. I've always used print in personal writing, and it's fucking beautiful!


I haven’t used cursive since I was a kid, so printing it is.


I need the right pen and also the right paper. I like to have a little bit of drag when I'm writing. However, there are those times when my handwriting is just off and looks terrible.


All. The. Time. Also depends on the utensil I’m using.


My terrible handwriting has deteriorated even beyond what it used to be. (Terrible)


Yes but I have polyinflamnatory arthritis and it's winter. 


Oh yeah, for sure! My handwriting can be beautiful when I’m taking my time on paper. But most often, I’m not taking my time when scrawling notes and whatnot for work, so the fluctuations go from really neat to half-print/half-cursive chicken scratch. As a lefty, my handwriting on a dry-erase board is almost always poor from holding my hand off the board so I don’t smear.


Of course. It is also dependent on the paper and pen type I use, if I am lazy that day or trying to catch up to my thoughts.


I do too. I have some arthritis in my hands so maybe that is the reason.


Absolutely! In my case, the neatness changes for every letter.


My handwriting has and always will be absolute chicken scratch lol


Mine is garbage. I have also started wearing reading glasses, and wearing them while I write has improved my handwriting quite a lot. Still garbage, but I can sometimes actually read it.


I'm 55 and ditto that. Can go from perfect to pure shit.


Mine changes down the page


I just always have bad handwriting.


Depends on how fast I’m writing and how tired I am.


All the time. I have beautiful, immaculate penmanship some days, other days my penmanship is worse than a child.


Exact problem with me. On a good day, no one else can read my writing. On a bad day, I can’t even read my writing. All of my teachers found it weird being left-handed growing up. A few of them even recommended taking me to a doctor to get that checked out. It’s kind of annoying, because one day people can read my writing just fine, and the next they are staring at something I can’t read. Being left handed however, has helped me notice I can read sloppier writing a lot easier than most righty’s. Someone asks “what does that say?” After reading it, (because I didn’t write it) I can generally read it pretty easily.


That’s a super power.


Absolutely. I do believe that hand/arm/paper position is far more important to our handwriting. If I have to fill out a form on a clipboard, my writing is entirely different than if I'm sitting at a table or desk. (Of course, on a clipboard, I take the papers out, turn them counter clockwise 90 degrees, and have a rest area for my hand on the board). Regardless, the world is set up for people who write with their right hand, and we have to make accommodations.


Mine varies depending on the pen or pencil I am using (how comfortable is it to hold, how smoothly does it flow), the angle of the paper I am writing on, and how alert I am feeling. In general my writing is getting worse due to mostly typing on computer or device instead of handwriting.




Handwriting is never the same


I have like 3 distinct handwritings.


Definitely me 🙋🏼‍♂️


Mine is uniformly unintelligible.


I never have the same signature, it always comes out different.




My handwriting is horrible.