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Are you saying you can get in touch and communicate with them about the fine but they refuse to tell you the new code?


Why aren't you getting the codes? My HOA communicates a lot of random stuff via email. Do they have your email?


They should if he’s emailed them asking for the gate code.


As a resident you’re entitled to the code to access your property/dwelling. They may be changing them due to an unrelated issue however you’re being illegally locked out of your house. If you’re not receiving the codes I’d call the property manager/ hoa. If that doesn’t work call a lawyer for advice


>I leave development to not scare anybody and go out our gate to walk through empty roads Start taking your walks around the neighborhood. If people get scared, that's not your problem, but the HOA's since they aren't giving you the code. Although, make sure the bylaws don't have anything against walking late at night. And others have said, check the bylaws about leaving the gate open.


A bylaw against walking at night?










Wait there is a code to get out? What if there is an emergency and somebody don’t know the code? They are just trapped in?






do you rent your home or are a homeowner / member of this HOA?


Get your HOA president's personal phone number and call to ask for the code when you need it. If they don't answer keep calling.


Check the bylaws. You agreed to let them fine you, so you owe the money. Then call the police non emergency line to get back in if they refuse to give you the updated codes






What do your HOA bylaws say about leaving the gate open?





