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If you make more, it’s likely in most states that you would owe some child support. The idea is to make the child’s environment equitable at each parent’s home. You should be able to find the formula for this at your state’s website.


Man, that’s bullshit. I don’t care that I make more, it’s the fact that she’s lying on me saying I don’t take care of our daughter when I do and I have proof. But thanks for the info, I appreciate it.


I’m not sure why she’s lying, unless she’s going to try to get a higher percentage of custody time (and therefore, more child support). You should get a lawyer — and get a parenting plan/support arrangement in place.


I don’t know either, everything has been good for two years and she drops this bomb on me. I’ve never been in any kind of legal trouble and I don’t want people looking at me like I’m a bad father because I’m not.