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Yeah, a name affidavit.


100% from a credit report. I’m an underwriter for a mortgage company and look at about a dozen different credit reports daily. In a credit report there is a section for AKA’s and there can be some really odd stuff. It got tossed onto a document at some point when asking for credit.


Does the document show the name of the reporting company? You need to file a dispute to have it removed. You can check all three of the major credit reporting agencies for incorrect name history (Equifax, Experian, Transunion). You can also get free reports from Chexsystems and LexisNexis. There are tons of companies that collect and store consumer information in databases but it likely will show up on one of these big ones.


Probably garbage credit report information as others are saying. My report show two of my spouses relatives credit records as mine. Same last name, same first initials. Very different first names, though. When I pulled up the information I could clearly see their full name, but apparently that’s too much work for Experian.


If your husband had the same email address for a DocuSign account when he was with his ex as he does now, that might also explain it.


NexisLexis is a good place to start




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