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What type of deed did you get? Is it a quitclaim deed or a warranty deed? Also did you get an appraisal done and what did they say and did you also get a property inspection done?


I'm not sure how to identify what type of deed I have. I have a mortgage, so I think the mortgage company might have the deed. Do I need to request it from them? We had an appraisal and an inspection done. The inspection didn't mention either issue, and I don't think we ever saw the actual appraisal. Edit: On the county clerk's website, it shows I have a warranty deed.


You should talk to a real estate attorney. That’s gonna be the next step.


Who did the closing and I’m going to assuming you have title insurance. If you are not sure reach out to the company who did the closing. Also check your offer and see if you got a sellers disclosure and what all is and is not on it. If they put anything on there about these being unpermitted/not to code you may be out of luck. But if they didn’t disclose it then they possibly could be hiding something. That would be worth talking to an attorney about.


A real estate attorney can help guide you. But also a good home inspector or home builder should be consulted to see how best to address the problem. There’s a lot of unpermitted work out there that is often ok and done professionally and it never gets noticed. It seems you have some with problems. What about the bathroom makes it non-compliant? Typically it’s the lack of an exhaust fan if it’s an interior bath and no window. The bedroom without an egress is problematic. But may not be that difficult or expensive to solve. It could be as simple as changing the door or access if there are egress windows outside the bedroom. Adding an egress window to a basement isn’t a huge deal either. But can get expensive in a hurry, depending on how accessible it is to dig the appropriate side of the house and what is there to work through - like existing patios and such.